/ Fantasy / My mate is my sisters boyfriend

My mate is my sisters boyfriend Original

My mate is my sisters boyfriend

Fantasy 16 Chapters 47.7K Views
Author: TB1999

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I've always known that I was a werewolf. I've grown up in a werewolf household, surrounded by a pack, an extremely large and powerful pack. I'm 17 and I don't usually go to boring pack meetings. I enjoy the occasional Friday night party and chilling with my friends. My family isn't top ranking and we're never 'expected' to attend any important meetings. That's why I've never gotten the chance to meet our new alpha. All I know is that his name is Alpha Kyle and he’s one of the most powerful alphas out there. Oh and that he's dating my sister. So I'll meet him soon enough.

No One 17 and Under Admitted


  1. Alice_Holdaway
    Alice_Holdaway Contributed 200
  2. Kaitlyn_Alderman
    Kaitlyn_Alderman Contributed 160
  3. Rickie_Lucas
    Rickie_Lucas Contributed 160


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    Author TB1999