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Chapter 3: F CLass??? Just Why???

He tries to wipe it away, smearing the blue blood on his finger and revealing pristine white fur underneath. The bird then transforms into a symbol, two circles connected like a horizontal figure eight, and flies onto his forehead, moving through his skull and engraving itself on his brain. 

"ARRGGGH!!!" A scream of pain erupts from Owen as searing pain tears through his body. He falls to his knees, and he can feel his brain splitting open.

Elly's eyes widened, and her heart quickly filled with worry. She runs to Owen's side. 

But Olivia intervenes, holding Elly back. "You cannot go there," she cautions.

Elly feels as if her heart has been stabbed, overwhelmed with fear for Owen. "But teacher, he's in pain," she protests.

Olivia, observing Owen in pain, knows what happened from her extensive experience. "Don't worry, this is normal. Probably because of his body's low aptitude, he'll calm down soon," she explains.

Then, just as she predicted, Owen takes a deep breath, his pain beginning to subside. He feels his body strengthening, his senses becoming sharper than usual. 

Covered in sweat, he slowly stands up while the machine starts to calculate his grade. Owen looks at the machine with a mix of excitement and fear.

The grade climbs F... B... A... S... SSS... But the machine continues whirring. Owen yells in excitement, "Yes, my life will change now!"

The others in the room watch the machine, their eyes widening as it buzzes. However, it soon begins to drop from SSS... to C... D... E... and finally stabilizes at F.

Owen stares at it with a deadpan expression, feeling as if his soul has left him. 

Reina then starts to laugh, "I knew it. There is no way trash like you could get an SSS class. You just got lucky because of your parents."

The other students join in her laughter. Henry looks at Owen with a complicated expression, while Alex smiles, taking pleasure in Owen's misfortune. 

"But you know, Reina, he is the luckiest of us all to get an F-grade spirit from a C-grade summoning card."

Other students chime in, "That's true, he is the luckiest, hahaha."

"Yeah, I heard the odds of getting an F-grade are only 0.1%. What a lucky guy, now I feel jealous."

"Oh, you're jealous of him? Why don't you take his place?"

"Who wouldn't want that? He's so lucky, hahaha."

Elly looks at Reina and the other students. At this point, she can't contain herself anymore.

Worried about Owen, and they still have the gall to curse at him, her emotions explode. She screams in anger, "SHUT UP!!"

This outburst surprises all the students. Despite always ignoring them after Owen's arrival, she is known for her kindness and gentleness. Some of them start to question if they've crossed a line.

Then, Elly runs to Owen's side, and a light appears on her shoulder where the pixie materializes.

Elly asks, "Could you help heal him, Celestria?"

Celestria chuckled, her voice melodic, "Who is he, your boyfriend?"

Elly's cheeks turn red, "He's my friend."

But Celestria teases her further, "I can feel your heartbeat racing. You wouldn't be this worried for just a friend, you know."

Elly grows frustrated as she worries about Owen. Seeing him clutch his head with empty eyes, she pleads, "Can you just heal him?"

Celestria giggles, "Oh, how sweet, caring for your boyfriend. Don't worry. There's nothing to heal; he's just in mental shock. I can't do anything about that right now."

Elly's mind races, trying to find a way to help Owen. She then suggests, "Can't you at least calm him down?"

Celestria reassures her, "Don't worry, he's contracted with Aurora; nothing wrong will happen to him." 

She then sighs, "I'm more worried about her instead; she's always so harsh."

Elly looks at Celestria on her shoulder, "You know his summon?"

Celestria replies, "She's my foolish old friend. We haven't met for thousands of years."

Elly's eyes widen. Every creature summoned in this room should be limited to baby spirit rank. "Thousands of years? Aren't you just a baby spirit rank?"

Celestria laughs, "Oh, that's correct, my dear master. But you don't need to know about that now."

"You'll find out later. Well, I'll return for now. Call me again later, alright?"

Celestria's body turns into flecks of light and flies back to the rune on Elly's back. 

This private conversation between Elly and Celestria could only be heard by them.

Unbeknownst to Elly, for others, Celestria appears silent, her voice transmitting directly to her ears. 

Benjamin and the others find nothing weird about this, thinking Elly is communicating telepathically, a common practice for summoners or evokers. 

However, they overlook a crucial detail: Elly has just received her summon and shouldn't know how to do it yet. Not to mention telepathic communication, even Summoning their spirit should take time to learn.

Meanwhile, Olivia gathered the rest of the students and instructed them to return to their dorms, announcing that the class was canceled. 

The plan was to learn about spirit ranks and how to evolve them, followed by studies on summoning and using evocation. But Owen's incident makes Benjamin decide to cancel these plans.

Elly tries to talk with Owen, but he remains unresponsive. 

Benjamin, Olivia, and Sophia approach them. Sophia kneels beside Owen, musing in her mind. 'Poor boy, he's probably shocked by the result. How should I tell his father about this?' She sighs.

Then, turning to Elly, she advises, "You should go back for now. We will take care of Owen. Try to build your bond with your spirits."

Elly still feels reluctant. "But... can't I stay by his side?" 

Benjamin laughs, "You're quite feisty, young lady. But think about it from his perspective. He's mentally shocked now and vulnerable."

"How would he feel waking up to see his girlfriend looking at him with pity?" 

Elly protests, her mind too worried about Owen to retort she is not his girlfriend. "I'm not pitying him. I'm worried about him."

Olivia chimes in, "Just listen to us for now. Don't you trust us?"

Elly bites her lower lip before standing up. "Alright, I'll go back now." 

She then walks away, but with each step, she looks back at Owen until she finally leaves the room.

Benjamin chuckles, "It's nice to be young."

Sophia glares at Benjamin, "You talk like you have a lot of dating experience with women."

Benjamin replies jovially, "Hahaha, I was quite the playboy in the past." He then winks at Sophia, "We could find out if you're interested."

Olivia knows that Benjamin always acts like a child. She then interjects, "Headmaster, stop joking around."

Benjamin is tempted to tease Sophia further, but looking at Olivia's gaze, he knows it's time to stop. His relationship with Olivia goes far back as they graduate from this school.

Through all this time, Owen heard nothing. The searing pain, combined with the shock of receiving an F-grade, renders his mind numb. 

Suddenly, he feels a thud on his head. Turning, he sees the headmaster smirking at him. He is sure he just got hit in the head. 

"Hey, young man, have you had enough moping? Your girlfriend is worried sick about you."

Owen looks around, realizing they are the only ones left in the room. He asks, "My girlfriend? Do I have one?"

Benjamin laughs, "Hahaha, this young man really knows how to make me laugh."

Sophia shakes her head, aware of the headmaster's behavior. "His name is Owen, not a young man. And Owen, he's referring to Elly."

Owen, his mind still blank, barely registers what they say. He then turns to Sophia, "Ah, Vice-Headmaster, I see. Where is Elly? I'll go meet her then."

Olivia places her hand on his shoulder, "Not so fast, Owen. We need to talk about your summon."

Owen's expression changes to worry, "My summon? Is something wrong with her?" 

Olivia feels curious about Owen's summon. Myth-type spirits are very rare. Even for her, she can count on one hand the people she has met and have it. 

To her knowledge, she had never heard of one who only had F-class strength. She asks Owen, "Can you summon her out? We're just curious." 

Owen senses that Aurora is sleeping. When the rune was engraved on his brain, he heard Aurora's soft voice in his mind saying, 'My name is Aurora. I will be asleep for three days. Don't disturb me.' 

Owen doesn't find this request weird. After forming a contract, he understands Aurora is wounded, not just a small wound. It's a fatal wound, and she barely clings to life. 

He answers them, "I can't summon her out; she's resting now." 

Sophia finds this unusual. She knows spirits need sleep and eat, but for one to sleep immediately after being summoned is unheard of. "The spirit is asleep?" she questions. 

"Yes, she is," Owen confirms. "Is that weird? She is wounded, so she's taking a break to heal herself."

Reinhart_luciel Reinhart_luciel

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