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Chapter 3: The Wall

Mass Effect The Wall

By: BigToFu

Snapping awake, I had to catch myself before as I was on the bottom bunk inside some type of metal room. To the left was a wall, so it was easy to just roll right and onto the floor of the room. Catching myself, I blinked a few times before snatching up the sticky note that was clearly attached to my chest.

To: Dexter Lewis

The note read, to help you keep up with the Krogans, Asari commandos, and all the crazy biotic bullshit. I decided you needed some of the good stuff and hooked you up with Captain America's serum. You are also in luck that this is a new colony outpost so slipping you into the system is easy peasy lemon squeaky. Unfortunately, Murphy, my good buddy ole pal decided he wanted to be an asshole, so now you have to deal with a Batarians raiding party. Five minutes till they land, good luck.

Love: R.O.B.

P.S. There is a hammer underneath your bed.

P.P.S. I got one thousand karma riding on you surviving this shit so don't let me down.

I blinked once, then twice, then three more times before unbridled rage threatened to force its way out from my chest. Not only did the bastard pluck me out of bed, but he had the audacity to pump me full of drugs and then from me in another reality without even the slightest clue on the timeline.

The feelings that were beating inside of my chest were beyond just anger and I was feeling all of it. The time had to have flown out the window as I broke the room apart in my rage at the situation because the booming sound of weapons fire snapped me out of my little fit.


Yeah, I would call that a little fit because what happened next was beyond the little tantrum that happened in my quarters. The booms of gunfire and the crashes as buildings that were brought low had me snap out of the bullshit emo mood quick fast and in a hurry.

Taking the hammer that was beneath the bed, I then ran out of the room following the map that floated over my omnitool. Stalking my way to the front of the barracks, I couldn't help but make a note to myself to cheat outrageously by stealing a ship and going to visit the Geth. I had no fucking clue where I was in the time line, but if I was going to make something of myself, then I would need a lot of fucking firepower and having super robots on my side would really help.

Not only that but the best bait for the Geth was pretty simple. Promise to help with the Quarian situation and help them mesh better in galactic society. Granted, I would be learning right alongside them since the only thing that bastard ROB seemed fit to do was give me standard knowledge and stick me into the database. That means from the memories, I was a fucking grunt, well, i was a super grunt now, but the matter still stands. I was a fucking nobody and I had no clue about the countdown to the end of it all. And if I was being honest with myself, I wasn't about to follow anyone into the jaws of death. If I was going to die, I would die my own man, the follower of none.

Fem Shep or Male Shep, fuck them both, this was my story now and I was about to turn the galaxy on its head.

Those very same musings came to an end as I slided up to the side of the door leading outside. From the helm on the other side of the window. The bastard in the suit saw me, fuck. With quick and daft movements, I leapt upwards and positioned myself above the door frame. One hand held the exit sign while the other held my hammer in hand. Both feet were spread apart on the door bezels, my balance perfect and I could only thank the serum for that.

I would still trade the serum for biotic powers but beggars can't be choosers and all that bullshit.



The door slammed open as the asshole down below cocked his shotgun in excitement. Holding my breath, I watched as he and his two buddies walked inside. One going left and the other bringing up the rear as the asshole with the green strips took the lead.

I waited and thanked my lucky stars that these B movie rejects didn't look up. Damn I was glad that trope carried across the multiverse divide, because what happened next wasn't pretty at all.

Once the back guy with the white stripe on his suit finished his sweep, I pulled my legs in and dropped down on all three as if I was a crazed spider monkey. The hammer in my right came down with a crushing blow, shattering in my hands along with the man's kinetic shields.

Landing lightly on the balls of my feet, I grabbed the collar of his suit and heaved him over with a judo throw towards the leader that was at least six strides away. As he was flying through the air with my toss, I had taken the chance to grab the odd looking knife at his hip.

Using the four eyed asshole as cover, I took the two steps to get at the one with the blue pain stripe across his chest. With one smooth motion jammed the funky looking blade up through the arm that came up reflexively, then through the fat chin and into his skull.

The blade had originally stuck into the armor and forearm, but the extra oomph the serum gave me allowed me to carry through with the motion fully.

Snatching the body up, I twisted around and used him as cover as I charged at the leader who was still sprawled put underneath his minion. He noticed me and the struggle to pull his side arm skyrocketed, but I was already moving. Dropping the minion, I took a leap of faith towards the bastard.

He looked up with all four eyes while I looked down with my two. My arms and legs stretched out around me and for a split second we locked eyes and it was as if eternity itself stretched before us.

Then reality set back in, and I landed on him, both thumbs digging into his lower two eyes as my index fingers dug out the top two. It was funny how my hands inside someone's skull had me reflect on my life before this moment. Before all of this, I was never really able to be the angry kid growing up. Not with having three sisters and a brother all being older than I was. Even if I was the larger one, I had learned early to bottle it all up since being larger ment I left bruises during shuffles or that my size played to my advantage.

Not many people wanted to face the giant six feet two inches black dude stacked with farm boy muscles. Due to that fact most people would just back down once they realized that they had passed me off. That only meant I couldn't do much with all that anger which built up over time. This was unfortunately why the damn broke once I woke up on that bunk.

My fingers dug into the sides of the screaming Batarian by his dome, then slammed his head back down.

I screamed, he screamed, we both had a grand ole time.



Rrrr Aaaggghhh!!


Rrrr Aaaggghhh!!


Rrrr Aaaggghhh!!


The leader's head mulched like an overripe melon, all too easily and I was left still screaming into his pulped mush. For a moment that felt like forever, I stared down at all the blood that was on my hands. Not even a day into this universe and I had already taken three lives. I was about to scream my rage out once more, but that was pushed down deep as the movement from the corner of my vision along with the accompanying shuffling noise had me moving with speed.

Snatching up the hand gun, I commando roll right off the body of the two Batarian. With a twist, I was back up in a classic kneeling position, my arms up, aim perfect, not a twitch or shake to be seen.

Then I checked the fire because it was only an asari and two other humans who were clearly spooked from the looks on their faces. Blinking a few times, I put the gun down but not away as their names jumped to mind.

Huh, that's interesting, that bastard ROB gave me a social life download and basic engineering. Okay, the engineering I could use and the basic school package, hell even the knowledge package on how to fly the shuttles and ships would come in handy.

Gotta admit that even if the ROB was an asshole, he did at least pull through with the shit I would need to know to survive in this hell hole of a reality. Now, I had to pull through on my end and win the fucker his karma point.

With my mind made up, I pointed to one of the Batarian, "bring him over here."

Then without looking back at the trio, I picked up the two that were closest to me and headed for the work room. For a moment, I didn't hear the trio follow so when I dumped the two assholes off and went back to pick up the third, I came into the room with Mike working the discharge port on one out of the two assault rifles that had been tossed aside during the scuffle.

From the way he was handling the damn thing it was clear that he had no fucking clue, not only that but he had already flagged me twice while fucking with the discharge port.

All it took was two swift steps for me to cross the room and back hand that mother fucker for daring to touch my god damn loot.

The fool screamed while holding the now shattered jaw from where he fell onto the floor. Jason, the other skinny little shit that was next to the asari ran over to Mike's side while shooting me a glare.

While I gathered my loot, I noticed how he looked Mike over and filed that for later since it was clear that he had medical training. "What the hell was that for?" Jason all but snarled at me.

Ignoring him for a moment, I made sure both pistols were secured along with the shotgun and booth assault rifles. Once I was set, I turned to look Jason over, "You don't help, you don't get any of the loot, simple as that." Then I shrugged. "I told you to bring the body and none of you even bothered."

"The fuck, this isn't some fucking video game where you can just call dibs on the loot you sick fuck!" Jason snarled out.

Pinching the bridge of my nose, I let out a huff of frustration, "Yeah, no shit Sherlock its not a fucking video game but its also clear that none of you have combat experience. So the least you could have fucking done while I work on saving all our asses was do what I ask instead of running to get the gun that you just might kill yourself with."

Ignoring the shit, I picked up the last body and tossed it over a shoulder, then I stopped at the doorway leading into the bunker, "Asari you got a name and did you at least get some combat training before leaving on your little maiden vacation?"

The blue girl shuffled from one foot to the next then nodded her head a few times, "Giilia D'Linalas."

Looking at her, I gave a nod of the head, "Good, that means you're more than a decent hacker, I'll get us both outta here if you can keep up."

With that, I turned around and made my way into the work room and started the task of stripping the three slaver assholes. While I was doing that I tried very hard to ignore the stray rounds that dinged off the bunker from outside and the sounds of screaming. While I stripped the second body, Gillia decided on where she stood and poked her head into the room.

Waving her over, I showed her the three Omni tools that I had liberated from the dead assholes, "I plan to jury rig a system with these two together, you can keep the third since you are obviously a team that can survive this shit. What I need from you is a quick and dirty hack that will let these work in tandem without problems."

Giilia gave me a wide eye look before giving me a slow nod of the head. Her omnitool popped up a purple field for her to work on and I instantly hated the fucking tech of the future. Hell, it was one thing playing the game and it was another seeing this shit in the real. Talk about breaking operational security and raising all kinds of flags to get shot because you had a massive glowing fucking field up for all to see.

Okay, that I would have to deal with later, for now, I made sure to stripe the third asshole and then checked to see if any of their fucking suits would fit. Unfortunately, ROB or Murphy was a real asshole because none would fit and all I could get on was a fucking chest piece. While my temper and frustration was rising, another shell shock the bunker and I went with the fuck it idea.

Snatching up the medium chest plate, I flipped it over and stripped out the shield modules, the Enzo core and the bio-gel injector. Then with my plan in mind, I went about doing a quick and dirty upgrade to my own shit while Giilia rigged it all to work from my omni. The shields went from sitting around six hundred to around two thousand and I was glad that I grabbed the extra Enzo core and battery.

Once she saw the outcome Giilia was more than happy for me to hit her with the quick and dirty. With the armor prepped, I gave the weapons a quick once over before handing over one of the rifles to Giilia while I kept both pistols, shotgun and placed the other rifle on my back.

I didn't have a helm which I would need to fix, but being in the future allowed me a fancy smart lense which I was planning to abuse to hell and back. The asari still looked spooked as fuck, but she swallowed that shit and gave me that ready look. Walking out the work room, I noticed that only fifteen minutes had passsed and knew that we had to bail the fuck out now or never because it was only a matter of time before they came looking for their friends.

Heading to the back Giilia looked at me weird as I went for the kitchenette, ignoring the look she gave me. I got on top and dug my gloved hands into the vent system set over the top.

"Wait, wait, wait," Giilia hissed as grabbed my leg.

Pausing with the vent half way out of the socket, I gave her the look. "What?"

"What about Jason?" She asked me even as she shifted her weight from one leg to the other.

"He is either a deadman walking or a soon to be slave." I replied with a shrug as I gave the vent one last mighty tug.

"Hmmm, do you have a ship?" Giilia asked and this made me sigh.

"No, but I plan to kill my way either onto one or until we get to safety, or at least die trying." I shrugged back at her. "If at all, I want to at least send out a call to the Alliance."

She went quiet for a moment allowing me to hook my hands into the holds and then pull myself upwards. Once I was on the roof, I quickly glanced around before bending over and reaching down for the Asari.

Giilia looked at me, steeled her nerves and then asked a very interesting question."Can we get my sister?"

Standing there over the hole, I stared down at her and realized why she waited until after I had armed and armored her up before asking that very question. With a chuckle, I shrugged, sure as long as she doesn't slow me down.

Before she could repl though someone kicked the bunker door open, there was a scream and shots were fired, but hey that wasn't my problem. The Asari's eyes widened and I wasted no time in bending lower and snatching the damn chick up onto the roof. I didn't even put her down, one hand on my shotgun and the other on that ass. I carried the asari like she was a sack of flowers as I dashed across the roof of the bunker.

Lucky for us, the edges were raised but unlucky for us, I left the damn escape hole for all to see from below, fuck.

Handing my shotgun backward, "Swap for the rifle." I called out, then with a jump and twist, my aim lined up with the fucking moron who decided it was a smart idea to stick his head through the hatch.

Six rounds all hit him in the head, the first four popping the kinetic shields that were far too thin over his head. While the last two splattered his grey matter all over the place. Then all I saw was the grey of the bunker walls as I fell down and into the alley. I looked left, then I looked right, I then of course took the left.

Running up to another one of the bunkers, I stopped long enough to let Giilia down and shove her underneath the damn thing and into the crawl space. It was clear that the Asari was paying attention because she rolled her own ass into the crawl space underneath the habitat.

I wanted to say that we made it into the crawl space in the nick of time, but it was more than enough for us to be out of sight before some of the Batarian came out of the previous bunker. The asari didn't even look back as she started a slow commando crawl towards the rear hatch. I was alright with that but honestly, I was more worried about what planet I was on and how I was going to get off world than I was at watching the asari booty wiggling.

Then that train of thought was derailed as something fell onto my damn head. Gritting my teeth as both hands shot upwards to rub away the pain that was the back of my skull. I almost cursed as I saw what had decided to smash me one. A fucking frisby, but not just any fucking frisby. No, this fucking this had a massive star in the center, was concave with two straps on its back….

Wait a second, was that faded red and blue paint… No fucking way…

The minor pain I felt disappeared as I took in the glory of what I had in my hand. This was… This was Cap's shield, how in the hell…

My personal omni pinged…


Since you have the juice thought you might want the disk as well. It's the only proto-adamantium that exists in the entire universe, don't lose it.}

I wanted to call out that fuckity fucker for his bullshit, but honestly. Having a proto-adamantium shield in Mass Effect of all places would be alot more help than I think the ROB even realizes. Yeah, this… this is something that I can definitely use for sure.

Dropping the shield on the ground, I activated the mag clamps on the back of my chest plate and did a little shimmy roll. There was a double clink with some weight knocking me upwards, I then took that little knock to spin myself back over and onto all fours. Following the Asari for a few more meters, I had to wave her away from trying the hatch that led up and into the habitat.

I didn't even need a second glance to understand that I had to throw my shield underhand at a low 45-degree angle to have it bounce off the wall and knock the Batarian out from behind cover. There was no need to slow down as I jumped upwards to catch my shield. With a twist, two rounds were deflected from catching me in the side. Landing lightly, the shield was sent flying once more to knock these fools around like the ping pong balls that they were.

Kinetic shields my ass, I had played more than enough Mass Effect in my time to know that they couldn't stoop melee damage. And I damn sure wasn't throwing my shield hard enough to trigger the reactive sensors. I was really hoping to abuse that same fact as nothing flared any colors to stop my shield from making an impact.

Catching my shield on its rebound, I jumped in a commando roll and kicked both legs out in a split as I spun on the shield's surface. My left leg caught one of the assholes in his fourth eye while the right caught the other in the jaw. On the slow down, I put both legs together and then kicked out hard, sending the third asshole into the far wall.

Paying no mind to the crunch sound that came from his back-breaking, I reposition upwards with a shotgun drawn in one movement. Three shots and I was already moving again towards the rally point.

Stand ground smash knee with shield, when he bends down punch up then throw shield through legs when he twists around from the impact. Shield smashed into his face, jumps up, catches shield then comes down with shield bash to the face. I held my perfect three-point stance looking all bass ass Captain America because fuck yeah, I am the Captain now.

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