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64.28% My new vampire family / Chapter 9: Slaves for life

Chapter 9: Slaves for life

Since all the reviews on chap 9,10 and 11 were negatives , i decided to take those chapters out of the story and rewrite it.

I hope you will enjoy the story !


"You will keep your minds clear under hypnosis."

As I said that light returned to their eyes, and I continued.

"Get naked " I said to Zarall which became frustrated .

"You … I won't do that! " She said fuming, but her body was already moving "eh!? Why is my body moving on its own?"

As she was getting undressed , her father glared at me "Why are you doing this , your mother placed a pact on you , you can't do anything with her."

"I know" I said while smiling. "I'm just enjoying the view"

As I said that , I could feel the glare of the father and daughter duo while the girl whispered

"Bastard…" while blushing

As she was now naked , I could admire the beauty in front of me who was blushing, she had a skin with a healthy glow , it was quite different to mother's skin and Nissa brown skin, as I was watching her , she moved her wings to wrap her body so that I could not see it.

"What are you embarrassed to show your body to a man?" I asked her grinning as I ordered her to move her wings away with hypnosis.

As I gave her the order , I could see her eyes turns cold towards me.

"You call yourself a man?" she said coldly "You barely look like you're 12 and what man would use hypnosis on a betrothed woman."

"Me" I said as a ordered her to shut up.

Now I could go back to admiring her body, she had a very firm breast and a athletic body , you could see that she was training hard , her beautiful blond hair went down to her bottom and she had a beautiful, yet to be used , hairless pussy.

As I watched her body for a moment , thinking about what I could do with them as mother placed a pact on me that made me unable to touch her when she was my servant , an idea come to my mind.

I watched her in the eyes as an evil grin surfaced on my lips, seeing this smile , she could feel that I was up to no good and fear crossed her eyes.

"From now on , the both of you will be my slaves forever , you cannot defy any of my order and must remain loyal to me."

<this order cannot be executed as one of the two target is too strong for you.>

As I watched the notification in front of me, I blushed as I did not expect this to happen , and the girl was already glaring at me while her father felt that something was amiss.

Embarrassed , I gave this command to the girl only and acted as if nothing happened.

Now I had to think about a way to bind her father , as I could not do it myself.

"If you try to tell anyone about your daughter's hypnosis , you will lose your mind while trying and try to kill anyone around you , starting with your daughter if she's here."

As I gave this order , I could feel a headache attacking me as I used all my mana.

As soon as she felt that the hypnosis was not on her anymore , Zarall got dressed while her father blocked my view .

Sighing , I told them to leave and went to sleep.

The next morning ,I took breakfast with Mother and Nissa, followed mother for our training lessons , I could see my 2 servants who were glaring at me with murderous intent , smiling at them as If nothing happened, I spent my day training my blood control on them , I also learned the healing blood that mother spoke off and as such I completed the last quest the system gave me.

<Quest completed


-400 exp

-3 stats points

-Light resistance(low)>

<New quest:

Kill your first being.


-1000 exp

-10 stats points

-Learning booster pill (a pill that will increase the learning speed of a stat of your choice by 20%)

'you're quite late you know ? I had my first kill a long time ago.' I though while seeing the quest, ' and since my training is solely on the two angels , I won't kill anyone anytime soon.

I did not do anything noticeable for some days , I trained on the angels who were now showing a lot of pain during my training .

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