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Chapter 96: chain blades

"Oh, my Goooooooood. cultivation is boring." The tree of life and death said as she fell on her back.

"yet being a tree all your life is fun," Elise said with a sneer

"yes, that again, and I will erase you." The tree of life and death said angrily

"Yet being a tree all your life is fun," Elise said with a cold sneer

"enough with the fighting. Elise, you would not be born if it wasn't for her reaching the first level in the spirit farm. and You... it's just cultivation. you can't successfully reach the second level without a breakthrough." Brunhild said, annoyed by the two fighting

"Ling Han, you just going to watch as they fight?" Brunhild asked Ling Han, who was looking through the system store

"I stopped trying long ago... anyway, let's hurry up with our fight. I'm sure I can beat you know." Ling Han said as he looked at a blade attached to chains within the system store

"alright. just say when you are ready." Brunhild said as she walked off,

Ling Han nodded as two blades which were attached to two different chains, appeared in his hands.

"Berry, are you sure these are the perfect weapons for me." Ling Han asked as he got used to the blades

"yes, I used the tracking system. I even had the spirit farm personally make these for you to get used to." Berry said as she watched Ling Han wrap the chain around his arm.

After a few hours, Ling Han was moving around with the chained blades as of they were a part of him.

"There is already a complete Dao of this weapon. The Dao of the Chained Blades." Ling Han said softly. he made a clone to watch Ling Hong while he went off on a random planet to comprehend this Dao

With closed eyes, comprehend the Dao as his body moved on its own.

Far away, a man with a red tattoo over his left eye, which ran along the left side of his body. His skin was as pale as a ghost slowly opened his eyes. He sat on a throne, covered with blood.

All around him, countless bodies laid on the ground. the two blades on his back shook slightly, making his eyes narrow slightly

"Only one can walk the path of the chained blades. and that's me." He said in a deep voice as he slowly stood up, stepping on the dead bodies as he walked out of the throne room.

A world filled with dead bodies filled his vision. Everyone one could see was covered in blood, even the rivers, and the builds.

As he stepped outside the throne room, he almost instantly disappeared. rushing towards where he senses the person trying to comprehend the Dao of the Chain Blade

back to Ling Han,

"I can't reach the first level no matter what I do... system find the reason for this." Ling Han said calmly. he had tried for a few days, but no matter what. the first level didn't feel an inch closer

*host, this a special Dao. Only one person can walk this path at a time. Trying to comprehend it would be like challenging the person who currently has the Dao.* the system said as Ling Han frowned

"This is a pain in the ass. I will go kill find whoever has this Dao and kill him later." Ling Han said as he shook his head

"Are you sure about that?" a deep voice sounded behind Ling Han, forcing him to turn around.

Ling Han looked at the person up and down. He had pale ghostly skin. As if someone places ashes all over his body, the air he gave of was that of pure slaughter.

Ling Han had the feeling that countless ghosts were screaming at him, trying to pull him down to hell.

"... i'm guessing you are the one who has my Dao." Ling Han asked calmly, which made the man eyes narrow

"you think of yourself as worthy of this Dao. The fact you sensed it show is slightly worthy." He said coldly as another him appeared at his side

" I, Kratos, don't fight the weak since you challenged me, and I accepted. you will face off against this avatar." He said as he turned to leave

"You win. You shall keep your life. If you lose, death is the only thing which awaits." He said as he disappeared,

Ling Han looked at the avatar he left behind. They were equal in cultivation but unlike Shiva. Ling Han could tell the Avatar before him Dao wasn't limited.

"I don't have time for your little games. Go and do your little shabby stuff somewhere else or have your little Daddy issue. I should care less." Ling Han said as he turned to leave,

But Ling Han frowned upon realizing he couldn't enter the spirit farm or even the black tower

"that tower, or that spirit farm. once you die here, your consciousness will not return back within for a new life." He said coldly as Ling Han eyes turned cold

The ring in his hands flashed, a talisman appeared in his hands. But before anyone could even move, the real body of the avatar appeared before Ling Han.

As it coughed up a mouthful of blood. The avatar disappeared while Ling Han waved his hands. the lightning sword appeared. Wrapping around the man's body.

Ling Han tried to throw him into the spirit farm, but he wasn't strong enough to even move Kratos's body. Ling Han stabbed his thumb into his heart. As he opened the gate of death,

Just as Kratos was recovering, Ling Han stepped forward. He appeared before Kratos. As Kratos looked up, Ling Han had grabbed the two blades on Kratos back

Ling Han flashed, entering the black tower. Just in time when Kratos recovered enough to stand. From the moment Ling Han actived the talisman Odin gave him to this moment. not even 1 second has passed

Kratos went from a breath away from death to full of health within 1 second. Killing intent filled Kratos's eyes as he stood up.

Ling Han appeared in the spirit farm, his arms turned to ashes, just from touching the two-blade. His body also began to turn to ashes slowly,

His consciousness was pulled from his body, but his soul and mind took some injuries from the blades. Although it returned to the part of the soul, he kept it within the spirit farm.

He wasn't awake to use a drop of Indestructible True Fluid to rebuild the soul and body.

On the moon, The young man watched all of this play out.

"... so you didn't abdomen me. you were just injured." He said softly as he watched Kratos trying to summon his two blades.

But no matter how much the space shook and cracked. The blades would not return to him.

Kratos rage reached new heights, his grade began to give birth to ghosts, and many monsters which spread out across the galaxy

Lightning flashed across the sky as an enraged roar that sounded like thunder spread out. Thor fell from the sky, lightning covering him as he looked at Kratos with rage

Both seeing each other had, their dislike towards enough exploded into pure killing intent. They both rushed towards each other as they both punched his other.

They sent each other fly, followed by the planet which was were on exploded. The shock wave sent other nearby planets exploding, killing countless lives.

Thor waved his hands as time went back, restoring the planets and those who were killed.

Thor seeing he could fight at his peak here, shot off, making the enraged Kratos follow him into the heavenly realm.

Within burning heaven sect. Ling Han clone cut the karma which held it and Ling Han together, making it so it wouldn't disappear when Ling Han was badly injured.

But it couldn't control the black tower or the spirit farm. Seeing the monsters and ghosts heading towards the planet, he looked towards his body which was slowly disappearing.

With his connection to the main body gone, there was only a limited time before he disappeared.

"Berry," Ling Han clone said seriously, but only a drop size piece of the lightning sword came flying towards him. it stopped n front of him

"Master, with your true body being in a deep sleep like this. the control you gave me was forcefully removed for your safety. I can't open portals, but I can control all the parts of the lightning sword to gather. I will try and keep Ling Hong and the others as best as I could." Berry said as Ling Han nodded

But he suddenly disappeared, appearing on the moon where a blonde hair man was sitting. Ling Han frowned as he went on guard, but he soon grew confused when he seemed to know this person

"... you know, from this day forth. The rage I held for you was endless. My only goal in cultivating was to force you to spite out why you could leave without a care. Even as my mother died in my hands," Future Ling Hong said with a smile

"but as I grew, I realized I would never catch up to you... but as death approached, I couldn't rest, not knowing the reason behind everything. Was it something I did? did you just not care?" He said as slight tears fell from his eyes

"these thoughts formed demons in my heart, and I had a hard time cultivating. I couldn't rest not knowing the reason." He said with a smile

Ling Han was quiet as he walked close to him. he looked at Ling Hong with a slight sigh.

"When did I raise such a bitch. fuck these daddy problems." Ling Han said as he kicked Ling Hong

"Why this and why that? I know damn right I raised you to worry about you. not to be all bitchy about what someone else do." Ling Han said as angrily

"and you come back in time to start talking about what I did or this and that. You control what you do. You are the author of your story. Stop making people around you limit what you can and could do. now return go the fucking future and fucking man up." Ling Han said as Ling Hong looked at him.

Listening to Ling Hing's words brought back old memories of how he cultivated when he was 5 years old. The beating Ling Han gave the lava he had to swim through and many more.

"... yes." Ling Hong said with a smile as he stood up. A portal appeared behind him, which sucked him in.

"it seems like Yin Hong will die, and Ling Hong will live. I wonder who will save him." Ling Han said as his body began to disappear. Even if he wanted to help, with the condition his body was in, he couldn't make it to earth before he disappeared.

He waved as Berry controlled the lightning sword to kill the monsters and ghosts. But as the ghost killed someone, they would turn them into ghosts.

And as the monsters killed someone, they would turn them into ghosts.

Ling Hong was flying off, within his mother's hands. as a monster rushed after them.

"Mom, where is dad? I just saw him a moment ago before he suddenly disappeared." Ling Hong asked as he gathered heaven and earth energy to kill the injury his Yin Hong took

Yin Hong coughed up some blood as she pushed the button around her neck, which Ling Han had given.

"maybe he is busy. You know how your father would always disappear from time to time. Your father loves you deeply. I'm sure he would not just leave behind." Yin Hong said with a smile,

But the smile slowly disappeared as Yin Hong's body fell to the ground. a large spike which was shot from the monster had gone through her heart

"Ling Hong.. run before I transform into it." Yin Hong said in a low voice, as she slowly began to turn herself into smkke

"Mom," Ling Hong screamed as tears ran down his face. He watched as his mother transformed into a monster.

"... what have you done to my mother." Ling Hong yelled as heaven, and earth qi went chaotic around him.

"Boy, don't burn your life force. It isn't worth it." a deep Majestic voice sounded as the world froze around Ling Hong. All of that energy he was gathering disappeared as, in front of him, a middle-aged man appeared.

"for a kid of your age, you have gone through enough... but." He said as he turned towards the monster, which was once his mother. He tapped it slightly as Yin Hong's soul was brought out from the body.

"I can give you the chance to say goodbye. not many people have this opportunity." The old man said with hands behind his back.

Ling Hong hugged hus mother as he said his goodbye and even promised to return her back to life.

"boy, how would you like to become my personal disciple." The old man asked softly

"senior you are?" Ling Hong asked softly

"I'm an Elder God and the sect leader of the Supreme heaven sect. You can call me Red Lotus." The old man said with a smile

a few hundreds of years into the future,

Ling Hong reappeared as he looked at the destroyed sect. He struggled to walk before he fell to the ground.

"there you are. You thought you could run from the favorite son of heaven? Bow down before him, and maybe you will be allowed to become his follower." an arrogant young man said upon seeing Ling Hong.

"he must first ask himself if he is worthy." Ling Hong said with a smile as tribulation clouds appeared above him.

"do you think the heavens you kill me if you summon your tribulations?" A calm voice sounded as a handsome young man slowly walked towards Ling Hong ignoring the tribulations

"who said anything about it being mine?" Ling Hong said as he too was confused about who tribulations that was

"you appear just as I'm going through tribulations." Ling Han said, annoyed as he slowly landed between the two.

"... Ling Han." The favorite son of heaven said as slight fear filled his eyes.

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