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Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Death And I Are Friends

"Again!" Kicking off the ground Ares sped towards his opponent, sweat dripping from his head, and a splitting smile across his face. Swinging his sword diagonally, Ares aimed a blow at his opponents chest but was parried easily by a vertically held scythe. Not deterred, Ares used the momentum from his previous strike to spin on his heel raising his sword to his opponents neck in an attempt to decapitate him.

Moving under said attempt from Ares, his opponent who's now upright, swung his scythe down in a crescent shape expelling a black and purple energy. "Embrace", Midway to Ares, the black and purple energy began to form a skeletal figure with its bony arms outstretched wrapping itself around Ares and immobilizing him.

Struggling to get out of skeletons grasp Ares became increasingly frustrated. The more strength he put into breaking out of the skeletons arms the tighter the hold increased. "That's enough Ares." A raspy voice called out. "Mother is expecting your company." The voice turned out to be Ares' opponent. Turning around, he began to walk with Ares floating behind him still in the skeletons embrace, but soon stopped when he heard, "Chaos Flare".

An intense heat was felt from behind him and upon turning around was greeted with a spire of black and red fire circling around Ares. Taking multiple steps back the opponent positioned his scythe across his body anticipating Ares' attack.

From the still spinning spire of flames Ares walked out with one arm up, unscathed and no skeleton wrapped around his body. Following his exit from the spire of flames it soon dissipated and instead formed multiple spears of black and red flames that hovered just by his head obediently awaiting his command. "Chaos Spears". Ares' raised hand dropped and immediately after the Chaos Spears were hurtling at his opponent each on its own trajectory.

As soon as the projectiles were released Ares' opponent began spinning his scythe and swaying his torso left to right blocking most of the spears coming his way. Feeling confident, Ares' opponent released one hand from his spinning scythe but soon widened his eyes when he felt searing pain coming from his right arm and side.

Dropping to one knee, Ares' opponent winced as he felt his side seeing golden ichor on his fingertips. Shakily picking his head up he was about to speak but suddenly heard laughter. "HAHAHA, is wittle Thanatos hurt?" Ares asked in a fake concerned tone, a blood thirsty smile on his face with his arms crossed.

"Ares…" Growling out his name, Thanatos' low raspy voice sent shivers down Ares' spine. Suddenly a malicious black and purple energy shot from Thanatos flailing about as if it had a mind of its own. Cracks began appearing in the empty pocket dimension they were in and an immense pressure fell onto Ares' shoulders causing him to almost buckle and kneel. Sweating even more than before, the only thing Ares could think of when confronted with this malicious energy was… Death.

"Oh shi-" *BOOM*


"Mother, how long has he been here?" Asked a male voice that could be described as the very definition of listless. As he asked his question, his eyes turned to a mirror that was showing Ares and Thanatos', "training", floating in front of his mother.

"Hmmm?" Not even turning from the mirror the woman replied, "Oh it's you Hypnos. You asked how long he's been here? Mmmm, it's been a short time I think.. One hundred years? Yes. He's been here for one hundred years… Why? Is his mother asking about him again?" The woman replied giggling softly.

Ever since the incident with Ares and the two giant brothers he hasn't been back to Olympus. Thanatos, at the behest of his mother the Primordial Goddess of Night, Nyx, went to get the young God from his location as it seemed his mother was very keen on meeting him.

At first he didn't believe this boy worthy of his mother's attention. For some reason she has been watching him, saying that she somehow feels a familial attachment to the young God. According to his mother, Ares' divine energy is similar to that of her creator, Chaos. She said that it feels like his soul has spent time in a void or maybe even Chaos itself.

Thanatos couldn't imagine what it would feel like for his soul to dwell in a void or even in the energies of the originator itself Chaos. He is the personification of death, yes, but even he fears somethings.

Upon meeting the young god he had just finished what it looked like killing two giants. Thanatos had watched the latter end of the battle and witnessed the young God's transformation and following decapitation of Ephialtles, son of Poseidon.

To say he was mildly impressed would be an understatement. To his knowledge the young God had only minimum training from instructors but what Thanatos saw was the movement of a veteran warrior, he should know, as death itself it he has taken many warriors lives and seen many memories. 'Is this another of his divinities?' Thanatos thought to himself.

He approached the exhausted God and stated his business. He thought Ares would have something to say, questions even, but Ares simply passed out. Thanatos was shocked. 'Is he really this careless?' If he had any ill intentions the Little Prince would be at his mercy.

Ares adjusted surprisingly well. At first he was suspicious about the identities of his caregivers and rightfully so. It's not everyday someone introduces themselves to you as the personification of death and the Primordial Goddess of Night. After a bit of convincing, not that it would need much, Ares asked if it was possible if he could stay and learn from Nyx and her children.

Of course Nyx agreed immediately and made arrangements for Ares to contact his mother, glad at the opportunity of having him around. Her children lightly protested saying that he's still too young but Nyx quickly shut that down saying her decision was final.

Speaking of mothers, when Hera got the letter from Ares with the help of Nyx, she was happy that her son was alive but also conflicted because he wasn't with her.

She had heard about the two giant brothers and the final battle between her little Ares and them. Through her connection with him she felt his rage, his heartbreak, his change. She wanted to be with him and coddle him like when he was just a baby but she knew he needed to grow. Lady Nyx had told her about his current appearance. She was stunned at his spontaneous growth but quickly filed it away. Such things are normal in the world of Gods. Tartarus! Athena came out a fully grown and beautiful woman! Nothing is uncommon when Gods are involved. And now he's staying with Lady Nyx at his own request; she doesn't really how to feel. It's seems her little flower has finally bloomed.

"Ah, it seems they've finished." Nyx's voice brought Hypnos's attention to her, the mirror vanishing in a dark mist. *Knock* "Enter."

Stepping into the room were two men. The first of them stood at a height 8ft3in and has a lean frame with a noble, pale skinned face. His pitch black hair reaches his shoulders and his eyes twinkle with a golden honey color. On his back were two wings that were the same color of his hair and both five feet in length. Wearing a black chiton around his waist with a purple scythe emblazoned on the front, and said weapon behind his back and across his shoulders, this man is none other than Thanatos, death itself.

The other man is standing a head taller than Thanatos with a towering height of 9ft2in. His golden hair stretches just below his hamstrings with red and black streaks throughout. He wears a red leather cuirass with a matching red chiton and a worn out sword strapped to his waist. This is Ares.

"Mother." Thanatos' raspy voice sounded first, bowing his head slightly. "Lady Nyx." Ares said following Thanatos and bowing slightly.

"Ares, how many times have I told you to call me by my name? We're practically family for my sake. No need to act so formal." Nyx finished with a small smile and huffed as she turned around to face the two.

Her floor length black hair carried with it stars that looked to be alive. She has pale skin similar to Thanatos and her beauty is even more impressive than the goddesses on Olympus. Her body couldn't be seen as she was wrapped in a gown that looked like the void of space and reached the floor, merging with her hair, wafting black smoke rolling perpetually off of the ends.

Ares looked as he was about to say something when Nyx beat him to it, "Have you thought of my proposal?" Nyx asked. The playful mood that was there for just a second gone just as fast. "Yes, and I accept. However, I want a weapon or weapons of my own made. I can't keep using borrowed weapons if I want to shadow death." Ares said with a smirk looking down and over to Thanatos who was next to him.

Ever since he came to Nyx's domain and saw Thanatos' scythe made by the cyclops Brontes, he knew he had to have his very own.

"Fine you've been pestering me long enough about seeing my sisters children. Let us be off to Olympus." Nyx sighed getting up from her seat and waving her hand in front of her. A portal that looked a black hole appeared big enough for every one to fit through.

Thanatos, Nyx, and Hypnos were the first to go through leaving Ares in front of the portal by himself. "Home." He thought with a smile. The images of Chloris and his mother in his head.

Shaking his head Ares finally stepped through the portal to Olympus on his way to acquire the weapons that would be spoken about for millennia to come.

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