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Chapter 33: Chapter 33: The Fury of Tsunade and the Cunning of Nawaki.

Nawaki retrieved a sealing scroll fastened to his left arm and broke its seal, releasing 200 additional scrolls. He distributed these scrolls between himself and Tsunade.

Tsunade initially wondered at the quantity, but soon grasped the reason for such an abundance.

The ninjas struggled to match Nawaki's speed, enhanced by his wind art.

One of Nawaki's shadow clones apprehended a ninja wearing a gray, dog-like mask. Upon removing the mask and forcing the ninja's mouth open, the expected cursed seal of Danzo was revealed on the ninja's tongue.

"Danzo is behind this," the Nawaki clone concluded before applying a sealing jutsu.

Tsunade, just a step behind one of Nawaki's clones, had subdued another ninja. Hearing the clone's revelation, she realized the truth behind the seal on the tongues of Danzo's Root Anbu members, something she'd learned from Nawaki's investigations.

Having confirmed her suspicion, Tsunade quickly used a sealing jutsu on the ninja she had captured.

'So, Sarutobi-sensei simply turned a blind eye to this...' Disappointment weighed heavily on Tsunade.

The intact bridge and the ensuing ambush indicated the Third Hokage's involvement, even if only in the form of tacit approval of Danzo's machinations.

Her respect for Sarutobi, once her revered Sensei, transformed into disillusionment and anger.

She pondered whether the Hokage's eagerness for Nawaki's early graduation was a ploy to expose him to Danzo's schemes. The likelihood seemed high, darkening Tsunade's expression further.

The attacking ninjas became outlets for her pent-up disappointment and rage.

Empowered by wind techniques and her immense strength, Tsunade was a force to be reckoned with!

Some enemies succumbed, unable to withstand her onslaught. Nawaki witnessed this and harbored no blame towards her.

Nawaki understood the implications: the presence of Danzo's ninjas meant the Hokage must have been aware of the situation. The Hokage was too vigilant to overlook such a scheme.

After Tsunade eliminated about 10 disguised Root ninjas, she regained her composure. She created clones to seal those who were gravely injured and also sealed the deceased, suspecting they might transform into orbs in the hunting dimension.

Observing Tsunade's emotional turmoil, Nawaki's gaze grew icy.

Summoning his full power, he transformed into a flowing green light, reminiscent of the wind.

With a loud "Bang!", he unleashed terrifying wind blades in every direction as he leaped into the air, propelling himself with wind under his feet and soaring over 10 meters high.

The ground was stripped of its trees and grass by the ferocity of his attack.

Nawaki's precision was astounding. Even in such a chaotic situation, not a single one of his shadow clones, nor Tsunade, was struck by the wind blades. His attack was so calculated that it only severed the arteries critical for mobilizing chakra or preventing the ninjas from committing suicide.

Nawaki, gliding on wind currents, began his descent.

The initial combat had damaged the bridge.

It seemed the attacking ninjas had also targeted the bridge, likely to give credence to the story of its destruction and the ambush of Nawaki and Tsunade, making it appear 'unrelated' to them. However, they had grossly underestimated Nawaki and Tsunade's capabilities.

The onslaught from over a hundred ninjas failed to inflict even the slightest wound on them, not even a scratch.

Nawaki's instincts, honed from battling beasts, had grown incredibly sharp, almost bestial, or perhaps even more so.

His combat intuition was formidable, evading attacks with such finesse that it resembled an adult effortlessly outmaneuvering children.

This aspect of Nawaki was even more intimidating than Tsunade. Although she was stronger, she realized she couldn't match his battle instincts.

'Is this also a result of his experiences in the hunting dimension?' Tsunade wondered internally.

Given the enormous quantity of orbs he had previously amassed, it was conceivable that this prowess stemmed from defeating numerous magical beasts.

She knew that Nawaki's clones were amidst the warring ninjas, observing and analyzing, learning from their actions, and using the purple orbs to enhance his understanding.

Now, she grasped the full extent of Nawaki's terrifying strategy: he had refined his instincts to a level that rivaled, or perhaps even surpassed, those of a ninja seasoned by years of battlefield experience.

Remarkably, not a single one of Nawaki's shadow clones had fallen.

How could this be?

Tsunade's breath quickened.

This was no longer merely about raw power. Nawaki was predicting and countering the ninjas' attacks with precision.

For instance, one ninja attempted to strike a shadow clone of Nawaki.

As the ninja's palm neared the clone, the wind stirred Nawaki's hair.

With a sparkle in his eye yet exuding calm, Nawaki effortlessly caught the attacking ninja's wrist.

Almost immediately, another shadow clone was ready with a sealing jutsu, swiftly sealing the subdued ninja.

This pattern repeated, with Nawaki steadily sealing more ninjas.

"Incredible!" exclaimed Tsunade.

The remaining ninjas, devoid of despair due to their conditioning as emotionless machines, struggled to conceal their astonishment at the prowess of such a young boy.

They were elite ninjas, rigorously trained to execute Danzo-sama's most challenging missions. Yet, they couldn't lay a finger on their target, nor defeat any of the shadow clones.

The situation led them to question their own existence. Had their fear instincts not been suppressed, they likely would have fled long ago.

Danzo's training stripped his members of their emotions, fostering brotherhood among them from a young age, only to later force them into lethal conflicts against each other. This brutal method eradicated any semblance of emotional attachment or feeling.

This ruthless conditioning enabled them to undertake any mission, no matter how heinous, including harming a child.

One ninja attempted to flee to report back to Danzo, while another tried to release a summoned beast carrying information in a sealed scroll. However, they were too slow.

Their every move was monitored and intercepted by Nawaki's vigilant shadow clones.

Only two of the enemy ninjas remained, the strongest among their ranks.

"I'll take the one on the left," Tsunade declared, finishing her sealing of another ninja.

"Okay," Nawaki responded, advancing with two clones flanking him.

Meanwhile, the remaining clones gathered the sealing scrolls scattered across the battlefield.

As Nawaki and his clones neared their target, the root ninja, identifiable by his gray and orange X-symbol mask covering his eyes, forehead, and mouth, prepared to engage. Nawaki seamlessly blended into the shadows.

The red-eyed ninja unleashed a lightning-formed jutsu towards the clones, but they evaded with ease, leaving behind trails of dark mist, untouched by the electrical assault.

Simultaneously, at the swift pace of the dark mist, the two evasive clones quickly encircled the root ninja, each grabbing an arm.

The ninja tried to counter, using his feet to pivot, but suddenly lost all strength and his connection to his chakra.

Nawaki, materializing behind him, sealed the chakra points in a manner reminiscent of the Hyuga clan's techniques.

Although Nawaki lacked the Hyuga's chakra point vision, he had learned to mimic their techniques by observing them in battle and training within the Leaf Village.

With eyes alight in an unusual glow, enhanced by the use of many purple orbs, Nawaki's thought processes accelerated. He formulated a new plan, even as he battled, to transform these Danzo root ninjas into a source of power.

In a chilling tone, Nawaki muttered, "I have grand plans for you… I'm sure your master will appreciate them~"

The next moment, he used a sealing scroll on the root ninja with the orange and gray X-symbol mask.

Dismissing one clone and creating a new one, Nawaki performed a series of hand signals. He then sealed the previously captured root ninja into the new clone's arm.

Without a word, this clone, now in Dark Mist mode, vanished from sight.

Meanwhile, Tsunade had triumphed in her own battle and was in the process of sealing her opponent.

"It's all done," Tsunade announced as she completed her task.

"Yes, now I will consolidate these scrolls into one and seal it within my body," Nawaki said.

Tsunade, somewhat familiar with the workings of Nawaki's hunting dimension, knew that to transport something there, it had to be sealed within his body.

She noticed Nawaki's shadow clone had taken one of Danzo's Root Anbu members but didn't grasp his intention.

Sensing her curiosity, Nawaki began to explain as he gathered and sealed the scrolls into his right arm, "Sis, here's what I'm planning..."

Upon hearing Nawaki's plan, Tsunade's breathing quickened.

If everything unfolded as he envisioned, the situation would become quite... intriguing.

Although Nawaki's strategic and calculating nature was surprising, Tsunade found herself pleased and even proud of his capabilities.

In some ways, his actions reminded her of their Great-Uncle, Tobirama Senju.

||- Note -||

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