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Chapter 6: Chapter 5: A meet up

It's been several weeks now since my training of Arcanitect and let me tell you my experience about this training.

And to put it bluntly, it's been nothing but hellish torture.

It's pure torture! Fusing the Mana Channels and Mana Veins is so damn hurt! It's like tearing your blood vessels apart causing intense pain. During my first attempt, I screamed and cried from a sheer agony, but luckily, the training room is far from the manor and soundproof.

Why endure such torment, you might ask? The answer simple: This will become my arsenal– well don't get me wrong but fusing them together will definitely give me something remarkable, in my theory it will boost my power like a ton but I'm not sure what scale of level.

To others it may be confusing, like why am I doing this? But I can't blame them— since I'm a person who literally wastes his time reading a novel and watching anime and gaining knowledge of it.

In certain novels a Mana channel or pathways is an innate ability to manipulate mana through their body's internal channels. They have been trained to harness and direct this energy, utilizing their mana channels akin to an intricate system of conduits within themselves. Through focused meditation, training, or rituals, they can access their internal mana channels to cast spells, manipulate elements, or exhibit various magical abilities. You can also strengthen your Strength via [ Mana Enchantment ] by allowing to flow of Mana across your whole body.

And in other cases the Mana veins. They are particularly sensitive to the fluctuations and presence of these mystical veins in the world. This sensitivity might allow them to detect and access potent sources of mana, drawing power from these veins directly or amplifying their magical abilities when near these areas. They might excel in rituals or spells performed within locations abundant in mana veins, using the environment's energy and channeling raw, potent magical energy from these areas to cast spells or enhance their abilities.

Normally, a person possesses either Mana channels or Mana veins; having both could be fatal. There's also a character in some novel I read that even obtaining one of these two is already dangerous if you weren't born with one.

The purpose of my training is to fuse them together. If you think about it, if I fuse them together, it'll be similar to a running pipe—the Mana channel will be the shell (Pipe), meanwhile the Mana veins would be more of water flowing in, like a system, but the thing is… it's hella hurt! And not only that, it also hurts in my core! I know that my mana core is supposed to be a storage for mana, but I don't understand why it's also affecting my mana core! That's why I always whine in pain on the ground!

"If I'm not careful, it could explode within me, ending my life gradually," I sighed, acknowledging the risks. Yet, it was a necessary step in my quest for strength.

But then again it's also my part of plan or maybe I'm just being stubborn to become stronger as much as I can, that's why I'm doing everything I can in order to make myself stronger without being a beast tamer or being trained by a famous people or whatever they are.

Scratching my back head, I let out a sigh as I then grabbed the nearby wet towel and proceeded to wipe my face before turning around to exit the training ground.

— — —

'But still… do I really have to go?'I pondered silently as we rode in the carriage, heading to meet up with the Royal Family— well primarily the Queen. since my mother and Queen Priscilla are close.

'To think my family is close to the royal families... that's amazing. I'm also impressed by my mother; despite not being a mage and having a lot of mana, she didn't bother to become one. Oh, and did I mention that I also inherited my mother's affinity for wind?'

It's kind of surprising, to be honest. Who would have thought that I inherited both of my parents' elemental affinities? I can still remember their joyful reaction when they found out that I inherited their affinity.

Also, the reaction of the maids and butler—sure, it's amazing, but seriously? Come on, they don't have to pray in gratitude as if it's a blessing. I mean, sure, they take care of me while my parents are away, so I also think of them as my family now.

"Hm? Looks like we've arrived, Ken," my mother said, causing me to break my thoughts and nod at her while also stepping outside the carriage.

Upon stepping out, I then see a store right in front of me— staring at it.

"What are you spacing out for? Let's go inside" my mother say while standing In Front of the front door while our guard hold the handle open for us to enter.

"Ah, yes, I'll be there" I then hurriedly walked in alongside her.

After stepping inside I then immediately look around, this place is full of different types of cookies and cake.. well judging outside the store I already can tell this is a dessert shop while looking around for a bit I then notice something.

'No people? Could it be this is a private meetup? Hmm, it could. After all, if people found out that the Queen was here, there would definitely be a riot going on.'

"Hello there, Ely! I'm delighted you accepted my invitation," Queen Priscilla greeted warmly as my mother embraced her, emanating the aura of long-time friends.

'Two beautiful ladies hugging... definitely a sight to behold,' I thought to myself, keeping my expressions blank. It's better to keep that than for others to think I'm a pervert.

"Oh? Is this Kenzo? My, he certainly has grown since the last time I saw him," Priscilla remarked, as I approached her and bowed, showing respect to the queen before me, as it would be impolite for me not to do so.

"Yes, it's my pleasure to meet you, Queen Priscilla," I responded, bowing before her. Unaware, I didn't notice the brief widening of her eyes before they returned to normal.

"Now now, no need for any of that; this isn't a formal meeting," she said with a charming smile, and embarrassingly, I wasn't awestruck. Well, in my defense, it's not every day you see such beauty—yes, my hormones are always in check.

"Thank you, your majesty," I said as I stood straight again, hearing my mother giggle, probably amused by my situation.

"Oh, right, I haven't introduced my kids, have I? Children, come out and say hi to Elysia and her son," she said, prompting two children to appear beside her. One, a few years older, bore a strong resemblance to the king, and surprisingly, I could sense a significant amount of mana within him.

'So, he will awaken in the next few years, huh...' I thought to myself as I then gazed at the girl.

Next was a perfect—well, carbon copy of Queen Priscilla, though she didn't have an emotional face…Yet, once she got older, the rest of the features were still there, small and doll-like, with smooth white skin that's only a few shades lighter than my own. Big dark eyes, and long dark hair that reached the middle of her back.

She seemed small even for her age, and something back in my head tells me I need to protect her; otherwise, she'll break to pieces. Her eyes locked with mine, widened quickly before she shook herself slightly and went back to the smiling face she had. It seems she's already training to control her emotions, which kind of sucks since she has a beautiful smile that is mostly able to melt ice.

Looking from her to Priscilla and Curtis, I see two different reactions. Priscilla had a knowing smile that all mothers seem to possess, while Curtis had a restrained glare—well, knowing his character, I'm not surprised since he's a prince. But who could blame him? He will surely change a little over time.

"Children, introduce yourselves," Priscilla said, placing her hands behind their back. As Curtis then stepped forward first, puffing his chest

"I'm Curtis, and one day, I will become the strongest King in Dicathen. I'll protect not only my family but also my people," he declared with a confident and serious tone.

A respectable and noble word for a prince and honestly, a surprising wish from him, especially in this kingdom. It's been relatively peaceful...well, not for so long, knowing what would happen in the next few years.

And honestly, I've already forgotten some important events, especially from the novel... All I can remember is that when Arthur—well, Grey—was put on trial, and the rest was already forgotten. Did I bother? Honestly... slightly. But not completely, after all, I already decided that no matter what happens, I will crush a wall that hinder me.

Kathyln then stepped forward, her serene expression and delicate features captivating even at her young age. I couldn't help but think that as she grows older, she will blossom into a stunning beauty. Compared to the characters in manhwa, the real-life charm and grace were far more mesmerizing

"I am Kathyln Glayder, and I want to grow up to be independent just like my mother," she said calmly, her expression serene.

"That's a wonderful goal, and I'm sure you'll both be able to reach them. Now, it's your turn," my mother said, pushing me forward slightly to introduce myself as well.

"My name is Kenzo Akazaki, and I want to become someone strong to protect my family as well as my future friends." Though that's not quite all, it should be enough to introduce myself to a Queen, Prince, and Princess.

With a curious gaze, I looked at them, noticing Curtis' glare, probably thinking 'No one should be stronger other than me.' But it disappeared mostly; I noticed that his mother pinched him from behind.

After introducing myself Priscilla and my mother then decided to walk to the table talking random stuff.

While me on the other hand walking besides Kathyln and Curtis.

'Could he at least try to be a little less obvious?' I thought, feeling a bead of sweat forming on my cheek as I caught Curtis eyeing me intently. I responded with a helpless smile and released a soft sigh, hoping to alleviate the tension.




— — —

It's surprisingly fun to say that at least my mother and Priscilla have their own table, while the rest of us are have separate table from them and talking—most likely Curtis and I—since Kathyln is quietly sitting beside her brother, gracefully drinking tea. From time to time, I catch a glimpse of her eyes shining like stars when she's eating dessert.

"Do you get me? It's a hassle learning swordsmanship; it's so boring," Curtis groaned, displaying evident annoyance. as I blink and return my gaze at him.

"Not surprising, considering your position. Learning swordsmanship is crucial; it could be your strength in times of conflict" I remark casually shrugging my shoulders.

"Huh? What do you mean? Why would I waste my time on something not important?" he replied with a raised eyebrow.

'Hyaaa, I can see my past self in him,' I nodded mentally, remembering that I too had a similar attitude back then.

"It's essential for you to learn it. What if there's a war going on? As they say, the sword is your ally. Besides, didn't you say that you want to become the strongest King?" I said with a raised eyebrow, tilting my head slightly to the side.

And the person who had been quiet all the time finally chimed in after cleaning her mouth with a handkerchief.

"Brother, what he said is right. If you want to become strong, then a sword lesson shouldn't bother you," she said, staring at his eyes for a moment, though I thought I saw him shiver slightly.

"Well, if you guys say so," he finally seemed to grasp what we were saying as he let out a sigh, while Kathyln nodded to his words, seemingly satisfied with his answer, before looking at me with curious eyes.

"Uhm… is there something you need?" I raised my eyebrows slightly. She didn't reply to my question but only eyed me.

'Speak! You're creeping me out here!' I shouted in my mind, feeling uncomfortable with her stare, but I didn't make it obvious as I stayed with a smile on my face.

"Oh, not really. I'm just curious that you're smart for your age... my brother and his friends are idiots after all," she said before taking a glance at her brother. I then took a gaze at him and saw him slowly fading into the background, seemingly hurt by Kathyln's words.

'Emotional damage...' I couldn't help but have a sheepish smile before returning my gaze to her.

"What can I say? My mother taught me at a young age," I said, causing Kathyln to widen her eyes for a moment.

"In early age? That's surprising. The same goes for me and my brother as well," she said with a nod. After all, if I remember correctly, if you are royalty, you will be taught at an early age, and one example of that is in manhwa.

'Honestly, why does it always have the same plot?' A girl reading her favorite noble and then waking up as a villainess with a sad background—her fiance, the prince, breaking up with her, meeting the prince from the north or south? Whatever it is, she will at least meet the prince and then fall in love, blah, blah, blah.

'Seriously, aren't they tired of reading hundreds of those that always have the same plot?'

I thought to myself while enjoying my time with them.

Unknown to me, danger was just lurking around us.


Author: Honestly speaking this shouldn't be the chapter 5 but then I see this in my document and thought why not change the chap 5?

And besides a meeting between kath and Ken will be interesting especially he will tease her non-stop in the future

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