/ Urban / My Song = Your Sin

My Song = Your Sin Original

My Song = Your Sin

Urban 6 Chapters 15.9K Views
Author: Seryiena

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Shining bright as a vocalist for RhYME,the most popular band in the world,Lucas wishes for nothing apart from living his life happily with his lover and in-band guitarist Kei.However, an unfortunate event during his 23rd birthday destroyed everything;his career,his love,his life. They are all lost in a single night.

Waking up as someone who is tone deaf and have absolutely no talent in music,Lucas is determined to become as popular as his previous self and proving his ex-lover that he is not the sole reason of his popularity in RhYME. Dragging Cyril,a student from the same college whose talent Lucas claimed is on par with Kei,they struggle to open the path to stardom together.Little did Lucas know that Cyril is a devoted fan of his and someone who's been admiring him secretly since they were little kids.

When Lucas's secret is no longer a hush story,things take a turn for the worst;he will have to deal with his past and present life...as well as with both his current and ex-lover.

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Author Seryiena