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Naruto - A New Kekkei Genkai Naruto - A New Kekkei Genkai original

Naruto - A New Kekkei Genkai

Author: Kuuro_6988

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Bloods Blessing

A cheerful laugh escaped Naruto's lips, echoing through the air as he stood under the clear blue sky. The gentle breeze tousled his vibrant blond hair, causing it to sway with his movements, while the warm sunlight cast a radiant glow upon his mesmerising ocean blue eyes. By his side stood the remaining members of Team 7, each with their distinct demeanour.

Sakura, with a flick of her pink hair, attempted to charm the stoic Uchiha prodigy, Sasuke. However, his irritation was evident as he maintained his distance, his brooding expression hardly changing.

Naruto, in his usual upbeat manner, spoke up with a cheery voice. "That was easy, wasn't it?"

A visible tick mark formed on Sakura's forehead, unable to contain her annoyance. "Yeah, right! You only passed because your thick skull doesn't understand fear." She raised her hand and swiftly delivered a sharp smack to the back of Naruto's head.

Resigned in defeat, Naruto rubbed the growing ache on the back of his skull. He couldn't help but wonder if he was getting hit more frequently than usual, contemplating his misfortune.

While Sasuke listened to the banter of his teammates, he displayed minimal interest in their interactions. To him, Naruto and Sakura were nothing more than useless burdens. As their leisurely walk continued through the bustling streets of the Hidden Leaf Village, Sasuke saw an opportunity to escape and started walking in a separate direction. Sakura, ever vigilant, immediately noticed his departure and hastened to follow him. Lost in his own thoughts and immersed in strategizing how he would surpass Sasuke in the next examination, Naruto failed to notice their absence until it was too late. A sense of defeat washed over him as he surveyed his surroundings, his eyes darting anxiously in search of his companions. At times like this, Naruto deeply wished he possessed the ability to sense people's chakra. After fruitlessly scanning the area, he eventually resigned himself to the fact that they were gone and decided to head home.

Back in his cluttered and unkempt apartment, Naruto found himself seated on the floor, shirtless and deep in contemplation. His mind continued to dwell on Sasuke, whose presence and behaviour irked him to no end. Naruto couldn't deny that Sasuke was undeniably strong, even Iruka-sensei had acknowledged his potent kick and punch. Perplexed by his inability to defeat Sasuke, Naruto began to question his motivations for wanting to surpass him. Did he genuinely desire to best Sasuke, or was it more about his own personal growth? Did he crave recognition as an individual or as a skilled shinobi? Although Sasuke's presence remained an annoyance, Naruto realised that defeating him held little significance. What truly mattered was his own desire to become stronger and gain acknowledgement.

"So, what does that really mean?" Naruto muttered aloud, seeking answers from his inner turmoil.

In a burst of frustration, Naruto erupted into a tirade of nonsensical shouts, venting the overwhelming thoughts that consumed him. He stomped around his room, attempting to release the built-up tension.

As Naruto gradually regained composure, he suddenly recoiled in agony, a searing pain shooting down his back. Yelping in surprise, he instinctively reached for the afflicted area, massaging it in an attempt to soothe the discomfort. Unbeknownst to Naruto, a peculiar mark had manifested on his back—a vivid pattern comprised of spirals, lines, and circles, all in a vibrant shade of green.

A mark that intensified Naruto's growth rate across all areas of his training, fueling his determination and driving him to push further. As his motivation increased, so did the speed of his progress in any aspect of his training. Additionally, his affinity for wind-based techniques would be further enhanced by this mark. In particular, the mark responded most effectively during actual combat, and the intensity of Naruto's anger would amplify its effects. However, these enhancements would only manifest after a period of restful sleep.

Unperturbed by the advice to rest, Naruto defiantly declared to himself, "I'm going to train some more today." His unwavering determination to become the best ninja fueled his disregard for rest and his unyielding commitment to training.

Leaving his apartment, Naruto underwent a transformation of mindset, chanting confidently, "I am the best." This self-assured mantra resonated within him as he made his way to the training grounds, unwavering in his resolve.

Naruto devoted himself to intense training for several hours, his relentless spirit driving him forward. However, his solitary practice was interrupted by a familiar voice that called out to him, breaking his focused concentration.

"Well, well, aren't you up late, Naruto?" The voice belonged to an aged man cloaked in white. He donned a hat with a touch of red, a revered figure known to the people of the Leaf Village as an incredible individual. To Naruto, however, he was simply an old man—Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage.

"Hey, gramps, I'm training. I'm going to be the best ninja, you know. Watch this!" Naruto exclaimed, his youthful exuberance unabated. Summoning a group of shadow clones, he engaged in combat with them, delivering wild and forceful swings, though lacking the finesse of even an Academy student.

The Hokage chuckled, observing Naruto's display. "Why don't you learn some martial arts, Naruto? Being strong isn't enough if you can't land a hit on your opponent."

Naruto grumbled, displaying his aversion to learning technique. The arduous process of mastering new skills seemed too daunting to him. In his mind, if he was strong enough, everything else would fall into place.

"Boring! I'll just become strong enough to beat everyone," Naruto defiantly shouted.

Hiruzen chuckled once again, aware of Naruto's stubbornness. Retrieving a seemingly ordinary scroll from his cloak, he casually mentioned, "Well, I suppose I'll just leave this super-secret scroll here then since it's so dull." The mention of a super-secret scroll piqued Naruto's curiosity, although the thought of more tedious techniques annoyed him.

Deciding to retort, Naruto replied, "Fine, no one wants it anyway," and resumed his training, focusing solely on increasing his strength and executing beast-like punches and kicks.

Another ten minutes passed, and the Hokage had departed. Naruto couldn't help but glance at the scroll, his curiosity overpowering his initial reluctance. Shaking his head at his own indecision, he told himself that he didn't need it. However, a nagging thought crossed his mind—what if the scroll contained a cool secret technique once he completed its contents?

Approaching the scroll cautiously, Naruto's curiosity got the better of him. He gingerly opened it and dedicated the following hour to practising every technique described within. While he couldn't execute everything flawlessly, Naruto deemed his attempts sufficient. Realising that sleep was now overdue, he acknowledged the importance of rest and resolved to return to his apartment.

The next day arrived swiftly, and Naruto sprang out of bed, sensing a peculiar lightness to his movements. Perplexed, he briefly pondered the sensation before dismissing it, his mind consumed by the anticipation of devouring a steaming bowl of breakfast ramen. Hastily gulping down his beloved noodles, he raced through the village, his excitement propelling him forward. Arriving at the entrance of the Forest of Death, Naruto found Sasuke and Sakura waiting. Before he could exchange any words with them, a loud voice reverberated through the air, capturing their attention.

"How are my little genin?" The boisterous proctor had arrived, brimming with energy as always. Naruto's gaze fixed on her, and suddenly, he felt a trickle of blood rolling down his cheek.

"We have an interesting batch, it seems," the proctor, Anko, remarked with a sly grin as she nonchalantly licked the blood off Naruto's cheek.

Taken aback, Naruto stumbled backward, uncertain whether to be frightened or repulsed—perhaps a mixture of both.

"Alright, settle down," Anko proclaimed, her voice regaining its composure as she proceeded to explain the details of the Chunin Exam's second phase: the Forest of Death. She emphasised the perilous challenges that awaited them—traps, ferocious creatures, and encounters with rival ninja teams. Each team was assigned either a heaven or earth scroll, and their objective was to obtain the missing scroll from another team.

As Anko continued her explanation, Naruto's mind raced with anticipation. This was his chance to prove himself, to demonstrate his indomitable spirit and determination to overcome any obstacle. The prospect of facing the unknown dangers that lay ahead thrilled him, igniting a fiery resolve within his heart.

Sakura, still slightly unsettled by the earlier encounter, summoned her courage and sought further information about the Forest of Death from Anko. The proctor cheerfully obliged, providing additional insights into the rules, objectives, and potential rewards of the exam.

Naruto hung on every word, absorbing the information like a sponge. This was his moment to shine, to show everyone that he was capable of greatness and could ascend to the rank of Chunin. The desire to become stronger resonated deep within him, propelling him forward with an unwavering determination.

As the briefing neared its conclusion, Anko issued a warning about the perils that awaited them in the forest, emphasising the importance of teamwork and caution. Naruto nodded solemnly, acknowledging the significance of Anko's words. He was determined to prove that he could rely on himself while simultaneously showcasing his value as an integral member of Team 7.

The instant the briefing concluded, Naruto's excitement reached its zenith. He was eager to face the challenges and trials that awaited him in the foreboding depths of the Forest of Death. Turning to his teammates, a determined glint in his eyes, he rallied their spirits.

"Alright, guys, we've got this! Let's show everyone what Team 7 is made of!" Naruto exclaimed, exuding unwavering confidence.

Sakura couldn't help but feel a surge of admiration for Naruto's unyielding spirit. Despite his brash nature, he possessed an unshakeable determination that was difficult to ignore. Nodding, a small smile formed on her face as she responded with resolute determination, "You're right, Naruto. We'll stick together and make it through this."

Sasuke, his usual aloof demeanour intact, had been silently observing the exchange between Naruto and Sakura. Unable to entirely conceal the flicker of admiration he felt for his teammates, he finally spoke up, his voice laced with a hint of gruffness.

"Hmph, don't get too carried away. I'll watch your backs, but don't expect me to hold your hand," Sasuke muttered, attempting to mask his genuine respect for their determination and unwavering spirits.

With their resolve reinforced by Sasuke's tacit approval, Team 7 forged ahead, venturing deeper into the ominous and foreboding Forest of Death. The dense foliage swallowed them whole, casting eerie shadows and shrouding the air with an enigmatic atmosphere. Twisted branches reached out like gnarled fingers, and the rustling leaves whispered secrets of the dangers that awaited them.

Naruto's heart pounded with a potent mix of excitement and trepidation. Every nerve in his body tingled as they delved further into the unknown. The challenges that lay ahead, concealed within the labyrinthine depths of the forest, beckoned to him like enigmatic puzzles waiting to be solved. He was prepared to confront whatever obstacles and adversaries they would encounter, fueled by his unwavering determination and the burning desire to prove himself.

As they traversed the winding paths, Naruto's senses sharpened, attuned to the subtlest shifts in the environment. He could hear the distant howls of creatures hidden in the shadows, their presence a constant reminder of the peril that surrounded them. The forest seemed alive, whispering ancient secrets and harbouring untold mysteries that challenged their very existence.

Though the atmosphere was heavy with uncertainty, Naruto's exhilaration continued to swell within him. Each step he took, each obstacle they faced, only served to intensify his resolve. He knew that this journey would test their mettle, pushing them to their limits and beyond. But he embraced the challenge wholeheartedly, for he had never been one to shy away from adversity.

Their shared determination fueled his own, creating an unbreakable bond forged in the crucible of the trials they were about to face. They were more than just a team; they were a united force, ready to overcome any obstacle in their path.

As they pressed deeper into the heart of the forest, Naruto couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement mingled with a hint of apprehension. The path ahead was shrouded in uncertainty, but he remained undeterred. He had come to realise that it was during these moments of adversity, in the face of the unknown, that true growth and strength were forged. And he was determined to emerge from this forest as a shinobi capable of surpassing his own limitations.

So, with unwavering determination etched into their souls, Team 7 ventured forth, their footsteps resolute, ready to conquer the challenges that awaited them in the depths of the Forest of Death.

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