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My soulmate and crush My soulmate and crush original

My soulmate and crush

Author: Maryjane_Okoye

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: chapter 1: First Encounter

I am Jessica, the youngest student in my grade, thanks to my high I.Q. Though I sometimes resent my intelligence, it turns out that's my greatest asset. My little brother and I are the sole survivors of what used to be a perfect family. Two years ago, we lost our parents, and without my scholarship, navigating life would have been even more challenging.

One sunny afternoon, with a gentle breeze caressing my skin, I decided to take a stroll. That's when I spotted him—frantically trying to decipher something on his mobile phone. I couldn't help but be captivated by the most handsome boy I had ever laid eyes on.

I pondered why I hadn't noticed this face before, or perhaps I had, but it would have left an impression given our quaint town and less populated school.He possesses the most striking features I've encountered, though my ventures outside have been scarce. He appears to be two years my senior, yet I am determined to capture his attention. Who am I kidding, though? I'll probably be the last girl he notices, considering my exceptionally petite stature. Despite that, I am blessed with a truly lovely face. Unfortunately, guys my age seem drawn to the captivating allure of the "hotties" in my school. No one seems eager to be seen with me, except for my cherished friend Julia, the one soul I absolutely adore.He possesses the most striking features I've encountered, though my ventures outside have been scarce. He appears to be two years my senior, yet I am determined to capture his attention. Who am I kidding, though? I'll probably be the last girl he notices, considering my exceptionally petite stature. Despite that, I am blessed with a truly lovely face. Unfortunately, guys my age seem drawn to the captivating allure of the "hotties" in my school. No one seems eager to be seen with me, except for my cherished friend Julia, the one soul I absolutely adore.

In the midst of my thoughts about the upcoming chat with Julia and the enigmatic new guy, I collided with a stranger, setting off a cascade of chaos – books scattered, his cellphone on the ground. While I busied myself apologizing and collecting our strewn belongings, his unwavering gaze intensified. Meanwhile, Victoria and her clique snickered, amplifying my discomfort.

As he finally snapped out of his trance, he gracefully helped me up, revealing himself as Alex. His name, a perfect match for the mesmerizing face that stood before me. In that moment, he embodied a Greek god, and I found myself spellbound. It was as if time stood still; I was so entranced that I missed his earlier words until he gently tapped me back to reality.

Extending a hand for a handshake, he must have asked for my name before, a detail that had slipped past me. I finally introduced myself as Jessica, caught in the magnetic pull of this unexpected encounter.

His unexpected kindness left me in shock, a rare oasis in a school that often felt like a desert of insensitivity and bullying. Each day, facing the torment became a nightmare, with only Julia offering solace. But in that fleeting moment with him, I remembered he didn't know me yet.

The harsh reality struck hard – it was just a matter of time before he became entangled in the web of cruelty that dominated the school. As this realization settled in, my fleeting smile faded, leaving me adrift in a sea of uncertainty.

Leaving the chaotic scene behind, I sought out Julia, and our usual refuge was the field, shaded by our favorite tree from the relentless sun. As expected, Julia greeted me with frantic waves, playfully dubbing me "grumpy pants" in her typical jovial manner. We shared a laugh over our newfound nicknames, and she pulled me into a tight hug.

Amidst the embrace, I teased her about squeezing the life out of me, wondering if she'd won an award or if this was her way of expressing how much she missed me. With a chuckle, she replied, "I wish." But then, she wasted no time diving into the details about Alex, leaving me stunned at how swiftly my best friend caught wind of the news.

Giggling throughout, Julia painted Alex as the hottest new guy in town, the topic of everyone's conversations. I reluctantly spilled the details, and Julia, in her animated way, began concocting tales of how we'd be a match made in heaven. The notion seemed premature for our age, but she playfully continued until the school bell interrupted our gossip, signaling the need to head to our next class. Our little escapade came to an end as we reluctantly parted ways and made our way to the classroom.

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