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Chapter 52: News of Yagura!

Chapter 50: News of Yagura!

Jutsu of the day:

<Showing your place no Jutsu>

Courtesy of The Emo Uchiha's older brother.


Time: A week after the 'Electrocution' incident

The Resistance Headquarters



After the brief show of skills between the Resistance and I, things went back to normal quickly. The sudden skirmish surprised the commoners, but the Resistance workers took care of all the information going out, thus, stopping unnecessary information leaks. Potentially stopping a breakout of terror.

I was impressed. The Resistance took care of the faster than I expected.

The whole ordeal could have gone haywire, but they kept it under control. Which earned my approval.

The civilians were already in a state of alert due to the sudden breakout of civil wars. They really didn't need any more reason to feel insecure.

So I decided to observe the workers. I wanted to see how they operated.

I kept observing every single detail. I scrutinized and noted all the important aspects of the Resistance. And what I witnessed, honestly, impressed me.

'From what I have seen so far. They do care about the citizens. There are still some caste problems among them and there is the usual propaganda... But it seems way better than what I've seen on Kobe.' I thought with a sad smile.

Watching the general population find a bit of hope due to the resistance's presence made me feel sympathetic.

'Their situation is worse than my Uchiha clans... At least we had each other to support us...' I thought to myself.

While I was pondering, I smelled a fresh burst of lavender appear near me.

The person who arrived spoke in a teasing tone, "Have you noted down all the key points? Should Onee-chan show you more?"

I slowly turned and greeted the troublesome lady, "Mei-sama, it's lovely to see you. And I don't know what you mean by those words of yours."

I gave a slight smile and refused to confirm her words.

This made her pout like a little girl. I knew this was all an act. But still it honestly looked adorable, but most of the men seemed to think that it was the smile of a she-devil….

It didn't really affect or bother me because, I already got used to it.

I have been here for the past week, and during that time, I have gotten quite familiar with Mei.

I have also gathered a plethora of information on the Resistance, including the higher ups of the group.

They didn't really give me any trouble while gathering information. A bit at the start maybe but all in all, they were more cordial to me than hostile actually.

At first, I didn't understand the reason for it. But soon I came to a realization...

It had a bit to do with me showing my strength during the little duel with Ao.

And the other, more important reason was my mysterious lord... Who I claimed to be the possible savior of the Water Country…

Many were doubtful of my words, of course. I mean I would be too.

But after a while everyone started believing that my lord was a great person. And me claiming to be a simple guard helped.

I mean not many people have a guard as strong as I.

Mei and the other leaders had tried to get more information on Kaneko-kun. They have tried many different ways. But I let them return almost empty-handed each time. I told them straight that I will only reveal more information on 'him' when 'he' allows me to.

I have only delved bits of information on Kaneko-sama. Because, if I gave none, then that would be problematic too.

Such as some of his feats and a few of his abilities, but kept most of the important information hidden.

I honestly thought they would become suspicious of me and try to imprison me. But….

But apparently the Resistance had already gotten information on a group, who were helping the people of Kobe.

'That does sound like Kaneko-kun and our party.' I thought when I first heard the news.

But surprisingly there was more to the story.

There seems to be someone very strong among this group in Kobe, who has been beating back all the spies.

At first, I thought it was Fuzzy-senpai. But that was until I heard the next detail...

No one seem to have seen the person or creature. The spies that made it back has only described that they were beaten back by a specter.

The information already sounded peculiar. But there were more…

Something more.... Ridiculous.

The spies said that the specter hasn't killed anyone who only went there to gather information. But the hostile groups were instantly massacred.

One of the witnesses testified that one of the spy groups from the capital were killed within seconds as dark tentacles wrapped and crushed them where they stood.

'Dark tentacles? What kind of creature is that? Doesn't sound like Fuzzy-senpai… Should I return and check on Kaneko-kun?' I thought to myself when I heard the information.

But all of these ridiculous information apparently cemented the idea of me having a strong lord, who wanted to liberate the Water Country.

The stories and rumors were ridiculous and horrifying. And having actual witnesses made the credibility rise.

Also, adding the bits of information from me, the people of the Resistance had painted a hypothetical picture of my said 'lord'. They started to believe in a strong entity who was powerful and charismatic....

This was the main reason that The Resistance was being so hospitable to me.

'I really don't know what is actually going on… But I am confident that nothing bad will happen to Kaneko-kun… Only we, his guards know what kind of monster he is…' I thought. This also made me stay back for a longer period of time.

And using that time, I was able to gather a huge amount of information about the organization and it's leaders.

But there was a reason behind me still being here after a week.

~*Smol Flashback No Jutsu*~

I was going to leave on the third day after I had gathered enough information. And as I was about to bid farewell, Mei stopped me.

"Itachi, why don't you stay with us for a while more? I know you want to deliver the 'greetings' to your lord. And I am sure that he is waiting to hear from you. But honey, I think it's better for you to stay a bit longer with us. At least till Ao wakes up." Mei said with a teasing smile.

She knew that I would stay, if I knew that there was more information to be harvested.

She and The Resistance didn't mind sharing information with me, as they wanted to create at least a working relationship with my lord.

As they have gotten more and more information about my 'lord' from the Kobe Island rumors and from me. They had painted a picture of a powerful warlord, who would most likely liberate the poor people of the Water Country.

'I can't let go of this chance to gather more information… Ao, has a Byakugan… He might have some interesting information that might be important to Kaneko-kun.' I thought.

And just as Mei had thought, knowing that there was more information to be gathered, I decided to stay back a few days.

~*Smol Flashback No Jutsu Loses Chakra*~

And that brought us to today.

I glanced at the auburn haired beauty and asked her, "Is there something you need from me, Mei-sama?"

She kept pouting as she said, "You really don't care about me, now do you Itachi?"

She then turned serious and said, "Sigh! Anyway yes, Ao, has woken up. And we are going to ask him about what he has gathered.

You are more than welcome to join us. I just hope that you and your lord will have more faith in us.

We truly want to free the people of Water Country from this damn cycle of wars…"

She seemed a bit angry as she uttered the last sentence. It wasn't anger towards me or my lord. But anger towards the sad fate of the People of the Water Country…

"I understand, Mei-sama. I will join you all." I, said in a calm voice and started following her as she showed me the way.


Inner meeting room, The Resistance



Itachi and Mei hadn't arrived yet. And the leaders of the Resistance and Ao were having a small conversation.

"Are you sure that lad should be trusted? And what of his lord? How can you all be so sure that such a person actually exists? The whole thing sounds ludicrous." Said a very angry Ao.

One of the leaders sighed and answered him, "Sigh! Ao, we thought the same at first. But there has been way too many witnesses about the lord.

The last squad we sent came back with the news that all eleven villages had been taken over by that lord as well as three of the larger villages.

And no one has even seen the lord or heard of his name yet. Because whenever or however we send the spies, they get intercepted after a certain boundary.

No one has even seen the interceptor. That person is incredibly strong that even a complete Jonin squad was taken down within seconds…

And from the minuscule information the squads have returned with, it indeed indicates that the lord wants to liberate the people of our country.

And the villages have already gotten over the famine within the last two weeks. Which was made possible by that said lord."

Ao screamed, "That's not possible! There is no food on Kobe. And there has been zero trade since last year. We have already given up on that Island.

Then how? Unless that lord brought the food himself from other lands.."

He himself came to a realization. But another question loomed over his head.

"But why would a person from another nation do that? Unless they want to conquer our country! Have you people gone blind? You want the help of a foreigner? You want to bow down to a mongre-"

Ao wanted to go on but there was a tanto hanging near his throat which he noticed way too late.

He gulped as he realized his position. As did everyone else in the room. But none of them were able to react at that time.

The whole scene occurred way too fast.

Everyone's eyes were on the person holding the tanto. It was a handsome teen with bright glowing red eyes with a pinwheel. He was glaring down on Ao, but the pressure was spread through the room.

Everyone felt that there was a monster standing in front of them.

Only Mei was able to keep calm. She was surprised but she was still calm.

'What incredible killing intent. I doubt he has killed all that much in his life. But what's with that dense death aura…' Mei thought.

The room turned completely silent till Itachi spoke, "Try to insult my lord again and you won't be as lucky."

He put back his tanto and then looked at the room and declared.

"My lord is a magnanimous man. He has already saved an ancient clan once and yet asked for nothing.

He has witnessed the suffering of the people and acted on it.

You scheming politicians can think whatever you want. But I dare you all to speak ill of Kaneko-kun one more time…"

Itachi's eyes flashed as the people in the room fell under an intrusive Genjutsu, including Mei.

They all saw the same scene inside the Genjutsu, a divided world, one side red and black, the other white and warm.

In the dark side they witnessed the worst of their imagination and on the bright warm side was a silhouette that extended a hand towards them.

The Genjutsu only lasted a few milliseconds but to the victims it felt like days.

Everyone had a cold sweat running down their spine. If it was anyone else other than Itachi, this action would have made everyone attack him in hostility.

But the Genjutsu had a clear meaning to it. And the people in the room understood it perfectly.

But one thing was for certain.

They had underestimated the young Uchiha. And they have underestimated him a lot.

Mei was shocked and a bit alert after what happened. She thought, 'This kid is incredibly strong… What kind of monster actually owns a guard like this? And why isn't this kid well-known?

There is no entry of him in the Bingo Book… We need to be more careful with him…'

She then said to the room, "All of you settle down! And we apologize for Ao's word Itachi-kun. We already know that your lord has been trying to liberate the people. He hasn't actually made any claims about ruling over them.

So Ao's accusations were unjustified. But he has been in a coma for the past week, so do let him off the hook." She tried to defuse the situation. To which Itachi only nodded.

She then turned back to Ao and said, "Stop causing trouble and tell us the information you have gotten from you visit to Kiri."

Ao seemed a bit hesitant about letting out the information. But after the short display from Itachi and Mei's behavior, he seemed to understand a bit of the situation.

So he gritted his teeth and said slowly,

"As you all know that I was in the capital. There I begged for an audience with the Mizukage. He has been very strict with the people he meets.

Apparently he trusts no one. He didn't even trust me and had me searched three times…

But after all the 'formalities' I was able to meet the man.

And I have found out something disturbing…" He stopped at that sentence. Everyone waited in silence. They knew that Ao must have found out something big for him to act like this.

Taking a deep breath Ao soon continued.

"I very discreetly activated my Byakugan and saw that the chakra flow of the Mizukage was in disruption. The whole flow was so interrupted that the pathways have been damaged and some of the pathways have been changed.

It was clear…

That the Mizukage, Yagura-sama has been put under a nasty Genjutsu… Which has affected his whole being…" Ao said with narrowed eyes.

"""????!!!""" Everyone in the room, including Itachi, was shocked by this revelation.



[A/N: Hey there, beautiful people! I know I have been very elusive lately and honestly, I feel terrible about it. But I honestly didn't get much time to write. And those in the server know about it. Sigh! This might continue for a bit but I will upload chapters as much as I can.

If you want to join the discord! The link: ht tps://discord .gg/RcZZjnKnwx ]

LuminouShadow LuminouShadow

I ask for all of your patience for now. I will do my best to upload more. And I will prolly need to rewrite this chappie.

Have a nice day!

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