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Chapter 95: CH - 93 Kakuzu

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Akihiko was well aware of Hanzo's infiltration. After all, he had implemented a thorough lockdown of the entire Grass Ninja encampment. Anyone attempting to enter was subjected to stringent scrutiny.

Each individual entering the premises for assigned tasks received a specially crafted work permit from Grass Village. These permits featured a corresponding photograph and a distinct seal technique developed by the Uzumaki clan. Counterfeiting such permits was virtually impossible. Moreover, regular ninja inspections were conducted to maintain security.

Naturally, despite the stringent measures, there was always a chance for someone to exploit a loophole. However, most of the vital factories were tightly managed and not easily accessible. Furthermore, given the ongoing intense conflicts between the Five Great Ninja Villages, it was highly improbable that anyone would take an interest in investigating the affairs of a small ninja village. This ensured that their situation remained undiscovered.

Interestingly, in the original timeline, after Nagato had removed Hanzo from power, he took significant steps to ensure peace in the Land of Rain. One of his strategies was to establish strict isolation measures, tightly controlling both entry and exit from the region. This isolationist approach eventually led to a period of tranquility within the Land of Rain.

As a result of Nagato's actions, he came to be regarded as a god-like figure by the people of the Land of Rain, and Konan was revered as an angelic presence, earning the affection and admiration of the local ninja population.

Nagato's ability to effectively monitor the entire Land of Rain was largely facilitated by his utilization of the Rain Tiger at Will Technique. This unique technique allowed him to detect the presence of any unfamiliar individuals, granting him the means to maintain a comprehensive lockdown. Needless to say, achieving this level of surveillance was beyond the capability of ordinary ninja.

However, Akihiko wasn't particularly concerned about these matters. His initial expectation was that Hanzo might initiate a confrontational encounter upon his observation of the situation. As a result, Akihiko had been prepared for a showdown. To his surprise, Hanzo had simply turned around and departed. It appeared that Hanzo had visited merely to observe the situation without engaging in any aggressive actions.

Speaking of which, he really wasn't able to participate in today's battle, as he had other pressing concerns to address. Today, Akihiko found himself preoccupied with matters that required his attention.

As he observed Elder Yoshinori's agitated state, Akihiko offered a gentle smile and took the initiative to pour a cup of tea for him. With a reassuring tone, he said, "Relax, Elder Yoshinori. Don't let that guy's behavior bother you. He has his peculiar ways. My approval carries enough weight in this matter."

Recently, Akihiko had chosen to delegate a portion of his authority to Kakuzu, granting him the responsibility of overseeing the village's financial matters. Simultaneously, Konan worked as Kakuzu's assistant, aiding him in his tasks while also benefiting from his expertise.

The village was flourishing under this arrangement. With Kakuzu's financial expertise, the village's economic activities were thriving, easing Akihiko's concerns.

However, the situation took a turn a few days ago when Elder Yoshinori sought the allocation of funds for the current quarter. The village's research institute and academy both required significant financial backing, and the available funds were running low.

Typically, Akihiko could easily authorize such funding requests himself, and it wouldn't be much of an issue. However, now that Kakuzu was overseeing the financial matters, obtaining the necessary funds had become a more intricate process. Kakuzu's meticulous approach, particularly with sizeable fund allocations that demanded verification, was making the process less straightforward than it used to be.

Initially, Elder Yoshinori had submitted a straightforward funding application to Kakuzu, hoping to secure the necessary financial resources. However, as expected with the new regulations in place, the application was promptly returned to him with a note detailing its shortcomings. Kakuzu had cited issues such as unclear project information, incomplete figures, and unspecified costs.

It was an understandable outcome, as Elder Yoshinori's application had indeed been less precise in the past due to more lenient regulations. However, with the implementation of stricter guidelines, he was compelled to provide a comprehensive and accurate depiction of the reasons behind the funding request, along with the projects that necessitated financial support.

Therfore, he dedicated an entire evening to crafting a comprehensive application that outlined the reasons behind each request for funds and provided detailed explanations of the associated projects. He hoped it would align with the new standards.

However, the application faced another setback. Upon resubmitting it, Kakuzu once again returned it, this time asserting that the funding requested was excessive and wasteful. He required a reevaluation, recalculations, and a more judicious approach to the allocation of funds.

Kakuzu went even further, providing a modified list of items complete with costs that were substantially lower than market prices. He also recommended that the application include the specific items needed, while he himself would undertake the negotiation process for their prices.

Reluctantly, Elder Yoshinori took the application back and undertook the task of reworking it yet again. Kakuzu evaluated the application thoroughly and finally expressed his approval, acknowledging that the application now met the established requirements.

However, the ensuing process proved to be the most cumbersome part of all. To secure the necessary approval for the allocated funds, Elder Yoshinori required the signature of Kana, the Leader's Assistant. On the surface, it seemed like a straightforward task, merely a signature was needed. Thus, Yoshinori approached Konan to obtain her signature, thinking it would conclude the matter.

However, the matter didn't conclude there. It was only the beginning. Kakuzu stipulated that ninjas had to be dispatched to perform comprehensive inspections of both the academy and research institute, introducing several additional days into the process. Once these inspections were successfully carried out, Yoshinori was then told that signatures were required from various departments within the village.

This task necessitated several more days of concerted effort from Yoshinori as he diligently collected each signature. With these steps accomplished, the ultimate requirement was revealed, the personal signature of the village's Leader was needed for final approval.

At that point, Yoshinori's frustration peaked. If such a requirement had been stated earlier, he could have simply sought out the Leader himself. The need for him to run around at his age seemed entirely unnecessary and wasteful of his energy.

After enduring these numerous hurdles and gathering all the requisite signatures, Exasperated and nearly exhausted, Elder Yoshinori finally arrived at the frontline with meticulously prepared application in his hand, still simmering with frustration. He approached Akihiko and tersely uttered just two words, conveying his demand, "Grant funds."

"I will definitely give him a piece of my mind though I urge you not to let it upset you too much. At your age, it's not advisable to let anger consume you. The Land of Grass still relies on you, and its people need your guidance," Akihiko conveyed with a genuine tone of care. He then added with a tinge of exasperation, "Kakuzu, though... Does he not realize the significance of the academy and research institute? I'll have a serious conversation with him once I return."

As Akihiko finished his words, Yoshinori's exprerssion seemed to relax. He let out a sigh, saying, "Honestly, Kakuzu's managing things rather well. He's just stricter, though I've heard that if the matter is truly urgent, he'll reluctantly give his approval. The only issue is that obtaining funds from him is quite the task, as he's truly tightfisted," Yoshinori explained with a wry smile.

There was a momentary pause, and then Yoshinori continued, "My visit this time isn't solely about seeking funds. It's also to assess the current situation here. This is our first attempt at producing machinery for ninja armor. I wanted to ensure that there are no unexpected issues and to identify any areas that might require adjustments."

"At present, there are no reported problems. Concerning adjustments…" Akihiko took a moment to contemplate before assuring, "I will instruct someone to conduct a thorough evaluation later on."

No issues had arisen in the factories situated there. The process of worker recruitment had commenced some time ago. Given the prevailing circumstances and the close proximity of the location, with the assistance of Rain Ninja, people were found and subsequently taken to the factories after being rendered unconscious. Initially, this practice had startled the local inhabitants of the Land of Rain. They held the notion that they were being captured by nefarious ninja for experimental purposes.

However, this initial fear gave way to reassurance as they discovered that food and lodging were being provided to them. They also came to know that the Assistant Factory Manager himself had once been a refugee from the Land of Rain. He had managed to ascend to the position of Assistant Factory Manager, earning a respectable income and enjoying a stable family life. The specter of hunger had been cast aside, and his daughter was now attending school within Grass Ninja Village.

This account triggered a wave of envy, and many among the newly recruited workforce excitedly voiced their sentiments, saying, "Food and lodging? Lord Grass Ninja, you should have informed us earlier. We would have willingly sought out this opportunity!"

Subsequently, driven by anticipation for regular meals and the improved prospects, they donned the Land of Grass Worker uniforms dispatched by Grass Village. As they learned the spirit of the Grass Ninja, they energetically undertook their assigned tasks. Their eagerness and diligence towards work were notably remarkable.

"In a few days, upon your return, with the warehouse brimming with ninja vests, it will be an opportune moment to also transport the ninja inner armor to the village. We can then proceed to discuss the strategies for its sale," Akihiko began explaining but was suddenly interrupted.

In that very instant, the urgent voice of Mubuki broke in, disrupting the conversation. His expression bore a sense of anxiety as he exclaimed, "Leader! Leader! There's a major development, something significant has occurred!"

Both Akihiko and Yoshinori exchanged puzzled glances, their faces reflecting their confusion. What could this significant event be? Was it yet another clash between the Five Great Ninja Villages?

However, before Akihiko could even inquire further, Mubuki's expression turned somber, and he delivered the news directly, "We have just received intelligence confirming the demise of the Third Raikage!"

Simultaneously, Grass Village was also privy to the same intelligence. The demise of a Kage from one of the Great Ninja Villages was no trivial matter. Recognizing the potential for its repercussions, Grass Village promptly heightened its security protocols.

Among those informed, Kakuzu clutched the report, struggling to contain his involuntary tremors. Observing his reaction, Konan regarded him with perplexity, inquiring, "What's wrong, Kakuzu-senpai?"

Abruptly, Kakuzu's response jolted Konan, his words carrying an urgency that caught her off guard, "We must leave for the front lines. Immediately."





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