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Chapter 6: Stay in the cell for the Next few day's

The construction site erupted in chaos. Wei Long, fueled by manipulation and misunderstanding, clashed with the workers, oblivious to the bullet that whizzed past his head, fired by a female officer arriving on the scene.

"Hold it right there!" the officer barked, her voice laced with authority. Before Wei Long could protest, handcuffs snapped around his wrists, effectively ending his rampage. He struggled, sputtering accusations, but the officer, unfazed, dragged him away from the bewildered crowd.

"It's not me, Officer!" Wei Long yelled, desperation creeping into his voice. "They're the ones trying to take these people's place!"

His words were lost on the wind as he was shoved into the police car. Inside, the officer began her questioning, her gaze unwavering.

"Listen," Wei Long started, his voice trembling slightly. "My name is Wei Long, and you should be arresting Xu Feng and the Xi family instead. They're the ones behind all this!"

The officer listened patiently, her expression neutral. "Alright, Wei Long," she began, her voice calm yet firm. "Tell me everything you know. Why are you here, and what's happening with this construction site?"

Wei Long poured out his story, fueled by a mixture of anger, confusion, and misplaced trust.

The officer raised an eyebrow at Wei Long's accusation. "Acquiring land through illegal construction and threatening people's lives? That's a serious allegation, Wei Long. Do you have any proof?"

Instead of the confident tirade the officer expected, Wei Long faltered. He hadn't anticipated this response. He'd assumed his story would be readily accepted, fueling public outrage and winning him sympathy.

But the officer held out a document, its crisp lines a stark contrast to his frantic rambling. "This," she stated, "is the official cancellation notice for the project. The land has been returned to its rightful owners."

Wei Long's eyes widened in disbelief. How could this be? This was his chance to be the hero, to paint himself as the valiant protector against the villainous Xi family, to impress Su Xian. Now, he was just a misguided idiot who had attacked innocent workers on a canceled project.

The weight of his actions sank in. "But...but how?" he stammered, his voice cracking. "I had the evidence, the proof of their wrongdoing!"

The officer's gaze remained steady. "We're investigating all claims, Wei Long. But sometimes, the truth isn't as black and white as it seems. You made a serious mistake today, and it won't be easily forgotten."

For the first time, doubt gnawed at Wei Long's unwavering belief in Xu Feng's narrative. Was everything he thought a lie? Had he been manipulated, used as a pawn in someone else's game?

The act of heaven he expected – public outrage, praise for his bravery, Su Xian's admiration – had turned into a nightmare. He was now branded a reckless fool, his actions potentially derailing his future.

The weight of the officer's words hit Wei Long like a physical blow. "The things you've done now are something you can't be freed from," she stated, her voice devoid of emotion but heavy with consequence. "Attacking workers without any valid reason, against the law... you'll be facing prosecution for this. For now, you're going to spend the next few days in a cell."

Wei Long's bravado crumbled. The hero's narrative he'd woven in his head, fueled by manipulation and misplaced trust, had unraveled in the face of truth. His anger, directed at the wrong people, had landed him in a situation he couldn't escape.

His mind raced with questions. Who had truly manipulated him? What was the real reason behind the project's cancellation? Was he just a pawn in a larger game, played by unseen forces? He had no answers, only a gnawing sense of regret.

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