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Chapter 15: Lull before the first phase.

Two days have passed since Naruto met with the Sabaku brothers, and currently, he and Haku were in front of the building where the first part of the Exam Chūnin would take place, waiting for their companions, if the Uchiha could be called that. .

In front of the building, there was a square that had several benches, Naruto decided to wait while sitting on one of the benches and made Haku sit on his lap, which made it as red as Naruto's mother's hair. They talked, giving a peck or two while they waited for their companions. That scene made several men jealous of young Uzumaki, especially those from Konoha, as they knew that Haku was not his only woman, and several women were jealous of Haku for having a handsome and caring man like Naruto.

Shortly after Sakura arrived and Haku left Naruto's lap, although Naruto didn't criticize her, he knew that Sakura should feel uncomfortable about 'holding a candle' for both.

(Sakura): "Good morning!"

(Naruto): "Good morning, Sakura-chan."

(Haku): "Good morning, Sakura."

(Sakura): "How do you think Exam Chūnin will be?"

(Naruto): "I have no idea. Anko-chan commented that she was part of the Exam Chūnin organization, but did not say anything so as not to 'spoil the surprise'." - He made quotes with his fingers at the end.

(Haku): "Yūgao, Hana and Kurenai-Sensei also didn't say anything."

(Sakura): "So... are we kind of blind in this?"

(Haku): "It seems that, although I do not criticize their attitude, my time with Zabuza-san showed me how much we should expect a little of everything in Shinobi's life."

(Naruto): "But what worries me right now ... is where the hell is that Batard at?" - He asks irritably.

(Haku): "It seems that Kakashi-Sensei's delay is really contagious, Uchiha ended up catching him."

(Sakura): "From what Kakashi-Sensei said, we have until noon to go to the place, it's not even 10:30, he will still arrive."

(Naruto): "In fact, it's a very good opportunity for him to humble himself so he can just let it go." - He says with a mocking smile on his face.

Sakura and Haku giggle at that comment. They continued to discuss various team techniques and what could be the evidence for Chūnin Shiken, when Sasuke decided to appear.

(Naruto): "I thought I was going to give up."

(Sasuke): "There's no reason for an elite like me to give up something like that, let's go." - He speaks arrogantly and heads towards the building leaving his companions behind.

(Naruto): "If behavior is a criterion for becoming a chūnin in Exam Chūnin, Sasuke will die as a genin." - He says with a drop on his head.

(Haku): "Even after all the beatings he took he still acts like that." - She says while sighing.

(Sakura): "Not even death heals that one."

They went towards the building and joined the avenging emo who was still with an air of 'I'm the best here, kneel in my presence'. Naruto wondered daily why Sasuke's brother killed the entire clan just to leave the trash behind.

They entered the building and a Konoha Shinobi said that the first phase of the Chūnin Shiken would be on the third floor, the same being on the ground floor. The quartet went up the floors until they felt a slight disturbance on the second floor, possibly genjustu. Since Kurenai moved in with Naruto, she has been trying to teach Naruto genjutsu and how to identify and disperse him, which without the interference he had at the gym with that fake seal that Shinigami put on him to let Natsu's powers until his near-death experience, it was even easier to learn.

(Naruto): 'Are they going to start elimination here?'

Naruto looked at Sakura and Haku and realized that the two of them had also noticed genjutsu, but they remained silent, when they reached the second floor, they came across several genins trying to enter a room that had the number 315, but they were being stopped by two Konoha Shinobis that Naruto recognized by smell, were Izumo and Kotetsu who were using Transformation Jutsu, when they arrived the Shinobis had just beat a boy with black hair in a bowl and green overalls. A brown-haired girl who was stuck in the shape of Chinese bread on both sides of her hair.

(Genin 1): "Why are you preventing us from entering?"

(Shinobi 1): "If you can't even pass us, how do you expect to become chūnin?" - He says in mockery.

If it were for Naruto, they would just pass right by, because if they failed to understand genjutsu, they were not ready to become chūnins, but the Uchiha had to increase his own ego, showing himself to be superior.

(Sasuke): "Stop this clowning and undo this genjutsu right away."

(Genin 2): "What do you mean, genjutsu?"

(Sasuke): "You fell into a genjutsu the moment you stepped on the second floor and thought you were on the third."

Izumo and Kotetsu had orders that if someone talked about genjutsu it was for them to simply undo it, and when they undid the genjutsu, all the genins present, with the exception of a few, were wide-eyed when they met in front of the door with the number 215.

(Genin 3): "We were really in a genjutsu..."

(Genin 4): "Incredible, how did he find out?"

Soon, murmurs praising Sasuke filled the hall, while he kept a smile satisfied to be being adored. But Naruto was trying to punch Sasuke in the face, how can he not understand the purpose of genjutsu, which was quite simple actually?

Team 7 continued on its way while the others stood still admiring the Uchiha.

(Sasuke): "Did you see how to do it, failed?"

(Naruto): "How do I play the fool and the ignorant? Yes, Sasuke-sama, I learned perfectly." - He said in a mocking tone while I received a hateful look from the Uchiha.

(Sasuke): "How is it?"

(Naruto): "Listen, you idiot, you increased our competition. This genjutsu was to eliminate the most disqualified to be chūnins, if they couldn't even notice a simple genjutsu like that, how will they become chūnins?" - He said it in the same way that a parent scolds a child.

(Sasuke): "Tsk!"

(Naruto): "Now you have increased the number of possible enemies just to increase your damn ego, and have left us in the sight of others."

Sasuke would say something else was interrupted by a voice.

(?): "Hey you."

Team 7 turned around and came across the boy and girl from before, but now they were with another boy with long dark brown hair, in a white shirt, bands around his arms and pearly eyes like Hinata, a Hyūga.

(Naruto): "Can we help you with something?"

(?): "Yes, you are Hinata-sama's fiance, aren't you?"

(Naruto): "Yes I am... and you must be her cousin, Neji, right?"

(Neji): "It looks like she talked about me... and you are the last of the Uchiha? "He asks staring at Sasuke.""

(Sasuke): "Yes, I am."

(Naruto): "What about you two?"

(?): "I am Tenten."

(?): "And my name is Rock Lee." - He says very excited.

(Neji): "See you at the exam."

He passes Team 7 and is followed by Tenten and Rock Lee, they stared until they disappeared.

(Sasuke): "Hump. They must be rubbish, to the point of taking that beating."

(Naruto): "You are an idiot, they were just doing what you should have done, keeping your profile low."

He led the way while receiving a hateful look from Sasuke. They went straight to the third floor, and went to the room she was told. When they entered they saw several genins, but most had the Honoi-ate from Konoha, but what most made Naruto curious, was the smell of cat, insect and a totally repugnant snake smell.

The insect smell was different from Shino, whose clan used insects, but what made him curious was the fact that the cat smell, that the insect was similar to the tanuki that was in Gaara, which meant that the owners of the smell were brothers.

(Naruto): 'This smell is similar to a certain extent with the smell of Ichibi... that means there are two more bijūs in this room... but that snake smell is making me sick.'

The snake smell was simply disgusting, it was similar to humans who had contact with animals, like Hana and Kiba, both had a dog smell because of their clan's intimacy with the nikens, but in this case it was as if a snake was transformed into human using everything that is most poisonous in the world to achieve such a feat.

While Naruto struggled not to vomit right there, Team 7 went to a corner, although Uchiha did not want to go, and soon after he heard a voice.

(?): "Troublesome... I see that you did not give up on coming."

They turned around and came across Team 10.

(Naruto): "Shikamaru! I'm surprised that I didn't decide to stay home so I could sleep."

(Shikamaru): "This idea occurred to me..." - He says while yawning.

(Ino): "But his mother threatened him if he at least did not come to take the test and did not reach the final."

(Naruto): "Hi Ino-chan, Chōji."

(Ino): "Hi Naruto, Haku, Loggerhead."

(Haku): "Hi."

(Sakura): "Hi."

(Chōji): "Hi." - He said while eating.

(?): "It seems that all the newbies are here."

They turned and saw Team 8.

(Naruto): "Hi Hinata-chan, Itchy, Shino."

(Hinata): "Hi, Naruto-kun."

(Shino): "It's good to see that you're okay."

(Kiba): "Hey Naruto, are you confident?"

(Naruto): "I am."

(Chōji): "Kiba, since when did you stop calling Naruto Loser?"

(Kiba): "Since he became my brother-in-law and my sister threatened me." - He says with a depressed expression.

(Naruto): "Sorry about that."

(Kiba): "Easy, not like you asked her to."

(Sasuke): "It just shows how pathetic you are."

(Naruto): "Bastard, do the world a favor and shut up."

(?): "If you continue like this, you will attract a lot of attention."

The 10 turned and saw a boy, clearly older than them, with gray hair in round glasses and with Konoha Hitai-ate. But the snake smell was on him, but it wasn't the source of the smell, he was just very close, which made Naruto suspicious, he didn't know why, but he was sure that smell was a sign of bad omen. .

(Kiba): "Who are you?"

(?): "My name is Yakushi Kabuto, and I suggest stopping it, the others are already watching you."

The 10 looked at the other contestants and saw that many were staring at them, Naruto recognized Neji's team and Gaara's team who had a psychopathic smile when facing him.

(Kabuto): "This is not a picnic. Everyone is very nervous here, and you are drawing a lot of attention."

(Naruto): "So Batard is feeling at home." - He says that and gets a hateful look from Sasuke. - "But tell me something Kabuto-san, are you taking the test again?"

(Kabuto): "Yes, this is my seventh attempt."

(Haku): "Did any of the exams you performed be the same as the previous one?"

(Kabuto): "No, they change those responsible for exams every year, and it happens in different villages, that is, one Exam Chūnin is never the same, at most it is similar. But it gave me experience." - He pulled out some orange cards with the 'Shinobi' kanji in the middle of them. - "And I put all this information on my Info-Ninja Cards."

(Haku): "Info-Ninja cards? Do you really use it?"

(Kabuto): "I see that someone knows about them. But yes, I have four years of information here, almost 200 cards... do you have any information you want to know?"

(Naruto): "How many ninjas are participating and in which villages?"

Kabuto took a card and placed it on the floor and put chakra on it, then the world map appeared, where some countries had a bar and a number, where each bar was linked to a symbol.

(Kabuto): "There it is. 75 from Konohagakure, 30 from Sunagakure, 21 from Amagakure, 6 from Kumogakure, 6 from Kirigakure, 6 from Takigakure, 6 from Kusagakure and 3 from Otogakure."

(Kiba): "Did Kumogakure come?" - He asks incredulously as Hinata shudders a little.

Naruto knew the reason for that, Hinata was almost kidnapped when she was 3 years old by Kumo jonins, her father managed to save her, but that caused a great confusion that only ended the death of her uncle, Neji's father, Hyūga Hizashi .

(Kabuto): "I was also surprised by this, but Konoha didn't seem to care."

(Haku): "What about Kirigakure?"

(Kabuto): "Perhaps to demonstrate some strength, the coup in Kirigakure was a success and a woman named Terumī Mei took over as Godaime Mizukage."

(Naruto): 'So he did it.' - He thought as the image of Zabuza went to his mind.

(Sasuke): "Do you have any individual information?"

(Kabuto): "Yes, would you like to know any?"

(Sasuke): "Rock Lee and Hyūga Neji."

(Naruto): "And I would like to know about Sabaku no Gaara."

(Kabuto): "So you have their names, it makes it easier for me." - He says happily as he takes out three more cards and shows them.

The cards had a photo, some information, their village, team members, and a graph showing their skills. Naruto was a little disappointed to have almost no information from Gaara, but it left him a little confused, if these cards were all the information that Kabuto gathered, how he gathered Lee and Neji's information, which is the first time do they participate in Exam Chūnin?

(Kabuto): "Anything else?"

(Naruto): "Actually yes, why does this disgusting snake smell in you?"

Kabuto went pale and eyes wide with this comment, but he himself had been saved by the gong, as there was an explosion of smoke in front of the slate, and from there came several Konoha Shinobi, including Kotetsu and Izumo, and in front of them were an imposing tall man and wore a Hitai-ate that covered the top of his head and had two scars on his face, Naruto recognized him even though he had never seen him before, he was the head of Anko, Morino Ibiki.

(Ibiki): "The first phase of Exam Chūnin will begin."

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