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Chapter 6: Chapter 6 - Kyuubi Attack Begins

When Aoi and Satoru came home from their outing he was barely staying awake, after putting him down for a nap Aoi gave him a kiss on his forehead then put the groceries away.

Before making dinner, she decided to sneak in a little training. Aoi sat down on a mat in the living room and began to rotate her chakra through her body and flashed the hand signs of ox - snake - ram sending mist throughout the room. Controlling her chakra she pulled, split and compressed the mist into hundreds of marble sized balls that began to rotate around her.

'It's taken a year but I'm finally back to my previous chakra levels and control. I knew pregnancy and giving birth would take some of my chakra, but Sa-chan took way more than Ka-chan did. I wonder if his eyes have something to do with it, oh well let's continue.' Refocusing on her training she let her mind clear of excess thoughts losing track of time.

The sound of the front door opening and closing woke her from her meditative state. looking toward the entrance way she saw Kakashi entering still in his Anbu gear. She quickly jumped up and rushed to her son and gave him a big hug.

"Ka-chan welcome home, how was your day?" Disregarding her son's annoyance, she fiddled with his hair trying to fix it in any way she liked.

"Kaa-san I'm not Sa-chan so don't treat me like a baby." Pushing her hands away, Kakashi took off his mask and rearranged his hair to undo whatever his mother just did.

"I told Sa-chan earlier today and I'll tell you the same thing, as your kaa-san it is my right to treat you as my baby *Buuu*." Pulling both his masks down she gave him a raspberry on his cheek. walking while snickering she went toward the kitchen to prepare dinner.

"If your'e done pouting go get changed then wake your otouto from his nap and you can pla-." Hearing a swoosh of air, she turned around and Kakashi was already gone to get his little brother.

"*Tsk* Bro-con" clicking her tongue she whispered under breath not seeing the parallels between herself and her first son.

Body flickering away to his room, Kakashi got changed as fast as he could then made his way to Satoru's bedroom. Gently opening the door, he silently made his way to the bed and saw an angel sleeping. The even peaceful breathing made Kakashi hesitate to wake him up, but the desire to see him smile and play with him won out.

"otouto, otouto... It's time to wake up, let's play before dinner." softly calling out and patting his hair, Satoru awoke, sat up and wiped the sleep out of his eyes.

"*Yawn* Morning Nii-san." giving his big brother a smile and a wave he was lifted out of his bed and carried toward the living room.

"Nii-san, can we play cat's cradle please." Asking his brother with puppy dog eyes he quickly agreed.

With the strings between his fingers Satoru tried his best to move them, training his fingers to be more dexterous. Not having access to his chakra yet and still being too small to do physical exercise to train, this was the next best thing he could come up with to help him in the future. Hands and fingers are extremely important in almost all forms of the shinobi arts, so to get a head start he got his nii-san to get different strengths of bands to use when playing this game.

Kakashi realized that Satoru was way more intelligent than others his age, so he had no problem starting his training as long as it wouldn't hurt his body or future growth. The game of cat's cradle they were playing was modified to use the twelve basic hand seals in different patterns to mimic the use of numerous ninjutsu without chakra.

Time ticked by when the sound of the front door opening and closing interrupted the peaceful atmosphere.

"I'm home" Announcing his arrival Sakumo could see his loving wife finishing up dinner and his two sons playing together on the couch.

'I'm so glad I saw Inoichi and we started our counseling sessions. The nightmares from the war are still there but scenes like this make me thankful I can come home to a warm home." Happy thoughts pushed out the darkness that was previously threatening to consume him.

"Welcome home dear, get changed then come to the table dinner is ready. Boys, go wash your hands, it's dinner time." Giving a quick kiss to her husband she announced it was time to eat.

When everyone was seated at the table and began to eat, they talked about what interesting things happened during the day.

"Kaa-san and I went to the market today, but she betrayed me when the evil baa-sans attacked me." Satoru accused his mother without hesitation with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Traitor Sa-chan and they didn't attack you they just pinched your cheeks *blep*" Sticking her tongue out at Satoru she refuted.

Mother and son bickered with each other while Sakumo and Kakashi watched on, barely holding in their laughter.

"Kaa-san I saw you and Sa-chan at the park talking with Kushina-san and Mikoto-sama, did you thank her for Sa-chan's glasses?" Questioned Kakashi.

"Of course, what do you take me for. Speaking of which, shouldn't you be guarding Ku-chan right now, why are you here?" Judging by her son's usual schedule he shouldn't be home for a few more hours.

"Her water broke so Minato Sensei and Biwako-sama took her somewhere secure so she could deliver the baby." Replied Kakashi.

This seemed like a very happy event to all in the house but one. When Satoru heard what his brother just said he froze on the spot. The scene of the Kyuubi attack in the anime of his previous life flashed before his eyes. The destruction and death seemed so much scarier now that he was living in Konoha.

"Are you ok Satoru?" His fathers deep and calm voice brought him out of his momentary panic. flustered, he made an excuse for his strange behavior. "I'm ok, just not feeling very well suddenly."

Seeing his son was still not right he decided to take him elsewhere and talk with him. "Satoru, come with me, let me show you something." walking over he picked his son up from his highchair and walked him upstairs to his office.

'I have never been in here before. He always locks the door.' Looking around the room he observed everything in sight. The shelf full of books, the maps on the walls and the Hatake clan symbol proudly hanging above the desk. It all made him realize that while Sakumo may be his loving strong father he is also the leader of their whole clan, the weight of that was felt partly by Satoru at this moment.

Carrying Satoru over to the large window, he opened it as wide as it could go and showed his son the overview of Konoha. "Satoru, I don't know what is scaring you but look up at the Hokage Rock, the past two Hokage gave their lives to protect this entire village and the third Hokage led us through the last war. I have seen you act strangely at times like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders, but you don't have to worry there are many others before you that will hold up the sky." he felt his son in his arms take a deep breath and visibly relax, his slightly pale face had some color back into it and the furrow on his brow smoothed out.

"Thank you Tou-san." Satoru felt like a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders. For the past year he has been struggling in any way to get stronger to prepare for the future with little success. He was still too small, being only one year old doesn't let him affect much if anything at all. looking up at the Hokage Rock seeing the three faces gave him a sense of strength, but one thing stood out to him.

"Ano Tou-san, where is the fourth Hokages' face in the Rock?" Satoru was confused so he threw a question to his father.

" Fourth Hokage? We have only had three different Hokage so far, a fourth hasn't been appointed yet." The question puzzled Sakumo, but seeing the confusion on Satoru's face he still explained.

"Only three Hoka-." Before Satoru could finish speaking, a sinister chakra covered the village, and an earth-shaking roar filled the air.


The sudden overwhelming chakra flooded Satoru's mind causing him to lose consciousness, one final thought went through his mind before slipping into darkness.

'Why do I keep blacking out as soon as I find out something important.'

Amendar Amendar

We see a little more of our MC's interaction with his family. The mind set of the MC begins to subtly change do to the relieving of some of the pressure he was feeling. Lastly the Kyuubi atack begins. Next chapter we are going to see the birth of naruto and the first apperance of a very important enemy.

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