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Chapter 6: Chapter 6

The next few weeks after that momentous meeting with the company of eaters turned out to be quite eventful. During the period that I spent in seclusion, it turns out that I have accumulated quite a lot of things. However, to begin with, I decided to replenish my stocks of food and booze. Well, at the same time, I ordered a new brownie, raising the old connections of Regulus, which could get that brownie from Hogwarts… It is there that the largest community of brownies in Britain is located, and it was there that you could buy yourself a new house elf.

Which is what I was going to do, not going to spare galleons for this case. My convenience cost much more than a couple of thousand gold that went to hiring intermediaries who took it upon themselves to ensure my anonymity and purchase the brownie itself. And yes, I didn't have any confidence in the Hogwarts administration at all, which is why I wasn't going to buy a brownie on my own behalf. You never know what kind of dirty trick Dumbledore can arrange for the "death eater".

However, I wasn't going to focus on such trifles anyway. Especially since with my current wealth and the Black inheritance, I can not worry at all about how many galleons I spend. Income from family businesses in any case is able to cover most of my wishlist. Anyway, Rod Black was one of the richest in the British Isles, so I really wasn't going to worry about money.

I was much more concerned about the need to inform relatives about the death of the mother of this body… I corny didn't want to communicate with some members of my family now. And yes, now we are talking specifically about Bella and Andromeda Black. These women were too temperamental and difficult to communicate with, so that I, being in my right mind, was looking for a meeting with them myself… Fortunately for me, they never expressed a desire to visit me personally after receiving such sad news.

Bella referred to the workload and a lot of work under Voldemort. Well, Andrameda did not consider it necessary to comment on what had happened at all, rightly believing that the Black's affairs no longer concern her ... Well, but Narcissa almost immediately sent me a letter clarifying where and when we could meet with her and how Valburga's funeral would be organized.

Fortunately, the third of the cousins also had to be turned away pretty quickly, referring to the fact that there is nothing banal to bury from Valburka… Well, I still preferred to keep the reason for everything that happened a secret. Fortunately, the local aristocrats really respect other people's secrets, but Narcissa understood perfectly well that I would not trust her with really important information for the kind. She has been a Malfoy for several years, and therefore I had every right not to enlighten her in the internal affairs of the family…

Convenient, in general, I had an excuse. Referring to the affairs of the family, I could hide quite important information, even if not without consequences for myself ... However, a conversation with the youngest of my cousins was still difficult to call unpleasant. Despite the fact that I kept somewhat aloof, and Narcissa tried to support and cheer me up, completely not realizing that this was not required ... the conversation still turned out to be quite pleasant and productive. At least because Narcissa promised to give me almost any support if her former family was in serious danger.

A serious, in general, statement that made me respect the young girl quite a lot. Not everyone is able to so decisively involve themselves in other people's problems, without counting on any serious benefit… In general, yes, despite some chips during the conversation, we parted quite happy with each other ... Well, after that I wrote a letter to Sirius, wanting to meet.

To my good fortune, the violent brother of this body, quickly agreed to the meeting. Which pleased him, because he was sure that I was a death eater, with whom he was actively at enmity. This means that the reason for the refusal was more than substantial. However, because of Sirius' enmity with the rest of the Black family, as well as because of his enmity with the death eaters, I was alerted by such an obvious willingness to meet with me.

I even had a clear feeling that I was personally going to step into someone else's trap, but I still did not refuse the meeting that I had appointed myself. And therefore, one Sunday afternoon, closer to six o'clock in the evening, I did arrive at a familiar restaurant on Diagon Alley, where I finally found Sirius… As well as someone else hiding under the invisibility cloak. A very high-quality invisibility cloak, because I didn't notice the surveillance with my magical vision. Only a blunted sense of other people's minds gave out a couple of spies, which already made me wary... If I didn't have the gift of Seeing, I wouldn't have noticed the surveillance.

- Greetings, Sirius. - Gently smiling at the young guy, whose appearance literally screamed about his belonging to the golden youth ... - To be honest, I did not expect that you would so simply respond to my invitation. Apparently, even you could be hurt by the death of our mother. - Removing the smile from my face, I continued my monologue, watching my brother's facial expressions with a slight irony. He expressed surprise and concern too clearly, as soon as he recognized the familiar features of his brother in my emaciated face.

- Regulus… What happened to you? - Somehow even unbelievingly, a twenty-year-old guy asked me, leaning forward a little. "You look like someone cursed you and you're about to drop dead!" Sirius assured me, raising his voice a little, thereby slightly irritating me… I already know how I look right now. Don't shout about it so loudly! Which is what I tried to tell Sirius, glancing at him a little angrily and frowningly.

- Don't shout and don't attract too much attention, we're not alone here after all. - Still, I could not restrain myself, directly reproaching the guy for an excessively violent reaction. - As for your question… Then I brought myself to such a state, you should not worry about it. I'll be fine soon. I assured my brother, slightly cooling his ardor…

"Is that why you wanted to meet me, brother?" - Still, Sirius could not calm his anxiety, somewhat refreshing my memory on this score… Yes, he always behaved stupidly and impudently, very sincerely and directly express his emotions. A true Gryffindor, as many and many have said about it… However, I did not consider the behavior of this guy to be something wrong. Rather, on the contrary, I was somewhat bribed by the care with which he treated Regulus. And even though I understood that Tom just liked to pretend to be a cool older brother, but this did not change the veil. Despite his conflict with his family, specifically with Regulus, he did not swear and even cared about it, even if he sometimes teased him.

- Not really… In fact, I wanted to inform you about the causes of our mother's death and clarify some points about the primacy in the family. I stated bluntly, becoming completely serious… But only for a short time, a waitress came to our table, forcing us to stop our conversations for a while in order to make an order… Which did not have to wait long. Thanks to magic, all kinds of snacks and a bottle of good firewhisky were on our table in a couple of minutes.

- I must say right away, I do not claim the title of lord. It's not for me, you know. - The guy hastened to assure me before downing a small portion of alcohol. I followed his example, not intending to make a fool of myself, not knowing how to drink in company. - But about the death of my mother… I really wonder what could ruin this crone. - Hiding behind sarcasm and rude words quite a real sadness, Sirius drawled.

- Well, I'm glad that you won't stand in my way to the primacy of the family… As for Valburga... - Sometimes interrupting for snacks and regular portions of alcohol, I had a rather unhurried conversation with my brother, not forgetting to track a couple of invisible spies, which bothered me so much. - Sirius, I want this information to remain a secret… I didn't even tell Narcissus and Bella and Andromeda anything about the true causes of our mother's death. - Leaning slightly over the table, I whispered ... before abruptly not turning around in the direction of a couple of invisible men. - And therefore, I would ask the invisible comrades to leave! - I drawled rather sharply, preparing to repel an attack in case of something…

At the same time, it is significant that Sirius reacted to my words with quite sincere surprise, which was very quickly replaced by awareness, and then anger… Which only confirmed some of my suspicions ... rumors that James Potter has a very unusual invisibility cloak since the days of Hogwarts settled in the head of Regulus. Putting two and two together was not difficult… Although a couple of spies tried to escape, but the sight of the wand aimed precisely at them, apparently, had a rather sobering effect on those.

Therefore, after a couple of seconds, a couple of wizards appeared in the middle of the restaurant, who had been huddling together before, hiding under the same mantle… And at whom Sirius was now openly glaring angrily, promising his friends all the punishments of heaven with one glance. Which pleases at least the fact that it was still not a trap. Well, or Sirius was simply not privy to the details of some plan, which is also more than possible.

- James, Remus… Why the fuck are you following us!? I made it clear that I was going to meet my brother alone! - Getting up from the table, the guy almost growled… But still in no hurry to move on to any active actions. He still wasn't going to beat up his friends, even though he was close to it.

- We couldn't leave you alone in the company of a devourer! You never know what this bastard could be up to! James exclaimed rather hysterically, watching my wand with slight fear, which was still pointed strictly at his chest.

"One more word, Potter, and you'll have to answer for calling my brother a bastard!" - Snarling angrily, like a dog ready for battle, the guy growled ... and only after that let him try to deny that Valburga's death did not hurt him. That's how he got turned on, it was only worth hurting his mother, well, and me at the same time…

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