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Chapter 19: Anodite power of the system, upper limit unknown!

A week has passed in a flash.

In just a week since the Tik Tok app was launched, with the support of Stark Industries, it quickly became so popular that it has been downloaded by 100 million users and it is still increasing every day.

Not only humans, but even mutants are also among the people who use this app, especially mutants from Xavier School.

Since Jean had discussed Lynn's idea with Charles and Ororo that day. When Charles first heard Lynn's idea from Jean about using social networking apps to change mutant status.

After much deliberation, Charles agreed to try Lynn's idea of using the Tik Tok app and told all the mutants at Xavier School to download the app.

In just one week, positive results did appear, some mutants who had made good videos of themselves received a lot of praise and admiration from humans who could see that they were changing their views on mutants.

Charles was very happy, he felt that the idea Jean's boyfriend had recommended was really feasible, and he was very grateful to Lynn who Jean was always proud of whenever they discussed the app.

So excited, Charles even decided to add a new subject at his school on how to make videos etc. related to promoting how good mutants are on Tik Tok.

Within a week, the mutants at Xavier School were really busy making videos. Not only the students, but even the teachers are the same.

"Jean, in these few days, you've worked hard to teach the students to make videos. Why don't you relax and play at Lynn's house? Tell him that I'm very grateful for the idea she gave me."

"And if he wants, he can visit Xavier School anytime. We will welcome him cordially."

In his office, Charles kindly persuaded Jean to play to her boyfriend's house.

In his mind, Charles had already recognized Lynn as his son-in-law and he wanted Jean to get closer to him.

Jean, who had just finished reporting on the students' recent progress, was blushing and excited at the Professor's words.

But she hesitated and said, "This... Professor, is it okay? I still have some classes scheduled..."

"Don't worry about it Jean. After all, you're not the only teacher here, there are other teachers who can replace your teaching schedule when you take time off."

"If Professor says that, then I won't refuse."

"Yes, Jean go have fun with Lynn."

"Thank you Professor!"

Seeing Jean leaving his office with an excited face.

Charles smiled, and opened his laptop to see the videos that his students had made.

He saw a student who introduced his mutant powers, and used his water manipulation power to water a vast flower garden in an instant.

The video received more than 80,000 likes and 2,000 comments.

There were some negative comments about mutants, but there were also more positive comments.

Charles nodded, he was satisfied and felt happy whenever there were humans who praised and admired mutants.

This was something he had wanted to see for a long time, but due to limited ideas, he could only start now.

If Jean's boyfriend didn't introduce his good idea.

He would probably still be using his old, not-so-effective methods to change the image of mutants in the eyes of human society.

"This method is actually quite simple and can even be done while having fun."

"But why haven't I thought of the same method as Lynn after all these years?"

Charles sometimes wondered about this.

He had an above average IQ, even having the title of Professor of Genius.

But over the years, in order to change the image of mutants in the eyes of human society, he had tried various complicated methods and the results were not very good.

Only when he used Lynn's method to promote how good mutants were through social networking apps, the results were dozens of times better than all the methods he had tried in the past.

Although it was a bit sour, but Charles was very grateful to Lynn for passing on this method through Jean to him.

Suddenly, he thought of his old friend.

"If Eric sees this... Can he stop with his overly domineering ideas?"

Charles' old eyes lit up, he immediately used his telepathic powers to contact his old friend.



On the spacious grounds of the mansion, Lynn was sitting cross-legged on the grass with his eyes closed. The atmosphere was peaceful and very quiet except for the sound of the wind that sometimes passed by and made the grass sway.

If other people saw this scene, they might think Lynn was meditating or something.

But no, they were wrong.

Lynn is currently practicing, or rather he is testing something.

Ever since he obtained 40 Anodite power fragments a week ago.

He got a lot of abilities in one package. It's really cheating, but who made him get the Anodite power?

Anodite, as the name suggests. It's a kind of alien race that comes from another universe and many of them live on a planet called Anodyne.

Lynn was practically one of that race now.

But unlike a common Anodite, he would probably be more accurately called an Anodite and Herrscher hybrid.

After all, before gaining Anodite powers, he was already a Herrscher in flesh and blood.

Fortunately with his system's ability, there was no problem in the merging of Anodite and Herrscher that made his body undergo genetic mutations.

His appearance remained largely the same, but if others were to pay attention to his pupils. They would definitely notice the difference before and after.

The pupils were originally sky blue in color.

Have now permanently changed to...

Lynn opened his eyes, his violet pupils reflecting the scene in front of him.

Although he opened his eyes, his gaze was blank.

Because instead of looking at the scene in front of him, he was looking at something else. In his vision, several scenes were rapidly changing, but it was enough for him to know what he was looking at.

For example, in the first scene, he saw Gwen taking a research tour of Osborn's lab with her friends. There, he saw a small white spider with pink markings jump onto Gwen's neck and bite her.

Gwen who had been bitten slapped her neck out of reflex and made the little spider die. After that, Gwen seemed to feel dizzy and told her friends that she was not feeling well and wanted to rest on the school bus.

Lynn smiled seeing this.

It was obviously the process by which Gwen got her superpower.

Then the scene changed, next he saw a drunk Tony with a depressed expression inside his workshop. It looked like he was sad to know he didn't have much time to live because he was palladium poisoning.

Next, his vision showed Jean who was on her way. From the direction, it looked like she was heading towards his house.

But in that scene, not only Jean, there were also two female figures following Jean from a distance. The two women seemed to be unaware of each other's existence, and they seemed to have different purposes for following Jean.

One of them had blonde hair and a voluptuous figure.

And the other had reddish-brown hair whose figure was no less voluptuous than the first.

The looks of the two are familiar, especially the latter.

Lynn's eyes blinked, his vision back to normal and fixed on the mansion in the distance.

An amused smile formed on his face.

"Natasha Romanoff is stalking Jean on her way to my house? Looks like Nick Fury gave her a mission to observe Jean."

"The purpose? Obviously it must be to find out the identity of the man who went out with Jean that night."

The point is that SHIELD is trying to figure out his identity. They must know that the person who blew up the ferncliff forest, was involved in the burning of the city park, and became the superhero who appeared a week ago is the same person.

To find out his identity, they can only do it through Jean.

"There's also a blonde woman... From her face, she looks like one of the super villains I know."

"Hey isn't that Emma Frost? She's also called the White Queen with her mutant identity."

"One is one of the heroines and the other is one of the villain characters in the original work."

"Interesting, what should I do with these two? They're both beautiful."

Lynn rubbed his chin with one hand, he had a few ideas in mind to deal with the two women stalking Jean.

Speaking of his previous vision, this was the first time he used it.

Actually it was one of the abilities Anodites had to be able to see people or events beyond normal senses.

In addition to that ability, with 40 fragments of Anodite power, although it was still far from the upper limit of Anodite power because it was only 40 fragments.

Now he had another type of energy in his body.

That was Mana.

By manipulating the mana in his own body and converting the surrounding energy into mana.

For example, he can manipulate mana into any form such as knives, hammers, spears, lasers, whips, shields, domes, and etc.

There are also the abilities of telekinesis, projecting astral forms, reading minds, erasing memories, hypnotizing, and breathing in space.

For 40 fragments, there are already many Anodite abilities that he can use. Too bad to be able to unlock more Anodite abilities, he has to collect more fragments.

The upper limit of Anodite itself is unknown. Because his Anodite power came from the system, he felt that the Anodite power he had was not from the common Anodite.

Instead of looking forward to another reward, for his next reward, Lynn hoped he could get more Anodite power fragments.

In the original work, Lynn remembered that certain Anodites had ability to warp reality to an unknown level.

This was like the ability that Chaos Magic possessed that one of the heroines in Marvel had.

Lynn is very tempted with ability to warp reality. Unfortunately for now, he couldn't do it with just 40 Anodite power fragments!

"Koko, I want my next reward to be the Anodite power fragment! Can you do it?" After returning to the mansion, he immediately went to Koko who was watching Tom & Jerry with Mao Chan sitting beside her.

Both of them were lazy as usual.

Koko turned her head with her small lips twitching. "Host, don't be unreasonable. The rewards from the system are random, even the abilities Koko gets are random."

"Mao~" Mao Chan had no idea what the two were talking about, but she meowed to prove her presence.

Lynn was disappointed to hear that Koko couldn't do anything to cheat the rewards from the system.

He could only give up of course.

Sensing Jean's arrival at the gate of his mansion, he immediately smiled.

Besides sensing Jean, his perception also picked up the presence of Natasha Romanoff and Emma Frost who were still following Jean secretly.

Natasha Romanoff did not move and continued to observe from a distance, but Emma Frost approached Jean in a friendly manner as if the two were good friends.

"Huh? I remember Emma Frost was a villain character in the original work. Why here do I see her having a good relationship with Jean?"

Lynn was confused, but when he thought of this the Marvel universe and the MCU were becoming one. He quickly got rid of his confusion and thought this plot had deviated from the original work.

But whatever it was, he was intrigued by Emma Frost's purpose for following Jean this far. Unlike Natasha Romanoff who was told by Nick Fury to observe Jean, Emma Frost's purpose for following Jean was unknown.


"Emma, why are you here!?" Jean, who was about to open the gate of Lynn's mansion, was surprised to see Emma's appearance.

"What a coincidence Jean, I sometimes pass by here whenever I go to the bookstore."

Emma had her trademark smile as always, and looked curiously at Jean's hand that was about to open the gate of someone's mansion.

Jean rolled her eyes and said, "You're lying, you must have followed me from school. Should I report you to the Professor for neglecting your duties as a teacher?"

"Jean, this is really a coincidence. By the way, I asked the Professor for permission to go out for a while and here I am."

Emma said confidently, even as Jean doubted her reasoning, she didn't seem to care.

"Then you can continue going to the bookstore, be careful on the road."

Jean ignored Emma and opened the gate of the mansion, but just as she was about to step inside, her shoulder was gently tapped.

"Jean, I think instead of going to the bookstore. It's more interesting to follow you to this house... Um, Oh, is this your boyfriend's house? Jean, why don't you introduce your friend to your boyfriend!"

"Friends? Where is it? I don't see her." Jean looked around as if looking for someone.

Emma pouted slightly. "Jean! Jean! Come on! There's nothing wrong with introducing your friend to your boyfriend!"

"Wait, is it possible that you don't want me to come along because you want to have sex with... Oh my, Jean, the sun hasn't set yet, but you're already so--mmmfff!"

Jean silenced Emma's mouth with her hand, making it difficult for the blonde woman to speak.

Jean glared at Emma and said, "Stop talking so wildly, Emma."

Emma made a pitiful look.

Jean sighed, she seemed to think for a moment before saying: "Alright, you can follow me. But remember, you must not make trouble when you meet Lynn. Do you understand?"

Emma, whose mouth was silenced by Jean's hand, nodded in understanding. Her pitiful look was soon replaced by anticipation.

Jean didn't know what Emma's purpose was, she didn't even know that earlier Emma had only pretended to be pitiful just so that she would agree to let her follow her.

Seeing the two enter the mansion gates.

Natasha Romanoff who had been watching using binoculars from a distance immediately came out of her hiding place and walked towards the mansion's gate.

She stared at the mansion in front of her curiously, her movements seemingly those of an ordinary passerby.

After walking through the mansion, she walked around the mansion wall and looked for the quietest side where no one was looking.

Then took out the tools from her bag that could help her climb the mansion wall.

After landing in the backyard of the mansion.

She frowned because after setting foot here, she felt her head was dizzy and her body became weaker than usual.

Not long ago Nick Fury gave her a mission to observe a mutant named Jean Grey, the important point was that she had to try to find out who the man Jean Grey was dating because it was related to the real target that SHIELD was investigating.

Half an hour ago Jean Grey happened to walk out of Xavier School and went somewhere. As the agent assigned to observe her, she naturally followed Jean Grey and saw what she was doing.

And it seems that it's not just her who is following Jean Grey, there is also another person and it seems to be Jean Grey's mutant friend named Emma Frost.

Jean Grey and Emma Frost eventually meet and they both enter the mansion where she is now.

It's just that unlike the two women, her current state is very wrong.

"What's going on? Why do I suddenly feel so weak? Have I been poisoned? No, it shouldn't be possible..."

Natasha Romanoff did not finish her words as her vision went dark and she fainted in the backyard of the mansion.

Her body was lying on the grass.

With a sexy black jacket, tight black pants, and a beautiful, helpless face. Even while unconscious, agent Natasha Romanoff who is also known as Black Widow. She looks so seductive!

If she faints outside the mansion walls, the men passing by on the street might not be able to resist taking her home.

Fortunately, she fainted inside the mansion, and only the owner of the mansion would probably find her.

The owner of the mansion was of course Lynn who was currently welcoming Jean and Emma in the living room.

"What's wrong Lynn, you're suddenly looking back. Are you cooking something in the kitchen?"

Lynn smiled. "Ah that, I just heard the sound of a mouse that seemed to have fallen into the trap I had set. Jean, did you bring your friend? What's her name?"

Emma who was standing beside Jean immediately stretched out her slender hand and said with an elegant smile.

"Hello, I've heard a lot about you from Jean, Mr. Lynn. My name is Emma Frost, Jean's friend and coworker at Xavier School."

DogLickerGods DogLickerGods

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