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Chapter 4: Chapter 04: Rin's Death

Minato POV

Minato's days were not so good lately, war was a very cruel thing and the number of comrades he had lost in this time were too many to count, on top of that, one of his personal students also lost his life due to not being able to to arrive on time.

Luckily, the war was already about to end. The different villages had used up most of their military resources and the number of fallen shinobis were so many that it would take years to recover.

The case of the village of the leaf was the same, and although they considered themselves the "winners", the truth was that they were only the ones who lost less than the others.

It is known that before any war ends, there will always be some final battle that will end up cementing the end.

In this case, such an end was not far away, so Minato, as one of the most powerful pillars of Konoha, was sent to the village for a few days to recover as much as possible.

Seeing the gloomy state of the village and passing through the places where he once played and laughed, he couldn't help but become a little more depressed, but at the same time filled with conviction to end the war once and for all.

Minato came home exhausted and decided to cook something simple to rest. Right now, Kushina was not in the village as it was impossible to send two of her strongest resources to rest at the same time and leave the front unprotected.

When his rest ended and he returned to the battlefield, his conviction didn't last long when another piece of news hit him hard. Another of his students had been captured by the enemy.

Minato at that moment couldn't move because he didn't know when there might be an attack, also because the mark he had left with his student, Rin, had been erased, or was in a sealed place. Whatever the case, he couldn't move, so he could only send someone on a rescue mission, and the chosen one was his other student Hatake Kakashi.

The days passed and his nervousness showed no sign of abating, that plus the stress of not knowing if an attack was coming or not was eating away at him.

One of those days at night, the attack came, they were extremely skilled and strong enemies. They atacked out of the blue and killed a considerable number of leaf ninja extremely quickly, apparently it was an infiltration and assassination mission from the way it was carried out.

Hit and run was what they did, but something wasn't right. Normally the objective of this type of attack is to eliminate an important member of the opposing side, but in this case the fallen are ninjas who, although important combat forces, not justify the use of such an attack force.

Minato, therefore, decided to investigate what the true objective of these guys was, besides, waiting for an attack had him so stressed that he decided that fighting now would be a good way to calm down . In fact, he wanted this to be the prelude to the attack that he had been waiting for so many days so that he could end all of this once and for all.

After the first contact with the enemy, Minato realized that the opponent's abilities were higher than he originally expected, and that the enemy's tactic was to constantly fight and retreat, as if they wanted to buy time. Normally this would not work due to his technique allowing him to move around the field with ease, however if it is a team that is trained to cover their backs it will be more difficult to find a blind spot.

It was as if these fifteen people were specially trained to restrain him. They had good coordination between them, in addition to the fact that it was noticeable that they had thoroughly studied the weak points of their technique.

No matter how great it sounds, at the end of the day, it's a technique, and techniques can be countered by others.

That made Minato realize that he had to modify many of the weak points, since having used it so much in the war, the enemy had already obtained enough information to complicate things for him.

After a battle that lasted longer than he would have preferred, there were finally only six opponents left, something he could easily deal with, but he decided against it since what he wanted the most was information. He had already secretly left a mark on one of them. But he didn't expect things to get more complicated than he thought.

Minato ended the battle wounded, he realized that after so many fights, he had become very confident in his technique and his tactics had become predictable, which resulted in a mistake that almost cost him even if he had not died, he would have ended up disabled, this was a luxury he could not afford.

Finishing everything, Minato was in his tent thinking about whether he should go assist Kakashi, but he decided against that since he was injured and didn't know if there was going to be another attack, so he decided to rest and recover, when out of nowhere she felt a light pulse of chakra in his pocket, coming from a small stone that her student had given him, according to her, it was a gift from a little boy who had proposed to her. Following this, he felt a distortion in the space ahead, a portal opened, and what came out of it left him shocked.

Kakashi POV

He was running with all his might. After some time searching for Rin, he finally found her. In fact, it was so easy to locate and rescue her that it made him suspicious, but he didn't have the time to stop and think about such things right now. Kirigakure shinobi were incessantly chasing them and whatever he did, he couldn't lose them.

After a while, Kakashi noticed that his pursuers didn't move closer or further away, always keeping a prudent distance, as if they wanted to force him into a situation where he had to keep running. This small suspicion made him calm down and start to analyze the situation more, he felt that there was a trap somewhere.

He wanted more information, but there was no way to get it, even if he wanted to ask Rin if she knew anything, she had been unconscious since he took her out of the cave where she was locked up, but maybe it would have been better for him if she didn't wake up

More time passed and the feeling that something was wrong grew inside him .

When he found a place to rest, he wanted to think about the things that seemed strange to him, but before he could begin his contemplation, Rin woke up.

— Kakashi… where are we?

— Rin! It's good that you woke up, don't worry, right now we are on our way to the village and being chased. I've been trying to summon sensei for a while, he doesn't respond, he must be busy with something, but I'm sure he'll come in a moment.

— No...

But when Rin tried to tell him something, they were attacked.

Kirigakure shinobi POV _

'Our mission is to form a small elite group to attack and distract Minato Namikaze , who was considered the most unpredictable factor in this war, while the Konohagakure infiltration plan was carried out.

He was considered dangerous because there was no telling where or when he might show up, and if we gave him even the slightest window of time, he could show up at our base and take the subject with one hit.

Although our objective was precisely for that to happen, it could not be done by Minato, since he was someone well versed in the art of fuinjutsu, which would send all our efforts to waste.

Everything was going according to plan, but we didn't take into account how skilled he was in combat.

Out of the 15 elite ninjas that were sent for this mission, there were only six left, of which one was severely injured, three had injuries that would prevent them from fighting at their highest level, and the last 2 had minor injuries. This was undoubtedly a great loss for the village. We were the elite of the elite and the base of the village, suffering so many losses at the hands of a single enemy spoke of the talent he possessed and how precarious our situation was.

Until now we had already delayed their participation in the rescue as much as possible, but we were already at our limit, so we decided that it was better to sacrifice ourselves for the mission. During our meeting we detected the patterns of the attacks we received. So we made it seem like we hadn't noticed that it left a mark on one of us. This in order to attract him and hit him.

We honestly didn't expect to kill him, it was something impossible for our current situation. Maybe if we had tried from the start we would have had a window of possibility, but now it was gone.'

They moved as planned and when they noticed Minato transported to the predetermined location to knock them out, the six of them started to act.

Before Minato knew it, the first person he had attacked had been filled with exploding seals. Surprised and wanting to flee, he found himself immediately interrupted by the others who were still in fighting condition.

The truth is that any jutsu has an activation time, no matter how small, and since the Flying Thunder God's jutsu was specifically designed to be fast thanks to the inclusion of fuinjutsu, the solution was simple, you just didn't have to give him any breather so he could activate it. This was something that only a suicide attack could achieve, since a normal attack aims at the elimination or suppression of the enemy and survival, which is why there will always be attack times.

When the count reached zero and the explosion happened, Minato teleported and fled from there as fast as possible, even so he was hit by the initial impact of the explosion, which managed to injure him.

Kakashi POV

The attacks came from everywhere and he could only fight, apparently, the enemy had noticed that Rin had woken up and they didn't want any kind of information to leak.

This indicated that Kakashi was always on the enemy's radar and they were only controlling him at their convenience, this was another sign for him to realize that there was something he didn't know and that information was vital.

— The target woke up, plan B in motion.

— Understood. *n (n = Number of ninjas)

Kakashi heard the voice of what seemed to be the leader of this operation. Apparently their plan was for Rin not to wake up, however they did not take into account that Konoha was Tsunade's home, and that although she is not in the front, there were a large number of prescriptions and medicines that she left ready for emergencies. Rin obviously wasn't important enough for the use of this medicine, so Kakashi just "borrowed" a little. Details…

At that moment he noticed that the attacks he received were very different from the previous ones. they were filled with killing intent. That confused Kakashi, what was the goal of his mission? What difference was there between before and now to want him dead? Did it have to do with something Rin knew?

Kakashi only knew one thing, if the enemy died, then whatever plan they had would go to waste.

With no more time to hesitate, he made the corresponding seals and invoked his most powerful jutsu, the chidori.

Determined to attack, he ran towards the enemy.

That was when the tragedy occurred. He just couldn't understand it, why?

In front of him was Rin, pierced by his attack.

It was all so surreal that his brain froze. His sharingan, which had to record everything that happened, focused on his friend's face, which became more and more pale. If he had only remained calm a little, just a little, he would have noticed that the arm that had carried out the attack was longer than it should have been, he would have noticed that inadvertently, a flash of light emanated after his attack.

It didn't take much time for a "black light" to appear from Rin's chest (I'm a bit picky about details, light can't be black, black is actually the absence of light for those who don't know, for which is why I put it in quotes) came up and swallowed it.

Kakashi was just petrified there, when suddenly his eye started to hurt and he ended up fainting.

Obito POV

Obito was living the worst nightmare of his life and did not understand how things got to this point.

He only had a single question in his head. Why?

He had survived what seemed like certain death and just wanted things to go back to the way they were. Now none of that would be possible.

Before his eyes was his best friend murdering the love of his life.

He did not understand anything. He was not able to process what he saw, and for a moment he wanted to gouge out his eyes to ignore reality.

But that was not possible, what was happening was undeniable.

Obito, like Kakashi, had a lost, unfocused look and could only see Rin's face.

That was the main reason why a simple trick was applied to fool his sharingan.

It is true that such a doujutsu is able to see through illusions, but that only applies when two conditions are met. First, the user has to pay even the slightest attention to what is to be deciphered, second, the eyes are designed to capture the electromagnetic waves of the visible aspecto. Wich means, ligh, sharingan can see through ilusions as long as these contain chakra. So, if instead of chakra, one uses an optical ilution, playing with the perception of distance, then the imposible beacomes posible. After all, sharingan is a doujutsu, but it has noting to do with the brain in particular, and it's exactly this muscle the one in charche to process the information.

The reason why this metod is not used is beacuse this kind of tricks play a lot with perception, so if the target moves a little then the truth becomes apparent.

That was what made it possible for Obito to be tricked into not noticing the irregularity in Kakashi's arm. He was just too shocked.

For Obito everything was irrelevant, his heart broke.


A cry of despair escaped from his guts.

His once pure heart now filled with hatred for the world, his calm soul corrupted. His eyes that had once changed to protect his friends were now changing, all with one goal.


As she drowned more and more in his negative feelings, he noticed how from the center of Rin's body something swallowed light, a small black sphere, and then as fast as the blink of an eye, his friend's body was swallowed by it.

Obito didn't think about anything, he just believed that it was some of the enemy's machinations. That made him even more angry, not even in death will they let Rin rest, what will they do with her body?

More hate...




The transformation of his eyes ended, his pattern changed, and the slaughter began.

Lite POV

'I was grounded for a long time, mother's anger when we returned home was palpable in the environment and I, for the first time in this life, felt that my end had come.

It wasn't until mother explained everything to me that I understood the stupidity that I had committed.

At first I only did what I did as a way to make sure my plans go well, but I didn't expect to make such a serious marriage proposal…

First, I asked a kunoichi to put what can be considered a memory of me in her band, then I told her that I wanted to marry her, and lastly I gave her gifts to present to her companions and sensei.

Yes, however you look at it, it seems that I knew exactly what he was doing.

I am a baby who is already thinking about marriage, calling me precocious is an understatement.

I wish they would explain this kind of thing in the manga, so transmigrators like me wouldn't find themselves in such strange situations like this.

But, why a ninja who kidnap another would care for these kind of things. Well, I can only think that there are codes that even between enemis would not be crossed. Yeah, you can do it, but, how will your companios see you after that.

However, it seemed strange to me that mother had this kind of knowledge. When I asked her, I was surprised that she was someone who had entered the ninja academy, but had left it because of how dangerous the situation was at that time. Apparently my grandparents had to donate a good part of the small fortune they had to finally get the withdrawal permit. After all, the hogake couldn't care less about a single genin's loss of combat power , and if it was able to raise even a little more funds for the war that was coming, then everyone would win.

Well, due to my stupidity my mother got very angry with me, besides how depressed she got because according to her, I was growing up very fast and then I would leave her soon.

I wanted to assure her that even if I want to leave, I'm just a damm baby, but hey, for a long time I had to be grounded while I pampered my mother.

A baby pampering a woman of more than…


…to a lady, yes; to a young, beautiful, charming and gentle lady. How lucky is that baby.'

Days passed for Lite, waiting to see if their efforts were going to pay off.

What worried him the most was that both Kakashi and Obito would realize what was happening. Well, with Kakashi he didn't worry much, he wasn't an Uchiha and he hadn't received the sharingan for a long time, so he was hoping that even without doing anything he wouldn't notice something strange due to the emotional shock.

The one who worried him was Obito, he had a broader view of the scene. So he decided to trick him in another way.

The seal that Rin carried had five functions.

The second was to fool Obito with an optical illusion. If the sharingan was able to see through illusions, then it would show him a mixture of illusion and reality. Generating a small mist around Rin and warping the photons to make it look like Kakashi's arm was normal size. This was the trick, a game of perspective.

The first and third fulfilled the same task that was to save her, one from the wound that Kakashi would give her in the chest and the other to transport her to a safe place.

That was why he prepared so long. Lite has no idea about the foundation of jutsus in this world, since, apparently they are capable of doing anything. And that he has not received education on the subject, he could only use his past knowledge and the seals to achieve the effect he wanted, even if it is imperfect. So I manage to create a basic space stamp.

If it wasn't for all the space theory he picked up because of the LUNA project, he wouldn't have made it.

First, create a small door that connects Rin's chest with her back, to prevent her death, this was difficult, since such a portal could not be outside, but inside her body, at a distance that would cause Kakashi the sensation to go through human flesh but not deep enough to kill her. This was relatively easy, the tricky thing was function three.

It was to create what appeared to be a black hole to swallow Rin. At first he wanted to make a door, but it wouldn't be dramatic enough to distract Kakashi and Obito. This was tricky, because if he didn't calculate the warp of space correctly then Rin's body would be torn to pieces, stretched in some parts and compressed in others, a truly torturous death. The difficulty was further increased by not having integrated all his memories yet, so he had to use basic math operations plus a bit of calculation to achieve results.

Even so, he was sure that the wormhole created was unstable, and Rin would suffer serious injuries when passing through it.

At the end of it all, it was a bet.

The fourth was to keep Rin stable for a short period of time.

* pzzz *

Lite got a little tingle.

— (Smile) Good morning, yellow flash, I hope you are well.

Function five, communication.

SteveOl SteveOl

New chapter!

Now i found my peace.

1 every 3 to 4 days max.

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