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Chapter 33: Chapter 33 : The Wrath of Stone Cold



"Are you sure you don't need any help?" Kaito asked Kenji.

All Kenji had was a sword and kunai.

"I'm sure even you wouldn't want to see this. I'll be fine. Just let me do what I do best." He said.

Kaito shuddered.

The entire village could hear screams and yelling throughout the night. No one slept at all. Kenji started with plainly asking questions. Just wanted to make sure. How many are there? Where are they held up? Where is the leader? All kinds of questions. He started ripping out fingernails. He moved to cutting off fingers. One man lied to him. Kenji could tell with his sharingan. His breathing increased. His heartbeat. Kenji tore out his tongue and burned through his throat, cinched his vocal chords. He'd never talk again. For the other three, Kenji pierced the eyelid right above the eyeball. The commander always told him, this was the worst pain of all. It would make anyone talk.

Kenji was surprised. He wanted to break all four ninja to receive multiple accounts to his questions. It was more reliable that way, but one shinobi still didn't crack. So....Kenji took both his arms....while burning his nubs with fire release so he wouldn't bleed out. And that was it. He didn't even hesitate once. He could easily give the Leaf's information getters a run for their money.

While dawn cracked the sky, the leaders and several civilians waited a good distance from the cellar. No one brought their kids for the fear of seeing something they didn't need to see. And it was a wise move. Kenji emerged from the cellar, nothing in his eyes. It's like he had a certain mode or mindset he turned to when doing deeds like this. His emotions dulled. His eyes switched back to the light, ghostly grey. The attention then carried to his clothes, soaked in blood. His hands still gripped a knife. He looked like a butcher.

The crowd of people took a few steps back. Kaito stepped up and met Kenji halfway.

"Do I want to ask what you've been through?" Kaito had some guesses at first, but this sight proved his theories as a little off course.

Kenji disregarded the remark. "...." He turned to the open door. "I'm sorry to ask, but could you check their wounds so they won't die?"

Kaito didn't want to go down there, but he nodded anyway. "What's the next move?"

"I'm going up the mountain to get them back. Those guys told me a lot, so I think I'll be okay. I'll tell everyone else."

"Alright." Kaito grabbed his equipment and entered the dungeon. Kenji thought he heard someone puking after he went down. He'd have to apologize afterwards, but Kenji thought torture was necessary in this world.

He approached the crowd with the same cold face. There was a little tension in the air.

"Leaders." Kenji grabbed their attention. "Someone send to the Leaf that we'll need some help sending these guys to prison. I'm going to finish it right now."

"Are you sure?" The woman said.


Another leader, that seemed to be a hunter, asked "Should we wait until reinforcements arrive?"

"No. I can handle it. Just make sure there's enough rope to restrain them. I'll send a signal when it's done. Make sure someone's watching."


Kenji immediately walked towards the mountain.


Everyone was already on alert when he arrived. A few mercenaries located him as he treaded the mountain towards the cave. Three figures rang a bell, then darted towards Kenji. The white circles lit up causing a slight hesitation in his opponents. Perfect. Kenji whipped the knife in his hand towards a face with the blunt side first. The victims nose cracked and spewed blood, knocking him out.

Kenji then equipped a tool, given to him by a villager to borrow. A shiny piece of metal shined over his knuckles. Both ninja swiped down simultaneously onto Kenji. Two kunai slid deep into Kenji's chest. The enemies smiled, until Kenji's body popped into lightning, electrocuting both. The real Kenji burst from the ground and gashed into their heads with his brass knuckle. This was as nonlethal as he could handle. If he was honest with himself, killing his enemies became an unbreakable habit for Kenji, so this mission was actually more difficult than he imagined.

Kenji walked through the caverns, knocking out the mercs like canon fodder. They didn't even have a chance. Kenji surveyed the labyrinth with his byakugan. There was one more signature behind closed doors, chilling in front of eight bodies, chained to the wall.

Kenji hurried to the door and burst through it, crushing the wooden obstacle. There he was. Stone Cold. He was downing the biggest barrel of alcohol ever. With one arm. The torches shined off his bald head. His goatee was drenched with liquid. He turned towards Kenji, not a bit drunk at all.

"You done took out my guys purty easy there bud. I wuz waitin for ya, so I could whip that little ass."

Kenji looked at his prisoners. They couldn't tell whether they were being saved or what. Kenji looked that menacing. Even at his age, it was even more disturbing.

The fit man stood an attack stance.

"Well come on then." Kenji focused his eyes.

"Why don't you come at ME. Sumbitch."

Kenji was curious about his accent. Nevermind. Kenji rushed at the man. Confusion set in when Stone Cold weaved a jutsu. Kenji had no idea what that was, and he was moving so fast, he couldn't change his trajectory. Stone Cold made a sickening face, then spewed a mixture of puke and alcohol from his mouth. Even Kenji thought it was gross. Directly after squirting the nasty stream, Stone Cold clicked his teeth.

An explosion that shook the earth radiated through the cave. Kenji just managed to escape with a singed eyebrow and piece of clothing.

This guy was actually pretty dangerous. Kenji decided to play this smart, but what could he do? All he knew was how to kill. Not capture.

"Not bad on avoidin that thang kid. Let's so whatcha got." Stone Cold whispered "Bottoms up." He didn't break eye contact with those white balls. He downed another barrel of booze.

Stone Cold stumbled a little bit, then flew at Kenji, faster than he could even comprehend.


Ok. I have a plan, so I'm going to stop at the half way point of Kenji's perspective (not even close to being there right now), then jump to the others. After their halfway points, I'll return to Kenji and then proceed because it'll make the most sense to me. And be the least confusing. Trust me. Hope you enjoyed. The next few chapters will set the stage for who Kenji will become in the future. Hopefully. We'll see what happens. I'm just as in the dark as you guys. lol. I'm out. YERRR!

KingOfTheNorth18 KingOfTheNorth18

Song of the Day :

Heavy is the Weight (feat. Andy Mineo) by Memphis May Fire

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