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Chapter 7: Chapter Seven- A Vacation Already?

"Are you serious?" I said as I tried my best to keep my excitement from my voice. The three chunin with me were just as stunned. We were standing in the commander's tent in front of both Sakumo and Princess Tsunade. 

"Yes, the four of your contributions in the battle against Russo cannot be understated. Thus you've all been granted a month's reprieve, this comes straight from the Third Hokage himself" Lady Tsunade said as she showed us the paper that was stamped by the man with the hat himself.

"Wow….." Koi said what we were all thinking, it was rare for shinobi with as little rank as us to be granted something like this, especially when the war was raging at this level. In my opinion, this was worth more than any medal.

"Thank you!" All three of the chunin said simultaneously as they bowed, I quickly followed.

"You've earned it. You may leave at your leisure" Tsunade said with a small smile as she waved us to leave.

We all turned with a pep in our step as we began to leave, I tried following them before something grabbed me by the scruff of my neck halting my path.

"Not you" Sakumo said as he led me out of the commander's office.

"You are to master the water walking exercise before you return, and whenever in the village you are to do nothing without your weights on. Also, continue your Kenjutsu practice" Sakumo ordered as my shoulders slumped, he smacked the back of my head slightly.

"Hey!" I said with indignation and began rubbing my head.

"Sweat and bleed when you're safe, so you don't on the battlefield. It is a rare and valuable occurrence to be able to train uninterrupted for an entire month during a war " Sakumo spoke a few rare words of wisdom that I surely couldn't refute. I nodded to him readily, energized to improve.


{Chakra Training Quest lll}

Master Water Walking

Objective: Walk continuously on water for over three hours with your weights on

Rewards: +10 Intelligence, (Wind) Nature Transformation-Training Guide,???.


"Of course sensei. I'll work hard" I replied.

"Oh and deliver this for me. I would have a hawk do it but it would be nice if she was handed it by somebody I know." Sakumo said as he handed me a nicely made letter that had a rose attached to it. 'Where the hell did he even get a rose when we're in the desert....wait that's not important, is he trying to use my childish charms for a booty call!'

"I'm not going to help you get laid Sakumo sensei" I said as I looked at him and the letter with squinted eyes. I was shocked when he bopped me in the head.

"It's for my wife you little shit!" He said after his fist made contact with my dome. I began vigorously rubbing my head to quickly wash away the pain I felt.

"Ok ok!" I replied in surrender as I looked over the letter and noticed it already had a delivery address on the front.

"Just go see that little sister of yours kid. Don't take for granted the time with your loved ones" Sakumo said as he cooled off and shooed me away.

"I won't sensei. I'll see you in a month" I said as I left the tent with a wave. Surprisingly the chunin squad was outside waiting for me.

"Ready kid? I don't know about you but I'd like to return to the village with haste." Ruko asked me with obvious excitement that was breaking the wisened elder dynamic he was going for.

"Let's go. You already received our relief documents?" I asked, we may be shinobi but bureaucracy was still a thing, a paper trail was needed for a village to keep track of thousands of shinobi. I asked Roku as he was the highest ranked among us, it was his responsibility to report at Hokage tower when we returned. 

"Of course. Three days at full speed, limited breaks. Let's go home boys" Ru said with a relieved smile. I would find out later that all three of them haven't been home in a little over two years, they deserved this break more than I did.

3 Days Later.....

It seemed our journey was blessed by the Paths themselves, not once did we run into foreign shinobi. No problems arose, not even a bandit blocked our path.

I felt like an undesirable weight left my shoulders once we were in front of the great gate of Konoha no Sato, I may not have been gone for a long time but I felt I wouldn't be home for a long while after getting stationed on the Suna front. After a little luck, I managed to return in a months time, a blessing.

Even the time of day seemed to be on my side because after we all checked in with the gate guard I realized it was only a few minutes past mid-day. The academy didn't let out the first years until two in the afternoon, I would get to surprise Mikoto. That thought alone washed away most of the stress that's been eating at me for the last month.

"Alright then kid. We'll be waiting here in a month to return to the front." Ruko said goodbye as he and three others split away from me, Ruko heading toward the tower. While the two siblings seemed to be heading towards their family.

"Guess I should stop by the house first, make sure she didn't burn it down on accident" I voiced aloud as I went through a few hand seals and disappeared with a flicker of leaves.

With my newest jutsu I managed to talk Koi into showing me I made it to the gate of the Uchiha clan in about a minute.

"Is that little 'Metsu?" One of the older guards asked me as his eyes seemed to lose the disdain they had earlier. Koshu Uchiha has been a member of the police force for as long as I can remember, he often used to catch me and a few childhood friends causing chaos through the village when we were little.

"Hey there Koshu. I just returned" I said as I waved to him as I crossed the threshold that separated the clan from the rest of the village. It was odd, unlike the Hyugas where their clan was just a compound. 

The Uchiha clan's land was more of a small gated community, filled with stalls and shops that were all owned by our clansmen. It even had its own training grounds, three of them. It was almost always lively. I guess it was something that only a founding clan could want or even have.

"The war hero in the making huh? I can't see it...The picture of you and those other hellions painting the Hokage monument seems more fitting" He said with a chuckle as he put a hand on my shoulder and sized me up, his three tomoe Sharingan coming to alive. In response my two tomoe Sharingan came alive as well, his face grew surprised before it rested on a smile. 'We didn't even do much, I'm surprised he even found out about that. There is that saying that gossip spreads worse than any disease'

It was important to know that this man was my uncle on my father's side, more of a cool uncle than a figure of authority for me growing up. It was one of the reasons I wasn't too worried about leaving Mikoto alone for so long, we were surrounded by family.

He was an odd one for an Uchiha, as he had brown hair and a darker skin tone. He was an aged man who was soon to be pushing thirty-five, you couldn't tell by the way he carried himself. He seemed to be in the prime of his life and was an accomplished ninja, he has been a jonin since I was a kid. I always found it weird that he looked so different from my father, who had the basic Uchiha looks. Paleish skin with black eyes and hair, they really must've looked like an odd pair growing up.

"You still never told Father of that, from what I remember" I said in a slight whisper, continuing our conversation of my 'delinquent' past, which there was no proof of.

"You've grown. You do have the look of a shinobi that could've helped Sakumo take Russo's arm. Your parents would be proud kiddo" He said with a sigh as his hand moved from my shoulder to my head as he ruffled my hair. Usually, I'd push his arm away, but it was just nice being home.

"Thanks Koshu, would you and Aunt Misa like to come over for dinner? It'd be nice to have a little get-together." I asked him hopefully, as Aunt Misa was always a cool woman who had a fiery side, and she would always give me tips on how to get away with my more 'risky' pranks.

"Sure kid, it's about time we've had a real spar. Now get home and get situated. Only have an hour or so before you have to pick up your sister. I've been covering for you but I can tell little Mikoto is getting agitated with you for being gone for so long" He said with a chuckle as I silently thanked him. 

"I'm a little scared that I might see some boy's clothes lying around the house, wouldn't want to have to hide a body on my first day home" I said with pure honesty which caused Koshu to sigh and shake his head at my antics.

"You'd never have to worry about that kid, body would've been hidden well before you got home" He said deadly seriously as we both let out maniacal chuckles, he smacked me on the back before shooing me away so he could continue his patrols.

Luckily my grandparents secured a prime spot that was less than a minute away from the 'shopping district' of the clan's grounds. It was a nice two-story house that had received a few upgrades since the time of my grandparents. A more modernized feel that my mother would hound my father on regularly so that it would fit the more bustling area it was in. Thus a deck was built in both the front and back of the house. It was a nice memory as it was one of the few times that my father and I managed to secure some quality time together that wasn't training, now I believe it was my mother's ploy for him to lessen the training during my childhood. 

I always kept the key around my neck so with one click I was home, I walked straight to the couch and fell back with a sigh of pleasure. Without so much as a thought, I grasped the clock on the table and set it for one hour. I was snoring the second I placed it next to my pillow.

I arrived at the academy in a flurry of leaves around fifteen minutes before they let out, a couple of other retired shinobi parents noticed me quickly and offered me a nod and a slight smile. I returned it, as I leaned on the wall near the academy's entrance.

It wasn't long before I began overhearing the usual parental gossip, whose kid was cutest, what so and so did. I began to block it out before a piece of information grabbed my attention,

"Did you hear? The councils voting on it again." A woman who thought she was speaking in a whisper asked.

"Again? That is the third time this year that those 'elders' wish to lower the graduating age in the academy. I don't know about you but if they wish to force my girls to become ninja before they even reach my waist. I swear….. I'll pull them out of the academy before they can even blink" It was obvious that this mother was from the Yamanaka Clan, given her beach blonde hair and pupiless blue eyes. I readily agreed with her, what was the point of using child soldiers if only the talented ones survive? There is no need for four-foot-tall meat shields on the battlefield. It would honestly be more of a distraction for our more soft-hearted comrades.

I know I couldn't turn a blind eye if I saw a fresh genin barely out of diapers fighting for his life on the battlefield. 'Yes….. I'm aware that I also fell under that banner. But I got twenty kills in my first battle so…. Doesn't count anymore.'

"I agree, thankfully Lord Hiruzen has been strongly against such a motion. I heard he even guaranteed that if such a policy was ever put in place it would be on a voluntary basis only." Another parent joined in and I was surprised when I noticed who she was.

It wasn't every day the matriarch of the Uchiha clan made an appearance. But I guess it was when her only child seemed to be in the academy. Most likely in Mikoto's class as well, I don't know how I never noticed. The heir of the clan was around Mikoto's age if I remember right. I wished I didn't have to do that delivery mission before her entrance exam.

"I thank the Paths every day for the Second Hokage's choice. Lord Hiruzen has turned into such valiant kage." An older civilian woman said with a slight devotion. It was more than likely that she was here for a grandchild, it seemed very unlikely she could've bared a child that could be going to the academy….' Did I get sucked into a housewife drama session...Damnation' I finished the thought with a hefty sigh, at least it burned through a few minutes.

It wasn't much longer before a bell rung and a gaggle of the less controlled children made an appearance as they ran about with seemingly infinite energy towards their parents, most were children of civilians or the more roundy of the clans. I noticed her well before she saw me. She seems to have made a few friends.

The obvious among the two was the clan heir, he had a few laugh lines and a pair of sharp eyes, this was Fugaku Uchiha the next heir. Off-limits. 'Lucky bastard'

The other tyke looked like a yellow porcupine, with blonde hair and blue eyes, it was a forlorn conclusion that the little bastard would be handsome. He and Mikoto were laughing over some joke I'm sure the kid made. 'Civilian, possible target for elimination, further investigation is required.' I finished the 'possible' joke as I waited for the little four-foot-nothing tyke to notice me. 

She quickly waved bye to Fugaku as his mother grabbed his hand and kissed him on the cheek. The poor kid was so embarrassed I honestly felt bad for him.

The blonde tyke waved bye to her as he left the gate on his own, I spotted his smile fade as he passed the gate.

'Orphan, most likely.' Something about that made me dislike the kid slightly less, maybe it was because Mikoto and I might have been in his situation if we didn't have the clan.

I also noticed the odd number of calluses and scratches on his arms and hands. 'A hard worker then. You have to be if you want to make something of yourself as a civilian shinobi. Lord Jiriyah and Orochimaru can attest to that'

The girl seemed to be stuck in place as she began looking for a darker-skinned Uchiha with brown hair.

"Jeez, what are they teaching you in there? I've been in front of you for over forty seconds. Situational awareness is key for a ninja" I said as I was literally in front of her. Her eyes widened at the sound of my voice before she took a run at me.

"Big brother!" She seemingly yelled in delight as she jumped to me with her arms open. I foolishly let my guard down….. The little tyke had me in a headlock before any of my ninja training kicked in.

"You done little sister?" I asked with a smile, she was in no way near strong enough to actually restrict my airflow.

"I do not speak to liars….." She said with a huff as she operated my hair like the reigns of a horse from her perch on my shoulders. Soon I was turned around and walking the streets surrounding the academy.

"But I didn't lie, my sensei didn't tell me the actual specifics. I couldn't have known…" I was justly interrupted by a rather forceful tug that made me turn toward the food district.

"Big words will not help big brother." 

"Mikoto, you understand everything I'm saying. You just want to be difficult" I said with a smile as I raised my head at the little tyke that was sitting on my shoulders.

"Not entirely correct" She disagreed quickly to my sigh.

"What will it be then? Dango? Akamichi BBQ?" I asked as I heard her stomach growl at the mention of her two favorite restaurants that we were 'somehow' heading toward.

I expected this and cashed all four of the checks that were left untouched on the kitchen counter, well over a million Ryo. most of it was put into the account left behind by our parents while I kept the rest on hand for my time in the village. 'Why so much? Assisting Sakumo in his battle would become an A-rank mission on my records. The pay followed.'

"Both!" She decided and I would be a fool to refuse.

"BBQ first then, I could really go for their double stack of beef ribs…" I agreed quickly as a small drizzle of drool fell from my lips which I quickly wiped away. What could I say, military rations are closer to animal kibble than real food.

"Onward then!" She said with a giggle as she kicked my chest and pointed forward.

We managed to get a small booth in less than five minutes, It was after I finished the first rack of ribs like a starved animal that I decided to see how Mikoto was doing at the academy.

"So how's the academy going? I saw you already have a few friends" I asked curiously as I noticed she was barely halfway done with her pulled pork sandwich.

"Not too bad, they began testing us academically. I figured I would be the top student, but I wasn't…." Mikoto said with a sigh as she took a slightly angrier bite of her sandwich. 

The first year was usually a test for the student's intellect as well as ingrained in them a competitive spirit for further more competitive years. Well, there was also the blatant indoctrination, luckily Koshu put a stop to that nonsense. I'm sure he already had the 'talk' with Mikoto as well.

"Somebodies beating you in studies after I snuck you the entire curriculum a year early?" I asked in surprise as I whispered the last part after she threw her fork expertly so it stuck in the table near my hand. It wasn't cheating if it was just basic math and history that most clan kids learned from their parents or sitters anyway.

"Ughhhh. That's what I thought to. That's why I've been friendly with the spiked head to check if he's cheating, but I'm starting to think he's just that smart. He's fun to talk to as well, though he does try too hard to get people to like him." Mikoto said as she described the kid who was probably her first 'friend' outside of the clan.

"Kids an orphan. Must have nothing else to do in the orphanage besides study, train and dream for the future" I said with a shrug as I thought of the only explanation that made sense. "And what of the momma's boy?" I asked which caused a giggle from Mikoto.

"Fugaku and Minato seem to be the only kids mature enough to realize we're training to be shinobi during a war, that's one of the biggest reasons they're my friends. It gets old to be asked to play 'ninja' fifteen times a day." Mikoto said with a sigh. I almost wanted to frown that my sister was so jaded at her age. But both of our 'innocent' childhoods ended when Koshu appeared on our doorstep four years ago and informed us that both our parents died. Was still sad she couldn't still be a normal kid, well as normal one could be when training to be a killer.

"Alright milady, would you like dessert?" I asked as I patted my slightly puffed-out belly, that was the first time I managed to finish the 'double rack' and I knew my late sensei would be proud of my accomplishment. 'I should leave flowers to their families while I have a chance this month. I had to stop and see Mom and Dad as well, luckily visiting fallen warriors was a one-stop shop. The beautiful stone monument made sure of that'

"Yes!" She said excitedly as she hopped from the booth and followed me to the counter where I paid for our meals. Next stop dango.

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