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Chapter 5: My Husband is an Orge Chapter 5

She wasn't supposed to be here. She could feel it in her bones as she stood in this endless abyss. It was like something deep inside was telling her to escape, to leave but no matter how far she ran. She never left and never disappeared from this darkness instead she returned to the same spot. To the same Area where it felt as though it was all pointless. Aine curled into herself as she stopped, her heart was burning with pain as she grew colder. "Please! Please! I don't want to be here anymore. Not Here. Not Here." She cried tears streaming down her face as she yelled into the darkness. She couldn't remember how she got here but she understood that she wasn't meant to be here. She wasn't meant to be naked nor was she meant to be marked by the emblem on her chest. She curled into herself deeper as she reached for the mark feeling it's burning warmth and finding some comfort in it.

As she spread her fingers across it a warmth bloomed along her spine. For a moment it felt as though a hand was spreading along back caressing her and giving her some form of comfort. It felt nice and it made that fear and unease pounding in her heart dissipate a little. Soon, The warmth along her back disappeared to something hotter along her back. It felt as though someone was holding her. She closed her eyes and embraced the warm as it spread until it felt as though someone was holding her. She was basking in the warmth when she felt the cold of an ever-growing shadow as it loomed across her. It spoke with a voice so deep and demonic that it sent a shiver down her spine.

"First of many. A survive who fought the magic." It whispered as it twisted around it shape formless as it danced around her in a shadow like form. A shadowy hand reached out and gripped her chin tilting it upwards so that her face could catch the cloudy outline of a face.

"How interesting such a little thing like you could do so. But, Are you willing to take hold of that magic? To be bound to a shadow forever. All you would need to do is say yes and you would be free. But, No then well welcome into the darkness." Aine swallowed as the cold began to seep deeper into her skin burning her skin like fire. For a moment, she thought she could feel ice forming along her skin. She let out a cry of pain as the pain intensified along her skin. She was almost ready to cry when a bright light over takes the darkness shattering the shadows form and forcing it back into a black cloud. A warmth spread along with my backstopping chasing away the ice and the pain. The shadow pulled away in what seemed to be fear before it finally laughed. An honest to god laugh. Not a sneer like a laugh but a full belly laugh. It continued to laugh until the heat along her back became unbearable and she had to shift her body to the left to ease it away from her skin. It was then that she could see what had been touching her. It was then she saw what was actually surrounding her.

The being was entirely made of golden light that burned with such intensity that was similar to a blazing fire. A top of its head laid a pair of curled horns and just below those horns were two entirely red eyes. Its body was similar in build to a lean man who size conquered her and who know towered her own. It kept its eyes on the shadow like being now circling them, its body now reformed and it's eyeless face somehow centered on them both. It smiled, a row of shark-like teeth slowly revealed themselves as it did making Aine move closer to the light in alarm. The light didn't move its eyes from the shadow but it did wrap its arm around Aine's waist providing her a kind of hold. It made her feel a little safer knowing that it was holding her away from whatever the shadow was.

"It is so good to see you brother. I wondered what happened to you. I am surprised that you found yourself a..." The words were seamlessly muted out from her mind as it spun. Aine had to tighten her hold on the arm around her waist as it continued to speak. When the light answered back it worsened like some fucked up version of a high-speed roller coaster. She squeezed her eyes shut as it forced her body and mind back. The pain of it so similar to a roller coaster that in reflex, She screamed " ENOUGH."

Just as easily, It had begun the world stopped turning and the beings froze in surprise. She gasped in breath in order to ease the whirlwind in her stomach. With each breath, the nauseous seemed to lessen and then seemingly disappear leaving her only slightly green and weak. The shadow backed away then pushing its body further into the darkness as though it feared her. And, With a sudden dawning, she understood that it did. Something as inhuman as that thing was terrified of her.

"She is mine, Kage. And, Don't Forget Brother, I am coming for you." The Light growled before he laid his hand on the center of Aine's Chest flooding the room with light banishing the shadow and enveloping it and Aine's Bodies.

Heavy rubble traveled through the village awakening Kira and Tobin from their deep sleep. Both of them rushed towards the window of Kira's bedroom. Kira catching her foot along with her robe while Tobin struggled to pull his on. The action sent both of them slamming into the wooden panning that lined the wall. They watched in horror as a bright golden light split down from the cave down the valley. The earth separated destroying houses releasing beams of light that light the dozens of houses below on fire. Kira grabbed Tobin by hand and lead him from the room towards the man entrance of the house. But, It was already too late as parts of the house had already caught on fire. Kira ignored the screams and pleas of her servants as she rushed towards the entrance of the cave. The air was alight with burning wood and straw while the smell of burning bodies and wood overwhelmed her senses. The feeling of the heat as almost too much to bear as the came to the entrance.

Already, Her father and brothers stood at the head of the entrance dressed in war gear. It was almost comically to see them but before she could laugh, She screamed as a burning pain ripped through her body sending her to her knees. She clawed at her nightgown and robe to reveal a glowing black mark that spread along to parts of her throat and arms. Tobin reached for her but she slapped his hand from her body and turned to him, her pupils bleeding to black as she growled: "Go to him now!" For the First time since being paired with Kira, He stepped back in fear as the black inky veins spread along her entire body and her beautiful color eyes were swallowed by inky blackness. He towards Kira's Father and yelled: " GO!" For a Moment, Her father faltered as though to tell Tobin off but in the end, the fear one out and they raced into the cave. Tobin looked back down at Kira and watched as she caught her breath. She struggled to stand but when she got her footing she looked towards him and nodded. They followed after running with a speed that all conveyed the urgency to end whatever was happening outside. To save what was left of there already dying village. When they came to the demon's cavern, Her father was already waiting for his eyes on the entrance with every trace of fear as a coward would hold. Kira stepped forward her eyes on the barrier that know laid in shreds around the cavern. Something of great power had shattered a thousand-year-old barrier as though it was merrily paper. A sense of fear coursed through her veins as she took a step forward inside.

You could smell the electricity in the air and feel the heat of an open flame across your skin. The cavern smelled of brimstone and burning wood. The heat was so intense that Kira had already begun to sweat along her skin as she followed the path straight into the cavern. Behind her, Tobin followed close behind while her brothers and father laid further behind. She knew if anything it would be up to her self and Tobin to defend the village. And, In a moment of clear-mindedness, she knew the elders wouldn't be able to ignore that fact. If her father ran like the coward he was along with her brothers and she was able to seal the demon back up. It then meant She would be a clear and better leader than her father. A worthy candidate that would bring prosperity and ease back to her people. She tried not to smile at the thought. "Kira. Look." Tobin whispered drawing Kira back to reality as He caught sight of the glowing light at the end of the cavern. She turned towards him and nodded in acknowledgment. She smiled as she brought the magic to her hands ready to attack as she rushed inside to only have the world to stop.

In a Golden Ethereal light that flowed from her skin like fire floated Aine. Her eyes white pools as they glowed stared endlessly. And, Bared across her chest laid an Emblem designed in the shape of long curved horn Demon. It was anger that blinded Kira as she rushed forward sending her magic at the girl. The dark shadows that poured from her fingers tried to wrap around her body. They circled like sharks twisting around her arms, legs, and neck till they enveloped her. Kira felt triumph as she twisted her wrist inwards in an effort to suffocate her and burn out the light. She watched as the light began to dim and the heat of the room began to lower. She laughed and looked towards Tobin who smiled with pride at Kira. She turned then to her father and yelled " Do you see father? Do you see what we can do? What we have the power to end him, control him?" She turned back towards the floating cloud and yelled " We own him. We own his magic and his power because we are stronger than him." She twisted her wrist harder squeezing the light till it suddenly snuffed out. She gave a breathless laugh as she repeated " We are stronger. We are better. We are.."

Her words were cut short as the caver began to shake and the black cloud began to shake and squirm in what seemed to be a pain as beams of light shoot through the cloud burning the mass away until finally, it erupted in a fiery inferno that sent Kira and her party backward into the nearby wall. Kira let out a blood-curdling scream as the magical backlash burned the skin along her face and arms. A demonic laugh echoed through the cavern as Aine lowered her body to the floor. She stared across from them as a blue ball of flame erupted from the emblem that seemed to have taken form along. Kira watched in horror as the flame began to take shape changing in till a flaming blue body of the Demon stood before them all.

The demon stood smiling a smile so cruel and malicious that Kira actually could feel true terror pierce through her heart. She tried to scramble to her feet but the pain that coursed along her left leg stopped her from truly having the strength to stand. One of her brothers let out a battle cry as he rushed forward towards the Demon and Aine. The demon raised it's hand and sent a firey ball of blue flame towards him enveloping him. He screamed in pain as the flame ate at his skin. Her father yelled out in fear and rushed towards the exit but it was already too late as a long firey tentacle circled around his ankle to drag him. She could scream as it a firey beast erupted from the combined flames of Aine and the Demon to swallow him whole. Soon Dozens of the Tentacles appeared capturing her brothers and dragging them towards the gaping maw. When one of her brothers reached and caught her leg, it was Tobin who kicked him off and dragged Kira to her feet.

The Demon let out a laugh as he sent a blue ball towards them both knocking the top exit of the cave. Tobin was barely able to throw them from the fare as a dozen of burning rocks tumbled along his body and hers knocking them both unconscious as they tumbled down the hill and into a muddy marsh below.

It felt so good to be free. The fire along the cabin began to dim in till nothing was left but smoldering bodies of the men who kept him, prisoner. She turned back towards, the girl whose body still aflame with his power. His energy. Her reached a firey hand out to cup her cheek. Through the fire, he could feel her heart, her warmth of innocence and purity. He kissed her then his lips covering her own as the blue flames enveloped and mixed with her own orange. The flames soon began to die out and the milky white of her eyes drained away revealing an endless blue. When he released her she stared at him in a dreamless daze before collapsing in his arms. He kissed the top of her head and whispered in a language so old that no man could ever possible speak.

"Forevermore, Thank you, My Bride. My Wife."

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