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Chapter 15: Villain's First Night

Taking in a deep breath to calm my nerves as I looked down through the museum's skylight. It was a saturday night and there were a huge amount of people coming in to view the exhibits. Last month they got in a new and extremely popular exhibit called Era of Heroes, it was about the famous Heroes and Villains of the past two centuries. And was also my first target.

I honestly couldn't think of a better way to make my debut as a Villain then by stealing a bunch of Hero paraphernalia. Even though the exhibit had been here for the past month people were surging in again since it was about to be packed up and sent to it's next destination.

And the place with the most viewers was the crown jewel of the entire event, which surprisingly wasn't something from the ancient past but, something much more current. It was All Might's original Hero outfit, which had kindly donated.

It was housed inside a bullet proof protective case as well as being guarded by several lower ranking Heroes who were volunteering their time. But, there was a huge glaring weakness in their protection.

All that protection was mostly just for show since no one expected a Villain to actually appear to try and steal some dusty old clothes and equipment. And because of that even though everything looked secure on the surface the actual people doing the guarding were lax.

They even kept the key to the bullet proof case inside the museums director's desk inside an office that didn't even lock. I had already snuck in and made a copy of the key several days ago.

Making a handsign to activate a jutsu and flashed out of sight.

Down in the museum a layer of mist slowly started to for, it happened suddenly. One moment everything was fine and the next you couldn't even see your hand in front of your face. The Hero who was in charge of security hit the alarm and the museums few guards rushed around trying to find out what was happening.Of course by then it was far too late.

Suddenly the mist cleared and I was standing on top of the now empty case holding All Might's suit over my shoulder.

"It's a Villain" the crowds began to panic!

Chaos erupted with people trying to get out of the museum as quickly as possible with only a few brave souls sticking nearby watching.

"Halt Villain" the Hero guarding the museum appeared in front of me "return All Might's suit now and surrender immediately!"

"How about no" I poof'd the suit into one of my Storage Seals.

His face turned red "give that back" as he rushed me!

I easily sidestepped him avoiding his punch but, noticed small lights flickering behind him with my Sharingan. Jumping into several acrobatic flips I weaved through the air landing near the exit.

He turned to face me shocked "you dodged my strings!"

"Yep, though even if you did manage to tie me up I could have easily escaped" I saluted him and ran off.

I could hear him hot on my tail using his strings to proprel himself forward by attaching them to the walls and pulling himself forward. He waved his hand towards me sending out waves of strings from his finger tips to try and ensnare me. But, I easily dodged through them all.

He might have the same power as Doflamingo from One Piece but, he had no where near the same ammount of power.

I burst out through the main doors and out into the street hearing people still screaming about a Villain inside the museum. Jumping up to the rooftops I decided to take this fight away from the civilians so the Heroes wouldn't have to hold back. The so far unnamed hero followed right behing me by launching himself up like Spider-Man.

We began a heated chase across the city with him launching volley's of strings at me that I was having to constantly avoid. I was glad I bought the Sharingan since it would have been a pain to dodge his strings without it, I still could have done it but, it would have been annoying.

Through the entire chase I made sure to keep a good distance between us while making sure not to lose him. My goal was to stall for time until one of the big name Heroes arrived.

I kept playing with him for a couple more minutes before something finally happened. My instincts screamed at me and I used my Chakra to hold my feet to the ground and threw myself backwards just in time to see a thin needle zoom past where my torso used to be.

I turned back grinning because I knew who just attacked me and honestly it couldn't have been a more appropriate to face on my first night out.

Edgeshot who had lodged himself into a wall unfolded himself and pulled himself and pulled his arm out with a "shink."

He turned to face me and seemed to notice my outfit "It's ninja vs ninja, then? This'll be good for publicity at least, so try not to lose too quickly."

His arm blured "fast!" Was all I had time to think before his attack clashed against my sword. I let out a sigh of relief that I drew my sword the second he showed up. Using the split seconf before he attacked again I went over everything I knew about him.

Edgeshot: The Ninja Hero was currently the 6th Ranked Hero and had a Quirk called Foldabody, that allowed him to stretch and fold his body like he was a piece of origami. And it was common knowledge that when he pushed himself to the limit he could break the speed of sound with his attacks. Which was a bit much for me at the moment since I only had the first Tomoe of the Sharingan.

"Ninpo: Flowing Blades!" He sent a flurry of strikes at me that I hurried to deflect. He narrowed his eyes since the number of Villains that could block his Flowing Blades could be counted on a single hand. It wasn't by any means his strongest attack but, it was one of his faster consecutive attacks.

Counter attacking I unsealed some Shuriken from my seals and sent them flying at him.

"Ninpo: Whirlwind Shield!" Edgeshot whipped his arms in a frenzy and blocked the dozens of Shuriken.

While he was distracted I leaped down from the building and took of weaving in and out of alleys, I didn't hold back an moved at my full speed. I was curious to see just how good a Top 10 ranked Hero was.

Running into a dead end I hesitated a moment and a razor sharp blade pierced through my stomach. I could tell how amazingly aimed his attack was it slid right passed important organs and avoided hitting and important veins and arteries.

"Poof" Edgeshot was astonished when I transformed into a wooden log that clattered to the ground.

"Bet you can't do that" I tapped him on the shoulder before ducking down to avoid his attack as he slashed at me.

"Whoa, watch where you point those things! I almost got a paper cut" I quiped before running away again.

We continued through the streets and I had to put alot more effort in to dodge his attacks than I did with the other Hero who had long since been left in the dust.

"Give back All Might's suit" he yelled! "It's a national treasure!"

"Yeah, no" I laughed while blocking a bladed kick and countering with more Shuriken. Our fight had been going on for a while now and it was getting close to end it. I decided to start prepairing for my grand finale.

"It's Fine Now Because I Am Here" A booming voice rang out causing me to curse.

"Weren't you supposed to be out of town tonight" I used Body Flicker to the limit to move out of the way of the incoming attack just barely getting out of the blast radius in time? "That's literaly the entire reason I chose tonight to make my move!"

"I'm sorry for ruining your plans Villain but, JUSTICE NEVER RESTS! I finished my work early and was going home for a well deserved rest, so you can imagine my suprise when I hear that some upstart Villain has stolen my old uniform."

I shrugged "you didn't ruin my plans exactly but, I wasn't planning on facing you for a while. You gotta save the best for last you know. Oh, not so fast Edgeshot" I noticed him about to make a move while I was distracted by All Might.

I actived the small Seal I placed on him when I tapped his shoulder, causing him to groan and collapse to the ground.

"Edgeshot" All Might shouted out and appeared at his side catching him! "What did you do to him Villain!?"

"Relax, he'll be fine he just won't be able to move for a little while. Now it seems like it's time for me to go" I said taking not of the rapidly approaching sirens.

"As if I'll let you leave" All Might gently placed Edgeshot down. "It is my job as the Symbol of Peace to stop you!" All Might blinked away and was right in front of me throwing an intimidating lairiat All Might was far too fast for me to even think about dodging and I knew that if I tried to block I would be blown away. Luckily, I already made preperations the second All Might appeared.

His attack landed but, instead of the devistating impact All Might was used to his attacked passed right through me and my body rippled before dissapearing.

"What" All Might was confused because he was sure I had some sort of Paralysis Quirk?

"All Might" I shouted after appearing on a nearby roof "I hope you were paying attention! Because, this is the day you will always remember as the day you almost caught The White Fang!"

I activated a couple of Seals I had a Shadow Clone place earlier back when Edgeshot was still chasing me. They erupted with an intense glow before firing a blast of light high into the air.

I smirked because even though they were relatively simple Seals I poured the max amount of Chakra possible into them to get the biggest effect. Once the balls of light where high above the city I they detonated but, not into an explosion but, into the silhouette of a fierce looking blue wolf with it's mouth shaped into a snarl showing it's gleaming teeth. Underneath the wolf were the words White Fang.

I took a look at All Might who was gaping at my fireworks and I couldn't blame him, my seals blotted out the sky and there was no way everyone in the city didn't see it. I wanted to make an impression my first night out and this seemed like it would do the trick.

"I have no idea how you accomplished this Villain but, it doesn't change the fact that you still need to escape from m-"

I poof'd away in a cloud of smoke leaving All Might alone midspeech. He blushed as the still paralyzed Edgeshot let out a silent sigh.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I flipped through my window and landed onmy bed laughing, that was every bit the adrenaline rush I'd hoped it would be.

Not being able to wait I flipped open phone and check social media and I could see that The White Fang was already trending. My stunt would definitely make me the most well known Villain in Japan, especially since I managed to escape from All Might. And I even accomplished my other main goal besides making myself well known. I managed to get an accurate gauge on the Pro Heroes strength.

I did a quick internet search and found out that the Hero I first fought was named Thread and was the 43rd Ranked Hero. From my short fight with him I could tell that his strength was around high Chunin, he was a bit strong but, nothing extrodinary. Next was Edgeshot his high speed movement combined with his experience and fighting skill definitely made him a Jonin. I only managed to get the drop on him due to him not knowing my abilities, if we were on an even playing field it would be a toss up as to who would win.

I would make sure not to underestimate any of the Pro Heroes because the more we faught the more they would get used to me.

And Lastely was All Might the speed and power he showed during our fight were definitely at Elite Jonin levels, and I knew that wasn't his maximum. He was most likely holding back because he didn't want to hurt too badly if he went all out there was no doubt in my mind that All Might had at least Low Kage strength, though it may very well be higher.

I also reflected on my battle, one of the main things they drilled into us at the Academy was to look back on every battle to find out what you did well and what you could do better.

Everything about my fight with Thread went well aside from the very beggining when he almost caught me off guard with his strings. If I didn't catch the light glinting off of them with my Sharingan I might have been in trouble.

I did pretty good against Edgeshot too I was capable of dodging or blocking most of his attacks and I got the drop on him with the Replacment Jutsu and secretly placed a Seal on him,

Speaking of which my Paralysis Seal was a complete success I spent a huge ammount of Points not long ago to buy a technique that would let me use my Seals in combat more effectively. And was called Chakra Seals and was an Uzamaki technique, it was actually what Minato used to place his Flying Thunder God Seal on Obito during their fight after he released the Ninetails. The Technique itself wasn't all that complicated it just takes a huge ammount of Chakra Control. Using a special method to mold your Chakra you form a Chakra Brand that you can place on a person.

The Technique is goob but, it only lets you place the Chakra Brands onto to living flesh, which is why Minato still used his special Kunai instead of just branding his Seals onto ordinary Kunai. The best part of the Technique was that it was permanent so from now on I'll be able to incapacitate Edgeshot whenever I want. Even better is that when the small amount of Chakra I put into the Paralysis Seal fades the Seal will become invisible and he won't even know it's there!

Onto my fight with All Might I wasn't paying enough attention to my surrondings and his first attack nearly ended me. If I hadn't pushed myself to the limit with my Body Flicker he would have got me and I was still a bit sore from overcharging my muscles.

After All Might appeared the very first thing I did was put him under a Genjustu a small one that he wouldn't be able to distinguish from reality. I did that instead of just paralyzing him too fot two reasons. The first being that I didn't want to reveal all my abilities too soon, and the second reason was that I wasn't 100% sure it would work on him or not.

In the Sports Festival Arc of the show Midoriya who had One For All escaped the mind control of Shinso using the consciousnesses of the past useres of the Quirk. So I knew that they existed inside All Might and was a bit worried that they might be able to help him escape a Genjutsu just like a Jinchuriki's Tailed Beast. Which is why I used a simpler technique hoping they wouldn't notice anything was wrong.

All in all I didn't think I could ask for a more successful first night, and I was sure that by this time tommorow everyone would be talking about me.

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