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Chapter 2: The Night The Devil Cried

by @dreamworld_121

IMPORTANT----> "Dialogue" [character thoughts] {author notes}

Arc 1: The Trial of Akai Tsuki Island


Chapter 2, The Night The Devil Cried:

Crystal is sitting down when she notices that Emilia comes out of the room in a really bad mood.

"Hey, Emilia, so how is Akira doing?" Crystal asks nonchalantly.

Emilia responds with a smile, "He's doing fine!"

"Oh, I see!" [Okay! It's my turn to make my move! I heard men are more willing to fuck when they are depressed!] Crystal heads towards Akira's room, knocks on the door, several times, unanswered. [Is he really feeling that depressed..?] Crystal opens the door, "A-KI-RA! How are you doing- KYAA-!!"

Crystal screams in horror, everyone else at the party who hasn't left hears.

"AHHHHHH!!!" Crystal continues to scream, frozen in place.

"What the fuck is going on?!" People rush to the scene.

Upon arrival, they see something horrendous. Akira is being grasped by dark ominous hands which are pulling him into a hole which is opened up on the floor, Akira is holding onto his bed and struggling with the mysterious force.

[What the hell..? What is going on..? Am I being kidnapped..? No, it's not people that have a hold of me… what the hell are these..? Hands…? And what the hell is that hole… is that the entrance to hell…?] Akira doesn't know what's happening to him.

"Help! Someone please help me… Anyone, please! Help me!" Akira screams desperately.

Emilia rushes through everyone, all frozen in place.

"Akira-? Huh?" Emilia sees something traumatizing, Akira is being dragged by a mysterious force, she doesn't know what to do, she wants to help but the dark force is too eerie, she stays in place, terrified.

"Emilia! Help me! Don't just stand there--!" Akira demands help.

Akira's mouth is covered by one of the shadowy hands, Akira is now mumbling, a mouth appears on the hand covering Akira's mouth, the voice of it is like that of a demon.

"Silence. I have finally found you, my QUEEN…" The mysterious force speaks.

[What-?! I heard something…? It was a strange voice… and the words were as clear as day.. But, what did it mean…?] Akira becomes terrified of the words he hears. But what did he really hear?

"Now then, My Lady, it is time for us to return to our home, everything is waiting for you…" The mysterious force speaks.

The mysterious force increases the force it is using to pull on Akira.

[Huh-!? The pulling just got significantly stronger…!] Akira turns to face Emilia who is frozen in place, his eyes filled with horror and despair, barely holding onto his bed.

[Akira…? What is going on…? Is this some sort of nightmare..? What is that thing…? A demon…? An alien…? Why is it so unnerving? I'm shaking like crazy… no! I gotta do something…! Just look at Akira..! I gotta help… but my body won't move…] Emilia is terrified as to what stands before her.

Akira lets go of his bed that he was holding onto.

The mysterious force is now dragging Akira while he doesn't have anything to hold on to, horror fills his eyes.

"!!!!" [Akira-!] Emilia's time moves slowly.

Finally, Emilia jumps towards Akira and barely manages to grab his hand but half his body is already inside the abyss.

"Help me!! Don't just stand there!!" Emilia screams for help.

Few people actually even move, they are still horrified.

"Come on! Help me save Akira!!" Emilia yells out once again.

Akira's mom and Uncle Kiyoshi actually jump in to help, all three nervously and scared grab onto Akira.

"So-someone call the police! Call for help!!" Emilia demands.

[What the fuck…? What the fuck is going on…? What is that shit taking Akira…?] "Let me pull up my phone…" Jose tries to turn on his phone, "My phone- my phone is not working…" Jose grips his phone in frustration, "Why aren't you turning on?! Fuck it!!]

Along with Jose, several people take their leave and exit the house rapidly. Once outside, they try screaming for help, meanwhile, cars passing by slowly come to a stop, the lights turn off and the entire area blacks out.

"What in the fuck…?" Jose stays focused on the dying city, wondering what in the fucking hell is going on.

Meanwhile inside, some people have gathered up the balls to approach the mysterious force, one grabs a chair and smashes it onto the black thing, it does nothing.

"What the hell's this thing…?" People wonder.

Some other people try grabbing Akira white others toss items at the mysterious force, all in attempted failure, meanwhile the few people actually holding on are barely managing.

[Resistance, huh? Well, whatever, typically I wouldn't use this on mortals but I really have to get going. I'll have to draw power from the Deeper Abyss…] "Have a taste of the void, mortals!" The mysterious force speaks.

[This thing is… speaking…?] Emilia's blood runs cold.

The mysterious force opens its mouth wide, and diabolical screeching sounds start emitting from it, like demons coming out from the abyss to torture humanity, the screeching torments everyone, all cover their ears in fear except for Emilia, the screeching is so powerful it spreads towards the rest of the city.

"W-What i-is t-t-this so-sound-?!" Most exclaim.

[What the hell is this sound!? I can hear it but it's not affecting me.. Ah! The pulling just got stronger and I'm the only one holding up... ] "Everyone! Please! I beg of you not to give up!" Emilia yells out.

"What in the fuck is this sound?! Are we at the end of the world?! It's all over the city, everyone has fallen into chaos..!" Jose fears for humanity.

Jose started to wander around the city, all buildings were without light, all automobiles were stopped, the sound of the mysterious force was tormenting everyone, all thought that it was the end of the world.

"This is… this is straight up crazy…!" [Hm? An officer! And he's unaffected by these sounds!] Jose notices an officer trying to aid the people.

"Officer! Officer!" Jose grabs the attention of the officer.

"Yes!" Officer Antonio Gomez responds.

"This sound! I know where it's coming from!" Jose says.

"R-really?! Then take me there! Hurry, there's no time!" Gomez demands.

"Right! Follow me!" Both hurry on their way.


[What? How come this girl is unaffected by the sounds- huh?! What's this?! I sense two great auras coming this way, but one is significantly greater than the other… I don't understand… Even gods shiver in fear when they hear the Psalms of the Abyss, how come there exists mortals that are capable of withstanding it…?] The mysterious force is confused.

The door breaks open, Officer Gomez and Jose both enter, the officer freezes immediately, the sight before him is horrendous, a man being pulled into what seems to be the entrance to hell and only one girl holding onto him.

Both the officer and Jose stay frozen in fear.

The mysterious force stops its screeching, next to the mouth on the hand covering Akira's mouth, the mysterious force pops open an eye, it turns to face the two directly.

"Huh?" Jose goes down to his knees coughing blood and shaking.

The officer shrugs and starts sweating, [What the hell's all this shit…? What is that thing…? It's looking in this direction… but not directly at me…] The officer turns to face Jose, "Huh?"

The mysterious force then grows several more arms, all filled with mouths and eyes, all arms start to approach the officer and Jose.

Jose whispers something under his breath.

[Hm-? -!?!?] The mysterious force stops right where it's at and all of its eyes and mouths let out and cough out blood.

Jose commands the officer, "Now go!"

"R-right!" The officer immediately responds and rushes towards Akira, the officer hugs Akira and pulls him with manly strength.

[Huh? What…? What did that mortal do…? No- he certainly is no regular mortal… he certainly knows what he's doing…] "Sorry mortals, but if you don't want to die, back away now…" The mysterious force speaks.

[huh-? It spoke-!] Gomez is caught by surprise.

"I am The Waters of Existence, The Face of the Deep, The Nameless Abyss is what the existing refer to me as, now, decide your fate, mortals." The Nameless Abyss grows dagger-like claws on every hand.

[Shit-! This is bad! It can hurt us now, no… KILL US…] "Retreat-!" Gomez quickly grabs Emilia and backs away.

"What-?! No-! Let me go-!" Emilia resists.

The Nameless Abyss attacks anyways.

"Humble down, mortals." The Nameless Abyss commands.

[Shit-!!] Gomez quickly retreats further and protects Emilia with his life on the line.

The two are now on the ground bleeding from several cuts.

"We're not dead…?" Gomez is relieved to say the least.

"Worry not! I shall not take your lives!" The Nameless Abyss is merciful.

In a weird motion, now with no interruptions, the Nameless Abyss wraps itself all around Akira and prepares to take him into the abyss.

[What-?! What is happening-?! I'm going to be taken away… No way, I don't even know where I'll be taken… No…] "Let me go-!" Akira screams.

"Your Majesty, you are not yourself as of now, please stop resisting..." [After so long, we shall finally be going home…] The Nameless Abyss smiles wickedly.

Gomez pulls out a gun, [Our last chance..] Gomez shoots at one of the arms of The Nameless Abyss.

[What-?! What spell or curse did he cast onto me… He completely destroyed one of my arms…! What is that he's holding..?!] The Nameless Abyss.

[Time for the second round… Aim… And sho-] Gomez is interrupted.

"No-! Stop-! What do you think you're doing-?! You might hurt Akira…!" Emilia stops the officer from shooting.

"Wait-! But we have no option…! This is our only and last chance to save your boyfriend! So let me-" Before the officer could even finish his sentence, an arm had pierced his stomach all the way through.

[Huh-? Have I b-been… s-stabbed…?] Gomez looks down and sees blood pouring from everywhere, [No way…]

The arm retrieves, causing Gomez to fall to the ground.

"There you go… Hahahaha…!" The Nameless Abyss quickly starts dragging Akira down into the abyss, to disappear forever. Emilia can only watch in horror.

Akira is now submerged into the abyss, he enters it with his right arm reaching out, he is about to be fully taken away when someone catches onto his hand, someone is grabbing onto his hand with a grip so strong his soul could feel it, he also grips the hand hard.

[Emilia… This is Emilia's hand.. She doesn't want to let me go...] Akira can feel Emilia.

"I won't let you go!" Emilia proclaims.

Even while being submerged in what seemed to be water, he still clearly heard Emilia's claim, tears dripping out from his eyes, helpless, but hopeful…

[Cursed be the gods! I can not take another living being into the abyss… It'll cause too much trouble for me… Ah! I know, I'll just kill her! Hmmm, let me see…] "Oh! It's the item the other mortal used on me…" The Nameless Abyss picks up the gun from the officer, "It looks too normal… It does not have any mana implemented into it, but it can still cause damage, that's good, I won't have to use my own strength… How do you use it..? I think I saw him pull this small trigger right here...] The Nameless Abyss aims at Emilia.

"DIE… MORTAL..." The Nameless Abyss.

Emilia looks up in horror as she is being aimed at with the gun…

Gunshots are heard into the distance… The Nameless Abyss shoots until all the bullets are exhausted.

[It stopped… What happened..? Does it have a limit to how many rounds it can perform..? Well it is a regular item with no magic… But I guess she is now- What-?! It's the other mortal… He's atop the girl… The girl is still alive.. He used himself as a shield to protect her…?] The Nameless Abyss is surprised.

[He protected me… But why…?] Emilia is filled with guilt.

"Let go… h-he might s-s-spare you…" Gomez's last words.

[Huh-?! What-?! I can't-! I can't-! If I do…] Emilia does not want to think of what will happen if she lets go of Akira.

[Curse this female.!. She is too stubborn… Huh- she reminds me of… Argh! It does not matter… I need to go now… My time is running out in this universe… Her hand, yes that's right, I can just cut it...] The Nameless Abyss submerges itself down into the abyss where Emilia's hand is holding onto Akira's. The Nameless Abyss grows claws again in one hand, [This is it…!]

"No-! Don't do it-! Please don't hurt her-! I beg of you…" Akira tries to scream but his voice drowns away in the water of the abyss, "Please…"

"Your Majesty, just close your eyes and empty your mind, once this is over, you will return to your True Self." The Nameless Abyss.

"I don't know what you are talking about… I don't understand.. But please don't do anything to her, you can do anything to me but please leave her alone, she means everything to me, she is my everything…" Akira begs the Nameless Abyss.

"Never thought I would hear you say that about anyone else but her…" The Nameless Abyss is caught off guard.

"Huh..? Who are you talking about…?" Akira wonders.

"I am talking about EVERYTHING…" The Nameless Abyss words.

"What…?" Akira is left with more questions and worries.

"Do not fret over it, you will remember soon enough." The Nameless Abyss stabs Emilia's hand with one finger.

"Let go." The Nameless Abyss said.

And so she let go, The Nameless Abyss pushes Emilia away and drags Akira into the depths of the abyss. All of the darkness retreats and the abyss closes.


The scream of a young woman is heard over several streets, voiced by pain and sorrow.

Emilia bursts down crying, hoping that this was a dream, Officer Gomez now lays dead as he protected Emilia in his last moments, everyone else remained terrified and frightened even after The Psalms of the Abyss ended.

dreamworld_3022 dreamworld_3022

Creation is hard, cheer me up! The second chapter of 'Neko-chan!' is here!

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