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My Legendary Shield System! My Legendary Shield System! original

My Legendary Shield System!

Author: Allazar

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: The Outcast

In the small village of Eldoria, Hiro lived a life shrouded in darkness and isolation. As an orphan, he was an outcast, unwanted and despised by the villagers. Their disdain for him ran deep, fueled by their own prejudices and fears. Hiro, burdened by their hatred, carried the weight of their scorn upon his shoulders.

Every day, as Hiro walked through the village, he could feel their eyes upon him, filled with contempt and disgust. Their whispers, like venomous snakes, slithered through the air, poisoning his spirit. The villagers' words, though unspoken, echoed in his mind, reinforcing the belief that he was unworthy of their acceptance.

As Hiro continued his journey through the town, he couldn't help but notice the stark contrast between his own meager existence and the opulence that surrounded him. The villagers lived in grand houses, adorned in fine clothes and jewelry, while he struggled to put food on the table.

"Why do they despise me so?" Hiro's inner voice cried out. "What have I done to deserve this hatred? I am just as human as they are."

"Why do they have so much while I have so little?" Hiro wondered, his voice filled with bitterness. "Is it fair that they live in luxury while I suffer? No, it's not fair. And one day, I will make them pay for their arrogance."

The villagers' animosity seemed to strip away his humanity, leaving him feeling like a mere shadow in their presence. Their words, like daggers, pierced his heart, filling him with a seething anger that grew with each passing day.

As Hiro passed by a group of villagers, their laughter filled the air, cutting through his already fragile self-esteem. He couldn't help but overhear their conversation.

"Look at him, the wretched outcast," one villager sneered. "He's nothing but a stain on our village."

"Indeed," another chimed in. "He's weak and worthless. It's a wonder he hasn't disappeared into the shadows."

Hiro's fists clenched, his nails digging into his palms. The anger within him simmered, fueled by their cruel words. He longed to confront them, to demand respect and understanding. But he knew that such an outburst would only further cement their belief in his weakness.

Instead, Hiro made a decision fueled by his growing hatred. He would leave the village behind, seeking solace and power in the depths of the forest. He would find something that would change his fate, something that would grant him the strength to rise above their contempt.

With a heart filled with bitterness and a bag slung over his shoulder, Hiro turned his back on the village that had rejected him. The villagers watched him go, their eyes filled with a mix of relief and satisfaction, believing that they had rid themselves of a burden.

As Hiro ventured deeper into the forest, the darkness within him mirrored the shadows that surrounded him. The hate that had consumed him became his driving force, pushing him forward, urging him to find a way to prove his worth and make the villagers regret their treatment of him.

Days turned into weeks as Hiro delved further into the heart of the forest, his steps fueled by anger and resentment. He faced the perils of the wilderness with a newfound determination, his heart closed off to the beauty and serenity that nature offered.

In the solitude of the forest, Hiro's mind buzzed with thoughts of revenge. "I will show them," he muttered to himself. "I will find something that will give me power, something that will make them regret ever looking down on me."

But as the days stretched on, Hiro's hate began to consume him. It clouded his judgment, blinding him to the consequences of his actions. The darkness within him grew, intertwining with his desire for acceptance and respect, until it became an inseparable part of his being.

Little did Hiro know that this path he had chosen, fueled by hate and vengeance, would lead him down a treacherous road. The forest, once a place of solace and potential, became a reflection of his own inner turmoil.

But for now, as Hiro walked deeper into the forest, his heart filled with a mix of anger and determination, he knew that he had to find a way to rise above the judgment and prove his worth. The journey ahead would be fraught with danger and uncertainty, but he was willing to embrace it, for he carried within him a burning hatred that refused to be extinguished.

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