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My Hero Academia: Legacies My Hero Academia: Legacies original

My Hero Academia: Legacies

Author: KingBakugo

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

t was another day, another problem, another issue...Kacchan thought Izuku was looking at him at class today. All Izuku was doing was looking outside the window as leaves began to fall, he was so out of tune he couldn't even hear the teacher's voice. He just kept peering outside: There has to be hope for me somewhere. I can be a hero. I can be strong, I can be something. I can do something! These words he repeated in his head like a mantra.

It was only when he focused more on his classmates he knew what was coming. Katsuki was staring directly at him, a grimace plastered on his face. Anger in his eyes. As soon as the bell rang he made a bee-line out into the hall hoping to evade Kacchan and his goons. It took them five minutes to find him.

'BANG!' Was the sound made as Kastuki's fist collided with Izuku's cheek. The nitroglycerin sweat dripping off was more potent this time. That's because Kacchan was fuming with anger and rage. The toxic fumes laced with the smell of burnt sugar permeated the empty classroom where this took place. Izuku was surrounded by Kacchan's gang. The faces of every person who have made his life a living hell for years because he was quirkless. Even when he tried to fight back, he was outnumbered and striking a blow on some guy would only have the others hold him down again and having the person he once called his friend striking his most vital areas again.

"You DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO LOOK AT ME!" Katsuki yelled as another fist struck Izuku in the face. That was going to leave a black eye for sure.

"You and your smug FUCKING face! You think you're better than me?! DEKU!" The next one went for the ribs, Izuku could feel one crack and he was forced to the ground by the hit.

"Kacchan! I...I swear I wasn't looking at you! I was looking outside. I was watching the leaves fall." Izuku spurted out trying to reason with him. A hand grabbed Izuku by the collar and lifted him up. Looking down now he saw Katsuki Bakugou; Kacchan staring back at him.

"I don't care...You have no right to look in my direction...You're just a useless Deku who will never amount to nothing.

If you love the leaves so much why don't you follow their example? "Why don't you take a swan dive off the roof? Maybe then you'll be born with a Quirk in your next life! At least then you won't be such a disgrace!" Katsuki slammed his fist fight into Izuku's diaphragm as he let go. What he did not expect was the force from his punch was enough to slam the back of Izuku's head directly at the window. The glass did not shatter but the cracks were easy to see. "Let's get out of here before one of the teachers show up. No reason to get into trouble because of him…"

As they left Izuku curled into a ball and sobbed. By the time he regained the strength to move, school was already over. He grabbed his backpack which was thrown across the floor and stepped on by one of the guys, and made his way home.

His idol, his hero, his star was right next to him. All Might just saved him from the insidious sludge villain. Izuku could not let this go...and he didn't as All Might flew off into the distance looking down only to see the adolescent boy with green hair still clinging on, he tried shaking only for the boy to hold on tighter. "Kid! You gotta let go of me!" All Might yelled. "If I do I'll die!" Izuku screamed. All Might couldn't agree more, so he landed on a tall building to let the kid off. "There you go!Now just find a security guard or an elevator to get downstairs! It was nice to meet you!" He spoke flashing one of his million dollar smiles. Just as All-Might was about to leave Izuku shouted "Wait! Please!" All-Might looked back, Izuku had desperation written all over his face. "All Might! You're my idol, the best of all the heroes! You are the symbol of peace! I need to ask you something!" All Might glanced at his fan. "What's your name?"

Izuku looked down as the desperation in himself slowly transformed into a determined stance. "My name is Izuku Midoriya and I want to know if I can become a hero without a Quirk. Ever since I was young I have wanted to be a hero. I wanted to save people and be an inspiration to them. To never give in and never give up. All Might you are my idol and everything I aspire to be came from you! Do you think I can become a hero even when I don't have a quirk?!" Izuku looked up to stare into the eyes of his hero only to watch as his idol went up in a puff of smoke. There in his place was a lean older man with frazzled blonde hair and a bony face. This was All Might's true form in the body of Toshinori Yagi. Izuku did not understand what was in front of him but he could give a guess.

"All...Might?" He spoke. The old man nodded. "I trust that you'll keep this to yourself kid and what I say on this roof will remain between us." Izuku nodded in agreement. As they both sat down Toshinori took the bottles of the sludge villain and set them aside so they wouldn't fall. He pulled up his shirt to reveal a horrifying twisted body wound. Izuku nearly gagged at the sight. "Pretty gross right? I got this in a big fight five years back. My respiratory system was basically destroyed, I lost my whole stomach. All the surgeries have pretty much worn me out and it can't be fixed. Right now I can only do hero work for about three hours a day, the rest of the time this is what I look like."

Pro-Heroes like me? We are always having to risk their lives and some villains just can't be beaten without powers. So no. I honestly don't think you can become a hero without a quirk." Whatever else came out of Toshinori's mouth did not reach the ears of Izuku Midoriya. Izuku just stared blankly as his idol, his fallen idol got up, picked up the bottles filled with the sludge villain, and left telling him to try to be a police officer. Giving him a lecture on how dreams are realistic, attainable. What he had was nothing more than a fantasy.

Izuku finally made his way down the stairs of the tall building that is after being caught by a security guard who had just escorted out a 'bony looking homeless man'. He was lectured by the guards and told never to trespass again, as if it mattered. As Izuku walked outside for some reason his red shoes began to move on their own. He didn't know where he was going, but he had a clue on what he was going to do. The words of All Might and Kacchan plagued him as he walked the streets of his home.

"some villains just can't be beaten without powers."

"You're just a useless Deku who will never amount to nothing."

"I honestly don't think you can become a hero without a quirk."

"Why don't you take a swan dive off the roof? Maybe then you'll be born with a Quirk in your next life! At least then you won't be such a disgrace!"

He's right. They're right. I can never attain my dream. I'll never be a hero.

The sad ugly truth broke young Midoriya and his mantra. His belief in one day becoming a hero, the one thing he thought would at least amount him to something. Allow him to be something. It wasn't fair that people like Kacchan or the sludge villain can be blessed with powers. While Izuku Midoriya was placed in the same category with 20% of the global population. Quirkless.

People who could have the strength, the power, the will to act and become heroes but never will because they were never born with a quirk. Destined to be the world's damsel in distress and simple workforce. He couldn't move objects like his mother, he couldn't breathe fire like his father. He could not become a hero. What is there to lose then?

My Mother? No...

I know she secretly blames me for Dad leaving us. She may not say it but I know it. If it wasn't for me he wouldn't have gotten on the private plane to work abroad in San Fransokyo. The plane went down over the Pacific, no survivors. Although Krei Tech denies responsibility for the incident, we got a goodwill payment. It kept us afloat till my mother could find herself a job, everyday she comes home so tired. Working herself to the bone as a cashier on weekdays and a waitress on weekends.

How can I even be a hero when I can't even save my own mother from our own poverty?

Izuku found himself standing in front of his school. How far did he walk? It was past dusk when he had gotten there. He was so lost in his train of thought that he missed the phone calls from his mom who had gotten home only to find her son not in the house.

He took the phone out of his pocket.

5 messages...

2 voicemails...

He threw his cellphone across the school yard.

Breaking in was easier than expected, a teacher left a small window open. Forgot to shut it when they left the school. Izuku walked his way up the stairs. Thinking about everything that brought him to this moment. Izuku used his backpack to prop open the door to the school rooftop. He pulled out from it his notebook filled with all the heroes he researched. Every quirk analyzed. Every weakness recorded. All for nothing it seems. On the very last page he wrote:

Forgive me Mom. I wish I never was there to ruin your life. To ruin Kacchan's life. To take away my father's. At least now you have a chance to begin again. I will love you always.

-Izuku Midoriya

He placed the notebook on top of his backpack and walked to the edge of the railing.

No more pain, no more anger, no more disparity. Peace, that is all I want. Please let me rest.

Izuku took off his socks and signature red shoes. He stepped over the railing.

Funny, I knew I had a fear of heights but now, I don't know. Maybe it's because just hours ago I flew with All Might or maybe it's because I'm actually going to go through with this.

Izuku grasped the railing hard. It was indeed a long way down. The wind was picking up, a gentle breeze grew in size.

Hands shaking... This is it…

He Let Go…

But it was halfway down when Izuku realized something...The truth of all the loved ones he was leaving behind.

He wanted to shout wait but all that could come to mind before his impact was five silent words.

I Don't Want To Go.

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