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My Peaceful Life My Peaceful Life original

My Peaceful Life

Author: LordAinzSama

© WebNovel

My... Peaceful Life?

"Getting the subtraction inside the equation will make it easier for you to understand the solution to the problem..."

Inside a school, a teacher is teaching the students mathematics.

While the teacher is talking about the easier ways to solve the kinds of problems, some students are sleeping while some of them are just listening in.

"And by dividing the first given nu- HEY YOU, PAY ATTENTION TO THE CLASS!"

The teacher spots a sleeping student who is sitting next to the windows, and begins to yell at him.

This student seems to have blond hair and a fair complex.

"W-WHOA?!" The student is suddenly awoken by the teacher, causing him to shout in panic.

When the student suddenly woke up, his blue pearl like eyes were exposed for everyone to see.

His panicked behavior seems to cause a minor commotion inside the classroom, as some students begin to snicker while some go silent in fear of the angry teacher snapping at them.

"Hanase-kun, how can you be this insistant on sleeping in the class! I have warned you several times, yet you still insist on sleeping in class! Don't you know that it's your responsibility to study and learn while you're at school? How will I explain this kind of behavior when your parents come for a parent-teacher meeting next time?"

"S-sorry teach, I was just kind of tired due to staying up overnight..."

The teacher reprimanded the student while he unhappily scratched the back of his head in an embarrassed manner.

While the duo of teacher and student were having their discussion, the student sitting in front of the blond student was lightly scratching the page of his notebook.

The student had a black hair which was wavy at the ends of his strands. The only special thing which the student possessed about his complexion was his amber eyes and handsome face. But the charm of his handsomeness was mostly tucked under his cold, unfriendly complexion.

His casual expression did not give away the annoyance he felt, but only If one were to be a psychic, one could possibly understand his dissatisfaction by reading his mind.

'Why you little... you just had to sleep at the subject which I needed to study upon! If you're so hellbent on sleeping in class, at least don't get caught!

And you, teacher, the hell are you doing by just reprimanding him in the middle of the class. Just throw him out of the class and reprimand him after the lesson if you really want to! And what's with the tones of your voices, do you two have to speak so damn loud?!

I just wish to learn the formula which can easily solve the problem, is that really too much of a thing to ask of you?!'


While the dissatisfied student complained inside of his head, the school bell suddenly rang.

As if they were waiting for the school bell, the expressions of the students lit up with brimming happiness as they slowly began to stand up from their respected seats.

"Alright students, I'll see you all tomorrow." The teacher also swiftly made her exit right after she shot a one last glance towards the blond student.

"" Goodbye teacher! "" The students said in unison as they began to pack up and leave the school building.

Some went to their homes, while some got together in order to hang out in the arcade or just stroll around the town park or something.

'Tch, damn you Hanase, I hope you slip on a puddle!' The amber eyed student carefully stuffed his belongings inside of his bag and harshly got up from his seat.

As soon as he got up, his eyebrows shot up slightly!

He seemed to realize something...

The student casually turned... towards... towards the camera?!

"Shoo, shoo. Get away from me."

The student with the amber eyes made a dismissive gesture with his hand.

"I am already in a negative mood, so just leave me be and don't be an extra bother."

The student then began to exit the school building with an annoyed expression on his face.

While he was walking out of the school building, his eyes stealthily gazed towards the camera, before his steps suddenly became more hastened.

And as soon as he turned a corner...






As he is running away, the camera is quickly closing in on the distance between the two, and we can finally see the athletic style which the student carries with him while he is swiftly trying to escape from our scope of view.

But that's wishful thinking!

You believe that you are fast enough to run away from the mighty camera?

Pfft, don't make me laugh!

Run your mother! Not even deities are capable of such a feat, what makes you think your puny athletic abilities can make your succeed!?

While the chase of cat and mouse was on the play, the student suddenly stops dead in his tracks.

Hahahaha, that's better, you finally realized that you were not a match for the all powerful ca- Eh?

The student stopped on the sidewalks, while the momentum of the camera caused it's inability to stop in time and drift into the road, where a speeding car suddenly crashed into it!



The camera screams as it is launched mid-air.

While the camera was swiftly launched away, the car seemed to remain unaffected and unharmed as it drove away from the crime scene without giving a single care.

"Hmph, that's why looking left and right before walking through the road is important." The student sneered as he turned back and began to walk away once more.

While flying through the air, the camera suddenly comes into a stop before it dashes towards it's initial target as it complains to itself.

What the hell was that?!

Aren't you supposed to get hit by car-kun and get flashed into another world?!

Why the hell did I crash into the car instead?!




Following which, the camera returns back towards the student once again.

Feeling the return of the camera, the student turns around with a dissatisfied expression.

"Oi, don't you have anything better to do than to watch/read me? Why can't you just let me go?"

But unlike the usual, the camera does not respond to his dismissive question...

"... What, are you giving me the silent treatment?"


"...Or perhaps your conscience somewhat disappeared? That would be both intriguing and satisfactory."


The camera does not answer and simply stays in it's multi dimensional and formless existence...

I mean, the camera did not have a solid shape from the beginning of the chapter anyways, so how did it even collide against the speeding car in the first place?.. Oh well, not my problem~

The student suddenly shudders due to some unknown reason before he looks around in suspicion, "W-what was I doing... talking to myself, maybe?"

It seemed like the brief memories which he had with the camera had been swiftly erased.

After a little bit of contemplation, the student simply shrugged the weird situation off as some kind of trick of the mind. He was really not one of those people who would be skeptical towards the supernatural, so it was natural that he thought so little about this weird inconvenience. Following his conclusion, he began to peacefully walk back towards his house once again.


While he was walking, the student suddenly starts to introduce himself.

"...Do I really have to do that?"



The student heaves a heavy breath before he begins to speak, "My name is Gira Hayato. I like my peaceful and normal life. I dislike dangerous and annoying things, along with things which hinder my normal peaceful life, like you."


"If you really insist on knowing my unimportant information which will be of no use to you, you should know that my only aim in this life is to spend it as easy and happy as possible. And by easy and happy, I mean that I wish to spend my life free of problems and hardships. I study, play games, watch videos, and do what I enjoy to do. I have no extreme motives, nor do I wish to become a person that stands out from the others. As far as I'm concerned, standing out from other people will bring more and more attention towards me, and together with attention, problems and hardships will follow suit. Even if I were to be given an opportunity, becoming an important person that belongs to the upper echelons of the hierarchy would be something that I would absolutely refuse, as I already have achieved my peaceful and stable life."

"That information which I have bothered to speak about is all that you are getting out from me... As for my hobbies and other information, they are of no concern to you."

After he finished his short speech, Hayato heaved a sigh of relief as he gestured with his hand, "Ah, now that I have merrily played along with your introduction game, please find someone else to bother now!"

"Based off on my self-description, you must have a decent degree of understanding on my style of thinking. Which means that you should realize that all of your actions are useless in convincing me to commit to something other than my own life. Your actions are serving only to become a bother for me to deal with, and that creates a con with no pro's to be benefited from. So nobody can gain anything from it, it is useless!"

Hayato then continued to walk back towards his house with quick steps.

"Farewell, let us never meet ever again~"

But while he was walking, a sudden purple light quickly flashed in front of him before diving straight into his glabella!


This sudden course of events caused Hayato to get startled, but too bad for him, his field of vision quickly spun around in circles, creating afterimages as his vision began to turn pitch white~

"N-no!" Hayato exclaimed as he reached forwards.

Something felt like it had knocked on Hayato's chest lightly, but that light tap caused him to swiftly lose his footing and slip backwards.

But instead of the much anticipated cracking noise, Hayato gently levitated mid air, as if in a relaxing bed made out of wind and white light resembling the gentle sunshine.

"C-crap... must call.. 911...." Hayato's last words mumbled out of his mouth as he lost his consciousness.

LordAinzSama LordAinzSama

Give the 0th chapter your thoughts?

I am genuinely curious if you want more.

Also I just had surgery, so yeah~

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