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Chapter 33: Chapter 33:- Special Chapter [I]

You can consider this chapter to be chapter 33 or just part of the Special Chapter. This chapter will be a part of volume 2. 

While Volume 2 will begin much later after this special event. 


It was a beautiful weekend, and like most weekends, Naruto spent his time hanging out with his friends. He cherished these moments, knowing that once they graduated, their lives as ninjas would become busier, leaving little time for leisure. So, Naruto, Shikamaru, Kiba, Choji, and Shino gathered at the local playground, enjoying each other's company and creating lasting memories.

While they were all chatting and laughing, Choji, usually the most carefree among them, wore a slightly troubled expression.

"The closer our graduation gets, the more nervous I feel," Choji admitted, managing a small, uncertain smile.

Naruto and the others turned their attention to Choji, surprised by his admission. It was unusual for Choji, who was often seen munching on snacks or enjoying a good meal, to be so preoccupied that it affected his appetite.

"Why are you feeling so nervous, Choji?" Naruto asked, concerned. He knew it must be something significant if it was enough to distract Choji from his usual routine of constant snacking. The group knew Choji as someone who always had a bag of chips in hand, whether they were at school or just hanging out. His sudden change in demeanor was noticeable and out of character.

Choji's face showed genuine worry as he shared his fear of failing the graduation exam. "I'm really scared I might not pass and have to stay another year in the Academy. That's something I really don't want," he said, trying to smile through his concern.

Seeing his friend's distress, Naruto offered a comforting hand on Choji's shoulder and gave him an encouraging smile. "Choji, you don't have to worry so much. Remember, we're training to be ninjas. As long as we're good at Ninjutsu, I'm pretty sure the Academy will pass us. Being skilled in Ninjutsu is the most important thing," Naruto reassured him. He spoke confidently, recalling what his mother had told him and his own experiences from his previous time at the Ninja Academy.

Choji's eyes widened in surprise and relief at Naruto's words. It wasn't just Choji who felt a wave of relief; Kiba, Shikamaru, and Shino also looked visibly more relaxed hearing this.

"Is that really true?" Choji asked, a hint of hope in his voice.

"Yeah, I'm not making this up. My mom explained it all to me," Naruto confirmed with a nod.

Kiba, hearing this, couldn't help but smile in relief. "That's really good to hear," he said, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders. The group's mood visibly lightened as they realized that their skills in Ninjutsu could be their ticket to successfully graduating.

"Say, why don't we go out of the village on a trip?" 

"Once we become Shinobi, we'll be busy with our own missions. It might be a long time before we can all hang out like this again," Naruto's suggestion about a trip had everyone deep in thought. He was right; their graduation was just around the corner, and soon enough, their lives as ninjas would begin. This meant their time together as friends might become scarce.

The group fell silent, each pondering over Naruto's words. It was a bittersweet realization that their days at the Academy were ending, and a new chapter was about to begin – one that might not include seeing each other every day.

Shikamaru, always the strategist, was the first to break the silence. "So, Naruto, where do you think we should go for this trip?" he asked, his expression showing genuine interest.

Naruto thought for a moment before answering, "How about we visit a village nearby and stay there for a couple of days? It'll be fun, and we can explore somewhere new together."

His suggestion was met with nods and murmurs of agreement from the group. The idea of a short getaway before they stepped into the busy life of a Shinobi seemed appealing to everyone. 

Kiba's question sparked curiosity in the group. "The Crimson Leaf Village," Naruto replied, his eyes lighting up with excitement. The name seemed to ring a bell for everyone, though none of them had actually visited the place.

"I've heard it's not too far from here, less than half a day's walk," Kiba added, gently stroking Akamaru, his loyal white-furred companion.

Naruto nodded eagerly. "Yeah, that's right! And I've heard they have amazing hot springs there. We could relax in the hot springs, explore the village, and just have a great time for two days." His voice was full of enthusiasm, but a hint of worry crept in as he considered the likelihood of their parents allowing such a trip.

The idea of spending two days in a nearby village, especially one famed for its hot springs, clearly appealed to everyone. However, like Naruto, they too wondered whether their parents would permit them to venture out of the village for that long. Despite this uncertainty, the thought of such an adventure brought smiles to their faces, imagining the fun and camaraderie they could share before their lives as ninjas officially began.

Kiba's face lit up with enthusiasm as he spoke, "I really think it's a great idea."


His excitement was mirrored by his companion, Akamaru, whose white fur seemed to wiggle with eagerness, accompanied by a cheerful bark.

Shikamaru, usually laid-back and often found lounging under a tree, surprisingly agreed, "It's not a bad plan." He seemed to be warming up to the idea of spending quality time with his friends.

Choji, always cheerful and ready for an adventure, chimed in with his usual enthusiasm, "I'm definitely in!" He smiled widely, thinking about the trip.

Shino, more reserved than the others, simply nodded his head, indicating his agreement with the plan.

The excitement was palpable, but Kiba's face soon turned thoughtful as he raised a concern, "The real challenge is getting our parents' permission to stay there for two days." He knew that his strict mother would need some convincing.

"That's true," agreed Naruto, "But if we tell them I'm going too, it might be easier to convince them." Naruto's reputation and his mother's status in the village could be the key to swaying their parents' decisions. By now, the whole village practically knew that Naruto was Kushina and the fourth Hokage's Son. The word also has spread that Naruto has spent his entire childhood outside of the village. This meant that Naruto was very experienced outside of the village. Even if there was some danger, then Naruto had the power to take care of the problem. 

They all nodded, understanding that Naruto's presence might indeed make their parents feel more comfortable about the trip. The boys began to buzz with excitement at the prospect of their upcoming adventure, already imagining the fun and freedom of the Crimson Leaf Village.

"Then settled. We can leave the village on Friday, after school. Before sunset, we should reach the Crimson Leaf Village. We will spend the next whole day having fun and then the day after we will leave the Crimson Leaf village by afternoon. We should return to the village by evening; before sunset or by sunset." Naruto laid out his plan.

Shikamaru, leaning back with his hands behind his head, gave a slight nod. "Sounds like a plan," he said in his usual lazy tone, but there was a hint of excitement in his voice. "But let's not make it too hectic. I'm looking forward to some relaxation." Hearing this Naruto smirked. 

Choji, who was already thinking about what snacks to bring, grinned broadly. "I'll make sure we have enough snacks for the trip. Can't have a good time without some good food, right?" He chuckled, his mind already running through a list of his favorite treats to pack.

"Sure Choji, we will leave that to you." Choji's home could be considered a small snack factory as his entire clan was known for eating. 

Kiba, scratching Akamaru behind the ears, looked enthusiastic. "Sounds great! I'll make sure to save up some extra Ryo for the trip. We can split the costs for everything. That way, it's fair for all of us." Everyone including Shino nodded their heads. 

The boys began to chatter excitedly, discussing the details of their plan. Naruto listened to their suggestions and nodded in agreement. They all decided to bring an equal share of Ryo to cover any expenses during their trip. The energy was infectious, and even Shikamaru couldn't help but show a bit more enthusiasm than usual. They were all looking forward to the adventure and the chance to make lasting memories before their lives took the next big step into the world of Shinobi.


Once again thank you for reading this chapter. I really appreciate all the power stones that you all have given to this novel. Your comments and your power stones do make a big difference. 

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- Crimson Leaf Village - Yeah, I know the name is a complete rip-off to Hidden Leaf's village. 

But the village has a strong connection to the Hidden Leaf and the Shinobi from that village specializes in fire jutsu.

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