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Chapter 50: Chapter no.50 Party Part 1

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Three origami figures lay scattered on the floor, their paper folds worn and slightly creased.

Hanabi, only seven years old, sat with them, her lavender white eyes flickering with a playful curiosity rare for her usual demeanor.

She picked up the largest figure and whispered, "Hello there, Father, are you going to train us both today?"

When alone, Hanabi's childlike innocence emerged—a stark contrast to the rigid etiquette required of a Hyuga.

She used her origami to play out the family scenarios she yearned for, knowing she could reshape these paper dreams as easily as they tore.

The Hyuga clan wasn't known for warmth, and her family felt the strain acutely.

Her father, Hiashi, was ever the strict instructor, particularly with Hinata, who seemed to dissolve under the weight of his expectations.

Hanabi saw her sister as a fragile figure, buckling under the pressures of lineage and expectation.

"I hate this," Hanabi thought, yearning for a father who was just that—a father, not a relentless trainer.

She wished for a sister who wasn't a bundle of nerves, for a family environment that didn't require constant perfection.

The events of the previous day lingered in her mind. Hinata's use of the Neko Te during her performance had sparked murmurs of dissent within both branches of their family.

The branch family mourned Neji's fate, bound to a servitude he didn't deserve, while the main family lamented the alteration of traditional techniques.

Yet, no one dared confront Hinata directly—Hiashi's protection was absolute.

That morning, however, Hanabi witnessed a rare moment: her father and Hinata training together in a way that seemed different, almost tender.

Hope flickered within her.

Maybe things are changing for the better.

But what could she do to be part of this change?

Breaking traditions seemed a daunting task, especially when even Hinata's slightest deviations drew such ire.

The idea of challenging the status quo herself filled Hanabi with dread.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of approaching footsteps.

Hastily, she crushed the origami figures and turned to see servants peering curiously through the window.

Her response was automatic; her Byakugan activated, scanning beyond the compound walls.

There, she caught sight of Hinata slipping away quietly, an unusual spark of confidence in her step.

Sister has changed.

Hanabi realized, a mixture of awe and envy swirling within her.

Can I be close to my big sister, too?

She pondered, the thought of a deeper bond with Hinata both exciting and frightening. She rarely saw her sister venture out, but recent changes suggested Hinata had found something—or someone—that sparked this transformation.

"Go after her," a voice in her head urged. Hanabi hesitated.

What if she discovered Hinata's secret? Could understanding it bring them closer? Could it earn their father's affection for her as well?

Logic offered no answers, but her heart whispered promises of possibilities.

Rising to her feet, resolve hardened in Hanabi's young eyes.

Okay, let's find out what big sister's secret is.


Hanabi tiptoed behind Hinata, keeping just enough distance to remain unseen.

Every shadow became her ally, every alleyway a brief respite from the risk of discovery.

She darted from behind one building to another, her heart racing with the thrill of the chase and the fear of being caught.

As they ventured further from the familiar, pristine streets of the Hyuga compound, the surroundings began to shift.

The houses grew smaller and more weathered, the streets narrower and less maintained.

Hanabi's brow furrowed in confusion.

Why would Neesan come here?

The vibrant marketplaces and well-kept gardens of their district gave way to the ramshackle charm of Konoha's poorer quarters.

Here, children played with balls on the dirt filled streets, and the air carried the mixed scents of street food and the earthy dampness of overworked soil.

It was a stark contrast to the sterile perfection of their home.

Why would the heir of the richest clan in Konoha bother with such a place?

Each step deeper into the area added a layer of doubt about what she knew of her sister—and perhaps, what she understood of their clan's role within the village.

She watched as Hinata paused occasionally, exchanging warm, if somewhat shy, smiles with the locals. This Hinata seemed different—more relaxed, more genuine than the pressured heiress back home.

Is she here because she wants to be, or is there another reason?

As Hanabi crouched behind the wall, her curiosity turned to alarm.

Activating her Byakugan, she scanned the apartment's interior, expecting perhaps to find Hinata in a simple meeting or a benign visit.

Instead, she found herself staring at anomalies that set every nerve on edge.

First, there was the bug on the balcony, pulsing with an amount of chakra that rivaled some Genin she knew.

What kind of bug is that?

She wondered, bewildered by its power.

But it was the second anomaly that truly shocked her.

Inside the apartment, a chakra signature blazed like the sun—a vast, swirling mass of energy that dwarfed even her father's formidable reserves. It belonged to someone who appeared no older than Hinata.

Who is this guy?

Peering intensely, she tried to lip-read their conversation, catching snippets of dialogue that only deepened her concern.

Finally the E rank missions are over.

50k Ryo.

How much of it did we spend on the house?

The words echoed in her mind, each syllable intensifying her fear.

The implication hit her like a cold wave. Was Hinata involved in some sort of scheme?

Was this person using her to earn money? The notion of her sister, so gentle and unassuming, being exploited in such a way filled Hanabi with a protective fury.

She began to piece together a narrative that made her stomach churn.

This has to be some sort of manipulation. Hinata's too naive, too kind to see when someone's using her.

That chakra... it's too powerful for someone good.

He must be a chakra pervert, a manipulator!

The more she thought about it, the more it made sense.

He's definitely taking advantage of her.

Why else would she be here, in this part of town, with someone like that?

I can't just watch this happen. I have to save Hinata.


The chakra-laden bug that Hanabi had briefly glimpsed earlier took to the air, its mission clear as it veered towards a secluded rooftop.

There, hidden from any observer's eye, two ANBU Black Ops agents lay in wait. The bug landed deftly beside them, its task as a messenger about to unfold.

"Report on potential heiress Hanabi: observed shadowing 'Naruto Uzumaki.' Sarutobi heir also identified. Orders requested for elimination," he whispered.

His companion responded without hesitation.

"Negative on the kill order," he declared with authority.

"Maintain surveillance. Escalate reports directly to Lord Danzo."

"Affirmative," the first agent confirmed, his voice barely a murmur.


[ Quest: Paying Back Debt ]

[ Status: Successfully Completed ]

[ With the dedicated effort and the invaluable assistance of Tenten, you've managed to earn the 50k Ryo required to pay for the damages to Mr. Higrashi's shop. ]

[ Rewards Granted: ]

- [ +500 Reputation with Higrashi Shop ]

- [ A Loyal Ally with Tenten ]

- [ 1000 Exp ]

- [ Special Item from Higrashi Shop ]

Naruto beamed at the notification that popped up on his screen.

Finally, no more E rank missions cluttering his schedule.

He was free to celebrate.

"Naruto!" A concerned voice snapped him back to reality.

"Huh?" He turned, finding Hinata in a cooking apron, her brows knitted with worry. "Be careful while you're cutting those," she instructed, her tone soft yet firm.

"Got it," Naruto replied, his focus returning to the vegetables he was chopping.

Today was special—they had planned a party at his apartment.

It was just him, Hinata, and Tenten, though Tenten was yet to arrive.

"Hinata, I didn't get to ask but how did the competition thingy go?" Naruto asked, his curiosity genuine as he sliced through a bell pepper.

Hinata chuckled softly as she mixed batter for fried fish.

"Well, the thingy went better than I expected," she replied cheerfully.

"Did you kick some ass?" Naruto asked, glancing over with a grin.

"No, but my father seemed to respond well to my 'aggressive' new style," Hinata responded, a hint of pride in her voice. "He has also started teaching me a new technique."

"That's good to hear," Naruto commented as he finished chopping. "And we are done."

"I'm surprised you didn't cut your hand," Hinata remarked, half-teasing as she glanced at his neatly chopped vegetables.

"Hey, I know how to cook," Naruto defended with a puff of his chest.

"Really, so what? Ramen and..." Hinata teased, feeling more relaxed and comfortable with Naruto after everything they had been through.

"A lot of stuff actually," Naruto retorted, his tone playful as he reached for a bowl to gather the cut vegetables.

"Well, let's make some of this stuff then," Hinata proposed, her smile widening.

Naruto rolled up his sleeves.

"I'll show you the tastiest Tamagoyaki you've ever eaten."

"I look forward to it. Just wait until I finish up with the tempura," Hinata said, turning her attention back to the sizzling pan.

"Okay, but when is Tenten gonna be here for the party?" Naruto asked, checking the clock on the wall.

"I think she's busy with her team," Hinata replied, flipping a piece of fish in the pan.

"Speaking of team, tomorrow is graduation day. You excited?" Naruto inquired as he opened the fridge to fetch some eggs.

"I'm both excited and nervous," Hinata admitted, her voice slightly muffled by the noise of frying.

"Don't worry, you'll do great," Naruto reassured her, frowning slightly.

"Looks like we're out of eggs. I'm going to get some, okay?"

Hinata gave a small nod, her focus returning to the fish sizzling in the pan, but her concentration was broken when she felt a gentle touch on her cheek.

She turned, meeting Naruto's gaze, her eyes wide with surprise.

"What?" she whispered, her voice barely audible over the crackle of the cooking.

Naruto smiled, his thumb brushing away a dab of batter that had found its way onto her cheek.

"You had some batter here," he explained softly.

"Just cleaning it up for you."

Their eyes locked for a brief, quiet moment, filled with a comfortable warmth that made Hinata's cheeks flush a deeper shade of red. The moment was fleeting, however, as the sound of the fish demanding attention snapped them back to reality.

Naruto stepped back, giving her space to tend to the frying pan.

"I'll grab some eggs," he announced, pulling out his frog wallet with a playful grin.

He paused at the door, turning to look at Hinata, who was still blushing from their little interaction.

"Don't burn the fish while I'm gone," he teased gently, and with a laugh, he slipped out the door, leaving Hinata with a smile that lingered long after the door had closed. The kitchen felt warmer, the evening filled with a light-heartedness that made the simple act of cooking together something truly special.


[ Training Grounds ]

Tenten's excitement at meeting Kurenai, one of the few female Jonin and a renowned genjutsu specialist, had quickly turned into discomfort.

The conversation kept steering back to her recent flurry of E rank missions, a topic Tenten found oddly pressing for such a high-ranking ninja to probe into.

Just as she was trying to navigate this awkward discussion, a welcome distraction appeared on the training field.

"Oh, young Neji, you've arrived! Let's start with some youthful warm-ups!" Gai Sensei called out enthusiastically, balanced upside down in a handstand push-up alongside Lee.

But Neji didn't share their enthusiasm for warm-ups. Ignoring his sensei and teammate, he walked straight toward Tenten.

Normally, his approach might have flustered her, but the intensity in his eyes signaled that something was amiss.

Without a word, Neji launched a swift two-finger strike directly at her.

Tenten instinctively reacted.

Drawing her katana, she executed an Iai attack, a quick-draw strike that lit up with bluish flames.

But before their attacks could meet, Gai Sensei intervened, his strong hands catching Tenten's blade and Neji's wrist. Almost simultaneously, Kurenai ensnared Neji in a subtle genjutsu, halting any further aggression.

"Neji, we are teammates, this is most unyouthful behavior," Lee chided, stepping closer with a concerned look.

"Gai, I think it's not Tenten who needs someone to talk to," Kurenai observed quietly, her eyes flicking between Neji and Tenten.

"Start talking, fate boy, or else," Tenten demanded, her voice firm as she reignited the blue flames along her katana, a clear warning.

Might Gai exchanged a worried glance with Kurenai, both sensing the need to deescalate the situation.

The brief exchange of attacks between Tenten and Neji had already shown dangerous potential; had they not stepped in, Neji's gentle fist might have exploded Tenten's heart, and her Iai strike could have decapitated Neji.

With a snarl, Neji wrenched his hand free from Gai's grasp.

"How dare you bastardize the great Hyuga's gentle fist?"


[ Author Note:

Okay, I know the fight between Neji and Tenten wasn't much, as Gai and Kurenai intervened.

I already mentioned that Neji could have exploded Tenten's heart and Neji would have been decapitated by Tenten's Iai.

But I am going to ask:

Had this been a fair fight, both combatants in a proper arena, no sneak attacks or anything, who do you think would win:

The Herald of Hephaestus Tenten or Pre-Chunin Exams Incomplete Rotation Neji? ]

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