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Chapter 51: Chapter 51

Joon briskly walked down the corridor, determined to reach Jiyeh's office before her next appointment began. Passing familiar faces and weaving through bustling hallways, he finally arrived on schedule. Outside Jiyeh's door, he found Team 2's Leader and Beomsuk stationed as guards. Beomsuk couldn't resist asking, "What kept you so long in the CEO's office, Joon?" — unaware of Team 2's Leader's disapproval.

A subtle cough from Team 2's Leader silenced Beomsuk, who received the message to return to work. Their eyes met, silently agreeing to catch up later. Joon nodded and proceeded toward Jiyeh's door, aware that time was ticking away.

Knocking lightly, Joon announced, "Ma'am, it's almost time for your next appointment." Inside, Jiyeh checked her watch, realizing the imminent schedule. She quickly prepared herself, readying to step out.

As she opened the door, her gaze met Joon's, locking for a moment. Team 2's Leader and Beomsuk observed the exchange, uncertain of their roles in the unfolding moment. Finally, Jiyeh broke the silence, acknowledging their reunion. "It's been a while. I'm glad to see you've recovered well," she greeted.

Joon responded with a light smile, reciprocating the sentiment. "Likewise, Ma'am. It's good to see you again," he replied warmly. Their exchange created a palpable atmosphere, prompting Team 2's Leader and Beomsuk to feel they were intruding on a private moment.

Confusion clouded Team 2's Leader's thoughts as he observed the unexpected interaction. "Since when have they been so... friendly?" he pondered aloud, puzzled by the sudden shift in dynamics between Joon and Jiyeh.

"Let's go, lead the way.". Jiyeh suddenly shifted to seriousness, prompting three of them to escort and lead her to the convoy. They walked in formation with Jiyeh in the middle, once again they passed through hallways with employees used to this sight, they only glanced and continued their way. They all eventually arrived outside, with the convoy waiting for them, they all went inside the car, few minutes later the convoy started to drive off.

As the convoy rumbled along, Jiyeh turned to Joon, her gaze piercing. "I heard the CEO called you. What was discussed?" she inquired, her tone demanding an answer. The occupants in the front seats also leaned in, curious about the CEO's summons, awaiting Joon's response.

Joon, though caught off guard, remained composed. "I'm sorry, Ma'am, but my conversation with the CEO is confidential," he replied, his tone firm. His words were met with surprise inside the car, particularly from Jiyeh, who frowned in dissatisfaction at his refusal to share details.

Unsatisfied with Joon's response, Jiyeh reached for her phone, a determined expression on her face. "If you won't tell me, I'll ask him myself," she declared, dialing her grandfather's number. The sudden turn of events left the others in the car equally surprised by Jiyeh's bold move.

As Joon puzzled over Jiyeh's persistence, he couldn't help but marvel at her determination. "Does my conversation with him really bother her that much?" he mused, mentally scratching his head at her unwavering curiosity. Meanwhile, Jiyeh held the phone to her ear, eagerly awaiting her grandfather's response.

In the CEO's office, the busy executive was interrupted by the ringing of his phone. Upon seeing Jiyeh's caller ID, he answered with a mix of surprise and intrigue. "Hello, Jiyeh. What's the reason for this unexpected call?" he inquired, wondering what could have prompted her to reach out.

Jiyeh wasted no time in getting to the heart of the matter. "Grandfather, I heard you called one of my bodyguards. Can you tell me what the two of you discussed?" Her directness caught the CEO off guard, prompting him to wonder why she was delving into his private conversations.

After a moment of contemplation, the CEO decided to assert his authority. "Jiyeh, I'm sorry, but my conversation with him is not your concern. Furthermore, its contents are private and will remain so," he stated firmly, leaving no room for argument. With that, he promptly ended the call, unwilling to entertain any further inquiries.

Jiyeh was taken aback by her grandfather's response, never expecting him to echo Joon's refusal to divulge details. Despite her frustration at the failed plan, she managed to calm herself with a few deep breaths. Observing her demeanor, those around her sensed that things hadn't gone as she had hoped.

The convoy continued on its journey without incident, with Jiyeh maintaining a quiet demeanor throughout. She remained silent, her thoughts consumed by the unexpected turn of events. This silence persisted until the final schedule of the night, just as Joon was preparing to end his shift and head home.

As Joon was about to leave, a colleague stopped him in his tracks, leaving him puzzled by the interruption. It was a rare occurrence for him to be detained at work, and he couldn't help but wonder about the reason behind it. "Is there something urgent?" he inquired, seeking clarification from his colleague.

His colleague hesitated before responding, revealing, "Team 2's Leader asked me to call you. He needs to speak with you about something." Joon was taken aback by the unexpected summons, his mind racing with possibilities. Could it be related to Jiyeh? he wondered as he made his way toward Team 2's Leader's location, knowing that only direct communication would provide the answers he sought.

As he approached Jiyeh's office, Joon was met by Team 2's Leader. Without a preamble, Joon cut to the chase. "Hello again, Sir. What's the reason for calling me back?" His tone conveyed his desire for a swift explanation, eager to wrap up his workday.

Team 2's Leader, aware of Joon's impatience, wasted no time in responding. "The Director wants to speak with you privately," he stated tersely, opening the door to Jiyeh's office. Motioning for Joon to enter, he allowed no room for further discussion.

Stepping into the room, Joon found Jiyeh seated in an unusual spot, away from her desk and near the window, where she sat sipping tea. An empty chair beckoned him to join her. Without hesitation, he took his seat, prompting Jiyeh to get straight to the point.

"Why did you call me, Ma'am?" Joon inquired, settling into his chair. Jiyeh, her demeanor serious, set down her teacup and fixed her gaze on him. "I summoned you for one reason alone: to learn about your conversation with my grandfather. Such private summons from him are unprecedented."

Joon couldn't shake off his bewilderment at Jiyeh's persistence. "Is this really such a big deal to her?" he pondered silently, meeting her unwavering gaze with a mixture of confusion and frustration. Eventually, he decided to address her directly, hoping to bring some resolution to the matter.

"Ma'am, forgive me for being blunt, but why are you so insistent on this?" he questioned, his tone a blend of curiosity and exasperation. "My conversation with the CEO was brief and inconsequential. If you're so determined to know, it was merely about compensation, a personal matter between him and me. As for my inquiries, they're not relevant to your concerns."

With that said, Joon rose from his seat, his patience wearing thin as he made his way towards the door. He was eager to leave, feeling that his time had been wasted on an unnecessary confrontation when he could be at home, resting.

Just as he was about to grasp the door handle, Jiyeh's voice broke the silence that enveloped the room. "I apologize for calling you at this time," her words carried a softer tone now, laced with a touch of regret. "I only wanted to know because I heard rumors about a potential transfer to Team 1," she explained, her voice betraying a hint of concern. "Given the current shortage of members in that team and your exemplary performance during the recent incident, I thought they might consider moving you there."

Joon came to an abrupt stop, his steps arrested by Jiyeh's unexpected revelation. "To Team 1?" His internal monologue raced with incredulity. "No way would I accept that. I have no desire to work abroad," he affirmed firmly, his resolve echoing resolutely in his mind. Despite his firm stance, he found himself unable to dismiss his growing curiosity about Jiyeh's sudden interest in his potential transfer.

"Am I that important for Team 2?" he wondered aloud, his gaze meeting hers as he awaited her response. Jiyeh's response, though unexpected, struck a chord within him, leaving him momentarily speechless.

"Yes," she affirmed, her voice sincere as she looked directly at him. "Out of all the bodyguards I've encountered, you're the best. Though you may not be operating at your fullest extent, having you by my side makes me feel secure."

Joon was taken aback by her candid admission, his mind reeling at the implications behind her words. However, he chose to maintain his composure, offering a simple yet heartfelt response. "Thank you, Ma'am, for placing your trust in me," he replied respectfully before making his exit, leaving Jiyeh alone to contemplate their conversation.

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