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Chapter 9: Progression..

Chapter 9

Title: Progression..

Words: 2967

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'<>' perks & skills, '——' long time skip, '….' short time skip, '~ ~' POV switch, "grr" speech, 'wow' thoughts, 'Training |' section of what is being displayed, 'W.W.L:' what we learned by the ending of chapter.

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I looked at the calendar before me, December 27th four months since I've started my body training and I've made huge results comparing my body to before was a big difference. I was agile and flexible like a cat but packed power behind my elegance. Today Sensei will start training me in the katas of his martial art style. I already ate breakfast and got ready but later today is Hinata's birthday. We were invited the day we headed back home from the Senju park.

I ran through the streets, making my way to the lakeside where I spent working my ass of the past four months and it all was slowly piecing itself together.

I made my way to the lakeside, looking at the field a flash of memories of me struggling and countless breakthroughs resurfaced. There were the hollow logs I pushed and pulled, tree branches I hanged from, we practiced jumping from tree to tree which is a vital aspect of shinobi transportation, I reminisced about the laps that I ran around the lake which were multiple kilometers long.

It all pushed me to strive for more, of course I had more power than I had previously and I estimated my body was a good way from peak academy body level which meant that the training was efficient. The old man knew what he was doing and how to formulate results.

My body was stronger, muscles and ligaments tougher, knowledge and my intelligence expanded with my days spent studying, taijutsu and the shinobi body material. Everyday I slowly gained and now I reaped the benefits of each and everyday I spent going harder than my last.

My body was also stronger and more accustomed to the strenuous work I put it through with every training session, my body grew with me as I progressed and it was evident my body and I were both in sync. It wasn't only one aspect but all of it in one.

My vitality became stronger to help recovery time. My body got used to adapting not only in resting periods even though it didn't have much of the same margin of effect but it adapted in developing periods as well. Helping me develop to what my body wasn't used to or what I couldn't handle while training.

Sensei was as everly waiting like a statue upon my arrival, once he spotted me his statue-like demeanor changed correspondingly.

"You're here?" He asked rhetorically. "As you know, today is the beginning of your martial arts training. Although fast, your body has reached an appropriate level to really reap the benefits of martial training. As expected of Senju's rival." His face lightened saying the last bit.

Acknowledging his acknowledgment of my quick growth I retorted. "I'm as ready as ever for my next training endeavor. Sensei." I slightly lowered my head and closed my eyes as a sign of respect.

'Did I respect him? No. But will I get on his good side because it gives me more advantages than not? Hell Yeah.'

He snickered. "First we'll see how you match up against me. I know this will be your first fight so I don't expect much but from there I'll measure how much things we'll need to work on in certain aspects of your overall potential progression of hand-to-hand combat."

Still slightly lowering my head I then clasped my hands together. "Hai."

He motioned for me to lift my head. "Form the seal of reconciliation and we'll get started right away boy."

I did as I was told, creating a bit of distance before we engaged in our match.


With the sound warning to engage I waited for my opponent to go on the offensive.

'The best thing I could do here is play defensively and when the opportunity presents itself without it being a trap go on the offensive. Although this is just a spar to see where I'm at if I do this I'm sure he'll be surprised by my inherent battle genius. Garnering more respect for my talent and skills.'

"I thought you would get out of your princess stage and fight like a man already."

Seeing that I wasn't budging and holding my stance to be on the defensive he tested my level headedness.

'He's never seen me enraged so he's testing what insults would get me to blindly attack him like a dog, I'm an adult so sadly your insults wont work ya damn geezer.'

"Don't be a shy boy, I promise I won't hurt ya." He made a crooked smile. He even raised his hands up in the air.

'I would have to be an idiot to fail for these tricks when I know better. Try again jackass.'

"Hmmm, your not budging are ya, this is what I expected from a momma's boy who reeks the scent of his mother's tit."

I shuffled my feet as we circled each other almost like a wrestling match.

"Oh." He said almost in shock. "Perhaps you like sucking your mother, I wonder-"

I interrupted him as I threw a few rocks in his directions.

'Luckily those goonies were pretty good target practice all those months ago and I didn't outright miss.' I thought as my sensei dodged.

"You didn't think those were gonna hit did you? That's a pretty pathetic attempt if you ask me."

I continued ignoring what he was saying, never letting up from his gaze while I steadily shuffled my feet.

He cracked his old man's hands and back. "Well if you won't attack me as a man I'll show you what happens to cowards who don't stand up for their pride."

Seemingly disappearing from my line of sight all my danger detecting senses pointed at a homing attack coming a few feet away from bulldozing my shoulder.

I elegantly dive rolled, dodging his attack while his foot nearly penetrated the ground. Seeing the opportunity to attack I rushed him and sent fist attacks in the pressure points of his legs.

'That's it! I could use my foreknowledge of the body to attack the pressure points in his exposed areas and cover what I'm actually doing with a closed fist almost like a punch, he'll never guess I'm intentionally using a bastardized version of gentle fist on him.'

"TCH." He whimpered out in unexpected pain in his joints and ligaments. "Dammit my speed will severely decrease from here, damned lucky punch. What's unlucky for you is the fact that this won't be happening again." He finishes as his body collides into the ground knocking up large rock and dirt portions from out the ground.

He rushed me, it was too fast and sudden my body couldn't comprehend the speeds he was going at yet.

'I would need to get another opportunity to damage his pressure points again. If only I had more strength I could've closed the points completely making him unable to fully make use of his leg.'

I then flew backwards by several meters, due to the force exerted my body tore chunks of grass up out of the ground underneath me, dirtying me up with grass and dirt.

Realizing what happened to me moments later I then noticed that I was unremoursly kicked in the chest with such strength that a normal three year old couldn't have survived.

I started getting sweaty. Due to me being covered with dirt and grass this made my body feel sticky.

I slowly got up, my sensei then walked towards me at an average speed and started throwing blows in my direction. The kicks didn't pack the full strength I know he had so I was sure he was going easy on me.

With this set I dodged all of them, flipping in between blows and ducking extremely due to my height and flexibility. I tried to get an attack in but the opportunity never presented itself.

The fight eventually came to an end sadly I wasn't able to win of course but I was able to find points in my fighting style and development that needed major improvement.

My stamina and cardio was fine, my speed proved to surprise him so I must be on the right track, I was strong and was bordering on the limits on how much I could develop in strength for a three year old in my standards so there wasn't much I could do but allow myself to get older with age and diligently train in all aspects as I could.

In due time I will reach higher heights but for now I'll do all I can to help my future self reach the peak of my skill.

We then went over the katas of his martial art style, after I remembered them fully we went our separate ways and I headed home.


I made my way home covered in dirt, grass and sweat. I was sure that my hygiene levels were terrible so I didn't waste time and grabbed a fresh pair of workout clothes.

'After I'm done with my afternoon workout I'll be showering again for Hinata's birthday later on today.' I thought while walking to the bath.

Shower Thoughts |

'There's a limit on how much one could progress for a specific age. My body allowed me to surpass those limits but even the fact of how much I could excel those set limits had limits. For now all I could do was surround myself with every aspect of knowledge pertaining shinobi and their lifestyle and the development in other categories in which I was allowed to develop in.'

'In due time if I maintain the habit of doing all those things I could reach levels the original Sasuke wishes he'd achieve.'

I grinned madly in thought about how much I'll surpass the original Sasuke's strength levels in specific times of his career.

'My plan was set. I'll go to Hinata's birthday party with father and mother since sadly Itachi's always unavailable then for the next few months train my body along with the katas to the best of my capabilities until I'm able to access my chakra when I'm four.'

'Just imagining the heights I'll be able to reach with chakra at my side was amazing, all the jutsus I never thought I'll be able to use will be usable.'

I got out of the shower dried myself down and wore a new pair of clothing, getting ready for further body training and furthering the progression of my skill in the martial arts for a couple of hours until we have to get ready for the party tonight.


Hours passed since then and we were on our way to the party. Me along with my mother and father. Today was an important day to me because it marked my progression I've made since I've started and was a benchmark for the establishment of my martial arts training as well so it all coincided.

The next benchmark of progression I had in mind was my fourth birthday. I wanted to mentally compare myself from now until then. Hopefully I make huge progress and learn a few things.

Everything was going so well, I truly felt at my happiest considering everything I've personally experienced counting all the highs and lows. This was my highest and something I'll forever cherish, my beginning and how I made my way to the top.

We made it to the Hyūga compound gates. "OPEN THE GATES." A Hyūga yelled with the byakugan active, veins bulging very visible upon the area that surrounds the eyes.

It looked weird seeing one for the first time active, I remember when I saw Hinata's and her mother's for the first time it was surprisingly natural yet so foreign.

I guess what frightened me the most was how realistic it all looked. Sometimes it freaked me out how different the anime looks from real life.

My mother grabbed my hand tighter as we entered the gates.

'Wasn't this the day Hinata got kidnapped because of kumo's false treaty and their lack of kekkei genkai and Dojutsū having shinobi? It also caused Hizashi to sacrifice himself, making Neji develop hate for the main branch and this weird fate ideology.'

I'm pretty sure it was today but I'm not sure at what time. Will it even happen while we're here? I'm sure we won't be here all day.' I thought as I rubbed my chin with my index and thumb.

"Thinking about something Sasuke-kun?" My mother asked.

I looked up to her and slightly froze in her beauty. She really got all fancy for this party, I mean sure it's a big event but she's really beautiful. "N-no." I look away shyly then regain composure. I look back at her and compliment her appearance for tonight's event.

"You look beautiful as always, I smell the fragrance that father brought you from the merchant from the land of tea. It's a delight to the nose. You give off the aura of a feudal lord's wife mother." I compliment as I see her cheeks gain a reddened tint.

My father gives me a jealous stare and my mother just gives me a huge smile and ruffles my hair slightly.

He gives her a compliment on her shoes and I internally sigh, 'he's so romantically awkward it's not even funny.'

As we're directed to the clan heads vicinity I see him and his wife walk up to us and Hizashi walking amongst them as well being a few distances away although not too far.

They arrive and we all greet each other. "It's a true pleasure to have you all make it here, sadly Itachi couldn't make it but that's all fine." Hinata's mother says.

"We're happy that the Uchiha's clan head can make an appearance on my daughter's third birthday. If you're here it's like the whole Uchiha has your backing as well so it doesn't matter if they aren't here personally, once again it means a lot. You have my thanks." He gives my father a shake as they both grab each other's forearm with a small tug, looking respectfully into each other's eyes.

'They started to talk politics so a maid ushered me to Hinata's location. I guess since we hit it off that day and including my status we're more than welcome to play and develop close bonds. I'm not dumb.. it's almost as if we're gonna be married off together I mean I doubt it but it's a huge possibility to get the Uchiha in rep and to have tighter bonds with the leaf.'

'Hinata was dressed fancily of course and Neji wasn't too far behind her as well it seems as if they were waiting on me. I'm a child and I don't have specific 'fun' pass times so I guess we have to play.'

Me and Hinata reacquaint and I make acquaintance with Neji complimenting him on his "Prodigy" status amongst his clan.


Them being children and me being a manipulator it could be said we "hit it off" right then and there or I influenced that to happen, either way I became an influence of their backstories and life.

We joked, played and had fun. I made them feel important based on what I know from the plot of course I didn't tell them important stuff but the occasion "you'll be a vital asset in this shinobi world and I'm glad I could have you both as one of my first best friends."

'I didn't mean it but having the illusion of Camaraderie and bonds was something I could definitely use to manipulate things my way further down the line I'll still play character after the massacre brushes over but deep down they'll know and remember "my true self" from all those years ago when that was just a fake persona to have them do things for me I know they wouldn't later on.'

We finished playing and the maid escorted me to my parents, we headed home after the party and surprisingly it wasn't a bad time for me even though I was hanging around children.

'I found a way for me to have further connections to plot and big time insurances. Who knows when one would need life changing favors from some high ranking Hyūga or some byakugan eyes (A/N: of course they won't give it to me but they'll never suspect a childhood friend to yank their clan member's eyes when least expected.) so it's best if I start influencing these folks while I can.'

I walked inside our room to see Itachi knocked out cold in his bed. I went over to him and tapped his forehead then crawled inside my bed and let my melatonin levels increase, falling sound asleep just in a few short seconds.

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{A/N: I've had a lot of family stuff going on in my life right now including the fact that I'm sick, it's gotten better but I was bedridden for a while. I decided to edit these chapters and make them WN ready for you guys since I haven't posted a chapter in a week, here's to the new year. Blessings to you all and thanks for all the support old or recent.}

W.W.L.: We learned more about the MC's day to day basis.

We saw a bit of the MC's progression as a shinobi being a few amounts of distance away from peak academy levels in the things he's able to accomplish as a shinobi with his body alone so far.

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