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Chapter 21: The Hyuga Affair! Part-1

I stared at the new quest in front of me, upgrading the Sharingan again was not as doable as the last one, I needed to spend a whole 1000 SP for the upgrade, or rather 990 as my level 1 Sharingan was worth a 10-point decrease in the asking price. Thankfully I could upgrade it in a dire situation now, I called up the skill tree once again and looked at the total amount of SP that I had collected.

[1025 SP]

Most of it was gathered because of the advantage I gained from technically 're-creating' a legendary jutsu and the rest from leveling my Sharingan, for some reason leveling up my Doujutsu gave me massive amounts of SP, and the system seemed a bit flawed because if I could ger 100SP for every level then I could have gotten an additional 1000SP for leveling up my Sharingan(3 tomoe) from level 1 to 10. But that wasn't the case, it only gave me SP for leveling the 2 tomoe Sharingan, or rather I should say it gave me SP till I reached 3 Tomoe Sharingan. Now that my eyes are technically fully evolved it would give me no SP further for Leveling it up. So while my SP collection had skyrocketed, my EP store was left behind.

[576 EP]

And the only reason I got that many points were because I 're-created' Rasengan from scratch. That got me a bonus of +250 EP... I sighed, I was debating learning the Shadow Clone Jutsu, it was 'the perfect Jutsu', I want to save my points for the Hairaishin but the Shadow clone jutsu is so convenient it could help increase my power levels soo much...

"Now that everyone is here, we can start this meeting," Fugaku's voice broke Fujii from his screens and stats.

"As some of you would have heard by now, the envoy from Kumo has gotten permission as both the Fire and Lightning Daimyo have reached an agreement, the Kumo envoy would be arriving in Konoha in a couple of days since they have the blessings of our Daimyo, they are to be treated as guests and they would be staying with the Hyuga Clan." As soon as Fugaku finished speaking lots of started speaking their mind, it was Arai Uchiha who finally spoke for everyone, "And what mission were we assigned to?"

Fugaku sighed and said, "Just to maintain the order and peace of the village..."

I heard the defeat in his voice, I could picture the same argument happening over the relocation, and again over the ANBU patrols, and over the role of their work as the Police force. Fugaku was stuck between the village and his clan, "And why the Hyuga clan, we are descendent of..."

"The village just keeps on Isolating..."

"The Council is hell-bent on stopping..."

"The market is not going so well, the civilian visitors have started dropping..."

Fujii listened to the chaos of information that the council members were throwing out, it seems that the outcasting of the Uchiha clan is starting, first, the bad rumors about the clan would start circulating reducing the number of visitors we received to our shops and restaurants. The Uchiha clan being one of the oldest clans had a lot of non-combat-oriented people, they supported the clan through craftsmanship or running shops, or working in administration. Once the economy would be hit then the real problems would occur.

There was no way to stop that because the rumors would probably be spread around the village by Danzo's root agents, bad rumors would make the civilian populace vary of the Uchiha, and bad rumors regarding a clan that has the power to police them is a bad combination.

My emotions were getting a little turbulent when the calm of Gamer's mind descended and my thoughts cleared, 'What can I do to change the Uchiha Massacre, Danzo seems to be the easiest answer, he was the one who was manipulating the strings behind everyone's back, now if I was to assassinate him, there would be more of a chance of stopping this ridiculous coup.'

The answer to the problems was clearer than ever before, while Itachi would never think about harming the Hidden Leaf by killing Danzo, That won't weigh down on my conscience, not even a little bit, especially since I knew all about his dirty secrets.

"Calm down everyone, traveling with the envoy, are members of the Fire Daimyo's court, so I want nothing out of place, double the manpower for patrols for the next week..." as the meeting dissolved into several other issues I, on the other hand, stood there realizing what a huge undertaking I had promised.

'To kill an Elder of the Hidden Leaf... I know I had flimsy attachments to the village but...' I sighed once again, my morals were in a conflict once again before the gamer's mind helped rationalize everything. My bonds with my teammates weren't deep enough, I liked them, maybe one day they would turn out to be great shinobi, same for the clan, even though it had been almost 2 years since I came to live in this strange world, even if I have been surrounded by family members from day 1, they are still strangers to me.

"Fujii-san," Itachi spoke gaining my attention, he looked a little nervous as he asked, "Do you know how to get along with your team?" his head tilted to the side a little he continued, "Konoha thrives on teamwork and the strength of our three men cells, but... Tenma-san doesn't want to work ever, Tou-san told me your team is recommended as the best from our last graduating class."

The meeting was still ongoing so Itachi was whispering to me, I nodded towards him and walked out of the hall, it was a dark night, with a sliver of the moon providing little shine on the surroundings, I turn to Itachi and asked, "What happened, why doesn't Tenma want to work with you."

Even though I knew the answer clearly I wanted to see how Itachi would voice the answer to that question, he was almost 8 now, and during the next chunin exams this time his sensei won't put his name forward for a promotion, because of their team's performance during the Hyuga affair they would be given a mission to escort the Daimyo where they would meet Obito who would kill Tenma.

'Itachi already has the Sharingan in this timeline, maybe if the stress and guilt are enough then he would awaken the Mangekyou 4 years early... what would happen then, how powerful could he become...' My thoughts spiraled as another thought popped up in my head, Danzo should have already had his eyes on both of us, even though he hadn't popped up to talk to me, he shared a chat with Itachi after our graduation.

'If I kill Danzo, then Itachi would be coming after me to capture me, do I want to make him stronger than the original timeline...'

"He seems a little down because of the pressure he is receiving, his father is the clan head and he is ill so he needs to prove himself, and in the end, he keeps comparing us together..." Itachi spoke his voice soft as his thoughts were in a dilemma.

"What is your goal Itachi, what drives you?" I asked suddenly interrupting his thoughts, his face turned into a frown as he thought about it.

"Peace, I wanted to preserve this peace that our family fought together to preserve..." Itachi spoke in a soft voice, his gaze staring at the shining moon.

"Peace huh..." I looked at him, a child who had seen the war and then lived in an era of peace and would long to preserve it.

"I don't know the answer to your question, about Tenma, but everyone is different, how much their actions affect you are based on how important they are to you, so keep close to your important people Itachi, at the end of the day, they are what makes living this life worth living for..." I gave him a small smile as I started to walk back toward the village.

"And who are the important people to you, Fujii-san," Itachi asked. I didn't turn around to look at him, "That's a very personal question Itachi... maybe I'll tell you someday." I suppressed the flash of an image of a young girl with a bright smile and clear eyes as I walked away.

'I should thank the gamer's mind more for keeping me sane... or curse it for making it so easy to suppress memories...'


AN: How's it going guys, new chapter for today! As promised the chapter lengths should increase, and now that I have some decent backlog of chapters to fall back on as a precaution, I can say that you would get one 1.5k word chapter every day at reset time!!

Although in case you like the story, and want to read ahead, you can visit my P.atreon, there should already be 3 chapters waiting for you and I'll probably write two more chapters before calling it quits for the day!

Anyway, if we manage to enter the top 15 today, I'll post a bonus chapter tomorrow!! So vote!!

Anyway! Peace!!

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