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Chapter 3: Chapter 3

It was the next day after Anos met Izuku. Anos rode his motorcycle to the beach, when he arives he see Izuku already started, but he also see a really tall skinny man. Anos goes up to the blonde man.

" Hello sir, umm who are you"

< Well isn't that not polite, you should always say your name first before asking mine> The blonde said

" Right, umm my name is Anos Voldigoad. Now who are you"

Anos thinks that this guy some pedophile, why would he stare at a shirtless boy. Then again I did the same yesterday but I'm also a young boy so it fine.

" My name is Yagi toshinori, and I'm that boy personally trainer."

" Oh, then I'm am very sorry"

< Sorry for what > Toshinori said not understanding why he said sorry.

" Oh nothing haha, well I was going to help him if you don't mind. I don't want to take your training spot"

< Oh no it fine, I think his body ready I think, a little more training won't help much> Toshinori said

Anos thought about what Toshinori just said. (I think his body is ready) Anos thought about this and then thinks, ready for what. The way he said it sounds creepy.

" Umm I'm wondering, but uhh ready for what exactly"

Toshinori thought the answer was obvious and tried to think of what other his body would be good for. Toshinori then realized.

< No no no, it not what you think. He getting ready for the U.A entrance exams. So he needs a better body to uhh maximize his quirk.> Toshinori said embarrassed

Anos look at the man again, and he bows and apologized . Anos then went over and started to help Izuku

[ Couple hours later]

" There all finnished "

Toshinori was a bit shocked, there was still alot of trash earlier that it should have at least taken them the rest of the week. But when Anos helped it was pretty easy.

" Well I'm pooped, so I think I will head home. See you in 6 days Izuku"

When Anos was leaving, he saw Toshinori and Izuku talking about something. The last thing Anos heard was( Ok Izuku I think your ready for my...). This made Anos question if Izuku was really training for U.A, hmm whenever I'll see if it true in 6 days.

When Anos arived home, He went up to his room and took a cold shower. After that he went to watch One Ball Z, he got a little bored of that so he watched Dragon Piece.

Anos then went to bed. For the next 5 days Anos spent all his time training his quirk, Try to expand his little Dark dimension and other things.

It was finally the day of the exam. Since Anos wanted to bring some attention from the other students, to show he is different, he put on some Sung Jin Woo drip.

When Anos arrived he sees Izuku about to fall when a girl catches him. Anos thinks he should just leave Izuku there, so he could put on them smooth moves.

When Anos went inside U.A he ment with a person who directed him to his written exam. When Anos was completing the writing part some of it he didn't understand, so he believes he failed some of it.

It was time for the practical exam, Anos was in battle center B, That where he sees Izuku.

" Sup Izuku, how you been"

< Ohh Hi Anos, I'm been good. I just feel really nervous> Izuku said in a nervous but happy tone

Anos was about to talk some more, when Present Mic said GOOO!!!! Everyone started to run, even Izuku left mid conversation. Anos saw everyone running but decided to just walk.

All the pro heros up in the room were discussing so far how each student reacted. They see Anos, and think he is lazy. Like why would he apply if he is not gonna try.

[Back to Anos]

Anos was just walking down the road, it was odd though there was completely silence not even robot scraps from other students fights.

That when five two-point robots came out of no where, they surrounded Anos and started to charge. Anos started to use his shadow and a Kantna formed in his hand. When all the robot were around a foot of Anos, He went into a stance and in the next second all the robots were slice to bits. Anos then sheath his sword and it disappeared.

Anos then put shadows on his hands and feet. Anos's hand were shape like claws and his feet like a werewolf. Anos then went into all fours and bursted in speed destroying robots left and right.

He saw some people were about to get crushed by some robots, so he went infront of the person and grab the robots arm and crushed it. Anos the slice the robot in half and kept on going.

Anos the saw everyone running from a direction so he went to check it out. Anos went and saw a giant robot, he was about to run when he saw a girl stuck. Anos also saw Izuku running towards the robot.

Anos then saw Izuku fly up towards the robot and smashed his face in, but then he noticed Izuku arm and legs flailing.

" Oh this dumbass, his body can't handle his own quirk"

Anos started running on all fours on the wall. Anos wouldn't make it in time to catch Izuku. Anos decided to activate his ability and everything stop. Anos started to make his way to Izuku.

5..4..3..2...1 Everything starts to slowly resume, Izuku is starting to fall again but Anos catches Izuku. Anos jumps down and as soon as he touched the ground he fell over.

" Damm it seem 2 times a day is still my limit"

I forgot to mention but my quirk isn't just shadows, I can also stop time for about five seconds.

Anos can't move, his body won't listen to him the only thing he can do is talk.

< THE EXAM IS OVER, MAKE YOUR WAY TO RECOVERY GIRL IF YOU HAVE ANY INJURIES > Present Mic yelled through the microphone.

Recovery Girl made her way to Anos and Izuku.

" Hey lady, my friend here has a few broken bones so if you could take care of him that be great. As for me I'm just fine, just really tired so I think I'll just take a nap"

After Anos said those words he fell asleep instantly.

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