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Chapter 15: Chapter 15

"Hey Rias-chan, Rias-chan… wake up"

"Five more minutes please," Rias waved her hand in the air and took a pillow before placing it over her head trying to prevent any sound or light from intruding upon her precious sleep.

"Wake up Rias-chan, you need to eat breakfast before we can go to school and clean the pool. Although, at this day of the time, I don't know if I would call it breakfast or lunch," Naruto tried to wake the crimson haired girl up, who had slept all the way to the afternoon, to no avail. A thin blanket was still covering her naked body, and he had no reason to peak. He could discern enough details through the curves of her body.

"Alright, alright…" she threw the pillow at Naruto's head making the blond chuckle at her antics. Rias sat up and winced in pain. She massaged her shoulder with her hand to ease the pain, but it did nothing to soothe her discomfort, "This is the last time I train with you Naruto. Now my body is sore as hell." She huffed and turned her head away from the blond.

Last night, she had trained to the point where she couldn't move at all. Despite that, Naruto made her stand up and keep practicing with her Power of Destruction until his satisfaction. They had trained until midnight, and Naruto said she had improved, but was nowhere near her brother's level. His words and the fact she had pushed herself past her limit, made her fall listlessly. She would have hit her head on the ground if not for Naruto catching her and bringing Rias back to her room. He casted a few healing spells on her, but they weren't as good as Asia or Grayfia due to his control. Thankfully, she had regained enough strength so her body wasn't in so much pain that she couldn't move. But her shoulders and arms still hurt.

Naruto smiled. Maybe he had pushed her a little bit too far, but the harsh training was for her benefit; it was to help her prepare for future battles.

Naruto sat on the bed behind Rias, placed his hands on her shoulder and gently massaged her them. Rias released a moan of satisfaction. She didn't know if Naruto had practiced, but he was really good with massages. The pain slowly dissipated as he worked his magic on her aching muscles.

"So good~" she moaned. Naruto smiled from behind her, glad that he could make the pain she was feeling go away.

"I'm glad that you are enjoying this Rias-chan," Naruto locked eyes with Rias when she twisted her head over her shoulder.

"Thank you for caring so much about me Naruto-kun. I don't do anything useful for you at all," her faced dropped a little when she said that. Naruto sighed longly and moved down to her arms.

"How many times do I have to tell you Rias-chan," Naruto began explaining, "It's the natural for me to: help you, care for you and protect you . . . It is as natural as breathing. Maybe you haven't accepted it yet, but when you bumped into me on that street and brought me into your life you saved me. That is a favor that I will never be able to repay. Just like that night," Rias' eyes widened at Naruto's smile. It was sad yet it held happiness at the same time, "You still consider me a friend after the things I did to you. I'd expected you to look upon me with hatred and scorn, yet your opinion of me hasn't changed in the slightest. The very least I can do is protect you," Naruto embraced Rias in a firm hug.

Rias suddenly felt a warm aura emitting from him and the pain slowly melted until it completely disappeared like it was never there to being with. The crimson haired girl just sat there enjoying the warm feeling from Naruto with a small smile on her face.

"What are you carrying Rias-chan?" Naruto turned his head curiously to Akeno who was hugging his arm pressing it between her soft pillows, "And you Akeno-chan?"

"It is our swimsuits, and don't tell me that you didn't bring your any of you own when we're going to swim?" Rias asking hiding the bag to prevent Naruto form seeing what she had in the bag. It was her most recent secret and she wouldn't reveal it to him until the end.

"Ara ara, ufufufu, perhaps Naruto-sama wants to swim naked in the pool," Akeno giggled rubbing her large breasts against his strong arm, "We don't mind seeing you naked Naruto-sama, and maybe you will want me to get naked too?"

"Stop your teasing Akeno-san" Ravel jumped in between them and pointed her hand toward the bag she was carrying, "Of course, as his manager I would be the one who prepares everything for Naruto-sama. I have brought all his swimming trunks with us so he can choose any he wanted," she said proudly.

"Ara, you sure are a good manager Ravel-chan, but I want to ask," Akeno's head appeared over Ravel's shoulder as she whispered into the blond Phenex's ear, lowly, "Can you give me Naruto-sama's swimming trunks, or the one that he used after swimming? You know so I can use it for my private use." Ravel's face suddenly reddened as perverted thoughts invaded her mind making Akeno smirk slyly at the younger girl.

Naruto decided to throw the younger blond girl a lifeline.

"Thank you Ravel-chan. It is really thoughtful of you," Naruto smiled brightly and took the bag which Ravel handed him. He didn't have a lot of swimming trunks, and had never gone to the pool or the beach, even the pool in Uzumaki Mansion was left untouched by Naruto.

"Of course, it is my job as manager. You should be thankful that someone like me is here to help you," Ravel said proudly and puffed her chest out. Her speech would have been more effective if her face wasn't flushed red. Naruto didn't know about her Ojou-sama attitude.

"Right, right," Naruto smiled and continued to walk to the school with everyone. He heard that Kiba was busy so he couldn't come with everyone, and it looked like Naruto would have to endure Issei's perverted antics by his lonesome.

They met up with Issei, Asia and Xenovia at the front of the gate of Kuou Academy. Just looking at the brunette, Naruto knew what was on the mind of the pervert. Naruto sighed and followed everyone. Naruto promised that if Issei couldn't control his inner beast, Naruto would control it for him by introducing the boy's face with the bottom of the swimming pool. Issei paled immediately when he heard Naruto's promise, but it wouldn't hurt if he just looked at Asia . . . would it?

Naruto changed into his physical education uniform and began to clean the pool. With his shadow clones, Naruto pretty much finished everything. Ravel wasn't sure how to clean because of her pampered upbringing as an Ojou-sama never required her to do so, and she pretty much messed up a lot; Koneko insulted the girl at every step. Naruto had to stop the cleaning and break up the two before a fight could break out and destroy the pool.

After everything was finished, Rias and the other girls excused themselves to the changing room while Issei and Naruto sat outside waiting for them in their swimming trunks.

"Hey senpai, what's that scar above your heart?" Issei noticed a fist size scar just above where Naruto's heart is. He got an idea and looked at Naruto's book. Issei nearly gasped when Naruto had the same scar marring his back meaning that something had pierced through his chest and exited out the back, "Shit, that is a terrible scar to have there!"

"Hehe, I guess so," Naruto scratched his cheek, "I don't really remember how I got that wound, but by the look of it someone had sent something fist sized through my chest. I hope that someone wasn't using their own hand."

"No kidding senpai," Issei nodded and swiveled his head to the changing room, a pervert smirk appeared on his face. Issei slowly crept his way to the room before a hand, placed on his shoulder, stopped him in his tracks.

"Where are you going?" Naruto asked blankly. The boy immediately turn around making his way to the chair and sitting down.

The didn't have to wait long before the door opened. Naruto and Issei turned their heads to the door, and suddenly the brunette shot back with a massive nosebleed at the erotic scene before his eyes. Naruto tried his best not to fail like the boy who had nearly fainted on the ground, but his face was a deep crimson. He doubted it could deepen anymore.

Rias was wearing something that Naruto couldn't consider a swimsuit anymore. The design showed too much skin. The fabric just covered the most important parts while exposing everything else. Naruto clearly saw the upper and lower parts of her tits; he was getting an erection.

"How does mine look Naruto-kun?" Rias said while twirling once giving Naruto a great view of her firm ass and creamy back. Her breasts were so big that they were ready to spill out, and he doubted her swimsuit could handle the strain. It was truly a sight to behold, "You want to touch my girls Naruto-kun?" she suggested seductively while cupping her puppies.

Naruto gulped nervously, he really wanted to grope and to feel them in his hands. Unconsciously, his hands shot up, but Rias slapped the back of his hands.

"Bad boy," Rias chidingly giggled, "But don't worry Naruto-kun, you will get to touch them later. I promise you that," she placed her hands on her hips making her boobs jiggle, "It looks like Naruto-kun can't wait can he?" She smiled shyly and sat down next to him, "But I guess I can let you feel them for just a second."

Naruto held himself back and distracted himself by looking around with a nervous smile. Issei was shouting about how good Asia looked in her school swimsuit; it really suited the former nun. Koneko and Ravel, who wore the same school swimsuit, were looking at each other. In Ravel's case, the girl was scowling while Koneko stared blankly. They both looked really cute in their swimsuits.

"Come in Naruto-kun, I'm sure you want to touch," Rias snuggled close to Naruto. Her breasts were touching his arm. The blond could feel how soft her bosom was, and though it wasn't the first time he touched her, hell he once groped her breasts so roughly she cried out in pleasure, it never stopped amazing him how much he wanted to touch and please her.

Or greatly please in case of his influenced personality.

Naruto's eyes locked with Rias' big blue-green ones, a small smile on her face.

Before Naruto knew it, a pair of slender arms were wrapped around his neck. It mind was going chaotic when he felt something soft and elastic stuck on his back.

"Ara ara Naruto-sama you sure have a nice body," Akeno's voice whispered quietly besides his ear, "No matter how many times I see it, it always makes me so horny." She slowly licked his neck sending shivers down his spine.

"Akeno! What are you doing? Release him!" Rias yelled and tried to pull Akeno off Naruto's body. It was so frustratingly close. She had finally though that she could spend some time with him as he groped her tits. Who knew what could happen next, and here her Queen suddenly appears and destroys her moment with Naruto.

"Ara, Buchou you sure is energetic today unlike last night," Akeno smirked while dodging Rias' pushy hands, intending to shove her. Akeno was wearing the same type of swimsuit Rias wore only white in color, and it showed a lot of skin too.

Naruto decided to step in and mediate before another fight broke out between the King and her Queen. Standing up, he wrapped his arms around Rias' and Akeno's slim waist. Both girls cried out in surprise, they blushed furiously. With each girl in his arms, Naruto walked up to the pool and dropped the duo into it.

"Phew, really?" Naruto asked with a forced smile on his face when the girls resurfaced and glared at him. "It's summer, and you two plan to fight here?"

Rias and Akeno smiled at each other knowingly. Their hands suddenly shot up and grabbed Naruto's legs. Pulling hard, the girls threw Naruto into the water face first spraying up water. They giggled happily as Naruto swam back up to the surface, and looked at the two devil girls whom were laughing near him.

"Hey, that's cheating!" Naruto said. Falling face first into the water's surface was something one wouldn't enjoy. falling front first into the water surface was something you wouldn't enjoy. Throw into the mix, Rias' and Akeno's enhanced strength, then the impact hurt, really hurt. He was in pain.

"Ara, that is for throwing us into the pool without our permission Naruto-kun," Akeno said and swam to Naruto with Rias.

"Hey guys!" Naruto called out to Issei and the others, "Come in!"

Issei and Asia were the first ones to jump in the pool. Asia wasn't good at swimming so the perverted brunette decided to help her out. Who would have thought he had a soft spot for Asia.

However, Koneko was still sitting on the edge of the pool while Ravel didn't show any interest in the slightest for swimming. Naruto understood their reasons especially Ravel; she was the daughter of Phenex, a creature of fire and wind, which absolutely didn't mix with water at all. As for Koneko, he surmised the cat wasn't good with water just like Phenex. But who knew, Koneko wasn't in her Nekomata form, so maybe she could enjoy the pool today, a hot summer day.

Come to think of it, where was Xenovia anyway?

"Neko-chan, why don't you come down and swim with us?" Naruto asked kindly to the white haired girl.

"I'm not good with water," she replied blankly. In fact, she really wanted to go down and swim with everyone especially Naruto.

"Come down here Neko-chan, I will help you," Naruto smiled to the girl and took her hands in his much bigger ones. Her cheeks turned a light shade of pink as she held onto his hand, "Now, let's being with a little pedaling exercise."

Rias and Akeno looked at each other and then to the white haired Rook jealousy smoldering in their eyes. Deciding there was no point in swimming without Naruto anymore they climbed out of the pool until a hand, placed on their shoulders stopped them.

"Now, where are you two going?" they turned around to face another Naruto.

"Oh right, I nearly forgot that you can create clones," Rias nearly slapped her face. How could she forget he could create corporal copies of himself, "Are you the original or a copy?"

"Well, Boss wants to help Neko-chan, so I guess you two are stuck with me then," the clone scratched the back of his head.

"I prefer the original more," Rias huffed but returned to the water anyway.

"Ara ara, that is a handy technique you have there, Naruto-sama," Akeno hugged the clone and smothered him between her pillows, and she used him to float in the water. She turned her head to her King with a mischievous smile, "Imagine Buchou, clones of Naruto surrounding us as we lie helplessly on the ground under their mercy with our tongues stuck out awaiting our punishment. How does that sound?"

"Shut up Akeno, don't try to plant those ideas inside my head," Rias yelled out with a blushing face. Even the Clone was blushing, "Don't you agree with use mister Clone?" She caressed his stomach with her soft hand under the water. Her hand slid lower and lower. The Clone was blushing furiously at the way Akeno's hand roamed his body.

"Oi, give him a break will you," Naruto shouted to them, his face was red too. Akeno really didn't know how to keep her voice low when she talked about those perverted ideas of hers, "He will disappear if you push him too hard."

"Ufufu, right," Akeno giggled and pulled her hand back, "I would like a Naruto, even if it its a clone, instead of no Naruto at all," she remarked.

"Thanks boss," the clone nodded his head in gratitude before realizing the crimson haired girl had gotten out of the pool, "Hm? Where are you going Rias-chan?"

"I think I will go lie down for a moment," Rias smiled, "You two enjoy yourselves. I will be back soon," That was a Naruto clone, so she didn't have anything to worry about when Akeno used her dirty mind on him. He would eventually disappeared if she went too rough on the clone.

"1, 2… 1,2… that's right Neko-chan keep it up!" Naruto encouraged the white haired girl. She actually performed very well despite her initial dislike for water.

"Nii-chan, go enjoy yourself swimming. I'm okay now," Koneko said when she the heated glare Ravel was giving her. The daughter of Phenex was sitting on a long chair under a big umbrella to block the sun light. She didn't want to argue with that Yakitori right now, and Naruto had helped her a lot. She didn't want him to totally waste his time at her expense.

"Are you sure Neko-chan? I mean if you want, I could create a clone?" Naruto asked with a benign smile.

She shook her head, "Go ahead Nii-chan," she nodded and gave him a small smile. With someone like Koneko who rarely showed any form of emotion, a smile, even a small one, meant she must be really happy.

"Okay," Naruto nodded, swam back to the edge of the pool and climbed up. He stretched his body and found his clone sitting beside Akeno who was massaging his shoulder.

"Ah, that's really good Akeno-chan!" the Clone said with his eyes closed.

"Fufu, Clone-san you are sure enjoying yourself," Akeno giggled before using her breasts to caress his back, "If you are enjoying this then Naruto-sama would love to have me, wouldn't he?"

"Of course, Boss would love this," the Clone said his face flushed red because of the soft, elastic feeling of her tits on his back. Basically, the Clone more or less was Naruto meaning any reactions of the clone would be reflected on the original. Akeno was thinking about asking Naruto to lend her a few clones here and there, so she could test her skills in everything so she could perfectly satisfy him.

"Okay, I'm free now" Naruto said with his eyes twitching. He never thought that he would feel jealous at himself. But the scene in front of him was irritating him by the seconds.

"Oh c'mon Boss, let me enjoy this for awhile," the Clone pleaded making Akeno giggle.

"Do it or I will have to myself," he warned. The Clone just sighed in frustration and disappeared in a puff of smoke. Memories rushed into Naruto's mind, and he blushed as he remembered how Akeno's hand roamed around his body sensually. Maybe leaving his clone with the sadistic Queen wasn't the best idea he ever had.

"Ara Naruto-sama, I swear that you sound a little jealous," Akeno said in mock surprise. She pulled the thin strap connecting the fabric covering her nipples down a bit. She smiled erotically, "You know I am all yours right? If you want then all you need to do is ask. I will happily listen to all your oders, Na-ru-to-sa-ma," She purred his name seductively making Naruto's cheeks redden nearly matching Rias' hair.

Speaking of the girl, Naruto suddenly heard her voice and was really thankful that she helped him get out of this situation with Akeno.

"Naruto-kun, please come here for a moment please!"

"On it Rias-chan," He turned on his heels and walked to Rias who was sitting on other side across the pool.

Before he could take even one step, Akeno coughed loudly into her hand from behind. The blond cursed inside of his head. She wouldn't leave him alone would she?

A clone appeared beside Naruto, and began swimming with the black haired sadist. The black haired girl happily thanked the original before diving under the water to tease the clone. Naruto sighed from his spot, he was going to be hit by a lot, a lot of perverted memories after this.

He noted the fact Koneko was resting while reading the book in her hands. Asia had gone to sleep with Issei lying next to her who looked tired himself and about to fall asleep. It didn't take long to make his way to Rias. He could have used Hiraishin to teleport over there but decided against the idea.

"So, how can I help you Rias-chan?"

"Naruto-kun," she grabbed her bag and took out an oil bottle. Naruto recognized it as the kind of special beauty oil for female devils to protect her skin from the sun, "Will you apply it on me?" she asked with an 'innocent' smile.

Naruto began to feel uncomfortable. Him? She wanted him to rub that special oil on her back? That sounded like a dream come true for any pervert to rub their hands, covered in oil, on an extremely beautiful and attractive girl's back.

"Of course," he answered a little too fast for his liking, but somehow felt relieved that he had accepted without hesitation or he would have sounded weird.

"Ara," Rias gasped at his answer. She never thought that he would accept this fast. She thought he would accept it nervously white scratching the back of his head, but she was happy nonetheless. It meant that he felt more comfortable around her, and he had begun viewing her as a woman rather than a childhood friend, "Then should we being Naruto-kun?" she removed her tiny bikini bra in front of him.

Wide eyed, Naruto nearly fell into the pool when he took a step back in shock and surprise. The girl in front of him just removed her bikini without any care for her modesty. Sure, she had slept with him naked since they were young children and they continued to do so after he returned, but seeing her simply remove her bra like that baffled him.

Her breasts which had been held back by the small bra were immediately set free when she removed the cloth. Her breasts bounced, and her nipples swayed erotically. She screamed to him to suck them. It an incredible amount of self control to restrain himself, or else he would ravish her right here. He also made Kurama swear he wouldn't influence Naruto's personality like times previous. It wouldn't bode well for him if he hurt the girl satisfying his inner beast.

However, seeing those nice tits and the creamy color of her skin, he wanted nothing more than to feel her flesh and spread her soft skin out between his fingers.

"Ara, is Naruto thinking perverted things about me?" Rias' giggling snapped him out of his thoughts, "You are so cute when you're blushing Naruto-kun."

Trying to speak, Naruto's words died within his throat.

Rias placed the bottle beside her and lie down on her stomach on top of the vinyl sheet with her back facing Naruto. She parted her crimson hair to reveal her dazzling white skin to his eyes. Since she was lying on her stomach, her voluminous boobs were spread out to the sides making Naruto gulp at the sight. Her firm ass was covered by a thing, small string and red cloth. Naruto stopped himself from doing something stupid like spank Rias' ass.

'Dear Maou and especially you Sirzechs-nii,

I am slowly turning into a pervert, and I should start my own Icha Icha Paradise. Maybe I can make a huge fortune with them.'

Naruto thought sarcastically in his head; he kneeled down beside Rias and took the bottle.

"You shouldn't just remove your clothes in front of a boy Rias-chan," he chided, "We have a bonafide pervert lying right there you know," he kept his voice low.

"And you are one to talk like that after sleeping with me as I was naked for so long Naruto-kun," she teased him, "Don't worry about Issei. I put him to sleep with a spell. You are the only boy I will allow to see my naked body."

"Oh, I feel so honored," he joked lathering his hand in the viscous oil and rubbed his hands together, "Now stay still okay."

Naruto didn't wait for her to answer as he gently lay his hand on the girl's back. He began spreading the oil everywhere on the smooth expanse of skin. Whenever his hands went, Naruto felt like he was touching the softest material in the world. The way her skin felt to his hands, how it stretched in his hands. Naruto knew for sure that it wasn't just the oil that made her skin like that. This was the back of an upper class lady. The soft skin that who knew how many men, human or supernatural, wanted to touch.

Rias softly moaned as Naruto rubbed her back. He focused next on her shoulders and then her arms. The feeling was even better than this morning. Rias was really thankful she had brought oil specially made for these kind of things.

"There, all done Rias-chan," Naruto said feeling a little disappointed that it had ended so soon. He really enjoyed it.

"What are you saying Naruto-kun?" Rias turned her head, lying on her arms, to look at Naruto, "I need you to rub the oil all over me," To make her point, she shook her butt a little nearly knocking the breath out of Naruto.

"Well, you mean…?" all he could muster in the moment.

"Rub the oil all over me Naruto-kun. I want every inch of my body covered in oil," she purred seductively sticking out her ass, "Come on naughty boy, I know you want to do it," she teased him, and that was enough to send him over the edge.

Grabbing the oil bottle once again, Naruto poured it on his hands. He used a little too much force than before so the oil shot out from the bottle and landed on her left ass cheek. Naruto stared at the oil for a moment before twisting his gaze to look at her face only to see a small, beautiful smile. Her eyes told him that he could do whatever we wanted to. Her emotions hadn't changed in the slightest.

Naruto's hands, quickly, shot out and spread the oil al over her firm derriere. He was enjoying the great feeling of her ass stretched out under his fingers. Rias was moaning in pleasure making it rub the oil all more roughly. The oil began to turn erotic as Naruto rubbed it down her long legs.

Focusing on her right leg first, Naruto shifted his position a little for easier access. He held her leg with both of his hands and rubbed the oil up and down her leg paying extra attention to her toes and soles. Repeating the same thing with her left left, Naruto slowly pushed his hand forward.

"Ah~ so good," Rias moaned when Naruto's hands slid over the back of her knees and massaged a little before journeying upwards until he was grabbing her butt cheeks in his hands. He slipped his fingers underneath the thing string cloth..

Naruto squeezed the orbs of flesh tightly in his hands making Rias moan. Groping her ass in his hands made Naruto even more excited than before. All the uncomfortableness and shyness had disappeared leaving in the moment only Rias and him. Naruto's hand began to soften as he steadily rubbed the oil on her soft skin giving it a nice shine and increasing the sexiness of the girl.

"Done," he gave her ass one last small but firm squeeze, "Now turn around and be a good girl while I rub the oil on your front," he said. Strange. Naruto hadn't felt the beastial influence of Kurama, yet he was really confident in himself at the moment.

Rias immediately obeyed and flipped around. She tried to find words to retort, but failed when she found that all she wanted was to listen to his commands. The blond, above her, slyly smirked and lathered his palm with the oil. Like before, he started with her legs first and slowly traversed up her body. Rias moaned in pleasure when he rubbed her hops with his hands as his hands moved up to her armpits.

Naruto removed his hands making the girl beneath him groan in disappointment. Naruto took the bottle and shot the oil on her stomach before brining his hands down and spreading the oil on her stomach especially her navel.

Rias, impatient, couldn't wait to feel Naruto's hands on her breasts any longer, so she shook his wrists and pulled up. Sadly for her, Naruto had seen her and locked his hands rigid. He smirked knowingly.

"Quite impatient aren't we?" he teased.

"Mou~ stop teasing me Naruto-kun," she released her grip of his wrists and lay it down beside her, "If you finish it the maybe I can return to you the favor," she put her finger under his chin to bring him closer and whisper sensually into his ear, "and I won't use my hands to rub the oil on your body, if you know what I mean Naruto-kun."

"Sounds good to me," he chuckled and promptly got back to work. His hands traced, from her stomach, to the underside of her large breasts. He grabbed the erotic flesh from there and teased her. Rias covered her mouth with her hand trying her best to muffle the throes of pleasure. Aside from Akeno and Naruto's clone, everyone had gone to sleep, and she didn't want any of them waking up and disturbing her.

Naruto's hand rubbed the oil in the valley between her breasts. His hands groped her breasts gently in his hands, and Rias was trying her hardest to stifle the moans which she wanted nothing more than to vocalize her pleasure. Naruto gently pinched her nipples between his fingers whole he teased her breast with his other hand. Maybe he was enjoying this a little too much. Not only were Rias' breast big, but they were really firm yet soft at the same time. It truly was a great feeling to hold them in his hands.

Rias' hands suddenly shot up and gripped his shoulders tightly. Then she rolled over so that Naruto was lying on his back and Rias was on top of his body. She smiled devious at him.

"Just look at them," Akeno muttered lowly while rubbing her body up and down the Clone's arm, "Not even an official couple and yet here they are acting like on." Akeno stood up deciding to put a stop to them. The Clone looked at her in confusion before shrugging his shoulders and disappearing in a puff of smoke.

"Now Naruto-kun let's make things more exciting for you," Rias purred while tracing her finger on Naruto's toned chest. She took the oil bottle with her other hand and puffed her chest out, "Just like I promised you Naruto-kun, I won't be using my hands." She began to pour the liquid on her body.

Rias made sure she had a good amount of oil on top of her boobs before then pouring the liquid down between the valley of her breasts. Wide eyed, Naruto's eyes fixated themselves on the oil slowly running down her body. The oil ran pass the valley between her breasts sensually before dripping down to her stomach and passing her navel. From there it passed through the thin fabric Rias called her bikini bottom and onto his body.

Yes, without a doubt, Naruto was turning into a pervert. Living with so many perverted girls it was really only a matter of time before he became one.

Rias threw the bottle behind her and groped her breasts in each hand. She pressed them together while giving Naruto the best show of his life. She was paying extra attention to her nipples making Naruto gulp dryly.

"Now, let's see how long you can handle me Naruto-kun," she pressed them together one last time before lowering her body down with a sensual smirk.


But before she could reach Naruto's chest, a pair of hands suddenly appeared from behind and groped her breasts. Naruto saw Akeno, couched down to Rias' level, groping her breasts whole smiling sweetly. Rias moaned out in pleasure when her Queen tweaked her nipples. The oil made it easier for Akeno to fondle the erotic flesh in her hands.

"Ara, you sure are extra daring today Buchou," she sat on Naruto's leg and pressed her shoulder into Rias. The sadistic Queen licker her King's earlobe and smiled sweetly, "It wasn't fair that you put everyone to sleep to try to steal Naruto-sama away from everyone you know."

"Akeno, ah~… go, ah~ back~ to play~, ah~ with the clone~" Rias tried to speak, but with each word that came out of her mouth Akeno would roughly squeeze her breasts. The black haired queen trailed her tongue down Rias' collar bone from her ears and to her neck kissing Rias' neck gently.

"The clone disappeared Buchou, and if you have not noticed it yet," she glanced over at Naruto who was looking at them wide eyed, "We are putting on a really good show for Naruto-sama."

"Stop~, Akeno~, or… ah~, I will punish you~" Rias tried to force a warning out, but failed when the her warning came out with a moan at the same time.

Suddenly, Rias felt a strange feeling and looked down. She gasped when she saw a wooden log just where Naruto used to be. Akeno looked like she realized the fact too, so she stopped fondling Rias' bosom. A thin crimson aura began to leak into the air around Rias' body as she clenched her hands into fists while her bangs shadowed her eyes.


"Geez, I feel like I might die someday from a nosebleed at this rate," Naruto muttered as she heard the sound of fighting outside along with a shouting Rias and a teasing Akeno. He had used substitution to replace himself with a wooden log again and appeared inside the changing room before he lost his self control and his hormones overpowered his will.

The sight of their erotic bodies and their sensual teasing was like an everyday test for Naruto's self control. Sooner or later if he didn't do something about them be would lose himself and ravish their bodies to his own liking.

"Oh my, Naruto-senpai, what're you doing here?"

Naruto turned his head to the source of the familiar voice and gasped when he saw Xenovia standing there wearing a blue swimsuit. It wasn't as erotic as Rias' or Akeno's, but it really suited her nonetheless. Her body was toned due to the hard training she endured over the years, but all in all, Issei's perverted instincts and blood would wake up if he saw Xenovia like this.

"Xenovia? What are you doing here?" he asked. Instead of directly answering him, she pointed her hand to the door behind him. Turning around, Naruto saw the sign depicting that this was the girl's changing room. As it appeared, in Naruto's haste to escape he had accidentally ran into the girl's changing room, "Oh, sorry wrong room." He laughed nervously and turned around, but after hearing shouts and a large explosion he rethought his idea to leaving doubting it was a good time.

"There is a lot of noise coming from outside. What happened senpai?" she noted in her usual monotone just like Grayfia and Ikaros. Naruto could see that she was not good at showing her emotions or feelings like Irina. He hoped that Asia, who had become her best friend and was also a really cheerful girl, could help her display emotions.

"It is nothing. Just Rias and Akeno fighting like usual that's all," he laughed while waving his hand, "By the way, what took you so long Xenovia?"

"It was my first swimsuit so it took me some time to put it on. Does it suit me?" Xenovia asked and closed the gap between them.

"Yeah," Naruto nodded his had and said truthfully, "It really suits you Xenovia. But this is your first time wearing a swimsuit? The Church's rules is very strict ins't it? I still remember the time I tried to make Gabriel-chan wear clothing other than that dull, insipid white Angel clothing. Really, they have no fashion sense in the slightest," Naruto chuckled fondly at the memories.

"Well that's right. Though before saying that, I, myself did not have any interest in stuff like this," Xenovia nodded her head, "However, it appears that yours and Gabriel-sama's relationship is pretty close isn't Naruto-senpai."

"Yeah it is certainly weird isn't it. A friendship between a Devil and an Angel," Naruto scratched the back of his head and smiled slightly.

"Naruto-senpai," Xenovia called out, "There's something I want to talk about."

"Uh, okay," Naruto, eyebrows raised, looked confused "Go on,"

"Just like this swimsuit," Xenovia tugged on the string a little to prove her point, "while I will admit that I don't enjoy stuff like this; the girls learning around me, the female soldiers, would display their dissatisfaction at not being able to touch things like this." She paused for a second before continuing; Naruto could see the solemn expression on her face, "But, not only did my future change, even if it is only a little bit, I want to experience entertainment befitting girls. That is how I feel. That is what I have started feeling recently.

"I'm not the best person for this kind of thing, but you could hang out with your female classmates, go shopping or gossip about boys just like any girl with your friend," Naruto tried to find some advice to give the blue haired girl.

"Then, Naruto-senpai I will say this once," Xenovia began with a straight face and confidence in her voice, "Won't you make a child with me?"

"Huh?" Naruto asked dumbfounded. Maybe the sound of fighting from outside made him hear her words incorrectly. But why was he sweating?

"I will repeat it one more time senpai," Xenovia said, "Senpai let's make children together."

Naruto wanted to exclaim his shock at this sudden development, but the words died in his throat. What is up with this girl? Suddenly showing up and saying she wanted to have his child. Maybe when she was trying on her swimsuit she had lost balance, fell and hit her head somewhere. He doubted it, for a highly trained warrior to slip and fall.

"You look confused senpai. Let me tell you why I have decided this," Xenovia began, "I was born and brought to the headquarters of the Vatican Church to properly groom my natural ability to wield holy sword from childhood for God, for religion, I endeavored in my training and studies. From childhood, while saying that, dreams and objectives, everything as entwined with God and faith. For example, defeating devils was for the sake of the Lord, and the one propagating that, the Vatican, while believing that, I have never doubted it. That is why after becoming a devil, you can say that my dreams and objectives have disappeared. While serving God, I had thrown away a part of men, a woman's happiness. My body, my heart, I sealed everything away for the sake of faith. However, like this, I am currently a devil. What I should do, initially I didn't understand. After asking my present master, Rias-buchou-"

"What did she tell you?" Naruto asked with eyebrows rose. Once again his childhood friend had created unnecessary trouble for him. She really need to learn to not bring to him random trouble

"Devils are beings that possess greed, fulfill greed, award greed and desire greed. To live as you wish," Xenovia repeated what Rias told her making Naruto face palm, "That is why I felt free to release what was sealed inside me and become skillful in that. And then, my new objective, my new dream is to bear children."

"What kind of dream is that?" Naruto asked with a sweat dropped, "I mean, sure you could dream that when you have fully grown and ask the man that you love. You're currently too young to do stuff like this, and you should do something that is more normal for a girl of your age," Naruto attempted to change her him, but her face was blank void of any reaction which could tell him if she had changed her mind, "You really want to have children don't you?"

"Yes, I want to bear children. For that purpose, I need a man, but it is great right? Children and at the same time we can get to know each other."

"I know," Naruto nodded his head rapidly, "but why choose me? Last time I checked you were trying to cut me down with a sword."

"Am I unappealing? Even if I am like this, I have confidence in my body as a woman. My breasts will never be as big as Rias-buchou's, but they are bigger than Ravel-sama's. I think they're worth seeing are they not?"

"Don't say something like that with a straight face," Naruto sweat dropped.

"While I want to bear children," Xenovia placed her hand on her stomach, "I want them to be strong. A special power in the father's genes or otherwise I want great strength. And that is where I think that you are the most suited on. You have a strong aura around you, not only that you are also incredibly powerful. The battle at Kyoto, the power you displayed, told me everything I wanted to know. This is a good chance. Definitely, this is the Lord's guida- uh . . . I unintentionally prayed and received damage, but that is how it is. And there is no one in here besides ourselves. Let's try it out once right now. If anything, the faster the better for both of us."

Suddenly without any hesitation at all Xenovia starts removing her swimsuit in front of his eyes.

"Garh! Cover yourself," Naruto averted his aways away while shouting. The fighting sounds would help mask his voice.

"I know about the birth of devils as well. It seems quite difficult to make children especially both being pure blooded. It is difficult but luckily both you and I are reincarnated devils. I expect if we do it every day then within ten years I should be able to conceive. Hm, you are a strong male; therefore, you probably have strong sexual desires. Then within a day we can do it a number of times. If you include that then I think it will be possible within five years instead. Aah, there is no problem from the side of the children as well. Basically, I will raise them. However, if the children desire love from their father then only at those times do I want you to play with them. After all, for children, both father and mother are required."

"You have everything already planned ahead?" Naruto cried in shock.

"Unfortunately I don't have any experience with men. I plan on memorizing it from now on, but for now I'll learn with you senpai, who seems to be knowledgable about sex."

"Where did you exactly get that idea from?"

"Issei told me that you are Harem King, and probably have had a lot of sex with other women."

"That pervert, I am going to kill him," Naruto muttered leaking a malicious intent.

Suddenly, Xenovia walked to in front of him and pressed her chest firmly onto his bare chest. Her pink nipples poked abrasively against his skin.

"Hold me. If you do the procedure for making kids properly, I don't mind you doing it as you like," Xenovia said, "Just do to me like how you played with Rias-buchou outside. Give me the experience I need to give birth to out children."

Xenovia rubbed her body against Naruto, and suddenly jumped up and wrapped her legs around his waist. His hands, instinctively, shot up and grabbed her bubble butt to support the blue haired girl. He was trying his best not to accidentally squeeze the erotic, firm flesh in his hands. He was right. Her body was tone, all the right muscles were tone making her extremely sexy.


The door suddenly opened with Rias and Akeno standing with their eyes wide. Though Akeno had a surprised smile. Koneko, Ravel and the others magically made their appearance.

"Ara, what do we have here?" Akeno giggled excitedly while her body was emitting a murderous aura.

"Na-Naruto-sama?" Ravel was trying her best to keep her voice down but, in fact, it was quite loud, "What are you doing? Un-unacceptable!"

"Unforgivable," Koneko said with half lifted eyes while crushing the book in her hand.

"Damn senpai, one girl after another," Issei gave him a thumb up while crying, "You truly are Harem King, and the master I want!"

Asia stood there dumbstruck. I wasn't everyday that you see your best friend being held by her ass and tightly embracing a boy with her upper torso exposed. And said boy was someone who she deeply respected and admired.

Rias didn't say anything. A crimson aura enveloped her frame, and she looked extremely irked and dangerous. Trying to diffuse the situation, Naruto spoke, but Xenovia beat him to the punch.

"Let's make children together Naruto-senpai," she said it casually.

The color immediately drained from everyone's face.

As fast as lightning, Naruto found both of his arms captured by Rias and Akeno while Ravel followed close behind. The blond was being dragged outside from the girl's changing room to the pool.

"Hey, hey it is just a misunderstanding. There is a reason for her strange behavior. I can explain!" Naruto explained. He wanted to free himself of his imposed bondage but thought otherwise when he saw the dangerous glean in their eyes.

"I know. It is my mistake. It's my fault for letting my eyes off of you when you are holding excess sexual desire from oiling me, and needed to find a place to release it. But you know Naruto-kun, while I expected you to attack Xenovia and use her to satiate your desires. I'm wondering what is the meaning behind making children . . ." Rias smiled sweetly to him making Naruto gulp nervously when he saw her 'scary' face.

"You are right Rias, I'm also interest in hearing about a man's heart for a bit. What circumstances would there be for it to turn into a conversation about kids I wonder. Admittedly, we sure put up a good show for him, but did we go too far and clouded his mind with lust?" Akeno said with an even sweeter smile than Rias. It was truly a terrifying weapon of hers, the sweet smile and predatory eyes.

"First, Rias-sama, then Akeno-san and then there is Grayfia-sama," Ravel muttered while walking closely behind them. Koneko was walking besides her with a bored expression, but her eyes never left Naruto's figure, "And I'm not even including Yubelluna and the others. Just how many rivals will I have to compete with?" She muttered the last part, "And children?"

"Taking the suspect," Koneko said shortly.

Naruto looked at the girl and sighed. This wasn't the best day of his life at all.

Naruto, fully clothed, sat down in his chair in the empty classroom.

He stared out the window. Their class and especially his seat had a perfect view of the school. This was the place where he made his promise to attend school together with Rias nearly three years ago. He never thought when he linked pinkie fingers together that show many things would happen here. This was the institute where the little sister of Maou Lucifer and Leviathan attend together. Not only that the daughter of Baraqueil; a leader of Grigori, the wielder of the legendary Holy Sword Durandal, the Sekiryuutei, the little sister of Kuroka; the most dangerous criminal in the Underworld, Ravel; the daughter of the Phenex household and even Naruto, himself, a member of Sirzechs Lucifer's peerage went to Kuou.

And when Kokabiel instigated the Holy Sword incident, he had chosen the school grounds to wage a was. Then one had the upcoming Three Factions meeting which was also set to take place at the academy. Who would have thought this place would be so important.

"Naruto-kun we should go home now," Rias walked through the door frame and called for Naruto, but the blond boy was sitting in his seat looking outside, deep in thought.

"So many things have happened lately," Naruto leaned his back against his chair, "and I thought I could enjoy a peaceful life here after returning from heaven."

Looking down, Rias slowly made her way to her seat which happened to be right in front of Naruto's and sat down. She twisted her shoulders and looked at him with a warm smile.

"What is on your mind Naruto-kun?" Rias inquired gently.

"The past," Naruto sighed tiredly, "Living without knowing who you are . . . it is quite frustrating you know," He closed his eyes and smiled slightly.

"Naruto-kun, about the memories you told me…" Rias said, "I have searched through the archives, read through countless documents to search for his Umino, Iruka person," She suddenly saw Naruto's eyes snap open, "I'm sorry," she said quickly. She knew that Naruto didn't want anyone bugging him about his private life; it went double for his memories, "I just . . . I just wanted to find him for you. I want you to have at least one person in your past. I . . ."

"Don't worry Rias-chan," Naruto smiled and calmed her down, "It's very thoughtful of you. Thank you. Like you I have tried to find him and have not dug up any clues either."


"Rias-chan," Naruto planed his chins on his hands, clenched and raised, and looked at her, "What would you do if you had a way to get all your memories back, but were too afraid to see them? To know who you truly are and what you have done?"

Rias' eyes widened at his question. By the sound of it, it looked like Naruto had found a way to restore his memories. But how? She didn't know. As far as she knew there was no spell that could reimpose memories that had been deleted from the brain. Cure amnesia? Yes, there were a lot of spells that could cure amnesia, but there weren't any spells which could force deleted memories to return.

But she never expected Naruto would ask her that question.

"I, I" she tried to find the right words to answer him. Truth be told, she didn't know how to answer the question, and she doubted if any person she was acquainted with knew how to answer that question. But Naruto was looking at her warmly. His eyes told her he was for her answer. Her answer would affect his life, affect their live, "I would rediscover my past and accept it while continuing to live my current one. Because after all, what matters is the future and not the past we have lived through." That was her answer. She hoped that it was satisfying.

Sighing, Naruto stood up and her her hand in his, the hands which wore the crimson bracelets.

"Let's go home now Rias-chan," she nodded her head and stood up. They walked out of the classroom with their fingers linked together.

"You'll know it anyhow. However, it's not me. Hyoudou Issei, you are a valuable existence. It's better if he's raised well, Rias Gremory. And hello Naruto-san, it's good to see you here."

Vali turned his head to the haggle of people walking up to the gate without a single care for the shacking blades resting on his neck. Naruto and Rias walked up to the gate together. Rias' wasn't all that pleased that Vali, a dangerous threat, was here. Naruto greeted the dark silver haired young man with a nod. While Naruto was lax the others except Rias are ready to fight.

"Hakuryuukou what is the meaning of this? Even if you are associated with the Fallen Angels, having more contact than required is-"

"I am not here for any theories you have in mind Rias Gremory," Vali shook his head, "I'm just here to scope the place where the meeting amongst the three factions will occur, and to see my rival that is all."I

"Relax everyone, he's telling the truth," Naruto smiled, "But I didn't expect to see you here so soon Vali. So how are things with Azazel?"

"He, still, won't shut up about his lucky win," the Hakuryuukou massaged his forehead, "You should have won against him on that day and saved me this headache Naruto-san."

"Heh, relax, at least he didn't force you to eat all the fish he caught," Naruto chuckled. Everyone was looking at Naruto with their eyes wide. The blond was talking with Vali, the current Hakuryuukou whose power was even greater than all of theirs combined, so casually. It looked like two friends reuniting who hadn't seen each other in a decade or so.

"Anyways, I will be the one escorting Azazel," Vali turned his head to Issei, "I won't fight the Welsh Dragon here, not to mention I have a lot of work to do. See you later Naruto-san." After that, he turned around, but just then he remembered, "Oh, I almost forgot this," Vali dug into his pocket and pulled out a box wrapped in colorful paper which had images black cats plastered all over the box, A friend of mine wanted to give this to you. Please accept it."

"Oh okay. Thank you then," Naruto nodded his head and took the box. It smelled heavily of cat and strong perfume at the same time. Koneko was looking at the box in wonderment, the smell was strangely familiar, but for her life, she couldn't recall. Plus, the perfume was to overpowering for her nose, and she couldn't stand it for long.

"Naruto-san I hope we have the chance to fight in the future," Vali nodded his head and left with his hand raised over his shoulder, "I'm really looking forward to it." He turned the corner disappearing from their vision.

"Naruto-kun, you know him?" Ravel was the first one to ask.

"Yeah, one time when I went fishing with Azazel I met him. Odd guy, but has a good personality though he doesn't show it much," he unwrapped the paper on the box, "I've always wondered how that guy can tolerate Azazel for hours upon end."

Opening the box, Naruto saw inside was a wrist wring made of silver chains, but what captured the most attention was the little golden nine tailed fox, which had the same black line designs as Naruto's Kyuubi form, and a black cat snuggling together. The small animal figurines seemed really content and satisfied with each other.

"To my blond sage," Naruto read the description carefully carved into the chains, "Well, looks like I have an admirer. Never would have though Vali would be friends with these kinds of people." He chuckled and attached the chain to his bracelet. A little tinkering and the wrist ring looked just like a part of his bracelet, "There done."

"We should let someone examine it first Naruto-kun," Rias said worriedly. The fragrance was very strong, and she could tell that a girl had given this ring to him. It could be a Fallen Angel because Vali's associates, "It could have some crazy spell which will blow your hand up."

"Ah, don't worry Rias-chan," Naruto shook his head "I don't feel any magic or ill intent at all." He chuckled, "So let's go home guys, I need a nice meal and rest."

Naruto sat on his chair feeling a little odd. A weird feeling was rising inside of his chest.

Today was classroom visit and the parents came to visit. All around the classroom students talked animatedly with their parents. Everyone that is except for him.

Out of the corner of his eyes, Naruto saw Rias talking with her brother and father. Naruto knew that being a Maou, Sirzechs couldn't favor one single devil. Instead, he was here for the reason to investigate the place where the meeting amongst the Three Factions will take place. The Gremory family wanted Naruto to join, the teen didn't want to disturb their family moment.

Naruto also knew that some of his friends didn't have anyone to be here for them either but still . . .

"Oi Uzumaki, where is your family?" A random student asked with his friend laughing beside him.

"Shut up," Naruto muttered lazily before staring out the window. He wished that he had someone related to him that could be here today.

Akeno looked at Naruto who was lying with head on the table. The girl scowled; she wanted nothing more than to slap that guy with all her might, but her strength would probably send him through the wall. Naruto would most likely not be pleased by her actions. She, too, never had someone to come to her class, so she guessed their feelings were mutual. However, unlike Naruto, Akeno still had her 'father' while Naruto didn't know if he had anyone or not.

Unknown to Naruto, the Gremorys were actually talking about him.

"Hm, will he be alright?" Joseph Gremory asked with a frown on his face.

"I don't know Tou-sama," Rias shook her head sadly and bit her lips. She wanted to go and comfort Naruto, but she knew he would just tell her everything was fine and she didn't need to worry.

"Is it only me, or is Naruto-kun acting a little weird lately?" Sirzechs asked with concern in his voice. His usual, cheerful surrogate brother had changed quite a bit. Rather than a young teen Naruto seemed like an old man who had a lout of thoughts on his mind which he couldn't handle.

Rias simply shook her head. She knew that the memories of his past life were haunting him. The desire to know about who he was slowly changed Naruto. Sure, he acted cheerful sometimes, but Rias knew it was a simple ruse, an act he put on for their sake. And now with parents visiting their child's perspective classrooms his spirit had dropped.

"Okay everyone class will start now," their teacher made his appearance and stood in front of the table, "Will the visitors please move to the back." The parents and brother, in Rias' case, nodded their heads and moved to the back. The women paid extra attention to Lord Gremory and Sirzechs.

Lifting his head form the table, Naruto began to sin his pencil until it blurred like a miniature fan. He sighed longly before smiling. Maybe he was worrying too much about it. The day day he will know everything about his past was nearing and nearing, so it wasn't time for desperation. He should behave like his normal self. Though he had no relatives, he had Sirzechs, who he looked up to like an older brother, and another who he would love to call father observing from the back. He would do his best to impress them. He opened his notebook ready to scribble down the lesson plan.

"Sorry I'm late. I hoped I am not disturbing the lesson."

A stoic but feminine and familiar voice rang out making Naruto nearly drop his pencil in shock. The slid open and loud shouts of excitement from the males reverberated the room. Naruto looked at Rias and saw she was looking at something or rather someone with her mouth unhinged. Even Sirzechs and Lord Gremory couldn't hold in their surprise at the person who just walked into the room.

And then, when Naruto saw that person, he nearly shouted out her name in shock. Rather, instead, he merely stared at the woman, bamboozled, while the boys, men and even some girls were drooling.

Grayfia was standing at the door with her usual stoic face and looking around the room. She a grace befitting high class nobility. Gone was the maid out and her hair, unrestrained, flow freely down her back like a velvet waterfall. Although, she still kept her long braids framing each side of her head with small orange bows at the end. The clothes she wore, which were black in color with silver lines appeared to be crafted of high class material exposing her feminine and attractive curves. In lieu, of her usual scarf, she wore an orange one. The black skirt hugged her hips nicely which became slitted at the end. However, the slit was a little too high, so it showed her mile long, creamy legs and a little bit of her hips. Even the silver high heels she wore outclassed ever other woman in the room.

All in all, it was like a silver haired goddess had descended from the heavens and graced their mortal presence with her appearance.

"Grayfia?" Sirzechs asked numbly being the first to snap out of his shock. He rarely saw Grayfia dressed like that. After the war, Grayfia mostly focused on her task as a maid, and on her days off she disappeared into thin air before he knew it.

"Hello Sirzechs-sama, Gremory-sama" Grayfia greeted with a nod and bow.

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