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My irregularities surpass Reality. My irregularities surpass Reality. original

My irregularities surpass Reality.

Author: Raha_dan

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1- Walking the Unknown

I heard that a fantasy world was as majestic as it was pathetic. Oh yeah, I know for sure that I am seeing the Pathetic here.

"As the Hero walks on with his gallant figure, the friends that will be his lifelong companions come to his life one by one. The shit!!! Nothing like that is happening! The only thing I see is a man eating monster trying to eat me whole!" as I screamed at the top of my lungs, the sword that was too big for even a grown man to handle swung down from above the monster.


"Ah.. now blood is everywhere! More will come! Why does every monster have to blow up after I strike with yoU!"

[Shut up! You Demon child! The only reason you live is because of me!]

"Is that so? you piece of trash! Why don't you try to kill me then? Huh? Oh? You can't!? Ha ha ha? That's right! Venting your frustration on monsters is the only thing you can do, you piece of Junk!!" as I said that to the bloody sword stabbed in the monster that was grotesque at best. I quickly chopped off a leg and made a run for it.

If you are wondering who the lonely me is chatting with… well it is this junk of a sword naming herself the Mythical Cursed sword of destruction. This thing could talk for sure and it's voice was cute too… but alas… this really was cursed.

As I left the battlefield, I sat at a place far away looking back at the place I had just been…

Droves of monsters had already crowded the spot. The hell that many speak off must be something like this.

[Nnnhhh! You damn brat! How dare you call me a Junk! I am a mythical sword! The end of the world! I am the destroyer of history itself, I am one and only! Nobody can stand beside me!]

"Oh? And you still can't kill me… oh.. I am so afraid~" as I mocked it, while dismantling the leg of the monster for meat, I felt it flicker with dark fog and soon that same fog enveloped me.


[Khu! You damn! Demon child!]

"Aha ha ha ha, you still can't kill me? Ha ha ha not even able to kill a kid, whatever world you come from must be for infants." even though I called this sword a piece of junk. It was true that the only reason I was still alive in this place was for her.

The black sword coated with Miasma like smoke corroded any flesh, armor or bone, no matter what monster it came in contact with, if this sword wills it… unable to resist anything shall meet its end… apart from me who still lives though.

And after using it even once, I felt my hands getting numb. The backlash of the power I handle is too much for me to bear.

My body that looked no more than a boy in his early teen years hardly was fit for this sword. Even so… no matter how much this junk helped me… the only reason It did was because it had no way to kill me.

If what it said in it's fit of rage was true and it really was a sword true to its destructive name, I might be the only one who is capable of living after using it. I had tried to cut myself with the sword to test if even my flesh was gonna burst open like the other monster here… the result was the cut only made a cut… with all the ominous power it had… it was still unable to kill me…

[One day, the day you die! I will catch your soul and torture it for an eternity. Mark my words you Demon child!]

I believe her every word. The day she could curse or destroy me might be my unluckiest day of all…

"Ahhh… nothing like meat after a long day of being stranded." as I said that while ignoring the sword, I ate the dark coloured meat. Nothing to season it with, burning it on fire was the only way to cook it. Although the hard meat was a pain to chew.. This might increase my biting power quite a lot.


As night fell, the gloomy day changed into a night worth being in nightmares. Howls of different monsters that were active at night can be heard. As I was lying on this high rock to stay away from the ground, vibrations could be felt.

Many monsters as big as a building were roaming around. Even though I know they are nowhere near me, the vibrations made me realize just how dangerous they could be. Even with a sword like this, I might get squished even before I can swing the damn thing.

Even with all this, the stress that got to me after a whole day of going around and fighting monsters here and there, I felt myself going to sleep quite easily… what strange life forms Humans could be… to think I have also gotten used to this place…


"It's been a while, I knew for sure I would have been sending you to a nice place when your life would have ended in this world… but to think you are still Alive…" as the old man said that while chuckling to himself, the place that I found myself was among the clouds sitting on a comfy couch.

"I know that… it's just hard to let this body go you know?" As I said that, I took the tea cup to drink the tea that had just been served.

Ahhh…. So sweet and soothing..

"Ha ha ha, it's no problem, by the bad luck you went through from your 2nd life to your starting of the 3rd one, I do believe even if you struggle now, nothing that bad would happen." even though he said that I felt for sure that my first arch enemy being the same sword I wield was enough of bad luck…

"So, why am I here again?" As I asked that, I remembered the last time I was here.

The Cursed sword of Destruction. Any who shall wield it is bound to die an early death. The sword robbed sanity, life force and even the wielder's soul, until nothing was left. Same had happened to me… or should have happened.

After the first time I had touched the sword, I lost my consciousness and had come to this place meeting the old man. As he told me that my bad luck had run out with a surprising amount of enthusiasm, he gave Blessings that I supposedly collected and something that was more or less an AI… although I never got to talk to it…

"Ho ho ho, you are here since you have decided to survive. I am gonna give you some info that should be helpful in the future, and offer advice towards your next big choice."

"That's really vague to understand." As I was going to ask what the information could be, I felt my mind flooded with many memories and knowledge. Even though it felt unfamiliar, in a moment of time, my mind felt clear again. The knowledge that I gotta know right now feels as If I already knew all this…

"The knowledge you felt like you already knew are the things you learnt from your second life. It would be a waste to forget those after going so far… and some info about what the world you are currently residing is like. I can't give you info about people in that world, but I can at least give you what you need to know to get out of the dilemma you are in. so don't lose hope, things are gonna change pretty soon." as he said that with a serene atmosphere, my heart felt lite. Just how many times had he helped me until now…

I can't give that answer since my many memories are gone but… I know for sure that if he said things are gonna be fine.. It would be fine. Bowing to him in gratitude I felt a pat on my shoulder. It was reassuring.

Even if he had nothing to give to me… it is a delight on it's own to see this old man.. Maybe being stranded has made me like this but at this point, talking to someone gave me delight akin to soaring in heaven.

"Thanks a lot for all you have done for me.." as I said and looked at him after bowing.

"It's a treat to watch you live. So do your best, oh and the advice. It's more like a foresight. In the next few months, you are going to meet a pair of humans. I would like for you to accept any and all help they might give you. Better or worse, just let them nurture you, I am sure that the life you will live would be something to look forward to in that case." as he suddenly said something really big, I felt light headed.

"Oh? It's time, sorry to say this but the next time you see me, you really gotta pray okay? Have a full life!" as he said that before I could say anything more,

"Ah…. I woke up…" looking up, I saw the sky was lighting up. The night was over. It was time to move on again. "No matter where I was stranded… I am gonna find civilization and live a life of luxury!" As I said that to myself first thing in the morning, the sword vibrated as if it was laughing out of its mind.

[Ha ha ha, the first thing you see will try to kill you and the 2nd thing you will see is the corpse that you killed, that is what my wielders are and that will be what you are gonna be too.]

This damn sword… the second reason we can't get along is that this damn sword had evil seeped in it's every aspect. Hopefully I won't get corrupted while this thing preaches the vows of death to me.


I was living in this wilderness for quite some time now and as I got used to my daily life handling the monsters didn't feel as tedious anymore, time and time again I had to run from calamity inducing monsters, but as long as you are alive, running was better than dying.

System: how much more do I need to go?

{Answer : at Host's current pace, in a year Host would be able to reach the nearest shore line but it is advised to take a longer route and go to a nearby country by land and avoid the sea route.}

So how long would that take?

{Answer : approximately 2 years at the current pace.}

You sure?

{Opinion : host has started body enhancement with the extra Life force which hosts soul contains, so in a year host can move at peak performance and prior full body and mind enhancements will continue without giving anymore hindrances to the body and host.}

Guess I'll have to wait that long to get my body back in shape.

"Say, weren't you only given to me to monitor my luck and not get so lucky that the world's destiny falls apart? I wonder how you can even fix my body?"

{The System only wanted the host to be the best he can, nothing more, that is what the System strives for. As the navigation policy of your luck is a passive mission, the System has opted to help you reach unseen realms of power as the active mission on it's own.}

Right now this body holds something called a world handler. This is a manager type thing which gets imbued to a world. Hardening up my body was just one of the many things this AI-like entity could do. I have some idea why that old man gave me this, but he said something about me holding it just to be safe. To think too much luck can even alter a whole world's destiny…

Currently for the past year the system has been developing my body to use mana and try to make this body compatible for this world. This world had mana, my old body which wasn't made for this world was unsuitable. I wasn't born in this world but transported somehow, and that was how I had met the old man again. Even he was unsure on how to approach the subject. He said getting reincarnated and transported at the same time… was more than just out of the ordinary. It was plain irregular... he even said that he didn't even know what or where I was before my life started anew for the third time.

Still, the way the System did things like modifying my body… I wondered if there was also a world where it was like an RPG game. For now though, I would believe in the system developing my body to at least get out of this place scoot free.

[Hey Demon child. I have to ask… recently you haven't been talking much.] as the Cursed sword talked to me in a long while. I looked at my back. It had been a month. I hadn't uttered a single word since then. It's not like I liked to complain. But I just got used to this place. Even in my first life, I lived alone. So a solitary place like this could only hinder me so much.

"I would have talked to you had you not been so irritating." as I said that with a calm mind, I realized that this might be the first time I had talked with her with the intention of actually talking.


The boy that is carrying me now is probably the only one. The only being that can live with me. He was a small human child. Frail looking as he was, he was the picture of weakness for sure, but still… seeing him bad mouth me even while he should be groveling at my step felt really irritating. If I could, I would play with his soul day in and day out… alas… he was the one that was immune to me.

"I would have talked to you had you not been so irritating." As he said that barely stopping his run, I felt his growth since the time he held me. He could now run with speed greater than any monster here could. Have I ever seen someone grow this fast? Even the dragons would lag behind him.

Even while eating poison and miasma day after day, rather than dying, his physic improved. The more I tried to destroy his soul, the more it sucked me in. After getting to the point where destroying him would mean my destruction too, I finally realized that I was now a part of him. I had done this with my own hands too.. Khu… he really was a demon child.

[Since you are young, I will forgive your earlier attitude and since you have survived till now.. I will also grant you the privilege of being my wielder. What you say?] As I said after seeing that he was capable of normal conversation now, the boy stopped in his tracks and looked as if he was thinking… to think he would even think about my offer. People would be willing to die and get tortured by me had I given them such offers. Your the first one to receive the honor to be my wielder you know!

"Hmm…. your protection huh… the protection from a destroyer? Your image is really getting vague in my mind you know? I feel as if you are only saying this since you have already dug your grave..'' This insolent brat really was a pain. I gotta get him on the right track… but the way I see it, with him I might be able to destroy this world for sure… ha ha ha.. A little irritation is nothing.

[With my protection… you will be able to… Cook.] as I said that I even felt stupid. But it was true, this brat was an idiot. He risked his life every time he lit a fire and cooked his food. Monsters gathered here in droves. Still, he cooks and runs while having his meal. I can't believe the hassle he goes through just to eat the way he wants. So this was the only way for me to think of getting him under my wing before he goes feral.

"If you are joking I will smash you to pieces." when suddenly the brat actually threatened me? It had come out of nowhere. But the chill that I felt wasn't imaginary. It was real…. As he continued.

"Well, there's nothing to lose, then why not." before I could further think, time moved on and I finally got a wielder I actually approved of. Still… this brat looked passive but his threats came out naturally...


{Notice, Cursed sword Amanori, has accepted Host as it's wielder, immediate command over the weapon has been given to host. From now, the Weapon will only act as the Host wants.}

Amanori had not known what choosing a wielder was in reality. All her life, she controlled her wielders like puppets. As the holder of System, Rekka who accepted Amanori's offer had finally taken a step that none other had taken in the history of this world,

The first irregularity that the world was gonna see had been born. And Amanori who unknowingly gave all her rights of living to Rekka, sadly had no idea about it. For now she will only bask in delight as she hopes to create a destroyer of worlds even possible to reach the gods.

Only time will tell if the two will achieve mutual peace or life long enmity.

Raha_dan Raha_dan

I hope you guys get hooked on the story soon!

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