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Naruto: The City of Leaves Naruto: The City of Leaves original

Naruto: The City of Leaves

Author: XLullabyx

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: New Generation

The day was young and a bright sun smiled over a busy city, it's searing gaze fixated on a particular apartment building. And just like a peeping tom; it leered through a window of one of the building's occupants, only to reveal a young man who slept soundly in his bed. The room became illuminated, which exposed the unopen boxes of ramen noodles all over the floor, the dirty clothes that hung over the boy's bedpost. Garbage that piled high in one corner , and an alarm clock that had its cord dangling over the side of a dresser. Next to the alarm sat a squirrel, it wasn't an unusual sight for this city, as power lines stretched for miles and connected multiple buildings of it's type together.

These powerlines became a highway for the occasional critter. It made most residents in this district wary of small creatures invading their personal space. Responsible adults closed their windows and never left them open when unsupervised. Despite this, some critters always would find a way inside.

The Squirrel jumped about the room and snatched one of the pieces of dried ramen that laid scattered all over the floor. It had acquired a taste for such pleasantries as a frequent visitor to this slumbering landlord. With eyes as wide as an owl, and as brown as its' fur, the squirrel fixated on his roommate as he nibbled on his cuisine with cheeks inflated like a balloon.

The young boy was not too tall, an average height fellow, the chap had hair as bright as the sun, his pale skin and average face, unimpressive! but as a roommate his snoring could keep any evil doer at bay. It was a miracle the squirrel could tolerate such a presence indeed. Overall the unimpressive lad would make for a good servant to other critters as a ramen dispenser. There was much to be desired indeed!.


With a swift jump the squirrel tumbled into the alarm clock and knocked it to the floor.

Suddenly the boy sprung from his bed like a cat on high alert. There are two things in this world you cant afford to forget as a student; one is buying enough food to get you through the week and the other is to remember to set your morning alarm. For Kenji he had only succeeded at one of these things. Kenji quickly scanned the room and noticed the alarm clock on the floor, without a doubt this was unusual, because he had remembered plugging it in before bed.

The only thing he could think of, was his uninvited roommate must be nearby. It did not take long for Kenji to lock eyes with the squirrel. The filthy creature came and went as it pleased, sitting on top of the window sill with those silly looking cheeks still stuffed with it's last meal. He slowly reached towards the ground, and broke eye contact with the beast for a split second, and with a snap, he jolted upward and held his old summer flip flops in his hand, ready to take aim at a foe who had long since made his exit.

Kenji had wasted enough time, with great pace he ran around his room and began dressing for the day that had already got ahead of him. He struggled to get his black cargo pants past his knee caps. Whatever generic t-shirt he could find in his closet he threw on. There his most prized possession sat hung up like a trophy. A black and grey jacket, embroiled with the Uzumaki families emblem on its back.

It was a first edition product hand crafted by one of the designers of the Akamichi Clan. A gift given to each member of the Uzumaki Clan. When an Uzumaki aged it was tradition to get the jacket retailored by finest craftsmen of the Akamichi. This practice was known far and wide as the refitting ceremony. As the leading symbol of peace and historical achievement, the Uzumaki Clan were nothing short of celebrities, so it was key to look the part and represent the Clan appropriately.

But for Kenji this responsibility did not weigh so heavily on his shoulders as one would expect. Being a black sheep of the Clan, his family did not hold him to this duty. From the perspective of the Uzumaki Clan, Kenji and his family were the unwanted pimple, on a face, that would have been otherwise blemish free.

Nonetheless, to honor his ancestors and keep up appearances, he dawned the jacket. Kenji grabbed his shoes and stuffed his headband into his pocket. Another piece of traditional wear that all Uzumaki's were required to have on their person. In this modern era wearing such an accessory would be seen as a personal fashion statement. With his outfit complete he took one last look at his room, then walked over to the window sill, placed both hands on the wooden frame and jumped out of the window.

Falling from several feet, the Wind filled up every inch of his body as the weight of books in his back pack pressed against him. His target location were the smaller building below him. This was how he liked to travel, with the wind in his hair and the sound of other people's worries below him, the chaos of the city felt almost detached from the reality that sat above it. As Kenji quickly traversed from one rooftop to another, he admired the way the clouds held hands. They formed a gorgeous pattern that mirrored the symbol of the Uzumaki Clan. The different colors in the sky stood out, as the sun pierced through the purple smog that was produced from the local factories nearby.

Kenji moved effortlessly through the city and began homing in on the location of his academy. He jumped and danced through the air, like a leaf traversing the gale of a storm. He was in his element and none-thing could stop his stride. When suddenly he collided with an array of clothes that were hanging up on display, the wild assortment of undergarments peppered over his body in patchwork fashion as he struggled to remove the pair of man's underwear from his face. With little visibility he managed to traverse to the lower residential buildings, and found himself in front of the academy steps . Kenji landed gracefully Infront of the campus. He looked around and hoped no onlookers' where present, and quickly removed the other article's of clothing.

He entered the school, and was immediately greeted by a familiar face.

"Kenji Uzumaki!" A middle aged man with balding hair, dressed in a standard security guard uniform, greeted him.

"Look who's late for class again, you know if someone told me you were an Uzumaki, and if I didn't know any better, I would have told that same person I was the heir to to the Lee family". He crossed his arms and let out a chuckle, his extended belly and playful demeanor betrayed his hardened and rugged face.

"And if I didn't know any better I would thought you were a man well into his fifties".

"Hey I'm thirty five years old.. no need to be rude" the man rubbed his balding head "Well you know the drill, no kids, teens or unauthorized persons are allowed to roam these halls during class sessions, so hurry and get to it" He gestured towards the direction of the classrooms.

Kenji reassured the man, who formally went by Mr. H. That he would make haste to his scheduled class. It was the first class of the day, one that he had wished to avoid, as his outlook on the world did not match society's current standard of what it meant to be a proper Shinobi.

[Ninja Tool Ethics & Design] a daunting sign stood before Kenji as he slowly read the name of the classroom. With a deep sigh he opened the door and walked inside. The room was big enough to hold around thirty students, with extra space in the back that acted as a makeshift laboratory. Though instead of beakers and Bunsen burners , there were reconstructed models of old Ninja Tools scattered about on a elongated desk, alongside them were utility tools.

Plastered all over the walls were posters which showcased the latest designs of modern Ninja Tools. In front of the classroom a man with a very small frame stood, his white lab coat draped over his short body, the goggles he wore wrapped around the abundance of hair that curled in every direction on his head. The sight of him could be described as nothing short of a mad scientist. Kenji viewed him more as an escaped mental patient operating on the guise of being a professor.

"Welcome Kenji, how nice of you to grace us with your presence, seeing as how your almost fifteen minutes late that is" said Mr. Lou.

Kenji usually had more than enough excuses ready, but this time he was not so interested in pulling from his usual deck of cards. He was aware of Mr. Lou's pride, having overheard a conversation between a group of students weeks prior. He knew that Mr. Lou had only transferred to this academy, operating under the assumption that he would be able to mentor an Uzumaki. Not just Another bullet point on Mr. Lou's resume but a career defining venture.

It was pretty common for professors to throw themselves and their career at the Uzumaki name, as Uzumaki students were rare. This was not a clan that boasted large numbers, in fact they were even smaller in size than most standard family trees. To most people the Uzumaki were a mystery, only ever seen in public alone, or as members of high ranking positions attached to special envoys. Kenji did a great job at demystifying these expectations whenever he took part in these class sessions.

With respect to the class Kenji took his seat.

Mr.Lou continued his lesson, the topic of conversation revolved around the importance of the Ninja Tool and it's effect on the shinobi world. Each student in the class carried a Ninja Tool around their respective wrist, the only person who did not bother to engage with the tech was Kenji. He chose to go without one, a decision that would place him at odds with many of his professors. He preferred to use very old methods of performing Jutsu, by weaving hand signs. The problem with this, is that those who chose the "old way" were seen as foolish and living in the past.

Most techniques that involved weaving hand signs were lost in the annals of history, between two great wars and the reconsolidation of power, the artform quickly disintegrated into nothing more than myth and legend. The Ninja Tool reconsolidated much of the power in the world, this allowed nations to control the balance of power which crushed many conflicts before they even began, creating a lasting peace between super powers. In this world one did not simply become a shinobi from his or her's internal chakra usage, only through permission of the state and proper training from the academy, with assistance from the ninja tool, does one even hope to perform Jutsu.

The concept of externalized chakra from the self belonged partially with stories of dragons and fairies.

It was this pursuit of knowledge that put Kenji and his family at odds with the Uzumaki Clan. Who were known far and wide as the best Operators of the Ninja Tool. However Kenji was not the only big name that attended the class. Several rows in front of him, sat a young girl who from Kenji's perspective wanted nothing to do with him. Mr. Lou stopped his laborious lecture and called the young girl in question to give explanation to the ethics of Ninja Tool production.

The young girl stood up, her figure was slim, her hair was cut short, pink with black edges. She wore a red and white outfit that hugged her waist, her hands were covered by red gloves with the symbol of the Haruno family etched on to them. She stood elegantly, as she spoke.

"Yes! the Ninja tool has been the foundation for the current peace we now experience. It has allowed many shinobi to stand against unfavorable odds, as such it has been integrated in our everyday lives. Because of the Ninja tool , the weak no longer have to cower to the strong, wars have been quelled and the balance of power between all of the great cities has been checked, leading to less conflicts and more shinobi than ever before, and that is the ninja way." she performed a slight bow and proceeded to take her seat.

"Sana Haruno ladies and gentleman" Mr.Lou began to slowly clap, as the class lightly followed in response.

It was no secret that the Haruno family had many talented individuals amongst their rank, their family is not only big, but they are the lead engineers of the Ninja Tool. Many of the Haruno can be found in the pharmaceutical field, this is because the Ninja Tool primarily found it's research and development under the pharmaceutical umbrella. The engineering branch was just one wing of the Haruno fortune that was responsible for the physical assembly of the tool. When it came to utilizing and controlling chakra scrolls, the pharmaceutical branch took charge. Without them the tool was nothing more than a hunk of metal and plastic.

A hunk of metal and plastic, Kenji repeated these words in his head as he watched Sana squirm in her seat, holding a feint smile. A teachers pet, that required no stretch of his imagination. When you have a dog and you feed it kibble, does it not wag it's tail in elation? Kenji could not control the look of annoyance on his face, and the squirming Sana just so happened to turn her head and lock eyes with him. Sana's face which usually exuded innocence, now bared the resemblance of a angry ape, as her feint smile quickly shifted to a look of disgust. The pencil she had been writing with snapped in two and fell out of her hands. The sound of the utensil snapping caught the attention of the room. Then Sana quickly turned to face the front of the class.

During this entire visual exchange, Kenji did not once break eye contact with her. He believed once a man set out to do something he had to commit to the action. If Sana could feel the daggers in the back of her head, Kenji wanted them to be firmly implanted deep, killing the enemy surely with his eyes. He did not believe in half measures, and always loved to see a Haruno flustered. If it wasn't for his foe's lack of self control in snapping the pencil, he figured the hard headed ape would still be locked eyes with him.

Several minutes had passed, and the class was nearing its end, now the once quite room was filled with the chattering of excited students. Most of which seem to be talking about the upcoming Chunin Exams that would air later on today. This was the worst timing for Kenji, because the next class was the [Practical Applications and Combat class]. These were the last two classes of the day and would often finish around around the after-noon.

Students loved to act out their Chunin exam fantasies in these two classes, often going beyond what was required during sparring sessions. The students were aware Kenji did not use a Ninja Tool, so of course he was always chosen as a sparring partner. They probably viewed him as the perfect punching bag, and an excellent lab rat to try out their latest ninja scrolls their parents purchased for them.

It was in Kenji's best interest to avoid these classes today. So when the bell rang and it was time to switch classes , he picked up his belongings and rushed out of the classroom. From there he wasted no time and began making his way through the halls towards the back of the school. On his way to the back exit, he slowly walked past one of the counselors rooms. It was a very desperate attempt to remain hidden and unnoticed. But the door swung open, and an elongated arm swiftly shot out, like a piston. It grabbed him by the collar, lifted him off his feet and swiftly reeled him in.

Before he could realize what was happening he had been firmly planted onto a black leather chair which faced a fairly sized desk with a name plate front and center. The name 'Tensen Hatake' occupied the spacing. The man that sat across from Kenji had hair as white as snow, and wore an all black turtle neck that was accompanied by a white jacket and green horned rimmed reading glasses, it was a pair that an elderly person would wear.

But the man had a youthful appearance. At least one could only guess, as part of his face was covered by a black mask. In front of the man was a green book of unknown origin, and its contents where hidden from Kenji's prying eyes. The man closed the book and placed it onto his desk, then looked at Kenji, breaking the silence of the room.

" Taking a little detour are we..... Kenji Uzumaki?" The tone of his voice mimicked that of a concerned father. "Well?"

Kenji eyes began to dart around the room, in his head he began shuffling the deck of cards. What to say and what to do, would it even be a good idea to lie to Tensen.

"I...was just going to get some fresh air between periods."

"You sure you weren't trying to skip class?"

"I swear on the Haruno name I was just trying to get some fresh air."

"Kenji Haruno? who knows, if you played your cards right, that could be in your future"Tensen laughed as he made himself comfortable.

"Cmon man that's not even funny."

"You invoked her name, I'm just spelling it out. You know my main concern will always be the future of every student who walks through those doors. Speaking of which, you are jeopardizing yours when you make your little exits so often".

"I...I wanted to go visit the Hokage mountains, I feel like the answers to my future are buried somewhere in the past, and I cant let these walls define my search for knowledge."

"Is this about old way." Tensen sighed "Hmm..I will let you go".

"You will?"

"Think of it as an educational experience, but next time you decide to ditch your classes at least stop by my office and say hello" Tensen motioned his hand towards the door. Then he adjusted his glasses, opened the mysterious book and began reading.

Kenji walked towards the door and made his exit, it did not take him long to reach the back of the school and do the same. Once outside he launched himself into the air and took a vantage point higher up on the academy's building, he eventually made his way to a platform that was part of the schools infrastructure. Here he could look over parts of the city and faintly see the ruins of the Hokage mountains. With the route already planned out in his mind he launched himself off the platform with one foot Infront of the other. Thinking about the morning clothes debacle, he made sure to make quick work of any obstacle that stood in his way.

A few minutes passed, and the silhouette of Kenji perfectly juxtaposed over the sun as he flew through the air over several buildings, each step he took would be one step closer to finding the answers he was looking for. With one giant leap he made his way from one building to the next, but stopped abruptly once he heard the sound of shattering glass up ahead. He walked to the edge of the building he stood on, and investigated the source of the sound.

Below him stood several individuals who's faces were covered, they were not aware of his presence, and in each of their hands was a crow bar. Upon further observation he counted six people, five wore white mask and the last wore a red one. It was this individual in the red mask who must have smashed the window, because pieces of shattered glass covered the area beneath his feet.

There were no alarms, Kenji reasoned they must have scouted this place before. That would explain their confidence, breaking into a place in broad daylight and not under the cover of the night. He wanted to confront the masked assailants but he didn't want to have a brawl outside, who knows if there were more hiding in wait. This pharmaceutical store was one of many that could be found in the MayTen District, he would frequently visit this area when running errands for his father.

It was home to thousands of residents, many of whom wanted to live closer to the mountainous regions of the city. The district was visited often by tourist who wanted to explore the rich history of the Hokage ruins. The only downside to it's location, was it's proximity to the one of the few criminal districts in the city. Kenji had no actual experience with the criminal district, he had only heard passing rumors from strangers. His head was also filled with tall tales from one of his friends who was a member of the cities police force. He could hear his friend in his head now, warning him of the dangers of the district in a stern authoritative voice.

Perhaps this is where these masked individuals originated? Well no matter the place they chose to call home, it was not above Kenji to send them back from where they came. He peaked over the edge of the building while making sure he stayed out of sight. The man in the red mask was the first to enter the building through the broken window, then the rest followed. After confirming the last of the criminals had entered the building, he stood up and jumped off the ledge, making sure to land as quietly as possible. Once on the ground he made his way to the broken window and peaked inside.

The inside of the building looked like the halls of a hospital, the walls were a mix of white with blue trimmings. There were brown boxes stacked all over the room, leading out of this room was a set of double doors which looked like they had been pried open. Within just a few seconds one of the mask figures stepped into view. They stood just a few feet from Kenji's location. The unknown individual kneeled down and began to tie his shoes.

"Hey wait a second" said the masked individual.

It was obvious he was talking to members of his party, but what Kenji found interesting was the build and voice of the individual. They had to be no older than he was, teenagers at the least...but not adults. That would also explain the choice of face covering. It was a white animal mask that resembled a monkey. A sense of calm rushed over his body as he watched the Monkey fumble around with his shoe strings. Apparently knowing how to tie one's shoes was not on the list of requirements to participate in this break in.

The Monkey ran a few steps before tripping over his shoe strings. Kenji held back his chuckle. Once the thief was out of sight he entered the building and began to shadow the group from a distance. In his head, he planned on how he would confront the masked assailants. Perhaps he would open with a joke, or maybe something witty to break the ice. He was not above being petty even in situations like this, and could think of many puns at their expense.

Kenji followed the group until they reached a large packing area. The room had several thousands of medical supplies lined up in isles, it even had a small food section that sold produce. The Haruno brand stood out, front and center on each product. He wondered what they were doing here. The group of misfits whipped out several black trash bags and began working in consorted effort to stuff as many drugs in the bags as they could fit. This was looking like a standard robbery. Kenji sighed and prepared to make his entrance.


The entire group dropped what they were doing and turned to face the unknown voice. Kenji had the entire group directly in his field of vision. Each member of the group wore a specific animal mask; a Fox , Bird , Wolf, Sheep, a Dog and the Monkey he saw earlier. They also wore brown cloaks that was laced around their necks that hid their figure. All, but the monkey, wore these cloaks.

"Well, I have never heard of a group of animals breaking into a pharmaceutical building before."

The thief in the dog mask stepped forward. His mask was different from the rest as it was painted red instead of white. He nodded his head once towards the direction of Kenji and spoke.

"Get rid of this clown."

The other members looked at each other, but did not hesitate to follow his orders. Each of the five animals took their positions in front of Kenji. The only one who stood back, was the one calling the shots. It was five losers versus one of the laziest shinobi that had ever lived, surely there was tickets to this circus that the general public was missing out on. Kenji changed his posture, legs spread at shoulder width and a perfectly kept side profile. His hands were placed in front of him like a kick boxer. His eyes shifted side to side, keeping a mental note of how many opponents were in the room.

The first to attack was the monkey. With a quick dash forward, he rushed Kenji's position and threw several kicks and a flurry of punches. Kenji could tell this person was no stranger to a good street fight. However, this was not enough to best even the lowliest academy student. With several retreating steps he easily deflected most of the monke's blows and with a swift kick to the monkeys ribs he sent his foe flying towards his allies.

The sheep placed their hand over the front of their mask and laughed. The wolf jumped and caught the monkey before he could collide with a nearby wall. Kenji could tell this was not a planned assault as the other's who did not attack, did not seem surprised by the outcome. Without a moments hesitation, both the monkey and the wolf rushed Kenji, above him the bird soared with the momentum of a heavy kick in tow. He jumped back and barely dodged the aerial kick. The other two fighters did not give him chance to catch equal footing with the ground and continued to pepper him with a myriad of different attacks.

The wolf caught him off balance and dug his fist into Kenji's face. He was sturdy and used to taking punishment, so it did not knock him down. Instead he braced himself and looked for an opening. The opportunity quickly presented, and within seconds he went on the offensive. Kenji in quick fashion punched the wolf in the stomach, the blow momentarily lifted the wolf off his feet. Stunning his opponent only gave room for the bird to jump over the wolf, in an attempt to land a spinning kick to Kenji's head. He blocked the kick with both arms and grabbed the birds leg, using the momentum from his attacker, he threw the bird into the monkey, who was still struggling to keep up with the pace of the fight.

The force generated was enough to send the pair crashing into a wall. Kenji jumped to the side and dodged a surprise attack from the wolf who had since recovered. The ease in which he dodged the attack left the wolf stunned in place. Kenji could tell he had caused some form of phycological damage to his opponent. With a closed fist, he backhanded the wolf who tumbled, then rolled onto the ground in a spectacular display. The fox took a step back and looked as if he would not leave the sheep's side.

The sheep quickly ran to wolf and helped him to his feet. The bird and the monkey looked like they were nursing a few injuries as they walked forward to rally with their friends. The monkey had a slight crack in his mask. The leader of the group who had been watching the whole fight said something unintelligible. Kenji suspected it was a language from the outer districts.

Suddenly the group of three combatants pulled back their cloaks and attached a ninja tool to each of their wrist. In a simultaneous motion they extended their two fingers, and the sound of feint humming could be heard coming from each tool. The combined noise sounded like multiple machines communicating in a science lab. Within a few seconds each of the three attackers began to glow a faintt green, as the aura engulfed their entire body.

"You like these lotus scrolls? their low tier, but it is more than enough for someone like you" the monkey boasted.

"Lets just wrap this up" chimed the bird.

Kenji had encountered these types of Jutsu before. [Gate Of Opening: Tier 1] . This scroll gave it's user a considerable boost in combat ability. Fortunately these guys didn't have a more potent version. They must have stolen these scrolls from a low security military facility. Pretty brave for a band of animals.

Kenji with all his strength quickly jumped backwards, within that small window of time one of his attackers had narrowly missed a punch to his head. The spot he jumped from had the indented remains of his shoe print. The monkey jumped up and down almost in celebration of his new found speed. The monkey was the first to strike as before, but this time the wolf had already moved to cover Kenji's flank. He had almost not time to react to the enemy on his back and received a heavy blow to his side. Taking a defensive stance once again, he braced for the bird's aerial kick, but this time he found himself taking an uppercut from the sneaky bird who had already charged him.

He needed to even the playing field of this fight. Kenji gained a pretty good distance from his attackers. It was a good thing too, as that uppercut almost knocked him unconscious. He wiped the blood from his nose and clasped both hands together and weaved a series of quick hand signs. [Shadow clone Jutsu]. Three shadow clones appeared one after the other.

The entire band of animals stepped back in utter shock, some even gasped. The only one who did not respond or give any reaction at all, was their leader who sat in the back, hands still in his pocket.

"Looks like we got another wierdo...ey boss?" the fox sat down and started coughing.

After the initial shock wore off, the trio launched another coordinated attack, but this time the three shadow clones intercepted. These were no ordinary shadow clones, they could take a beating like any real human, the only clue to them being shadow clones, were the nose bleeds from any substantial damage. The shadow clones danced around the battle field, and operated in perfect synchronicity with their attacks. If bird made a single mistake in their movements and left any openings, another clone would take full advantage of it. Often randomly chucking a kunai or cleverly landing a series of blows.

No matter what the trio did, they could not best the clones. Fighting a hive mind with the skill level of this caliber seemed impossible for them. The bird and monkey began heavily panting as they retreated. With that opening, one of the clones threw a kunai into the leg of the monkey and another clone kicked him across the room.

"Screw this shit" the monkey raised his arm with the ninja tool in the air. A slightly higher hum began to manifest.

"Stop" the leader of the gang intervened. "Let me take over from here."

The teen stepped forward and adjusted his red mask. Kenji didn't know what to expect , but he did enjoy watching his creations fight, he put a lot of time in learning this Jutsu from what manuscripts he could cobble together. Performing the shadow clone Jutsu without the ninja tool lent itself to a sort of personalization when it came to the flexibility of the clones. He wanted to see how they would fair against a tougher opponent.

The clones took advantage of the limited visibility the mask caused to their opponent, and attacked from all sides. But before they could move, their opponent was already closing the distance. The dog had no problems navigating between the clones, and easily dodged their blows, any sneak attacks used by the clones were heavily punished. The dog would land decisive blows, even causing one clone to disappear after one solid punch to the stomach. Before Kenji realized, the last two clones had already vanished in a puff of smoke.

He braced himself for the incoming attack. The dog began launching a flurry of well timed strikes against Kenji, and he responded back in kind. With every blow he noticed his opponents attacks only increased in speed, as they both exchanged punches and kicks. Kenji attempted to sweep the dog's legs. But he missed as his opponent countered with a knee to the face. He blocked it, but soon after, a spinning kick came crashing into his side. He tightened his rib area and absorbed the blow. With his other hand he attempted a spinning back fist, but this costed him a slew of punches to his backside . This guy was fast, and one wrong move meant pain usually followed.

One thing he noticed about the dog, is that his body had small bounds of electricity bouncing around him as he moved. It almost looked like an ocean layer of rippling waves covered him. But before he could finish the thought, a punch plowed into his stomach and a wave of energy danced through every nerve in his body and caused him to slump to his knees. It was over. His nose began to bleed profusely. He was losing consciousness.

"I would ask you your name, but seeing the state your in, I doubt you could even remember it."

Kenji struggled to speak " Your ...good, but this was always destined to turn out this way" POOF.

The body dog held vanished into thin air. He immediately took a step back.

Just moments after, a vent, a few feet above them, opened up. And out came Kenji, who jumped down into the store area. He looked around with both hands in his pocket and glanced at the bruised up person standing just a few feet in front of him. He then glanced at the people standing in the back. The sheep had just finished tending to the monkeys wounds and the whole group was once again, frozen in a state of shock.

"You wanted to know my name?" Kenji reached into his pocket and placed his headband around his head, the Jutsu he casted on his clothes had also faded which revealed his Uzumaki jacket.

"My name is Kenji Uzumaki."

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