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Chapter 28: 24. SHANGRI-LA




"How big is this village? Uncle!" Naruto tried to start a conversation. He was getting more and more nervous with each passing second. Why? Because he is going to meet his family for the first time. "It isn't that big nephew! It's a small village with strange shared beliefs!"

"Shared beliefs?"

"Wipe out the past, live in happiness; that's the basis of it. To forget everything that's not happy. To love peace, to change this place into paradise on earth. Although in reality it was just a farce! Those living here have to perform certain less than respectable tasks for the boss of this village."

"You did told me that already?! So who was performing those tasks while you were busy training me!"

"Remember when I used to leave the island for bounty hunting for weeks! I was actually carrying out tasks for the boss of this place. Although there are some capable of performing the tasks but I don't allow them because my skill sets like the Teleportation Jutsu allows me to escape from any kind of situations without the need of revealing my Uzumaki identity. Although many Uzumakis living here are powerful but there is a chance that they won't escape without revealing their Uzumaki identity. Such a situation will be a disaster for us. It will start another 'Hunt' for the Uzumaki Clan for our techniques. So I generally perform all tasks to avoid such a situation."

Naruto nodded. That was reasonable. He then tried to change the topic, "The nature around here is really lovely! If not for the Genjutsu trap and the magnetic field, it would have been a great vacation spot!" Naruto said loudly.

"Shhh! You haven't mastered the art of mimicry nephew! We will get caught if they hear your voice. Remember! The people living here are ultra paranoid. Keep silence till we reach the clan compound!"

Naruto and Yaichiro are currently walking towards Shangri-La in disguise. He and Yaichiro had simultaneously used the Combination Transformation technique to take on the appearance by which Yaichiro is known by the people of Shangri-La. Why? Because the village people have a firm grasp of who's who in the village. If somebody go in there looking like someone else, they'll give themselves away, the villagers will then try to eliminate the intruders.

Naruto had teleported here with his uncle. Why didn't he directly teleported inside their compound in Shangri-la? Well! The magnetic field and the natural Genjutsu around this place interfere with the Teleportation Technique so they have no choice but to teleport just outside the Valley Of Lies.

The wind from the valley floor rose and flowed through the forests, raising a cool, refreshing breeze. Surrounded by mountains in all directions, and far away from the nonsense of human kind. This was the perfect place to relax. They were surrounded by steep mountains and forests spreading out as far as the eye could see. There were probably no humans in these lands anymore, just wild animals. So it wasn't a surprise that this place was never discovered.

"Have we arrived there?" Naruto asked Yaichiro in a hushed tone

"Yes! It's right over there!" Yaichiro also replied to Naruto in a hushed voice and resumed, "You have become a lot heavier!"

"Well! It's all thanks to your proper and nutritious diet!" Naruto also replied in the same hushed tone.

"So this is the effect of the genjutsu? Huh! I cannot discrete the village at all."

"Yeah! You have to perform the genjutsu disruption techniques. Let me do it for you!" Yaichiro performed a half snake seal, "Now can you see the entrance!"

"Whoa! There it is! The entrance to the Shangri-la village." Naruto gasped at the sight.

There was a gargantuan hole dug in half-way up the mountain, and there were houses lined up in that hole.

"Yeah! Prepare yourself nephew! You are going to meet your fellow Uzumakis!" Yaichiro informed Naruto.

"I am prepared!" Naruto said confidently but in reality he was very nervous. Yaichiro did informed him that this group already accept him as their leader but he didn't know how they will react.

"We're here!" Yaichiro said standing infront of a steep cliff. If one were to see past the cliff, they'd be able to see the running river beneath it. The river had probably formed this cliff over time. The winds blowing from the valley were strong, and would occasionally bring the water from the beneath the cliff into the forest.

"Where is the village?" Naruto sweat dropped.

Yaichiro sighed. He picked up one or two rocks and then threw them as hard as he could towards the opposite mountain.

"What are you doing uncle?"

"Just watch!"

Naruto obeyed, his eyes followed the little rocks, he expected the rocks to hit the opposite mountain. But they did not. They simply disappeared from sight.

"I see! Another Genjutsu?!" Naruto began looking at his surroundings carefully. He had assumed that there was a single genjutsu affecting the area which his uncle has already dispelled. Alas! It wasn't the case. No wonder! This place was never discovered by anyone, "It would seem that while my guard was down, I got caught in another genjutsu."

Right then, the strong winds from the valley floors began to rise. As they were standing at the edge of a cliff, when the water from the river joined in the wind, its mist touched their cheeks. Naruto frowned. The mist is influencing his Chakra Flow. He immediately understood and then whispered to himself, "So this is the source of the genjutsu."

"Yes nephew! When the river water rises, a fragrance that causes genjutsus wafts up from the river bed. The fragrance also has a relaxing effect, so it makes you think the forest air is cool and refreshing, rendering you oblivious to the fact that you're in an genjutsu."

Now that he thought about it, the atmosphere in the area did feel almost too perfect.

Yaichiro immediately formed a hand seal and said, "Release!".

Yaichiro dispelled the genjutsu, Naruto looked at the mountain once more, and a look of understanding came over his face. "Whoa! So that's the village hidden in the Valley of Lies: Shangri-la!" Naruto gasped at the sight.

There was a gargantuan hole dug in half-way up the mountain like his uncle have told him, and there were houses lined up in that hole.

Naruto had been so excited but as he looked at the village, his excitement turned to nervousness. Yaichiro ignored it. He knew that the Uzumaki will welcome him with open arms.

"So our family live here! Huh?"

"Yeah! Nephew!"

"Where's the real entrance to the village uncle?" It appeared that even getting into the village, half-way down the mountain would be difficult as well.

"We jump!"

A primitive method. But Naruto was surprised. He exclaimed to his uncle in amazement, "Are you kidding me?"

"If the residents have made a road into the village, other people would have noticed it, and it'd become very easy for enemies to invade this village so they didn't make one. Everyone from the village is a Missing-nin anyway so they can jump in pretty easily."

After the explanation, Yaichiro kicked himself off the cliff, taking a giant leap. He took the exact same path that he always takes whenever he visit the village. Yaichiro landed perfectly, and went straight towards their compound, disappearing into the hole without leaving so much as a trace behind them.



"What unique structures!" Naruto said in a hushed voice.

"I know but keep quiet!" Yaichiro replied.

Near the village entrance, there were several men who looked as though they were the village's inhabitants and they were all making hand seals. These men were probably the ones applying the genjutsu to the river waters being blown by the wind. If they were doing this everyday without rest, they were quite the guarded bunch. You couldn't tell from the outside, but this hole ran much farther back than one would expect, and there were closely-packed buildings all lined up. It would take a fair amount of time to find someone in a place like this.

Just slightly further in from the entrance was, as Uncle Yaichiro have described, a large tree trunk that acted as a pillar holding the hole open. It was basically the backbone of the village.

Yaichiro have started feeling uneasy. He is still carrying on Naruto on his shoulders while being in the disguise of Michio. Naruto is really heavy! Yes! He goes by the name and appearance of Michio around this place.

Naruto was also taking an extensive look around his surroundings when somebody addressed his uncle.

"Michio! Is that you?!"

Suddenly, they heard a voice from the shadow of the tree calling out to them and approaching them.

When he looked towards the voice, he saw a person with light brown skin and brown hair. The person had an average physique, and Naruto could not tell if it was really an Uzumaki so he kept his mouth shut.

"Regan? I wasn't aware you have returned back to the group?!" He was one of the Uzumaki who have left the group and is constantly searching for more Uzushio Shinobi. He is a bounty hunter by profession and is immensely powerful.

"I returned because I found some more of our kind, three of them. The father is a good fighter and the mother possesses Heal Bite. They also have a adorable daughter. What was her name again! Umm! I think it's Karin! Yeah! Karin! The family was living in disguise until they were found by bounty hunters. He was trying to run away from bounty hunters when my informant informed me..." Regan began his explanation in hushed voice.

"Shhhhh!" Michio silenced Regan, "We will talk in the compound!"

Regan snorted but agreed. There were too many prying eyes around here.



Yes! They live here by the name of Hiroki Clan with the background story that they were a small shinobi clan from the Land of This. Later on when the country's Daimyō stopped hiring them, they got involved in criminal activities as a way to support their clan. In response, the Daimyō tried to eliminate them and they fled the country in fear, taking shelter in Shangri-la.

As soon as the Gate Guards closed the Compound gates, Yaichiro undid the Combination Transformation Technique revealing Naruto on top of Yaichiro's shoulders. Naruto jumped down from his uncle's shoulders and took a good look around the compound. It wasn't a fancy one but still good enough better than his hellhole of the apartment complex where he used to live. Yaichiro sighed and started massaging his shoulders trying to relax them. Naruto has grown really heavy!

He and Yaichiro then again performed the Transformation Technique taking another disguise. Yaichiro again become Michio and Naruto became an adult Menma without the whisker marks and with reddish brown eyes.

"Who's the pipsqueak?" Regan asked curiously.

"You aren't that big yourself!" Naruto retorted.

In response Regan undid his transformation. He was big! Very big! Bigger than uncle Yaichiro! Easily more than six feet tall with overdeveloped muscles. He was like a wild bull. That's how Naruto could describe him. He instantly shut up his mouth.

"I will tell you later! Regan!" Yaichiro replied and then asked, "What were you saying earlier?"

"Oh! Yeah! I was saying that I found three Uzumakis!" Regan replied.


"In the country of Kusagakure. The bounty hunters have captured them and were trying to sell the family in some place known as Coliseum when my spies informed me. Naturally I rescued them and killed their captors as well as everyone that knew about them. So don't worry no information is leaked."

"That's ok! So did you find anything more about this Coliseum place?!! Maybe there were more Uzumaki or Uzushio Shinobi those bastards from Coliseum have enslaved. We must rescue them."

"I know! That's why I am going to raid the place and rescue our brothers and sisters, if they have any. If not! Then I will simply kill all of them anyway. I have already decided that. Scum like those are meant to be killed."

"Good! I will join you!" Yaichiro said firmly.

{{{A/N: In the original timeline, Karin's father sacrificed himself to save his family and Karin's mother took shelter in Kusagakure. And Regan returned after this place was destroyed by Kakuzu and Hidan while Yaichiro had already died fighting Mōryō. So naturally Regan tracked down the Akatsuki members responsible for the death of his people and attacked them alone to avenge his fallen brethren. But Hidan somehow managed to find his blood samples and sacrificed him to Jashin.}}}

"Anyway I just came here to drop them. The father is alright but the mother and daughter are still in trauma. Sumi Tatsuguchii is giving them a therapy. I think they will be alright in no time. They just need our support."

"Yeah!" Yaichiro agreed.


"So?!" Yaichiro asked Regan in confusion.

Regan pointed towards Naruto who was hearing their conversation silently. He himself want to take part in killing those bastards who dare to harm his family but he knew that there is a chance that he will only become a burden for them. He will be patient. His time will come. He is happy. He now have three more family members. Naruto promised himself. He will keep his family safe no matter what even if he has to become a demon, he will become one gladly!

Yaichiro understood what Regan was asking and started the explanation, "He is Naruto Uzumaki, the Great-grandson of Lord Ashina. Yes! A direct descendant from the main family, son of Kushina Uzumaki."

"Woah! So he is going to be our leader. Huh?!"

"Yeah! I am going to be your leader!" This time Naruto replied to Regan confidently with fire in his eyes.

"That's some confidence brat even though you are a pipsqueak!"

"It is not my fault that to an overgrown bull like you everyone looks like a pipsqueak."

"I think I am gonna like you Honourable Leader!" Regan replied to Naruto dramatically.

"I am afraid I don't swing that way!"

Regan gave Naruto a look of bafflement. He then looked at Yaichiro who had a look of amusement.

"I see you have a sense of humor brat!" Regan finally found some words in his mouth.

"Don't let his looks and young age deceive you Regan. He is very sharp and will become a very capable leader. I can bet my life on it."

"That's some confidence you have in Naruto! Yaichiro!" Regan said to Yaichiro.

"Hah! You will also start believing in him once I share with you some of the methods Naruto have discovered on how to further advance anybody's training. It will also help you a lot. They are very useful methods."

"We will see! Let's go inside the main house of the compound! The elders are waiting for the arrival of the Honourable Leader." Regan said in a sarcastic manner.

Naruto snorted in response and started following them.





Today every Uzushio Shinobi have been very happy and excited. Why? Because they have found another three members of the Uzumaki clan and might even find some more of them if Regan's information is really correct. Another reason was because they have finally found a bona fide candidate for the position of Clan Head, descended from the very same Clan Head who had once stood side by side with Senju Hashirama, the Shodai Hokage and husband of Lady Mito himself; and is the Jinchūriki of the most powerful Bijū: The Nine-Tailed Demon Fox.

There are two Elders who play vital role in the decesion of this Uzushio Group. The elders were highly respected by these group members even Yaichiro respect them greatly because they were not only the veterans of the Second Shinobi World War but was personally selected by Yoshitsune Uzumaki as the advisory committee of this group of Uzumakis. Yes! Yoshitsune Uzumaki, the father of Yaichiro Uzumaki was the leader of this Uzushio Group ever since they escaped the Great Destruction. Only four groups of Uzushio Shinobi comprising mostly of children and women have managed to escape the Great Destruction thirty years ago and one of them was this group. Being the most powerful in this group they chose Yoshitsune Uzumaki as their leader who then selected Shoko Uzumaki and Yasuke Tatsuguchii as the elders of this particular group.

The Elders are sitting in the meeting chamber discussing about Naruto with the other members of the council. The Elders, Fusume Fujita representing the Fujita Family and Takashi Arainami representing the Arainami Clan were sitting in front of a long table facing the other members of the group, sitting at their respective seats on mat.

"But Takashi, bear in mind that Naruto is Lady Kushina's son, that means he is from the main family, from the family of Lord Ashina, hence it is our duty to atleast give him a chance for attaining the position of Clan Leader. Besides Yaichiro also believes in him and keep in mind the prophecy of the priestess of the Land of the Demons regarding Naruto."

"I still cannot understand! How could all of you believe in a prophecy of all things and then give the leadership of this group to a brat. Can he really protect us from all of our enemies? Is he really capable of controlling the power of the Nine-Tails?"

"No! He isn't! But we can teach him. We have the information available from Lady Mito. She was able to gain partial control over that Bijū's power. I am sure he can also learn to control it in no time. Afterall he is Lady Mito's Great-grandnephew!!"

Takashi wasn't convinced but he isn't going to doubt the elders, especially with Yaichiro supporting this Naruto. He couldn't help himself, "I still think we should choose Lord Yaichiro as the next Clan Head."

Elder Shoko was sitting cross-legged before him on the tatami mat, partaking from his favourite pipe. He frowned at Takashi, "Tell me Takashi! Do you know why it is that despite so many of us still living, our clan has not chosen a new Clan Head since Lord Ashina martyred?" he asked him after blowing out some puffs of smoke.

Takashi frowned back, honestly he does not know the answer. Then again, he hadn't exactly asked himself that question before due to the fact that most Uzumaki clansmen just accepted the current status quo. In such situations, short of actually desiring power, not many would question the way the group was being led as long as they are kept safe from their enemies. "I... I don't know!" Takashi admitted honestly.

Shoko smiled as he held his pipe in one hand. "Nor do the others. Yet, the answer is simple: none of us can become Clan Head."

Takashi blinked at that answer, feeling more confused than before, "I don't understand! Wasn't Lord Yoshitsune was elected previous Clan Head by this group? If Yaichiro is elected as the next Clan Head, nobody in the group would protest. Even Lord Regan will support your decision. After all, we all know that the man who'd kept all of us safe from our enemies all these years had been him."

All present in the meeting nodded at Takashi's suggestion.

Shoko gave a brief true laugh at the Takashi's suggestion. It wasn't a laugh of mockery rather it was hearty laugh. "What a terrible misinformation! Who said Yoshitsune was the Clan Head? He was the Leader of this faction and took decesion that benefited the clan and Shinobis alike but he never accepted the position of Clan Head. Besides just days ago before Yaichiro informed us of Lord Naruto none of us were even daring to talk about resurrecting Uzushiogakure let alone the clan. It was taboo in the group. We were that afraid but now we all are not only discussing about it but also have started debating over who will be the next Clan Head. That alone is enough for me to qualify Lord Naruto as the next Clan Head or atleast give him a chance for attaining the position of Clan Head."

All present in the meeting even Takashi lowered their head in shame. That's true. Before they found out about Lord Naruto, they were living in constant fear of being found by their enemies but now they aren't. Not anymore!

"Takashi and everybody present here should know this, Clan Head of the Uzumaki Clan aren't chosen due to their power, skill or influence alone." Taking a drag from his pipe, Shoko continued his explanation, "Were it so, any arrogant brat could challenge the Head for his position. Clan Heads in our clan are chosen... differently! It isn't necessary condition in our clan that we should only choose the most powerful members of our clan for the position of Clan Head nor the most political but rather somebody who could unite us and takes care of us like their own family. A Clan Head must be strong, yes, but he must also be equally wise and cunning. He must be influential but also modest. You all should also consider the fact that you all may want to elect Yaichiro for the position of the next Clan Head but Yaichiro himself has already chosen Lord Naruto as the Next Clan Head."

Everybody present in the meeting widened their eyes at this revelation. Some who were opposing the idea of Naruto's ascension to the throne of Clan Head also changed their opinion. It's true. If somebody would have told them some days ago that they would discuss the possible revival of their destroyed hidden village then they would have declared that somebody a madman. But just the information that someday from the Main Family were again going to lead the clan and revive the village, have filled all of them with hope and have given them the strength to fight off their fears.

Shoko sighed as he blew some more smoke idly. It seems he had managed to change the opinion of a majority of them to give Lord Naruto a chance. "Lord Ashina! Please continue to guide us to the right path and bless us!" He prayed in his mind.

"Knock! Knock!"

"Enter!" Elder Yasuke's voice boomed in the meeting hall.

The guard entered the meeting hall. He then bowed before the elder as a sign of respect, and said, "Lord Yaichiro have arrived in the compound with Lord Naruto. They are coming towards the meeting hall."

The elders nodded while everybody in the chamber sat up a bit straighter. Watching this development, the elders were amused. Just minutes ago these same people were opposing Lord Naruto but now they are tidying their clothes to make themselves look in order and well arranged. It looks like they want to make a good impression on Lord Naruto.

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