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Chapter 82: New Abilities

(Talk no Jutsu is too overpowered)

A few minutes later, Gaara snarled as he crushed another one of those infernal blonds only for it to go up in smoke. "UZUMAKI!!! WHERE ARE YOU!!! COME OUT AND FIGHT ME!!!—


Gaara grunted as he was sent flying away by a chakra enhanced punch from Naruto. He was sent flying away and tumbled violently on the ground.

The redhead immediately recovered and got up. He laugh psychotically and then grinned insanely at the sight of Naruto standing seriously in front of him.

"Ah! I'm so glad to see you here Uzumaki!! Now it's time I can prove my existence! I will kill you and prove my existence!! " Without wasting anymore time, Gaara immediately shot off the ground and flew towards him with a powerful sand claw forming rapidly on his right hand.

The unstable Jinchuriki launched his clawed hand at the blonde who ducked under the attack before shooting forward and began weaving through a set of hand seals.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Several clones appeared around Gaara and began weaving through a set of hand seals like a original did.





Kakashi flipped away from a golden chain that was meant to slice him cleanly in half. The chain sliced the ground instead, creating a giant fissure that rocked the battlefield.

'Holy shit! This is how powerful she is?!' Kakashi thought as he looked at Mito who was holding two Adamantine Sealing Chains that sprouted from her torso, one on each hand.

Mito spun the chain on her right hand repeatedly, slicing open the ground beside her as she slowly walked towards Kakashi menacingly. Kakashi couldn't even look her in the eye, that's how scary she was.

'She's like serial killer straight out of a horror movie chasing her next target.' Kakashi thought as Mito swung her chains at him. Kakashi widened his eyes as the golden chains suddenly caught on fire.



A giant fiery explosion occurred, engulfing Kakashi and obliterating most of the battlefield. "KAKASHI!!!!" Hiruzen shouted through gritted teeth. He looked at Orochimaru and scowled deeply.

"Fire Style: Dragon Flame Bomb!!" Hiruzen shouted as he breathed out fire from his mouth. The flames transformed into three dragons and divided to strike the target from the left, right, and front all at once.


Another giant explosion covered the battlefield, Hiruzen slipped into his fighting stance, staring at the smoke seriously. Unfortunately, Orochimaru wouldn't go down this easily.

Their battle had been intense as they had clashed across their little arena launching jutsu, battling with their own weapons such as Hiruzen's Adamantine Staff and Orochimaru's Kusanagi Sword.

Neither had really been able to get the better of the other. Hiruzen was old; his age had made him far weaker than what he had been. Had this battle happened several years ago the aging Hokage would have no doubt won this battle, but his age had made him unable to keep up with his former student physically.

However the old Hokage was also cunning and had used his experience and crafty mind to make up for this weakness, thus making Orochimaru unable to really kill him. Perhaps had the resurrected Hashirama, Tobirama and Mito had been able to battle Hiruzen the fight would have been totally different.

Hiruzen narrowed his eyes as someone shot through the smoke. It was Orochimaru and he lunged his blade forward, intending to stab Hiruzen in the stomach.

Suddenly, the sword was pulled towards the center of a swirl that appeared out of nowhere. The sword was sucked into the swirl, never to be seen again.

Orochimaru widened his eyes at the attack that came out of nowhere. 'What kind of Jutsu was that?!' He asked himself before he took multiple chakra enhanced punches to the face, sending him flying back and tumbling on the ground.

"Phew, that was close." Kakashi whispered as he stepped out of the smoke, no damage dealt to him at all. Hiruzen widened his eyes at Kakashi.

"What... How?" Hiruzen whispered to himself, immediately thinking that it was the Mangekyo Sharingan that did this.

"My Mangekyo Sharingan has two abilities. One, it allows me to transfer objects to and from another dimension and the second is it allows me to turn my body intangible." Kakashi explained as he looked at the emotionless Goddess of Fūinjutsu.

"Now, shall we continue?"

"You know, I have always wanted to fight against an opponent of your caliber." A held back a smirk as he looked at the First Hokage standing before him.

His smirk turned into a frown when he did not receive an answer. Though it was to be expected, after all, what did he expect a dead man under the control of a madman to say?

"Well, I suppose we should just get started..." He mumbled. The dark skinned man took off his robe and hat, throwing them away where they made a loud crashing sound to reveal they were weighted.

Having never been patient enough for his opponents to make the first move, A charged at Hashirama.

He sent a fist at the man, not at all bothered when it was blocked and a fist was sent his way in return. He blocked the fist easily enough and pulled the man into a knee, however the First Hokage merely flipped over the man, spinning in mid air to launch a kick at A.

The Raikage managed to duck under the kick, grabbing Hashirama by the foot before he managed to toss him away.

Hashirama flipped himself over, landing on his feet and looked up to see A charging towards him. He placed his hands on the ground, causing several tree branches to sprout out and attempt to grab onto A.

A tried to jump away from the attack, but a vine managed to wrap itself around his ankle. A grunted as he used his physical strength to rip the vine and continued his charge towards Hashirama.

In response Hashirama went through several hand seals. "Wood Style: Wood Dragon Jutsu!" He shouted before create a gigantic wooden serpentine dragon.

The wooden dragon rushed towards A at superhuman speeds but the dark skinned Raikage dodged it and continued charging towards Hashirama. The dragon flew past and exploded behind him.

A appeared before Hashirama with his Lightning Release Chakra Mode activated.


The devastating attack sent Hashirama flying backwards as the powerful Lariat destroyed half of his body, though oddly enough no blood came out of it. He landed on the ground with a thud several feet away from the Raikage.

A narrowed his eyes as he looked at Hashirama's body. The area that his jutsu had destroyed was slowly reforming as ash began to cover the area, crawling along Hashirama's skin and leaving behind unmarred flesh, as if the wound had never happened.

When all of the damage A's lariat had done was healed, Hashirama stood up as if he had never been injured.

"Did this nigga just regenerate?!"



"I hope you're ready for the battle of the century, because Lord Eighth gonna fight with a fury! " Bee rapped energetically, frowning when all Tobirama did was give him a dead stare.

"Man this crowd is tough, so it looks like I'm gonna have to get a little rough." Once again, Tobirama ignored the man's rap as his legs tensed, right before he charged at Bee.

Said man waited for the Second Hokage to come closer, letting the white haired man lash out with a fist before countering with his own punch, hitting Tobirama's fist and negating the power of the man's punch.

In that same second, Bee struck out with his other fist, hitting Tobirama in the gut and launching him back. Tobirama skidded back several feet, before shaking off the hit like it was nothing and performing the ram hand seal.

"Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!" Water appeared in front of Tobirama out of nowhere and began taking the shape of a dragon with glowing yellow eyes. The dragon roared before it charged towards Bee.

"Mothafucka!" Bee shouted as he dodged to the left, only to see Tobirama already in front of him with a kunai in hand.

Tobirama lashed out with his kunai. However, faster then the eye could blink, Bee had unsheathed a sword and managed to slash the kunai in half.

"How'd you like that?!! I got skills like ya wouldn't believe, so maybe it's time you just up and leave!Hey that one was pretty good, I better write it down before my rap goes out of town! "




" AGHH!!!!" Gaara screamed in pain as Naruto's Jutsu cut hi up badly, leaving a bunch of deep cut wounds all over his body. The blonde went through another set of hand seals at blinding speeds before taking in a deep breath.

"Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!!" The giant fireball he blew out slammed into Gaara, making the redhead scream in pain. Naruto narrowed his eyes as he suddenly heard maniacal laughter coming from the smoke the massive fireball made.

The smoke cleared, revealing Gaara laughing maniacally as more sand began to cover his body, forming another clawed hand on his right and covering the rest of him.

Naruto held in a curse as he saw that Gaara now looked like a miniature tanuki with only his legs not being covered by sand. Gaara turned towards Naruto.

"Yes! This feeling! This pain!! This is what I've been waiting for! The chance to kill an opponent that can bring me such pain! This battle will be the one to truly prove my existence!!!"

" I'm glad I can make you feel so special, Gaara! However you won't be killing me anytime soon! But tell you what, I'll make this ass kicking I give you extra special so that you'll feel more alive!! "

Gaara howled in laughter at Naruto's words. "HAHAHAHA!!! You truly are an amusing one Uzumaki!! I'm sure your death will truly make me feel alive!!!"

To be continued...

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