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Chapter 5: Chapter 2- Transported to Another World... For Just 24 Hours! Part 4

All of us in Class S are still frozen in fear as we watch Vallah slaughter the other students. Twenty by twenty the students die. When only about a hundred are left, not counting us, our survival instincts kick in. The Class S teacher is the first to react. "Everyone! Go into the school and find safety!" One of the students expresses concern that everyone probably has. "Sir… Why aren't the teachers inside helping us?" With the killing still going on around us he responds, "That's… I don't know… Just go!" We don't second guess him and start to run towards the school. Lilith grabs my left arm and as she does, I notice the bracelet glowing an enormous amount. What in the world is going on? That thought is on both of our minds.

We're running towards the school; pushing our developing legs to their limits. I look to my right and see other students doing the same. My heart pulses and I feel a deep sense of danger. My body stops on its own. I'm still holding Lilith's hand, she stops reluctantly. "June what are you doing if we don't get inside, we're going to die!" She tries to pull me, but the danger I feel keeps raising. I see as some of the students in the other classes make it in the school frantically. The rest of Class S is about to make it in the school when I hear a sound akin to a loud freight train go over my head.

My head turns to the sound and the world seems to slow down. A ginormous ball of green lighting goes right over my head. Time resumes and the ball of lightning speeds by with after images. The students in front of us already made it in the school. I'm sure they felt safe, but the opposite was awaiting them. The massive ball of lightning hits the school with force equivalent to a ton of TNT. The school gets laid out, nothing remains of it or the students and teachers inside. Before degree, heat, and the shockwave can reach us a massive wall of green lightning protects us. The immense pressure from the massive explosion is no match for the wall. All of Class S shields from the bright light caused from the collision. My mind feels like mush. My eyes see all the horrors unfolding in font; my mind can't process it. The only thing on my mind is death and if Lilith will make it. This me really does love her. Good thing I know we live. But his emotions are overwhelming.

The clash of two inanimate beings end and we are left with nothing but dust. We hear a screaming coming from where the lightning ball came from. My head turns and my eyes focus on Vallah. She's holding the Class S teacher in one hand by his neck. He is squirming trying to free the deadly grip. We can hear him struggle for air. Vallah doesn't acknowledge us and keeps eye contact with her victim. Why doesn't she kill him already? I don't want to watch anymore. The teacher can't get a breath in, but manages to say, "What are you kids doing run, before she takes you."

After he barely gets those words out his struggle ceases. Vallah tosses him on the ground like a piece of trash. Vallah turns towards us and starts to walk slowly. Her hair sways in the wind and her presence is demeaning. Lilith grabs my hand and clenches tightly. My eyes turn to her, her eyes gaze in mine deeply. "June I'm scared." Her whole body is shaking. I feel helpless because she's stronger than me, yet she is also scared. My whole being wants to comfort her, but I can't. My thoughts are too jumbled and the only thing I do is keep my eyes locked with hers.

"Well, well. So, this is the new generation of Class S." Vallah speaks in a care free tone. No one moves to confirm what she already knows, we are all scared to death. "Ahh, I see, you guys don't talk much… Hm?" Still everyone remains still. Being distracted by everything I'm now noticing how bright the green hue coming from my bracelet is. Vallah continues to talk. "Since none of you want to respond, I'll tell you all what is going to happen. I am going to take all of you with me and make you my subordinates. Since you are the best of the best, I won't kill you. That is… If you meet my expectations." She gives a sly smirk and continues. "If any of you try to resist, I will kill you on the spot." My knees are shaking violently.

No one resist her and she moves closer. "Now before I take you all I want to test your magical skills. If you don't meet my requirements you will also die. During this test I will take into consideration the fact you are all first years. So, all you have to do is destroy one of my earth golems." She gives her right hand a flick and eleven earth golems come out of the ground. They are about six-foot tall, have sunflower yellow eyes, a brown body, and are bulky. My heart is pulsing; if this keeps up, I feel like my heart will burst. My younger self is thinking, "How can I pass this? I'm the weakest of the weak?" This is first time I can hear my younger self's thoughts.

"Let me see. Yes, we will go from left to right." My body gives an automatic sigh of relief that I get to live a little longer. Lilith leans in and whispers, "June don't worry I'll try to help you when it's your turn.", in my ear. My cheeks turn red and I say, "Thank you Lilith… A-and if I don't make it… I j-just wanted to let you know… T-hat I love you." What the actual hell? Come on man don't say that. We survive this ordeal! Lilith goes stiff, her cheeks go rose red, and then she finally relaxes; as much as she can in this situation. "June, I love you too." Tears start to well up in her eyes and she gives a big smile. My heart jumps with happiness and once again the ore from the bracelet grows brighter.

Vallah looks over in our direction and gives a mischief look. Before she acts on her look, Liam speaks up. "Vallah release me at once. As, you know I am in the renounced noble family, Shivalik." He steps forward to her with brav- I mean stupidity. She looks at him and kills him on the spot. Blood splatters on the nearby students. She gives a hearty laugh and says, "Did I not say, any one who defies me will die? What a troublesome stuck up noble." She doesn't acknowledge the death and moves on with her plan. She gives a quick glance at me and Lilith. "A change of plans I'll start from the right." She licks her lips and walks over to me.

"Oh, to be young and in love. I miss those days." My face grows weary and she notices. "Now you and your girly friend are probably wondering how I knew. Right?" She doesn't give either of us a chance to respond. "Okay good. It is because I can smell love and fear. So, when I smelled sincere love my heart skipped a little. Through all the pain and suffering there was love." She looks at Lilith and then crouches down in front of me. I can see the tentacles moving in coordinated movements and a lot of her skin. Being a guy my heart rate increases. She starts to open her mouth, but before words come out, she looks over to my bracelet. She suddenly becomes serious.

I look where she's looking, and my bracelet is shining radiantly. Sweat is pouring down my forehead. She looks at me with an intense glare and says, "You are a peculiar one. Did you know that bracelet of yours is a very powerful magical object?" I shake my head. "What a pity. Moreover, let's start the selection process I hope you don't disappoint. But I have high hopes for you based on that peculiar magical object. So, without further ado start." She signals for one of her golems to come. The golem stands a few feet away from me waiting to be returned to earth.

My emotions are all over the place; fear, stress, etc. My body lifts its arm and starts to conjure up a destruction spell. My hand ignites a small flame. I can feel that I'm using all the power I have. How pitiful, this small flick of a flame is all I can conjure. No wonder my younger self failed with the lowest score. My fear of failing starts to show on the outside. Before I can shoot the tiny spark of a fire spell Lilith steps forward. "Ms. Vallah, if I may, can I go before him… I would love to be the first one to show my loyalty to you… As you probably don't know I was number two-" "Shut-up girl! I don't believe I gave you permission to speak to me." Vallah goes in a rage and in an instant her face connects with Lilith's face. Lilith falls with tremendous force but regains her ground. She looks over to me and mouths sorry, while tears of pain stream down her face.

"Lilith you say? You better be grateful I don't kill you right here and now." She looks back to me and says, "Continue before I decide to kill you for taking forever." I try to muster more strength for my fire spell, but I can't. I fire the fire spark I managed to conjure and in an anticlimactic way, the fire spark doesn't even meet the golem half way and fades like an ember from a dying camp fire. My body freezes when I hear the most common attribute from a witch, her horrendous laugh. "Heh-Heh-Ha-HAAAA!" I'm petrified with the fear of death. "Is this what kids consider jokes these days. Because I'm not amused." She gets serious. "Since you are in Class S you're bound to be able to take out one of these golems. Besides I know newborns who can conjure a better fire spell than that sorry excuse for one."

My body takes a deep breath in and tries to push aside my inner turmoil. I focus at the golem and narrow my eyes. I feel heat start to envelope on my hand and to my disappointment the same size fire spark conjures. My inner turmoil comes back at full force and my body starts sweating bullets. I once again fire the fire spark and again it fails to hit the golem. I see a swift movement in the corner of my right eye and before I can react, I feel my breath leave me. My stomach cries in pain and I cry in agony as I get thrown in air from the punch and land on my left side with tremendous force. My body informs me that my left arm is broken and all my ribs. My bodies having a hard time taking in air. Most likely one of my lungs got punctured by my broken ribs.

"June…!" Lilith calls out my name. My head tries to turn to her but fails at its endeavor. Honestly my ears are having a hard time processing the sound waves. I manage to turn on my back. I'm gasping for air; my breathing is slow and ragged. I don't hear Lilith's cries for me anymore. Is she okay? What if Vallah got her too? No, that can't be; I know Lilith, she is too strong to fall without a fight. But what if she put up a fight? My mind is clouded with thoughts concerning Lilith. I'm feeling sorrow and worry, not for myself, but for Lilith. With this mind set I see a bright flash of green coming from my left. I feel my aches fade instantly and my vitality is back up. I can feel my left arm and my ribs don't hurt; not to mention my breathing is back to normal.

My body gives a little jolt and starts to rise slowly; to make sure my injuries won't magically reappear. My younger self is confused, but above all relieved and happy at this development. I wonder what's making the heals wound. And is it just me or do I feel a bit more power flowing through me. My younger self thinks the same thing and looks over the bracelet in bewilderment. I finally manage to stand up and then my ears hear the other students scream. I hear every voice besides the one I'm most concerned with. "Lilith…" I whisper and then get behind a piece of earth that came up during 'that'. "Thank the gods I wasn't noticed by Vallah." I Ditto that statement.

I peer over the rock and notice Lilith hovering in the air. She is prostrated like a person on a cross. Her hair is flowing upward, and she isn't moving. Vallah starts to speak. "What a shame. Such talent put to waste… Over stupid acts of love. At least you are not a complete waste. Thank you, Lilith, for your power." With that said Lilith flops to the ground. Her body is laid out; not a single sign of life left. I know she can't be dead, since I'm reliving the memories. However, my younger self doesn't. Vallah continues to speak. "Well at least you died with your lover, technically speaking." She gives the signature witch laugh and then with no effort kicks Lilith's motionless body across the school yard. Lilith's body ends up a few feet away from me. I can see her pale cheeks and lifeless eyes.

From the deepest part of my heart I feel an emotion never felt before; an emotion powerful enough to destroy the gods themselves. I feel anger, sorrow, and a fierce rage. Not one of the emotions include fear; fear has been destroyed by the loss of a loved one. My body takes slow steps towards Lilith's motionless body. As I'm walking, I can see my left arm flickering with a now blinding green light. As I grow closer to her body, the light grows too. I wouldn't be surprised if Vallah hasn't noticed. As this thought passes by, I hear another wretched laugh. "Ha-Ha-Ha to think the weakest would still be alive, but one of the strongest would die... Oh how I love the unexpected… Not!"

I process every word she says, but my younger self has the outside world blocked out. I can feel Vallah's presence start to creep up on us. My younger self pays no mind to the oppressing presence. My knees bend and my right arm outstretches to Lilith's pale youthful face. My hand turns upside down and strokes her cold cheeks. The emotion, rage, is rapidly growing and the bracelet's response is just the same; the light is unbearable. As Vallah is making her way over, she makes a comment about it. My arms grab Lilith's lack body and wraps its arms around her. I pull her close enough that I can feel a tiny pulse. However, my younger self is warped with rage and doesn't take notice.

Tears are pouring out of my eyes. "What a crying fest. Boohoo she is dead so what? Don't worry you'll join her soon enough…" My younger self still doesn't acknowledge Vallah. I can hear her clearly. She can't be more than a few feet away. "…And what is with that gods awful bracelet. How come it keeps getting brighter? Hmm… Probably some magical item to detect danger… Well no matter time for you to die for real this time." I'm still crying into Lilith's shoulder and my rage is getting more intense. I'm also having a hard time concentrating in his body. It's almost as I'm being rejected.

My body starts to lift from the ground. My body reacts and my intense gaze meets her. I'm being levitated in the air by Vallah; Lilith is still in my arms. We stare intently at each other. "So, now that it has come to this any final words?" My anger comes out verbally, "Vallah You will regret this, and I will fu-"Vallah roles her eyes and pushes her right arm forward. This motion launches me into the rock I was just hiding behind.

If my current trajectory follows through Lilith will hit the rock first and most likely soften my impact. However, as I have this thought my body reacts quickly and turns itself in midair; so that I'm facing the rock. "Urgh...Ack!" My body slams against the rock back first with tremendous force. I hit the sharp part of the rock and my back is impaled. It goes all the way through my stomach but happens to miss Lilith's body by mere inches. My eyes start to close, but my rage is at a breaking point. My head takes one last look at Lilith and says, "I'm sorry…" My head turns to the left. The bracelet shines the brightest it has the whole time and my mind goes dark.

Somethings off… My body feels different, lighter and taller somehow. I look down and I see my younger body impaled through the rock; still clinging to Lilith. Wait why in the hell am I looking through a third person perspective? My question is instantly answered by my consciousness. That's a very good question, easier asked than answered. The second we came into the memories something was strange about your younger selves conscious. I interject another question. What was strange about it? Well it was like your younger conscious knew we were there. So, like anything unwanted in the body it tries to get rid of it. "Ah, I see." Therefore, from the start your younger conscious has been trying to kick us out. But, thank goodness from our age advantage, I was able to keep his conscious at bay. That was however until 'that' started. When his rage started to take over, I sensed an unawakened power. This is where it gets interesting. I've concluded the silver bracelet is a fire wall for some freak power… "That's crazy, I even tried to use magic earlier, but nothing happened. So, what brought such an idea up." Well if you would let me finish, I would tell you, darn just like Seven. "Sorry…" I have come to this conclusion because every time the bracelet emitted light his conscious would get stronger and I could feel the unawakened power starting to peak through. My idea was further supported by what just happened. When Lilith got "killed" to when we got impaled, all led to us being kicked out. The rage is what triggered the bracelet to lose its powerful fire wall. That is why the bracelet emitted such a blinding light; it was a power overload. Then… Boom here we are! "If that is the case then wouldn't that mean the bracelet has been broken." Precisely. I look towards my younger body and notice he still hasn't moved yet.

I wonder can I move in my current state? I take my celestial like body and picture myself gliding through the air. To my relief I can move freely. To be honest this feels awesome. I swoop down to get a closer examination at my younger self. The first thing I notice is that the bracelet is still on his left arm. The bracelet is releasing green light in rapidly growing intervals. Wait I thought this was broken. At this moment the bracelet grows the brightest it has the whole time. I look away out of instinct and when I do, I see a flummoxed expression from Vallah. "Hmm… Interesting I wonder what that was all about?" As Vallah says that a sharp clink feels the tense atmosphere. I look away from Vallah and back to my younger self. I look to where the sound came from and see the bracelet missing from my left arm. I look down and see the bracelet. The silver bracelet's body is cracked in the middle, hence how it fell off, and the orb is depleted of light and shattered beyond repair.

As I'm examining the younger me, I notice a slight twitch from his left arm. "That's odd." Not long after the twitch his whole body starts to move. While he starts to come to Vallah is continuing to test the other kids' magic ability. His head moves forward then back. He is facing the dark sky and then starts to scream. Not a scram of pain; no, a scream of pure rage. "Holy shit." Is the only thing that comes out of my mouth to react to this sudden development. "Ah-Ah-Ah-Argh!" I turn to see if Vallah heard the heinous scream. Just as I expected she heard it. She stops her selection process and stands looking towards my younger self with a look of undeniable shock.

I look back at the younger me and watch as his eyes lock onto the rock impaling him. I don't think he realizes that he's still holding Lilith. He gives another blood curdling scream and throws his arms up. Lilith gets released from his grip and is flung into the air. She lands on the left side of him, next to the bracelet. Her body doesn't react to the harsh impact and stays as motionless as beforehand. He doesn't give the girl beside him a glance and starts to push on the rock. His body starts to slowly move up the sharp end. While he's moving up the rock blood is slowly goosing out of him. I can't imagine how unbearable the pain must be. I turn to Vallah, she is stunned motionless. Her eyes are full of confusion and anxiousness. The other students are also shocked beyond belief. Three of the students are hurled over throwing up from him trying to dislodge the rock from his body. While the other students are crying tears of fear.

He's at the pinnacle point of the sharp rock and slides off with one final scream of agonizing pain… Wait no this scream sounds more on the lines of a person who just witnessed his entire family being murdered; a scream full of rage. He plops on the ground with a tiny, thump. I turn back to see the student's reactions, as soon as he hits the ground the kids jolt a couple steps back. However, as the kids are backing away Vallah continues to walk towards him. My younger self is on all fours and heaving heavily. Blood is gushing from his open wound. Honestly, I'm speechless to how he is still alive. The spot he is impaled is not small, it spans across his entire stomach. I change my position and go in front of him; Vallah is facing my back. He finally musters his strength and stands up straight. I see a hole in his school uniform, where he was impaled, and there isn't a single indication of the grave injury. From a bystander's perspective it would have seemed more likely that he had a weird fashion sense. I move closer to his standing body and in horror see an inferno of rage in his eyes. His eyes are colored out by a green flame. I'm speechless by how far gone my younger self looks. "Was this the hidden power that was in the me in this word the whole time. The one my conscious figured out was being locked away behind the now broken bracelet." I take in one big gulp and fly back up to get a better perspective on things; and I expect a battle between to powerful superpowers to take place.

"Now what do we have here, can't you just die already!?" My younger self stands in a daze and doesn't seem to acknowledge her. "Well in any case at least things have gotten a tad entertaining." She gives a seductive lick and continues to walk closer. The distance between the two of them is closing closer by the second. "So, don't disappoint…!" She suddenly quickens her pace and lunges a direct attack at my stagnant body. Dust gets kicked up behind her immense speed and then it seems as time itself slows down. My younger self's eyes, once dazed and dilated, constrict. Moreover, his green flames grow as he sees Vallah coming at him with intent to kill. His eyebrows narrow and he sticks his left arm out. The arm is as swift as Vallah's lunge and brakes the sound barrier. A giant gust of air blows around his entire body and what's left is a green tinted ward. Vallah's hand connects a second too late and the force of her blow knocks her back a couple feet; she stands firm to the ground.

The green ward fades and his left arm goes down. "Ha-ha what fun. Who would've thought you would have had this tremendous amount of power? Ha-ha that was the first time someone has blocked an attack of mine, since your beloved head master ha-ha." Vallah looks ecstatic and the least bit worried of being overpowered. Moreover, my younger self stands emotionless; his furrowed face gone. Before Vallah can continue speaking he looks down at his left side. Right wear Lilith is. His eyes burst with more tenacity and he bends down to the unconscious girl. He examines her injuries and like a light switch being turned on something even more sinister than before clicks inside of him.

He turns his head in a slow robotic like way and, alongside his roaring fiery green eyes, a strong green aura surrounds his entire body. He lets go of Lilith's body and stands up, his body facing Lilith. Vallah takes no time to attack. A flash of lime green lightning is sent straight for him. He doesn't move and then a tremendous rumble sounds with dust coming from the ground. Vallah laughs hysterically again. "Ha-Ha to think that attack wouldn't kill you either… Oh looks like it didn't even touch you." She goes serious and then back to laughing. The dust surrounding his body clears and besides the aura covering him. There is a slight aura around Lilith too. "I wonder if he put that around her so she wouldn't get anymore injuries." He gives a quick glance towards Lilith and then starts to walk forwards to Vallah; she follows suit. There distance grows lesser by the second.

The younger me takes both his hands and conjures two massive fireballs. Compared to the fire sparks, that were barely managed before, this is equivalent to a wild fire. The fire balls are so massive that they create an updraft around them. The wind is swaying his brown hair violently. Vallah takes this as a que and doesn't let him show her up. She brings both her hands up and conjures ten lime green lightning bolts, five from each hand. The static, the lightning is producing, is causing her raven black hair to also wave around violently. "It's almost as if she's treating this as a talent show. She's just trying to show him up in pure power, all the way up to the aesthetics.

Time once again seems to slow. Two elemental powers fighting for superiority. He who is like a god over fire and she who is akin to the god of lightning. They don't move any closer to each other. He and Vallah simultaneously take a deep breath in. In the blink of an eye they push their arms forward. His to fireballs burn through the air as they make their way to Vallah. Vallah's lightning bolts brake the barrier of sound and light and causes the air to become electrified. The sight is something seen out of an apocalyptic movie. The two forces make their way to each other in an instant an collide with tremendous force. When they collide, I turn to see the other students taking cover. They manage just in time as the rubble and ground around them are being ravaged. He and Vallah don't budge from the force pushing against them. He is looking on with intense rage. However, Vallah is very much enjoying herself. Her eyes are sparkling, and she is breathing heavily with pleasure.

The two elements cancel each other out of existence. I turn to the students and see them scarcely conversing amongst themselves. "He-He this is exhilarating! To think there would be someone as strong as your headmaster! Haaah… I'm super happy right know. Too bad I'll have to kill you, and to let you know, you would have made a great disciple Ha-Ha." Her smile disappears from her face and she gets serious again. He on the other hand has the same look of rage on his face. She once again raises her arms, this time however, produces twenty lightning bolts, all of which are ten times bigger than before. He doesn't give a hint of fear and raises his arm too. This time creating lightning bolts. "Wait a second… those look identical to hers! Not only in color, but size and quantity; damn how much of a monster am I?" Vallah's eyes widen and her serious face goes back to its pleasured surprise look.

Her surprised look goes back to being serious. The intense atmosphere is growing heavier by the second. He and Vallah put their arms back. Simultaneously they launch their arms forward. The total of forty lightning bolts head towards each other at the speed of light. The air around the lightning grows thick in static and the surrounding rubble becomes electrified. They intercept each other with a thunderous boom. The force is strong enough that he and Vallah must dig their feet into the ground. In a split second of curiosity, I see how the surviving students are holding up. The students are paralyzed from the high voltage of static electricity. They are frozen; backs towards the battle. If my guess is correct, I believe they were going to flee as the battle was coming to a climax.

He and Vallah's arms are still outstretched putting as much power as they can into the lightning bolts. Their brows are furrowed, and their teeth are clenched tightly together. Even in my celestial like state I can feel the tremendous power coming from the two of them. The lightning bolts are in a stale mate and finally combine into one massive energy mass. The mass grows to the size of a double wide house. He and Vallah let their arms down and erect a shield.

Seconds before the energy mass collapses on itself my younger self looks towards the students. He lowers his shield, Vallah doesn't notice, and takes his right arm and makes a circle in the air. He then extends his right arm to the fullest. This causes the circle to instantly make its way to the stunned students. He turns back to the unstable energy mass and erects his shield back up. Not a millisecond later an explosion akin to an atomic bomb goes off. A blinding flash of light appears and then a massive shockwave and heat incinerate the dead students and all rubble and reaming structures on the school property.

My eyes don't get affected by the blinding light because of my form and I turn to face the students. I notice them on the ground with the shield, previously around them, destroyed. I make my way over to them to see if they are still alive. To my relief I see their chest moving in unsynchronized movement. I turn to Vallah and my younger self. The two auras of mass power have faded to a normal level. He and Vallah are on the ground, there shields also destroyed. They're both alive, but unconscious. "Was that explosion really powerful enough to knock both of these monster-like existences out?" I go next to my younger self. Next to him Lilith is still lying on the ground unconscious. She was close enough to him that he didn't have to use another shield on her. As I get right next to him his body slowly starts to rise off the ground. It almost looks like a possession taking place. I'm startled from this turn of events and float back a little. His arms are outstretched, and his legs are close together. He's hovering off the grown, now in a straight up position. However, his eyes are closed and there is no sing of him being conscious. "What the hell is this?" I say for probably the hundredth time now. As the words leave my mouth his eyes violently open and a gush of green energy comes rolling out of him. Lilith gets thrown a couple feet away from her previous position. My eyes get drawn to his. His eyes are no longer normal; they are completely engulfed in green. There is no pupil or sclera left; only a sharp and intimidating dark shade of green.

My younger self stretches his neck out. I hear his bones pop in relief. He's still hovering as he looks at his surroundings. He almost looks confused, like he doesn't recognize where he is. His eyes focus on Lilith and he doesn't show an inkling of emotion, like his previous self-did when he thought she was dead. He then turns to look at the students on the ground. However instead of focusing in on them, his gaze wanders passed and looks at the parted clouds and setting sun. He is standing there looking pensively out into the horizon. I hear commotion coming across from his left side. He doesn't seem to notice and keeps on staring. "Vallah…" She starts to slowly make her way up. I can tell she's in a state of disbelief; her face is scrunched up. She finally turns her head to my younger self. Her look of disbelief collides with jealousy and disdain towards the floating boy glistening in the setting sun.

Vallah's hair is in a mess, her beautiful porcelain skin is tainted from dirt, but besides those tiny flaws she doesn't have a scratch on her. "What the hell are you!?" She yells at the top of her lungs at him. This time he acknowledges her presence and turns to face her. Her eyes grow wide when she sees his once brown eyes fully green; not an inkling of white to be seen. They stare at each other and then he turns back towards the setting horizon; not even realizing the woman he locked eyes with, massacred an entire student body of a prestigious school that had the most powerful wizards and witches in the kingdom, attempted to kidnap all Class S to be her subordinates, and above all tried to kill his beloved Lilith. "Argh how infuriating! Who do you think you are…? I am the notorious witch Vallah… and you, you think you can ignore me… Err!" She grinds her teeth together in irritation and starts to mumble to herself; my younger self is still staring off into the orange, pink, darkening sky. "To think this weakling would be this damn strong. What made him snap…? He would have made a great successor too… Welp to late now he looks too far gone in his… Mhm… I believe his power has completely taking over his ability to reason. I've never seen anything like this, so I'll have to kill him… And then… then take his body to play with." She gives her lips a seductive lick. "But first I'll have to KILL YOU!" She screams the last part with enough ferocity to make an honored knight piss himself.

The deafening scream catches his attention once again. He turns and looks at her with the same emotionless posture. Vallah gives a sinister grin and starts conjuring her signature lightning bolts. The lime green electricity is forming right in front of his eyes. However, he keeps steady eye contact with her and again turns to watch as the last crescent of the sun sinks to the other side of the world. Her composure shatters and her forehead has a vain pulsating in anger. "Ha-Ha-Ha! You lowlife-" She doesn't finish her hysterics, agonizing. She puts all her concentration into her staggering five hundred lightning bolts!

Her eyes are full of hate, her face painted over with worry, her whole body protruding an aura of despair. "Bwah-ha-ha! Time for you to die!" Even in her desperate state her voice induces an intimidating ear-piercing shriek. She throws her arms forward with tremendous force. Any normal person would have had their arms detached from their socket. The five hundred accumulated lightning bolts proceed with their killing order and shoot off at light speed. The atmosphere around us gets a toxic dose of electricity thrown into the air. The rest of the kids should be dead. But as I focus on them, I see a thick layer of green surrounding everyone. I then move my eyes in Lilith's direction; she's covered by the same aura.

I focus back to the battle at hand. The five hundred lightning bolts have stopped inches from his body. The bolts are crackling and letting off mass amounts of energy, but he isn't fazed by it. As the lightning stays frozen in time, he watches the sun complete its departure. The moon is now taking the spotlight and shining its stolen light onto us. Although the lightning is producing enough light that even if the moon wasn't out, the area would still be as bright as when it was day. Vallah's jaw drops as he turns slowly to find a face full of stilled sizzling lightning bolts. He looks at the lightning like a child who got bored with a new toy. He then puts his hand out. The accumulated lightning bolts instantly go into his open hand. His body becomes shrouded in a dark green aura and I can feel the mass amounts of energy flowing around him.

The air becomes instilled with fear. Vallah's shoulders become lack, her teeth start chattering, and her legs become rubber. She looks towards him in complete defeat. He on the other hand stares emotionless at the emotional woman. His eyes are protruding green and his body starts to hover. The ground under his feet shakes from beneath him. Vallah watches him like a deer in head lights as he begins to make his way over to her. He is about fifteen feet away from her when he stops, still hovering in the air, and moves his arms to make a hexagonal shape. The hexagon is an outline of pine green with six defined points. Strange orbs fill in the once empty points on the hexagon. The first point on the left top point is a ball of fire. The next point is it's opposite, a ball of ocean blue water. The rest of the orbs are as followed: a ball of earth, clear swirling air, blinding light, and dominating darkness.

I believe when Vallah sees this spectacle an innate instinct of survival kicks in. Her fearful self becomes serious and is radiating with killing intent. "How can this be!? How can you use all elements at the same time!? It's never been done before; not even in the fairy tales of the mightiest heroes!" Vallah yells at the top of her lungs. Her voice doesn't reach him, or he just doesn't respond to her futile attempt of trying for his attention. The hexagon with all six elements attached starts to spin with great speed. Each element melts into one another. The wind picks up and whips violently at their hair and bodies. Vallah puts her hands up and makes a ward to shield from the force of the spinning hexagon. However, she doesn't stop with the ward. She puts her hands together in a prayer clasp. She's planning to attack while his attack, or whatever it is, finishes its power up. Her eyes close and I can see the faintest movement of her lips, while her hands are stilled claps together. Her eyes open suddenly following her brows furrowing. Her whole aura is set on killing him before she herself gets killed by him.

The hexagon is spinning around him just as fast when it first started. Vallah could care less at this point. She slowly pulls her hands away from each other and with a blur shoots her hands forward towards my younger self. A solidifying black liquid comes shooting out. The black liquid looks identical to the tentacles around her. The liquid makes it to about half way to him when it stops. The liquid falls to the ground with an uncomfortable, squish. He didn't flinch when the black liquid came shooting at him at hyper speed. So, he doesn't take interest to the puddling liquid any more or less than before. I look over to Vallah in confusion. But as I do, I see the smile of victory over her face. Following the victorious smile, the same bewitching laugh comes out of her mouth. "Ha-ha-ha! You've made me use it… So, don't try to act all innocent now. Hee-Hee It's time for you to know true power… It is time for you to die!" His face is expressionless, and his body is hovering in content, the hexagon growing faster and faster by the second.

The black liquid on the ground starts to gradually conform into a singular object. "W-what is that?" Is all I can muster. My eyes are transfixed in awe at what I see. The black liquid is growing out; growing to an enormous size. He doesn't seem to be worried about this strange occurrence. The liquid is in a spherical shape and it stops expanding at around fifty feet tall. Vallah looks up in satisfaction, gives a bewitching laugh, and jumps on top of the spherical mass. The moment her feet touch the black mass her body becomes one as she fuses with it. A swishing sound comes from the inner sphere then the sphere starts to mimic the shape of a female; no, it's becoming Vallah. The mass has a defined face with no defined features, eye nor skin color; this form of Vallah remains completely black.

The spherical black mass has completed its transformation into a gigantic pure black Vallah. A shattering laugh echoes out of the giant's mouth. "Hah-Hah-Hah now who's the weak one." Her voice is deeper, but still feminine. Her hands are on her liquidy hips, her head is looking down at the much smaller younger me. The hexagon surrounding his body is moving at such speeds that the blended colors have become clear and it seems the surrounding air is clear. The only thing saying otherwise is the enormous turbulence being produced from the spinning hexagon. The wind produced from the hexagon is enough to keep Valla's fifty-foot manifestation at bay. This doesn't seem to worry Vallah in the least. She positions her self on all fours and bends her back into an arc. "What does she plan on doing now?"

Her arched back starts to bubble up, some of the black liquid is popping off her back. My celestial eyes widen to the max as I witness eight tentacles start to form on her back. The tentacles are growing larger than Vallah's current form. They are slithering through the air making an arch in before swiftly plowing through the already damaged ground. "I see… I believe she's planning on using the tentacles as leverage to push through the wind." While the words come out of my mouth two of the front tentacles come out of the ground and come down mere inches from his body, he doesn't flinch. The other massive tentacles soon follow and then she moves on all fours to position herself mere feet away from him. With her eight tentacles anchored in the ground she manages to slowly stand up to her full height.

"Ha-Hah-Hee it's really time for you to die now. I haven't been this satisfied with trying to kill somebody since… Ah I can't even remember. Sure, your headmaster was kind of tough, but he was nothing compared to you, your actually-" She stops mid-sentence and keeps her pitch-black eyes on the oblivious younger me. With her head still looking down she brings her right arm back above her head and clenches her fist. "I should stop this verbose monologue. Time for you to die! Hee-Hee-Ha!" She brings her right arm down with all her might. The sound barrier breaks when her arm is half way down, a giant boom fills the turbulent air. A smile appears on her face as her arm reaches him.

He stands oblivious to the gigantic arm inches from his face. The hexagon is continuing its build up in speed. As the fist is about to make contact, a scream of horror comes from the towering Vallah. "Ahh… Argh! How is this possible?" Vallah looks at her missing right hand. When her fist came inches from hitting him the hexagon had enough speed to cut through her liquidy right hand. I watch as the right-hand dissolves into the land and disappears forever. Her undefined face scrunches up and she roars out of spite. The sound echoes throughout the land. "Come to think of it, why aren't there any of the kingdoms knights here to fight her off?"

The black liquid is moving down her arm, to her missing hand. In a matter of seconds her right hand is replaced. However, her body looks a noticeable amount shorter. She has a look of fear, but a smile of resolve. "That's all you got HAAAAA! You'll have to do better than that to defeat me!" I don't know how she can hold up to her words. I mean, to me, she looks finished. How is she planning on defeating someone she can't get near? Well if she can't get close, why doesn't she use magic? That's a good question. "Umm… I would guess because up to now her magic has been completely useless. So, she might think that having a physical advantage will turn the tides of this battle… Even though it isn't looking too good for her… Plus since I'm still alive to relive these memories I assume she gets defeated."

Her tentacles swiftly come out of the ground. She crouches with her hands planted flat on the broken ground. The wind has greatly increased and it looks like she's about to be blown away. But before that can happen her tentacles shoot back down to the ground. The ground rumbles and creates a wave effect that travels to the unconscious students. The wave hits them, including Lilith, but their protective wards manage to divert the shock wave around them. As for my younger self the impact goes under him leaving him unharmed. "Did she forgot that he's hovering?" When the dust settles, I see her tentacles are not plowed into the ground like before. Their ends are flattened out almost like her hands were when she was crouching. The wind created from the spinning hexagon once again almost blows her back. Her head points up, then without warning she leaps in the air from the force of her legs, tentacles, and arms. Her body launches far enough into the night sky that her black body becomes impossible to see. The anticipation is killing me while I'm awaiting for to return to the ground. I imagine that with her enormous size the impact will be devastating. A sharp whistle makes its way through the night sky, following a darker object; Vallah. Vallah's speeding through the sky with her arms outstretched in front of her with her fist clenched. I can see some of the black liquid fall off her as she makes her reentry.

With the rotating hexagon behind him, my younger self looks up at the incoming Vallah. "This must be a devastating move on Vallah's part, if it's enough to grasp his attention." Vallah's massive body is close enough that I see an immensely big smile, one of victory. She's coming down at a high velocity. Even though he is looking towards her, he doesn't seem concerned by her impending presence. The hexagon behind him has reached its peak speed. He lifts his arms towards Vallah, the spinning hexagon follows suit. The six elements have long since lost their individuality, their signature colors are faded into one another. Vallah doesn't seem scared of the reading attack, she almost looks sorry for him. I don't think she believes that attack is going be enough to kill her, she's overconfident.

Her body is coming down, without the least of hesitation, right towards him. My younger self is emotionless; steady in his wait to attack. She's a good hundred feet away from him, arms outstretched, and fist clenched, as she gives her final bewitching laugh. "Hee-Hee-Hee-Haaah! You lose…" I think she has more to say. However before she can say it he pushes his outstretched arms forward. A blinding light shoots out from the hexagon. The mixture of elemental colors combines to create a singular color, white. The beacon of white light destroys Vallah in a blink of an eye. Vallah's face didn't have time to wipe her smug smile of victory off her face. She most likely died thinking that she was going to win the battle with how fast the beacon of white light, a mixture of all six elements, hit her.

The beacon of light pierces the night making the darkness scatter, light reclaiming its rightful place. If I was anyone else, I would have believed day had come early. "It's over…" I mumble over my breath. I wonder how much longer until I return to reality? Just a bit longer, look. My conscious snaps me back, the beacon of light is reaching to the heavens; I can't see the ending of the light. In the far distance I hear a stampede of horses coming our ways; most likely knights. I turn my head to the sounds direction and surely enough I see men with shining armor, from the beacon of light, striding towards the devastation. "Better late than ever." I can't help but chuckle a bit. "These knights are really useless." They've had so much time to get ready, from the start of the ceremony at mid-day to the conclusion at night, and they wait till now to come. After all these innocent kids and teachers died, they come now! I take in a deep breath to relax. Why are you getting worked up anyway? That's a good question, which I don't have the answer to myself. "Why am I getting so worked up? Its not like this is my original childhood, heck these memories aren't technically mine. So why…" My self talk gets put aside as I notice the blinding light disappear in an instant, the only way of knowing it was once there is by witnesses. The beam of light didn't leave any destruction in its wake because it was aimed towards the sky, thank goodness. Probably if it hadn't been, and say it was released in the direction of the kingdom, the whole kingdom with everyone in it would have been decimated.

My attention goes to the source of the destructive beacon, my younger self. His arms are hanging beside him limply, his head facing down. The beacon is gone, and the hexagon has stopped rotating. The red hexagon, with its six elemental orbs, fades out of existence. "He looks exhausted." As these words come out of my mouth he collapses on the spot. Moreover, since he was hovering, he hits the ground with more force than if he had not been hovering. The moment he hits the mangled ground the light green wards around the unconscious students and Lilith fade. So, he did put up a protection for them. That makes me wonder if he was consciously aware or not. Before my brain can take a train to deep-thinking vill the cavalry of knights arrives to the horrifying scene. Leading the knights is an older gentleman. He has long white hair accompanied by a white goatee. He doesn't have any knight armor on, his apparel is nothing more than a silver robe that glistens with the tiniest amount of moon light.

He gallops through the nonexistent gate, stopping where the statue of the headmaster once stood. He gives a quick glance around; his eyes go wide while looking at the devastation. He's most likely surprised by how flattened the whole school is, nothing is left to set his eyes on. The army of knights are closely behind him. When they make their way, the old man puts his eft hand up motioning the knights to stop. The knights obey instantly and stop in their tracks. As the knights stop to a holt the old man slowly gets off the horse. He takes one more look at the decimation before locking eyes onto my younger self. Before he can start walking towards my younger self a knight comes rushing in, pushing through the stagnating knights. "Head Wizard please forgive my intrusion, but I have a pressing question to ask?" I can sense intense glares coming from his fellow knights. However, he and the Head Wizard ignore them. "You may speak your mind." He gives a slight smile and nods him on. "Thank you, sir." He gives a deep bow, then starts to speak. "I was wondering why we we're ordered to stop instead of being spread out to search for the culprit and survivors." The Head Wizard keeps his smile and answers him honestly. "That is very noble of you to be concerned, but the reason I have ordered you knights to stop is because there is no one else alive besides that boy over there." He points his finger towards my younger self. The knight goes to speak, but the Head Master cuts him off. "And as for the culprit… The one who caused this atrocity was Vallah." The knight gasp, along with the other listening knights. "Yes, Vallah. However, do not worry, for she has been killed." The young knight's eyes go wide, the other knights start to whisper amongst themselves. "D-dead how's that possible? No offense sir, but she was just as powerful as you… So, how could she have been killed?" His jaw is down in disbelief.

"It is true that she was more powerful than I, however you see that boy collapsed there?" He once again points to my exhausted body. All the knights look in confusion. "That boy is the one who killed Vallah." The knights start gossiping with one another, trying to wrap their head around the outrageous accusation. "B-but, sir he's only a mere child." The Head Wizard nods in agreement. "That might me, however that boy is stronger than me and Vallah combined." The Head Wizard gets interrupted. "Then, then wouldn't we've had heard of such a powerful person?" The Head Wizards smile fades, a serious look takes its place. "No!" The knight jumps back a little. "You would not have heard of this boy because I was ordered by the king himself to seal the boy's powers deep within him, since he was perceived to be a danger that couldn't be controlled." The knight is stunned by this revelation. "That's just not believable… I mean Vallah was practically invincible… Head Wizard I'm sorry but I can't believe a kid could defeat her." He looks down trying to hide from the Head Wizard's sharp gaze. All the knights are thinking the same thing, "how could a kid defeat Vallah?"

The Head Wizard takes a deep breath, closes the distance between him and the knight, and puts his right hand on his shoulder; he takes a deep breath in. "Young knight let me tell you of the disaster that took place ten years ago. A disaster of such terror that all traces of the incident are only known by the highest authority in our kingdom." The knight in front of him gulps along with the knights behind him. My curiosity has peeked, how about yours? Most definitely! I reply to my self enthusiastically. Of course, I'm excited the more I know now, the less I have to ask when I get back, which means…More time for you to grow, your work in progress, harem. I give a jittering smile and tune my ears to the Head Wizard's story.

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