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Chapter 2: New man or Not?

It had been 8 years since Raza was reincarnated in this world. He was able to learn a lot about his new world and himself.

He lived in a world that had one supercontinent called Ragelia. This was split into seven kingdoms, and he lived in the kingdom called Ambicia. It wasn't too strong or too weak, it ranked in the middle of all kingdoms. This world was one of swords and magic. Naturally, Raza wanted to learn how to fight as soon as possible.

Raza's family was a Marquess noble family. His father, Alden Angovo was a well-known warrior and scholar while his mother, Vivian Angovo was a famous mage. When Raza looked into his family's past, they suddenly jumped from a Baron to a marquess rank around 9 years ago. When he asked his father about it, Alden either shrugged it off or dismissed it. Raza knew his father had a good reputation, but it was still suspicious.

Raza also had a system. Not like any of the novels or anime, his former little brother told him about, but it was rather simplistic. It only had two options. Memory Log and Reward Shop. The Memory Log kept track of everything he learned about any topic in an orderly fashion. It didn't matter if he only heard it once, he could pull up the memory whenever he wanted to. He still wasn't sure about the Reward Shop though.

Alden and Vivina also had another son, and they were expecting twins. Raza's younger brother, Raymond, was a five-year-old genius… or so his parents said. This family was filled with peace and love, which bothered Raza.

At first, he planned to take advantage of everyone, but his parents showed him unconditional love, and his younger brother looked up to him. No matter what he did, Raza was met with affection… a little too much for his liking. However, he couldn't help but wonder why he couldn't receive this kind of affection in his previous life. His motives slowly changed and he decided it was best not to take it for granted. He will personally dispose of anyone who threatens his new family.

"Mother, I believe I advised you to stay in bed all day. You are 6 months into your pregnancy," Raza helped his mother stand up.

"You're so sweet dear," She kissed his forehead. "But who's going to cook dinner?"

"I am perfectly capable of doing that," Raza immediately answered.

"But wouldn't that cut into your training?" Vivian teased her son.

Ever since Raza could walk, he had been training. At first, it was body training, and soon it transitioned to swordplay. However, he didn't stop there. He often trained with his father in martial arts as well as other weapons. His parents often wondered if their son was really just a kid.

"It is an acceptable sacrifice."

Vivian sighed and shook her head.

'I don't want to discourage him, but why doesn't he just go and play with other kids? Why is he so obsessed with the arts of war?' Vivian thought to herself.

Due to her worry about Raza, she enforced a rule on him. He had to spend each morning studying other topics, and he wasn't allowed to so much touch a sword until noon. Of course, Raza obeyed his mother without any complaints. This eased the couple's minds, but it raised another series of questions. Thankfully, he went to school five days a week, so he didn't have much time to study.

"Mommy look! I drew a picture of you and me and Dad and Raza!" Raymond ran up to Vivian.

"Wow! That's amazing! You should show it to Daddy when he comes home," Vivian clapped her hands.

"I will!" He smiled. "Raza look," He showed the picture to Raza.

Raza was about to say the blatant truth about the horrible drawing, but Vivian glared at him. Her eyes seemed to say "Don't you dare discourage him!"

He sighed and decided to say something that wasn't a lie, but not the truth either.

"I can see the resemblance, Raymond. Especially my red eyes," Raza said.

"Yup! It was really hard to draw…" Raymond was distracted by his own thoughts. "Mommy, why does Raza have red eyes and I have silver?" He pointed to himself.

It was an innocent question, however, the question startled Vivian. It wasn't like she zoned out or anything, but it was clear that she wanted to avoid this question. Raza made note of it.

"I think it's because red eyes show how strong Raza will become," She smiled. "And your eyes show how smart you will become," She patted his head.

"You hear that Raymond!? I'm going to be smarter than you," He stuck his tongue out at him.

"Mother did not say that. She only said you will be smart. Not smart…" Vivina once again glared at Raza. He quickly changed what he was going to say. "Ahem…Raymond, if you want to be smarter than me, you should study with me in the morning."

"Huh? I don't want to do boring studying!" He stuck his tongue out again and clung to Vivian's leg. "Mommy, do I have to study?"

"You will eventually. All children go to school when they turn 8. You will be going to the same private school that Raza is going to"

"I don't wanna!" Raymond started to throw a fit.

Raza walked over to him and picked him up by the collar. Vivian was beginning to get tired from standing up for so long, and Raymond's tantrum didn't help.

"Raymond, Mother needs to rest. Come now, let's go find something else to do," He said, dragging his brother away.

"But I don't wanna do anything boring!" Raymond cried.

"Father will be home soon. We can wait for him outside and start tra… playing with swords."

Raymond's eyes lit up. He immediately jumped up and followed his older brother.

"Okay!" He cheerfully said.

Vivian shook her head with a mixture of joy and worry. Despite their completely different personalities, Vivian was glad that the two got along. She only hoped that they would be as close to the twins that were on the way.

'Boys will be boys,' She thought to herself.

The two brothers waited outside for their father. Raza sat, crossed-legged, while Raymond was playing with insects. Once Raymond was bored, he began to ask his brother random questions.

"Raza, why is grass green?"

"Because they have chloroplasts in them," He instantly replied.

Of course, Raza didn't actually know this. His memory log contained everything he ever learned from his previous life as well. He also learned random facts just to entertain his brother.

"Chloro… plat?" Raymond tilted his head.

"Chloroplasts. It's what allows plants to grow from sunlight. This process is called photosynthesis," Raza explained.

"Raza, you're just making up words. If you don't know just say that," Raymond pouted.

Raza ignored his statement and went back to being silent. His little brother was already distracting himself with something else. After a few minutes, a familiar carriage rolled into view. Both of the brothers were excited in their own way.

Raymond began to run up to it, but Raza grabbed his collar.

"Do you want to be trampled by the horses? Wait until it stops completely," He sighed.

Raymond pouted, but he listened to his older brother. The two of them walked to the carriage as Alden stepped out.

"Dad!" Raymond hugged his father.

"Raymond! How have you been?" Alden picked him up.

"Bored! Raza and I just sat in the backyard, and it was boring," He pouted.

Alden didn't know how to respond to that, so he just chuckled. It wasn't like he could miraculously cure boredom. Instead, he turned to Raza.

"Welcome back Father," Raza bowed.

"Why are you so formal?... Most 8-year-olds don't care about that kind of stuff," Alden was met with another situation he didn't know how to interact with.

"It's only natural that I would pay respects to…" Alden raised his hand.

"I'm your father before anything else. You don't have to do anything like that," He sighed. "That being said, come to the back, I have something to show you."

Carrying Raymond, Alden walked to the backyard, and Raza followed. When they were in the grassy field, Alden put his son down.

"As I promised, I got you two gifts from the capital!" Alden opened up his storage.

In this world, people imbued accessories like necklaces and rings with inventories. For Alden, it was in his necklace. Alden pulled out a book and a pair of gloves.

"Raymond, here's the book about magic you wanted."

"Yayyy!" Raymond grabbed the book and immediately began flipping through it.

"What do you say?" Raza spoke up.

"Oh! Thank you, Dad!"

"Yeah," Alden chuckled. "And Raza, martial art gloves… Are you sure you only wanted these?"

The gloves had metallic knuckles, but Raza was more interested in the magic that was imbued in them. He requested for fortification and strength. Anything more would make them too expensive.

"Indeed. After all, the one thing I will always have with me is my hands and feet. It would be wise to master martial arts," Raza smiled. "Thank you, Father."

Alden sighed. He was worried about his son's obsession with power. He wasn't worried about his motive, but he was worried that he would be blinded by power. 

"Raza stand over there. Raymond come here for a sec," Alden ordered them.

"Okay," They both said.

The two boys followed their orders. Alden placed his hands on Raymond's shoulders. Understanding what was going to happen, Raza put on his gloves.

"Raza, come and save your brother," Alden's brow narrowed.

The two sparred countless times, so Raza knew he couldn't win. However, he was confident in his speed. Therefore, He only planned to switch places with Raymond, and technically, his mission would be accomplished. However, the moment Raza took a step, Alden poked Raymond's neck.

"Dad! That tickles!" Raymond laughed.

The other two, however, were not laughing.

"You failed Raza. Just because you are strong, doesn't mean you can muscle your way through everything," Alden spoke in a serious tone.

Raza lowered his head. If this were real, he would have lost his brother.

"R-right, Father."

"And knowing you, you probably thought that you couldn't beat me, so you'd trade places. That also is considered a failure. Be smarter than that, Raza. Eventually, you'll enter the world of politics. You need to be able to fight with words just as well as you can with fists."

Raza thought about his father's words. No matter how much he wanted to argue, he knew that his father was right. Instead, he thought of ways to limit his weaknesses. For example, if this exact situation were to happen in the future, he would need to either quickly close the gap or attack from a distance.

Raza needed a gun.

"I understand, Father. I will take the necessary measures in the future," Raza looked up and met his father's eyes.

Instead, Alden laughed. He let Raymond go, walked to Raza, and patted his back.

"But you're still a kid, so you have time! It would be nice if you weren't serious all the time!"

"Are you two done?" Vivian called from the back door. "You haven't even said hello to me, and you are already training with Raza."

A chill ran down Raza's and Alden's spine. Vivian may have been smiling, but it was very clear that she was angry. They were lucky that she was pregnant, otherwise they would have had something thrown at them.

"And then there are some battles that you will never win," Alden said in a low voice.

"Agreed," Raza nodded his head.

DrFantasy DrFantasy

Mothers are OP. Change my mind.

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