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Chapter 2: Dead weight

Jack made his way back along the warehouse wall, the less attention he got right now the better. Besides, his boots were already mucked and the dark wasn't a problem. Coming back up to the bordello he could see someone had found the body, crouched down over it with the tarp pulled back. Jack stuck to the shadows as the boy's head popped up, checking his surroundings. It was a street rat, no more than twelve years old. He was patting down the corpse for valuables, still unaware he had company.

Jack always had a knack for sneaking up on people, despite his stocky frame. It was mostly about patience and timing. As the boys hands found the wallet he scanned around again before refocusing on his find, oblivious to the threat lurking in the dark. Jack danced across the cobbles on the balls of his feet and grabbed the boy's ear, twisting his face around and standing him up. A small fist followed quickly on a blind upswing, but it bounced off Jacks chest without much harm. The little scrapper drew back to swing away again so Jack grabbed his other ear and yanked, drawing a tirade of curses.

"Let me go ya limey git! Ill gut you like a fish on Sunday"

"Really? How are you going to manage that with no ears you little shite?" In reality Jack admired the boy's spirit, and had to hold back grin at the defiance staring back at him. Realising he was out matched the boy changed tactics and began yelling at the top of his voice

"Help! Help! I've been accosted by a French poofter! He's trying to bugger me blind!" Jack had to let go of one ear to slap him, threatening him with a fist if he continued.

"Right, call me French again and I'll be gutting you"

"So you don't deny it, you are trying to roger me!"

This was staring to get irritating, but even worse it was drawing attention. Movement inside sounded like someone was coming to the back door, and the body was uncovered and exposed. Jack had to act quickly but he couldn't let the boy run off. He didn't put all his force into the blow, but punched the lads belly hard enough to knock the wind out of him. The boy crumpled to the ground, lungs gasping at air as he cradled his ribs. Jack quickly threw the tarp back over the body and stepped toward the door, hauling the rat back to his feet.

"What the hell is going on out here?"The midget butler burst out of the door, a blunderbuss longer than he was tall resting on his shoulder. Jack thrust the boy forward by way of explanation.

"I saw this one skulking around the alley, thought id catch him before he caused any grief."

"Really, guardian bloody angel are you? How lucky we are."

The midget's voice dripped with sarcasm as he took the gun off his shoulder, the barrel flaring out like a trumpet of death now pointing only just to Jacks right. As the butlers gaze started to wander towards the body Jack stepped forward a little more, letting the light from the open door hit his face. The gun came round a little more at the movement before the midget startled, his eyes fixing on the bionic lens and its steel casing.

"No, no guardian angel. Just part of his majesty's constabulary doing his duty."

While the information took a moment to sink in, the butler finally swung the blunderbuss back onto his shoulder. While it was common knowledge soldiers had received steel replacements for lost limbs, mostly it was hands or the occasional leg. But not many had seen such work up close, and Jack's lens was one of a kind. The attention could be a drawback, and partly why Jack had taken a night job. But being able to shock people with a look had its advantages. Having regained his composure the butler's dry tone returned.

"Well run off back to Bow street, and be quick about it!"

"I don't work.." before Jack could rebut the details of who he worked for the midget slammed the door behind him.

"Right little one, I've got a proposition for you." The boy had mostly recovered, but was still a bit short of breath as he answered.

"My arse won't be propositioned, don't care who you work for" Jack clouted the boy over the head

"For fuck sake, I don't want anything to do with your arse. Just listen, I need to move that there body without any more attention. So here's the deal. You help me out, and I'll give you half of what he had in cash, deal?"

"Half! I found him…"

Jack picked the boy up by his shirt front until they were eye to eye, his feet dangling for purchase near two feet off the ground.

"….half sounds good."

"Good. I'm Jack, what's your name boy?" his feet now back on the ground, the swagger came back into his voice


"Billy what?"

"Billy Windsor, just popped out from the castle for an evening stroll through the piss stained lanes of London"

Whack! Jack clouted the boy over the head.

"Windsor isn't even the kings last name you know that right?'

"Well Prince Billy then!"


"Enough with the stupid answers!"

"Then don't ask stupid questions. I look like I've got a last name? it's Billy, first last and middle"

"So Billy Billy, Billy?"

"No it's.." The lad stopped as he noticed Jack's grin

"Let's stop mucking around. Help me roll this toff up in that tarp, then I need you to run a message for me"

The two of them quickly shifted the corpse, Jack picking up the wallet and pocketing it before Billy had the chance. After they rolled him up in the tarp Jack knelt down and heaved the body onto his shoulder, standing back up with a grunt. It was a good thing they were in a quiet part of town, because anyone sober enough to stand up would realise it was a cadaver he was carrying. Still though, he could now pass it off as a peasant.

"Right, I need you to run to the palace..

"They'll bloody hang me!"

"…the building before the palace has a black door on the water front. A bloke named Barry will open the door. Be patient, it'll take him a bit to get his fat arse out the chair. Tell him Jack needs a boat here on the quick. If you need to tell him about the body, and if he takes his time then mention it's a toff." Billy looked up with uncertainty, not at all sure this was a good idea.

"So you want me to go find a copper, wake him up, and tell him I've got a dead fat cat needs picked up. Not to bloody repeat me self but they'll hang me!"

"No they won't, they'll come get the body. Then they'll hang you." Jack grinned as he slipped his watchman's ring off, a dull grey seal of an open eye embossed on the front. Meant to symbolise their office as the king's eyes or some such. "Here, give him this. And be quick about it, I'll be waiting at the docks and it would be better for all of us if you were back before dawn."

Billy looked the ring over, testing the weight in his hand.

"The two pound that's yours is worth a lot more than that lad, now off!"

As Billy turned and shot off down the alley Jack readjusted the dead weight on his shoulder. As he headed back toward the river, he contemplated just taking the money and sinking the body in the Thames. Granted that would have been easier before he gave the boy his ring, but that could be managed. He wouldn't though. Truth be told he needed to find that killer anyway, and that gun. A chill ran up his spine at the thought , a weapon going straight through a weave like that. He was halfway to the dock before he realised there hadn't been any blood.

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