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Chapter 5: Chapter 5

You know, when I used to read stories of people training under masters and them saying how much of hell it was, I scoffed. Seriously how could you equate some training with hell of all things, I mean be realistic, there was no way that some training could be like hell or they would wish to die. Then those idiots would flinch every time they hear the word training, like some Vietnam survivors suffering from PTSD.

I laughed at how dramatic they were. Oh, how ignorant I was, I wasn't able to see mount tai and now I am suffering from my ignorance.

"500 more. Your demonic power is stronger than your body, if you focus only on your demonic power then your body would be unable to properly control it."

"Seriously, how can you of all people have a weak body. you were literally known for your ridiculous durability." Jingliu muttered to herself. I had no idea what that meant, and I am in too much pain to give a damn.

I nodded, trying my best to do 500 more pushups, alongside master Jingliu standing atop my back, who would dig her heal in my back anytime I would do a half-hearted pushup.

It hurt, it hurt a lot. Forget my arms that felt like jelly, I'm pretty sure my back would be bruised due to her digging her heal in.

All this started due to my stupid comment, when I wanted to fluster her.

[step on me mommy]. That's what I wrote, thinking she would be flustered, instead she literally started stepping on me.

…I'm sorry my brothers-in-arms, I had no idea how bad these instructors from hell actually were, I always thought you were exaggerating, but now I know, they were really undermining how bad the training was. I have been only been training for 4 days, and I already felt like abandoning my dreams and ambitions.

Though if I told her how I felt I'm pretty sure that I would be beaten half an inch away from death.

Sigh. anyway, currently my master is training my body due to how bad it is. Though the good part is my wonderful master is feeding me meat! Gulp, seriously after months of not eating meat that first steak almost gave me a foodgasm.

"Now, listen closely." Jingliu started speaking.

I listened closely (heh) otherwise she would probably do something that would give a me a world of pain.

"To truly use a sword is not like swing a stick or a club. A sword is an instrument – to normal people, and to masters – swords are an extension of themselves, like an additional limb. So if you truly want to be a master swordsman-"

But I didn't! I only wanted to make me stronger not to become a master swordsman or something. I simply want to be stronger. I'm pretty sure our current Satan used no weapons.

…then again, that lucky bastard doesn't need one, due to that Too OP Please Nerf clan trait of his, the power of destruction of the baels, he is literally a walking a nuke.

"-you must understand the sword, you must think like a sword and act like a sword. Got it? Then, once a person gains a certain understanding with a sword, or any weapon in general, your Qi or life force or touki, whatever you want to call it, it will take the properties of the sword."

"There are some other steps after unlocking your sword qi, which is to attune your qi into an element, mine for example is ice. This has many usages, the greatest being that you could combine your qi and magic into unleashing something greater. Like if a person with fire qi infused his qi into a fireball, the resultant attack would be much greater than the sum of the two."

"Giving your qi the properties of a weapon are called weaponized qi, and giving your qi the properties of an element is called elemental qi. Though there are higher stages than this, for now this will be all you should know."

She raised her hand; a blue glow surrounded her pale hands. Just seeing it made me shiver and felt like she would cut me.

Wait what!? This is the first time I'm hearing of this; I have read many fanfictions of DxD, most of them who unlocked touki very early, but this is the first time I'm hearing of this.

"I have reached a stage above the elemental qi; I would show you if you satisfy me with your training."

[how many stages are there?] I wrote.

"I honestly have no idea, though the greatest user of qi was the first Morax."

The first Morax? The ancestor of the pillar Morax, rex lapis.

"His qi was able to pressure people just by existing, like a mountain was pressing on them, he could even faint people who were weaker than him using his qi."

Conquerors haki!? So, qi is like a budget conquerors haki?

…you know what? Suddenly this training doesn't seem so bad. if the end result would be some way for me to emulate the abilities of the colour of the supreme king, or conquerors haki, I would literally sell my firstborn for it.

"His defense was absolute, even his weakness which was holy light was almost ineffective on him. During the great war, he was also called the ground shaker due to the frequency of earthquakes of the areas he was in. Though that was also more due to his ultimate attack."

[ultimate attack?] I wrote. What was this ultimate attack?

"Hoh, want to know his ultimate attack? It was called planet befall; where he would drop a meteor on his enemies."

…what was this feeling? Was it admiration? Could be, afterall most people who watched Naruto probably dreamed to be able to drop meteors on people. but it was not admiration, admiration was directed at others, what I felt was directed at myself…

It was pride. Every time she would praise rex lapis, I felt a wave of self-accomplishment and pride fill me.

Dammit, am I really so tired that I am hallucinating?

I shook off the stupid feelings that had no basis, and continued my training, sometimes listening to what Jingliu said.

My blade, which was just a normal sword made of iron, defended against the wave of icicles. Though they were blunt rather than sharp, but it still hurt like hell.

Using the movements taught by Jingliu, my feet danced through the wave of ice, slipping through gaps and swinging my sword to others. Though the occasional ice still hit me, probably leaving a bruise.

The icicle changed directions, rather than targeting my upper body, it started targeting my legs. I clicked my tongue in annoyance, defending the lower body was much harder than defending the upper body.

The icicles started pelting my legs, which means master wanted me to focus more on my footwork rather than sword.

Focusing only on my legs, I did my best to dodge all the of them, yet a large number of it struck me.

Damn it!

I sat cross legged, clearing all distractions from the outside and focusing only on myself. I tried to feel my qi/touki/lifeforce, unfortunately all I felt was my demonic power.

I didn't give up, Jingliu said that I would need to do this for at least 6 months to gain any results.

The day starts with physical training, then swordsmanship and then I would meditate for an hour on the things I did and learned that day while also simultaneously trying to sense my lifeforce.

I staggered my way to my master, who simply tapped her lap.

Seeing that I went over to her and flopped down her lap, face down. my face embracing the pillowy thighs of my dear master.

"Sigh. I sometime wonder if I spoil you too much. My master would simply start throwing stone spears at me until I either passed or passed out."

I grumbled. Thank God that her master did not teach me. what kind of heartless demon would throw stone spears at someone. They must truly be someone without emotions.

"Heh. Something tells me you're scolding my master?"

I nodded my head in confirmation. I wrote on the sandy ground.

[your master sounds like a bitch]

"Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe." She giggled, uncontrollably. It was as if she knew a joke that I did not.

She once again started caressing my head. Melodious giggles would be released occasionally.

Damn it, I want to ask what's so funny but I kept my notepad away during training, and I was frankly too lazy to raise myself and grab the notepad just to ask a question.

My stomach grumbles. Hearing that Jingliu stops laughing and asks.

"Hungry? How about some seafood." She said, her voice laced with mischief.

Hearing the word seafood, I leave the pillows that are her thighs and looked at her with horror. My golden eyes filled with betrayal stared intently on her ruby ones filled with mirth

"You don't like seafood?" she asked me, and I felt my affection towards become non-existent. If I was strong enough, I would have put her over my knee and spanked her as punishment for even assuming that I would put the disgusting thing anywhere near my taste buds.

I shake my head in denial. Seafood? Yuck. That slimy texture and that smell…ew. There is nothing in this world more disgusting than seafood.

"Heh. Somethings never change." She muttered.

I was confused, did she know of my dislike towards seafood or did I hear incorrectly. So did she ask me if I wanted to eat seafood while knowing that I hated that…

I glared, angrily. If looks could hurt mine would probably burn her alive.

She remained unfazed, completely ignoring my death glare. Foolish woman, just you wait once I become stronger, I shall show your eyes mount tai and make you kowtow before me.

"Hmm, how about some bamboo shoot soup?" she asked, hah! My glare can make anyone second guess their words. After I heard what she said, and her previous transgressions were quicky discarded.

I looked at her confused, did people really use bamboo as food. Wait is bamboo even edible. I mean pandas do eat them, and I'm pretty sure that devils have stronger teeth than pandas, so I should be able to eat it.

She led me to the kitchen, I sat on a chair and waited for her meal. While she was not the most excellent of cooks, she was far from average.

"It will take two hours." She informed me while she tied a white apron around herself. A part of me really wished she would be naked while wearing the apron while the other part of me bonked that part and locked it in a cell.

I grumbled, but did nothing else. It was her food that she bought with her money, she also trained me for free, asking nothing in return. I would be the greatest of dicks if I were to complain about her choice of food. If it takes two hours, then so be it.

I went outside to pick up a few rocks then came back in. I sat in the corner, on the floor.

Jingliu, her hair was tied up to a bun, and she was wearing an apron.

My eyes tracked her movements, especially the slight jiggle of her ass as she moved. It was hypnotic, like those beach balls that bounce up and down.

Shaking my head, I focus on my current goal.

I haven't had enough money to buy the intermediate version of the transfiguration, so I have been focusing on improvising my current set of skills. 

I bought a book on valuable gemstones, and using that I would transfigure these normal stones into precious gemstones that would be worth a lot.

Money is needed, a primal part of me hates the fact that I lack money. It makes my stomach churn and my blood boil; it happens every time I remember the lack of money.

I should of all people have money. 

Whew. Forget that. I know that I'm not a simple reincarnation who somehow reincarnated into low-class devil in the Morax territory. I lack the proper memories, of both the last life and this life.

I have no memories, I remember waking up in the middle of the rocky forest, where instead of trees there were rocks, I had no memory of who I was, or who I even became. It took me a week, after reaching the Morax territory, to remember some things.

Though the things I remembered were not anything on a personal level, I remember about animations made in Japan, books that were read online, but most of all…I remember the weakness that I felt, I felt pathetic for no reason.

Jingliu interrupted my reminiscing with a question.

"Why lucrecio? I always wondered why you chose that name?"

Lucrecio, a name that I chose for myself. It was during my second week that I chose the names lucrecio, it had no grand meaning, it was a simple name based from the names lucifer. Thus, I was not too overly attached to it. I just thought it sounded badass.

Turning one rock into a paper with the answer already written on it.

"So, you thought it was badass? Heh. It really doesn't suit you."

I definitely did not pout. She simply didn't have a high enough cultivation to see the greatness of my name, though a small part of me agreed due to how lame it was. Especially due to the fact that it was a name that I chose for myself and not given to me by a parent.

"Want a new name? its not like a lot of people know your name, so changing it would be of no problem." She offered.

Honestly, I had no idea about it, names in the end where just that, names. They were useful in deafferenting one person from the other but otherwise completely useless.

"Zhongli. It was the name of the eight immortals in the Taoist pantheon or also known as the chinses pantheon, it was said that he could resurrect the dead and turn stones into silver or gold. The names perfectly match you."

I wrote the question in paper.

[is the guy still alive?]

"Is he still alive? Oh, you mean the Zhongli I spoke about? Well…actually I have no idea. It was said that Zhongli and his eminence rex lapis were very good friends, some even speculate they were lovers, rex lapis would go to the human world just to visit him, and Zhongli would come to the underworld just to visit rex lapis. But after rex lapis disappeared, so did Zhongli."

"Some say, that he was too heartbroken after the disappearance of his lover, others say that he went on a journey to find him, but the most popular theories are that both of them were killed or both chose to leave and live in seclusion."

Why do I feel a sudden disgust? I'm over 75% sure that I am not a homophobe, so where did that feeling of disgust come from?

I slapped myself. Time to get to work.

I focused on turning the rock in my hand into gold. Imagine how awesome it would be if I could turn the surrounding into pure gold with very step I took.

"Food is ready"

Sighing I walk over towards the dining table.

Jingliu placed a bowl in front of me.

"Slow cooked bamboo shoot soup."

I looked at it, my expectation was incredibly low, I mean who in their right minds would want to eat bamboo shoots or even soup.

Looking over the soup, I saw pieces of meet in there.

"Ham and pork belly." She informed me, she took a seat in front of me with a bowl of her own. Her chopsticks already inside her mouth.

I gulped. If there was meat and then I surely must eat. Haha, it rhymes!

Grabbing my chopsticks, I took my first bite.

It was good…not exceedingly good but still quite good. Though it felt as something was missing.


Heh. Look at his adorable face.

She took his small body and placed him on the bed, with her next to him. she looked at his chest rising up and down, the rhythm of it hypnotizing her.

To think that the legendary rex lapis, would one day be so vulnerable. The rex lapis who was said to survive even the attack from shiva himself. Though he was grievously injured after that, but that was better than most who would be killed with slightest love tap from the strongest god.

He is lucky that I am a good student, most students would have loved to enact their revenge on their devil-like masters.

The stone faced, forgetful devil. Here he is, in the form of a cute, defenseless, harmless, extremely weak, child. I guess it is my job to make sure that no harm would come to him, until he can defend himself.

Heh, the look in his face when I said that Zhongli and rex lapis was in relationship. He may not know who he is or was, but certainly feels it.

She stroked his face, her red eyes glowed in light.

"All mine~"

But it would be not long, they would easily learn of his rebirth. And he would be too weak to fend them off. And due to my foolishness, I too am too weak to protect him from them. especially if that bastard was to get involved.

She can't help but curse her past self, what gave her the bright idea of challenging the white dragon of supremacy. His lucifer damned poison still corrodes her soul, it takes almost all her power to keep the poison at bay. Even then she would need to go to slumbers regularly to recover her energy.

She has been using her ice qi to slow the spread of poison and her sword qi to periodically cut it.

If only she could reach the next stage of her qi…then she might be able to eliminate it completely.

But…she looked at the face of her former teacher and her first crush. Back from the dead, and cuter than ever.

She remembered the day she felt that weird pulse. It was due to luck she was even able to feel it.

Standing atop a rocky hill, she observed the rock, it pulsed in yellow light. the forest she stayed at was known as the monolith forest, created rex lapis to defend Liyue from harm. After his death, the power of forest waned to non-existence. The once might forest that could even defend against the attacks of the leader of the Abrahamic pantheon, was now nothing more than a tourist spot. 

Yet…after centuries a bit of its power still remained? And it is pulsing. 

She watched, wondering what was happening. 

It took two days for her to see it, or feel it. she felt qi, it reminded of the time when she witnessed the leader of the Abrahamic pantheon create angels.

The remanent energy of the monolith forest was being converged into one place, like a fetus absorbing nutrients for its birth. 

The ground shook, a stone coffin emerged. And form with in it, a child fell outside. 

The child…he resembled the rex lapis. His brown hair, his golden eyes. As one of the few people to see him, she knew no, she felt it. 

The mighty lord of the earth has returned. 

The emotions she felt were numerous, to see her beloved teacher being reborn was the greatest thing. 

Did he foresee his death and leave behind a fail-safe to revive himself?

Jingliu caressed his face, she wanted to pinch his cheeks but she didn't want to wake him up.

she can't protect him alone, the old Satan faction, would be after him. especially due to his appearance, once he grows a bit older the similarities between the current him and the previous him would disappear.

Maybe she should contact her, she probably has some ways for him to hide. Or maybe she should place him in another dimension until he is strong enough.

Whatever, she would worry about it later, now she will enjoy his warmth.

Huddling closer to him, she pressed his sleeping self onto her, his head squished by her sizable breast and her legs draped over him.

She placed a kiss on his forehead. And closed her eyes to sleep.

-The end. 

For all my wuxia fans, I have successfully, or at least tried my best, at incorporating a few cultivation terms. I'm not sure if I would incorporate more, maybe when the China arc, I would know what path to take for this. 

Ahem, anyway, anyone got any idea on what the next levels of qi should be? For now, we have weapon qi, elemental qi, ???, ???, etc… what should be next? 

Sorry for the late updates, but unfortunately it is very boring to edit chapters. 

Ahem, anyway, I did my best for this chapter and I am somewhat happy for it. I introduced a major power for our MC, Qi, though there would be others but for now this would be enough, I think. 

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