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Chapter 54: Chapter no.54 Graduation

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Mizuki was not a content man.

He did not feel any true satisfaction from slaving away for the children in the Academy, the ungrateful bunch, to whom he hoped, and prayed, that they would get brutally slaughtered on their very first missions.

Some of them perhaps, like the Uchiha boy, showed promise, tremendous promise, and those rare talents that were actually capable of becoming deadly shinobi, he cultivated and promoted.

The rest however, were an amalgamation of welcome mats and dusty staircases in which their more talented colleagues would eventually step on and climb in their ascent to greatness.

He had been relieved when Naruto, the demon child, had ceased attending classes. Mizuki preferred it that way, hoping to keep the boy out of sight and out of mind.

Yet, the day of graduation arrived, and with it, Naruto stepped into the class, challenging Mizuki's wishful thinking.

Mizuki watched from the shadows, a sly smile playing on his lips as he thought about his cunning plan.

It was all falling into place perfectly.

The final piece involved getting the "demon brat," to sneak into the Hokage Tower to steal the Forbidden Scroll of Seals—even if the Hokage himself might be present.

Given Naruto's connections with the Hokage, Mizuki felt a surge of confidence that his plan was foolproof.

"All I need to do is to fail the brat," Mizuki thought, a gleam in his eye.

The boy had been missing the majority of his classes, making Mizuki's task seemingly effortless.

The graduation exam was divided into two parts: Academic and Practical.

Mizuki hardly concerned himself with the Academic portion—a three-hour long test. He didn't bother altering it; Naruto had missed too many classes to hope for a good performance.

Then came the Practical portion, the real test of his manipulation.

This part was divided into three stages: Genjutsu, Taijutsu, and Ninjutsu.

First, the students had to break out of a genjutsu ensnarement.

Mizuki's eyes narrowed as Naruto entered the exam room.

He was ready to put his plan into action. Quickly, he attempted to ensnare Naruto in a genjutsu, aiming a needle of chakra directly at the boy's eyes to create a false reality.

He was certain Iruka wouldn't object, as it was standard procedure, but unlike with other students, Mizuki didn't hold back with Naruto.

Iruka, standing to the side, watched closely, particularly focusing on Naruto's eyes. To be successfully caught in a genjutsu, one's pupils would noticeably dilate.

"What do I have to do?" Naruto asked, looking between Mizuki and Iruka, completely oblivious to the subtle attack.

Iruka glanced at Mizuki, who was growing increasingly frustrated.

He tried again and again to ensnare Naruto, but each attempt failed.

The boy seemed completely unaffected.

"Mizuki," Iruka finally interjected, his tone calm.

"You try it," Mizuki snapped back.

Iruka took his turn, but still, nothing happened.

Naruto's eyes remained clear, unclouded by any genjutsu effects.

"Can you two stop doing that? It's annoying," Naruto complained, clearly irritated.


"Naruto, what do you think we are doing?" Iruka asked, trying to gauge Naruto's understanding.

"You're throwing those weird chakra needles at me. I just destroy it the moment it enters my body," Naruto replied nonchalantly, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

Mizuki's and Iruka's eyes widened in shock. Naruto was describing dismantling the genjutsu before it could even take hold—a feat of chakra control beyond even some Chunin.

"That's impossible," Mizuki muttered under his breath, refusing to believe that Naruto could possess such advanced control.

His plan was unraveling before his eyes, and his frustration mounted.

Iruka, however, simply smiled and gave Naruto full marks.

"Good, Naruto, you passed the genjutsu portion. Now, the Taijutsu, Mizuki," he announced.

Mizuki stood up, masking his frustration with a forced smile.

As he prepared for the next stage, he reassured himself that he could still salvage the situation.

He planned to push Naruto just enough during the Taijutsu to ensure his failure, making it appear as a legitimate defeat.

Mizuki walked to the front of the room, positioning himself to begin the Taijutsu portion of the exam.

This part was simple: the Genin must last a minute against a Chunin without being decisively beaten.

He glanced at Naruto, who seemed more composed than usual.

As their eyes met, Mizuki had the unsettling feeling that Naruto could see right through him, as if he were an open book.

Mizuki steeled himself, waiting for Iruka's command to start.

He planned to make quick work of Naruto, to put him in his place and regain some control after the earlier setbacks.

His muscles tensed, ready to unleash his trained prowess on the unsuspecting boy.

"Hajime!" Iruka called out.

The moment the signal was given, Mizuki lunged forward, but before he could even register his own movement, a sudden, sharp pain exploded on his chin.

The world spun wildly around him, colors and shapes blurring into an indistinct whirl. He could barely comprehend what had happened; one moment he was on the attack, the next he was sprawled on the floor, the cold, hard surface shocking his system.

"What happened?" The thought barely formed in his dazed mind before darkness crept in, swallowing his consciousness.


[ Name: Touji Mizuki ]

[ Status: Infected by Prototype Cursed Seal ]

[ Title: Academy Assistant Teacher ]

[ Level: 13 ]

[ Class: Civilian Shinobi ]

[ Race: Human ]

[ HP: 2350 / 2350 ]

[ AC: 30 ]

[ CP: 2k / 2k ]

[ Lineage Traits: None ]

[ Class Features:

- Mask of a Shinobi ]

[ Feats: Deceiver ]

[ Stats: ]

- [ STR: 20 ]

- [ DEX: 25 ]

- [ CON: 15 ]

- [ INT: 13 ]

- [ WIS: 12 ]

- [ CHA: 9 ]

- [ VIT: 26 ]

- [ LUK: 3 ]

[ Allies: ? ]

[ Equipment: Redacted ]

[ Description: A talentless orphan born during the 2nd Shinobi War never amounted to anything, never praised until he met [REDACTED] and gained everything he ever wanted. ]

Naruto glanced at the window, utterly unimpressed by Mizuki's performance—or lack thereof. 


Looking up, he caught sight of Iruka, whose jaw had dropped in disbelief. It wasn't every day that a student knocked out an instructor with such ease.

"Oh, it's simple," Naruto began, eager to explain his rapid takedown. "I just kicked him very fast with my Flash Fist—or feet, I guess—and used sheer force jutsu."

Iruka just blinked, clearly trying to process the information. "What?"

So, Naruto was about to repeat his explanation, thinking maybe Iruka hadn't caught it the first time, but Iruka held up a hand to stop him. "No need to explain it, Naruto, but you just knocked out Mizuki."

Well, he shouldn't have been on the sabotage list.

Naruto thought to himself, feeling a mix of vindication and annoyance, but he kept his thoughts silent.

Aloud, he said, "I have an idea."

Iruka motioned for him to continue, his expression still a mix of shock and curiosity.

"I use the transformation jutsu to pretend I am Mizuki, and you give me extra points," Naruto proposed, his mind racing with possibilities.

Iruka looked uncertain.

"And what about that?" he asked, pointing to Mizuki's unconscious form on the ground.

"I channel my chakra onto his body and use the transformation jutsu so that he appears to be a training dummy. I'll move him to the infirmary, and then I come back as Mizuki. It will take a minute, tops."

"And why the extra points?"

"I missed a lot of classes," Naruto explained with a sheepish grin. "I can just make them up here, or you can just do the exam alone."

Iruka considered this for a moment, then finally nodded.

"Fine, but let's finish your exam first. Show me the three basic jutsu."


[ Quest Completion: Pass the Graduation Exam ]

[ Status: Successfully Completed ]

[ Rewards Granted: ]

- [ 1000 Experience Points ]

- [ Konoha Forehead Protector ]

- [ Skill Stone Rune ]

- [ Bonus Title: Genin ]

Naruto strode out of the exam room, the weight of his new Forehead Protector feeling both heavy and exhilarating on his forehead.

Hinata and Ino beamed at him, proud and happy that he had passed.

The rest of the class, however, looked puzzled as they watched him lug what appeared to be a training dummy out of the room.

"Teme, can you move out of the way?" Naruto called out, his gaze locking onto Sasuke who was obstructively standing between him and the door.

"Fight me," Sasuke demanded flatly.

"No, I'm busy," Naruto retorted, but Sasuke remained unmoved.

"Fine, meet on the rooftop after the exam is done. Now, move teme, I have to get him to the infirmary," Naruto insisted, raising his voice as impatience flickered across his face.

Sasuke finally stepped aside, though his confusion about why Naruto needed to move a dummy to the infirmary was evident in his furrowed brow.


A few minutes later, Mizuki re-entered the classroom, further confusing everyone as they had just seen the man being carted out.

Mizuki quietly sat beside Iruka.

"So, what do I do?"

"You just need to assist me with the remaining students," Iruka replied.

"So, you have to cast Genjutsu..." he began, but then corrected himself, "No, wait, I'll cast the genjutsu."

"No, no, just teach me how to cast Genjutsu," Naruto interjected eagerly.

Iruka hesitated, about to argue that Naruto couldn't possibly learn Genjutsu on his first try, but then he remembered how quickly Naruto had mastered the Fireball Jutsu. "Okay, the mechanism is simple—you need visualization and a medium..." Iruka began his lecture.

Naruto half-listened, his attention split as he glanced at the system window, hoping it would grant him a Genjutsu skill.

His fingers drummed impatiently on the desk.

[ System Quest Alert ]

[ Quest: Learn Genjustsu Ensnarement ]

[ Objective:

- Chakra Control level 10

- Basic Knowledge on the Mechanism of Genjutsu

- INT: 15

- WIS: 15 ]

[ Reward: Skill Genjutsu Ensnarement ]

[ Failure: None. ]

[ Action Required: Confirm acceptance or declination of class skill ]

Naruto's lips curved into a satisfied smile as he mentally tallied up the objectives.

The stats on his screen updated:

[ Stats:

  - [ INT: 15 ]

  - [ WIS: 15 ]

Naruto quickly activated Spirit Possession to grasp the nuances of Iruka's rapid-fire lecture on Genjutsu.

The concept of Genjutsu was fascinating. Naruto learned that it worked by the user channeling their chakra into the nervous system of their opponent, specifically aiming for the brain's sensory processing centers. This chakra then acted like a bioelectrical signal that could interfere with or alter the normal sensory data being processed, effectively creating illusions or false sensations.

[ Quest: Learn Genjutsu Ensnarement ]

[ Status: Successfully Completed ]

[ Rewards Granted: Skill Genjutsu Ensnarement ]


[ Skill: Genjutsu Ensnarement ]

[ Level: 1 (Active) ]

[ Description: A C rank jutsu that enables the user to cast basic illusions, affecting the perceptions of those ensnared within them. ]

[ Passive Enhancements: ]

- [ Yin Affinity: Involves the creation of form from nothingness, enhancing the potency and believability of illusions. ]

[ Active Enhancements: ]

- [ Casting Speed: Increases the casting speed of genjutsu by 5%, allowing for quicker deployment and response in combat situations. ]

As Naruto felt the sensation of the Yin Affinity, he experienced an unusual stir within his mind, a sensation of drifting into a dream. It was as though he had stepped through a veil into a world where the line between reality and imagination blurred.


"Naruto, look, let me just do the genjutsu..." Iruka started to speak when suddenly the room bizarrely transformed.

The walls seemed to melt away, replaced by an endless cascade of dancing ramen bowls. Iruka couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all, his chakra flaring as he quickly dispelled the illusion.

"Okay, fine. Let me call in the next student," Iruka said, shaking his head slightly in disbelief.


The moment Sakura entered, her eyes dilated, and a sudden nosebleed overtook her as she collapsed onto the floor with a blissful smile plastered across her face. Iruka's eyebrow twitched in bewilderment, as he sweatdropped.

"Naruto, what was the genjutsu you used?" Iruka asked, trying to keep his voice level despite the bizarre turn of events.

"A crowd of emo temes half naked in towels," Naruto replied nonchalantly, as if such a scene were the most normal thing to conjure up in a genjutsu test.

Iruka frowned, the pieces clicking together all too clearly.



Iruka shook his head, pinching the bridge of his nose as he marked Sakura's grade as failed.

"Iruka Sensei, can I ask you something?" Naruto asked as he went over to wake Sakura up.

"Sure," Iruka responded, watching Naruto gently shake Sakura's shoulder.

"Who do you think are going to be my teammates?" Naruto asked, hoping to get some insight as he wanted to quickly move on from the topic.

"I don't know, Naruto."

"Didn't you give recommendation letters to the Hokage about the students?"

"I am going to do that tomorrow."

"Okay then, can I request that you recommend me and Hinata to be in the same team?" Naruto asked hopefully, his eyes bright with the thought of teaming up with Hinata.


"You are the best, Sensei," Naruto beamed, his gratitude evident as he gave Iruka a thumbs-up before turning back to help Sakura regain her bearings.


As the exam concluded, Naruto stepped out of the academy, his face lit up with a broad smile.

That smile faltered slightly as he observed his classmates being embraced by their families.

Mothers cried tears of joy, fathers swelled with pride.

Naruto's heart sank a little as he realized, yet again, that he had no one waiting for him.

Just as he was about to get lost in his familiar feelings of loneliness, a voice cut through his reverie.

"I thought you the forehead protector would orange," Tenten said, appearing beside him with a teasing smile.

Naruto's spirits lifted instantly at the sight of her.

"They didn't have any in orange."

"Congratulations," Tenten said warmly, and in a spontaneous burst of emotion, Naruto reached out and hugged her.

He was usually not one for such displays, but today felt different.

"What, is Naruto going to become a cry baby?" Tenten teased, her voice light, but as she felt Naruto tighten his grip, she wrapped her arms around him in a comforting embrace.

"You deserve this, don't let anyone tell you otherwise," she whispered into his ear.

"Yeah," Naruto whispered back, his voice thick with emotion.

In that moment, surrounded by Tenten's support, he felt a genuine sense of achievement and belonging.

He was happy, truly happy.

Suddenly, the chime of a system notification snapped him back to reality.

[ Alert: World Quest Generated ]

[ Due to the negative reputation between Touji Mizuki and Player Naruto, a new quest has arisen from Mizuki's Hatred ]

[ Alert: World Quest ]

[ Quest Title: A Traitor's Puppet ]

[ Objective: Meet with Mizuki in the Infirmary to gain a chain quest ]

[ Rewards: ]

- [ A scenario that will enable Naruto Uzumaki to learn the truth about why he is hated. ]

[ Failure: ? ]

[ Action Required: Acceptance or Declination of Quest ]


[ Author Note:

How do you guys like my explanation / interpretation of genjutsu?

Essentially, the user utilizes a medium, which could be like the light escaping the eyes like a Sharingan user, or sound, or even smell, just a medium.

By the way, Naruto and Mizuki used air as a medium to throw a needle of chakra into the other person's body.

The chakra is then used to stimulate or inhibit certain neural pathways, leading to altered perceptions.

For example, stimulating the pathways that interpret visual data could make the victim see things that aren't there, while inhibiting those that process auditory information could create deafening silence.

Every genjutsu works on this same mechanism, but the difference in S, A, B and C rank lies in subtlety, complexity, the number of neural pathways targeted and even the victim's ability to escape.

The principle of all genjutsu is the same; the jutsus, however, provide more different neural pathways to target, making it harder to detect.

Masters like Itachi can target hundreds to thousands of neural pathways at the same time, as opposed to Naruto, who can target one pathway.

How is Naruto able to use genjutsu? The system.


Thank you for enjoying my work, and thank you for your support. I hope you guys have a blessed rest of the day, and please give me your thoughts in the comments. ]

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