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Chapter 60: Chapter 60

As the files painstakingly transferred to his phone, Joon watched the progress bar inch forward, each passing second feeling like an eternity. The anticipation was palpable as he waited for the crucial evidence to secure in his possession. With each file that filled his phone's storage, he felt the weight of his mission pressing down on him.

When the transfer was finally completed, Joon wasted no time. He swiftly disconnected his phone from the computer, tucking it securely into his pocket. With a sense of urgency, he navigated the interface to power down the computer, ensuring no trace of his presence remained.

With the task completed, Joon rose from his seat, the chair scraping softly against the floor as he positioned it back in its original place. Casting a final glance around the room, he confirmed that nothing was amiss before striding purposefully towards the window door leading to the balcony.

Emerging onto the balcony, Joon's gaze swept over the tranquil surroundings, scanning for any signs of movement or patrols. Satisfied that the coast was clear, he cautiously swung one leg over the railing, his eyes fixed on the ground below. With a measured breath, he assessed the distance, mentally calculating the trajectory of his descent.

Bracing himself against the balcony with one hand, Joon lowered his body, his muscles tense with anticipation. As he inched closer to the edge, he shifted his weight, gradually easing himself over the railing. With each passing moment, the ground loomed closer, its proximity a stark reminder of the risks inherent in his daring escape.

With a final glance upwards, Joon released his grip on the balcony, his body plummeting towards the earth below. The rush of wind whipped past him, the ground hurtling towards him with alarming speed. In a split-second decision, he extended his arm, reaching out to break his fall.

As he made contact with the ground, a muffled thud echoed through the night air, the impact absorbed by the soft earth beneath him. With a silent exhale of relief, Joon rose to his feet, his senses on high alert as he scanned the surroundings for any signs of alarm.

Thankfully, the sound of his landing went unnoticed, the darkness of the night providing ample cover for his clandestine activities. With a swift glance over his shoulder, Joon melted into the shadows, disappearing into the night with the files clenched tightly in his grasp.

Joon stealthily retraced his steps to the entry point, moving with calculated precision to avoid detection. Crouching low, he navigated through the dense foliage of the bushes, their shadows providing much-needed cover in the darkness. Every rustle and crunch of leaves beneath his feet made him hold his breath, conscious of the need for silence.

Arriving at the wall, Joon paused to assess its height, tilting his head back to gauge the daunting ascent. Despite the risk of noise, he resolved to take a bold approach. With a surge of determination, he propelled himself forward, sprinting with controlled urgency before launching himself upwards, muscles straining as he aimed to scale the barrier in a swift, yet soundless motion.

With a mighty leap, Joon soared upward, his muscles straining with the effort. As his feet connected with the pillar, he pushed off with all his might, using the added momentum to propel himself even higher. Fingers grazing the edge of the wall, he gripped it tightly, his heart pounding with anticipation. With a swift heave, he hoisted himself up and over the barrier, his movements smooth and practiced.

Descending on the other side, Joon landed with a soft thud, the impact reverberating through his body. Ignoring the discomfort, he pressed onward, his focus unwavering as he moved stealthily toward his car. Each step was deliberate, every sense heightened to the maximum, attuned to the slightest hint of movement.

Passing through the surrounding vegetation with purpose, Joon's singular goal was clear: to return home and bring an end to the night's escapade. With meticulous care, he removed leaves and dirt from his clothing, his gaze lingering on the path he had just traversed.

"Well, that was something," he murmured to himself, a sense of relief washing over him. "Thankfully, luck must be on my side today."

Taking a moment to reflect on his daring feat, Joon marveled at his narrow escape. Despite a few close calls, he had managed to evade capture, a testament to his skill and determination. With a final glance backward, he silently vowed to tread even more carefully in the future.

Beside his car, Joon brushed off the remaining debris clinging to his clothes, a testament to the night's tumultuous events. Glancing at his wristwatch, he muttered to himself, "Nearly 4 am. I'm utterly exhausted."

Reflecting on the whirlwind of the past 24 hours—engaging in physical altercations, navigating through intense emotions, and executing a daring infiltration—Joon couldn't help but shake his head in disbelief. With a weary sigh, he approached his vehicle, unlocked it, and slipped into the driver's seat with a sense of urgency.

Starting the engine without delay, Joon wasted no time in setting off for his apartment. The empty streets afforded him the opportunity to pick up speed, the absence of other vehicles allowing him to navigate more freely. While mindful of speed limits and traffic enforcement, he pushed the accelerator with a determined vigor, eager to shorten his journey home.

With each passing mile, the cityscape blurred by in a haze of streetlights and shadows. Relieved to be out of harm's way, Joon pressed on, his focus fixed on the comforting familiarity of his own abode awaiting him at the journey's end.

Arriving at his apartment with a blur of speed, Joon expertly maneuvered his car into a parking spot, executing the maneuver with precision. With a tired sigh of relief, he removed the mask from his face and stepped out of the vehicle, closing the door with a firm click.

Yawning as he made his way toward his home, Joon's tired eyes scanned the surroundings, noting the lone figures patrolling the area. One of them caught sight of him and offered a friendly wave, to which Joon responded with a forced smile, masking his inner turmoil. "Please don't come and talk to me," he silently pleaded, even as he returned the gesture with a wave of his own. In this situation, he gains Pretense + but doesn't care about it as he just wants to go home.

Increasing his pace, Joon hastened his steps, eager to escape further interaction. As he entered the building, a sense of relief washed over him, though the patrolling figure outside remained briefly puzzled by his sudden departure before resuming their rounds.

Inside his apartment, Joon wasted no time shedding his jacket, tossing it carelessly to the ground as he walked. With practiced ease, he undressed while making his way to the couch, where he flopped down face-first in exhaustion. Retrieving his phone from his pocket, he placed it on the nearby table before succumbing to the embrace of sleep, unaware of the seismic events his actions would soon set in motion, events that would reverberate throughout the entire country in the days to come.

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