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1.4% Naruto: My Hunting System / Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Awakening in a New World
Naruto: My Hunting System Naruto: My Hunting System original

Naruto: My Hunting System

Author: Tozoku

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Awakening in a New World

In a lake, Nawaki lay in amazement, his gaze fixed on the blue sky and trees.

"Nawaki, Nawaki, Nawaki!"

At the sound of a female voice calling out to him, Nawaki turned around: "Hana?" To his surprise, it wasn't Hana, but an unknown woman.

She was a very beautiful, fair-skinned woman of medium height, with brown eyes and straight, blond hair tied in a high ponytail.

'Who is she?' The moment this question crossed his mind, Nawaki felt a sharp pain in his head.

"Ughh, Ahhhh!" The pain was so intense that he passed out.

The last thing he remembered was the voice of the same woman who spoke earlier saying, "Nawaki, don't do this to me!"

The young woman's worried tone somehow tightened his chest.



He had transmigrated.

That's what he realized as he regained consciousness with memories that shouldn't belong to him.

In these memories, he 'knew' he was Nawaki Senju, the grandson of Hashirama Senju, the First Hokage of Konohagakure. Known in his lifetime as the God Shinobi for his unparalleled ninja talent, Hashirama Senju desired peace and founded Konoha with his childhood friend and rival, Madara Uchiha. Though he didn't achieve peace in his lifetime, his legacy endured.

A prime example was the body into which he transmigrated. In these memories, he learned that Nawaki Senju dreamed of being Hokage and continuing his grandfather's legacy.

It was hard to believe, but there existed powers beyond Nawaki's understanding. What shocked him most was not just transmigrating into anyone's body, but into someone with two of the most powerful bloodlines: Uzumaki and Senju.

Incidentally, now that he had access to Nawaki Senju's memories, he realized that the beautiful young blonde woman from before was actually his older sister.

'An older sister, huh...' It was all hard to believe.

As open-minded as he tried to be, many things he had dismissed as impossible in the world he had transmigrated into.

Reflecting on his past life, he felt no attachment. If there was anyone he would miss, it would be his dear and adorable granddaughter, Hana.

Having lived a life with few regrets, and now given a new chance, he didn't yearn to return to his previous life, especially since he had died of natural causes.

'In this life, can I walk a path I've never walked?' The thought of defeating countless enemies and leading his allies to glory was exhilarating...

Cough. Not everyone could become a powerful ninja. Despite his good family background, living in times of war meant he had to be cautious to avoid an early death.

As he had already imagined, even though Nawaki Senju was privileged, he was still far from being a powerful ninja. Despite his current strength, which could easily earn him many world medals in his previous life, it was insufficient in the ninja world.

His abilities were at most Chunin level. In practice, he wasn't even a Genin yet, the lowest ninja rank.

Reality always delivers a harsh wake-up call.

If you don't work hard, what's the use of talent?

Nawaki was not displeased with his current identity, though. He was quite young and handsome, with short, light brown hair, gray-green eyes, and a tendency to blush heavily.

Additionally, he had a beautiful older sister. That kind of life wasn't too bad, was it?

His previous life had passed. Living another life was a good enough opportunity.

As for becoming a powerful ninja, he believed that with effort and if nothing hindered his growth, he stood a good chance of making his mark in history, possibly even fulfilling the former body wielder's dream of becoming Hokage.

The problem was, it had been three years since the ninja war started, and he had no idea how long it would last. When he graduates from the ninja academy at age 12, he will likely be sent to war...

'One year...' It wasn't much time. If he didn't strengthen himself in the year remaining at the ninja academy, the likelihood of his dying was high.

Opening his tired eyes, he saw, through groggy vision, his older sister lying on her stomach with her eyes closed.

Not wanting to wake her, as he didn't know how long she had been caring for him to the point of exhaustion, he closed his eyes again.

'Sleep, sleep...'

After sorting through all the information, fatigue overwhelmed him.

This sudden transmigration had taken him aback. Having digested the memories, his mind was weary. He decided to consider other details tomorrow.

- -

When Nawaki opened his eyes again, the sky was blue and clear, with sunlight warmly shining on his face, causing him to squint in comfort.

However, the smell of grass mixed with earth shook his spirit.

The fresh air felt good, but at that moment, he couldn't 'enjoy' the pleasant weather.

'Wasn't I lying on a bed? Where am I?' Why was he lying on the ground, looking at the sky?

Nawaki quickly got up and looked around. To say he was stunned was an understatement.

He found himself in a grassy field, where the fresh grass still held the morning dew. As the wind blew, the grass flowed like waves.

The view was good, but why was he here?

'Have I transmigrated again?'

He had somewhat resigned himself to the dangers of being on a planet in constant war, but he still found it worth it, especially having a beautiful and adorable older sister who adored him.

The possibility that this was a dream crossed his mind, but when he pinched himself, the pain felt real unless he could somehow feel pain in a dream. 'Maybe it's some kind of enemy genjutsu?'

He couldn't rule out that possibility. However, with his sister around, who was a Jonin, would it be easy for him to end up in an enemy genjutsu while in the Senju compound?

He stopped thinking when he suddenly heard a rustling sound from behind. The sound grew louder, and Nawaki quickly turned around.

"A rabbit?" Nawaki raised an eyebrow. To say he wasn't relieved would be a lie. A sigh of relief escaped his lips, and it was then he noticed his rumbling stomach.

As he touched his belly, he looked at his hand and realized that even though he might have transmigrated or fallen into a genjutsu, he seemed to have the same body as Nawaki Senju.

'Worth a try...' he thought, without taking his eyes off the white rabbit.

Another hypothesis crossed his mind: he might have ended up at a rabbit summoning site. He didn't know if such a place existed, but the white rabbit, nearly the size of a full-grown Inuzuka Clan dog and about one meter tall, was definitely not ordinary.

'Now... How strong is this rabbit?' Unsure of how much force to use – he didn't want to spoil the 'food' – he needed to gauge the right amount of strength.

Regardless, he had no ninja tools with him, so he would have to rely on taijutsu or something similar...

At that moment, the huge rabbit seemed to notice something. Its long ears pricked up in surveillance as it suddenly looked around.

It had blood-red eyes, and though it was looking up, it was still chewing weeds with its mouth.

The human and the rabbit stared at each other for a long time. However, when Nawaki saw the cute little mouth open to reveal rows of shiny white teeth, it was a little scary.

Definitely not a normal rabbit!

This bunny was very cute, so why were its teeth so sharp?!

When Nawaki sensed the white rabbit's nefarious intent, he subconsciously formed seals with his hands.

As for which jutsu to use, he knew that the previous owner of this body had only learned wind release, and Nawaki thought that might be enough to deal with the white rabbit.

After kneading chakra in his stomach, he exclaimed, "Wind Style: Great Breach!" The instant he finished, with two fingers close to his mouth, he expelled it in the form of a gust of wind.


The huge rabbit was hit and flew away, landing a few feet away with a thud. Its brain was shattered, and it died inevitably.

"That!" Nawaki made a victory gesture with his left hand.

He was not happy because he killed the white rabbit, but because he was able to use wind style to attack. This confirmed some of his doubts.

It was also the first time he had used such a technique, despite knowing he was possibly capable of doing it… It felt totally different to perform it himself than to remember the memories of the body's former owner.

In strides, Nawaki approached the white rabbit, or what was left of it, but stopped when a phenomenon occurred.

At that moment, the rabbit's body suddenly turned to dust, leaving only two red orbs the size of cherries. The orbs emitted a faint glow, standing out from the ash.

Nawaki's eyes seemed to deceive him; he blinked and rubbed his eyes, but the remains of the rabbit did not change. 'Do rabbits turn into something different when killed?'

Despite not being accustomed to playing games, he still knew the basics, which made Nawaki think that this event was very similar.

'Am I really stuck in a genjutsu and is this some kind of joke?' Although he didn't understand why someone would do this to him through a genjutsu, he couldn't think of anything else at that moment.

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