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Chapter 2: The Council

"Go and stand amidst their scowling hearts, my child, and let

Your gentle eyes fall upon them like the forgiving peace of the

Evening over the strife of the day.

Let them see your face, my child, and thus know the meaning

Of all things; let them love you and thus love each other."

The Child Angel. By: Rabindranath Tagore.


*The Council

Aldora went straight to Lilly's house, clutching the heavy book in her arms. She felt she owed a better explanation to Lilly and Pairo, especially after the king's unusual behavior. Pairo let Aldora in. She found Lilly sitting in a rocking chair beside the fireplace with her baby between her arms. It was a sunny day. A few sunrays escaped from between the lace curtains and were reflected on Lilly's face, showing the dark circles under her dark green eyes, unlike the baby's emerald shining eyes. The room looked cozy and warm, with white chairs and a floral couch. Lilly didn't look up. She was busy stroking her baby's hair. Aldora moved closer to Lilly and patted her arm. She spoke in a very gentle voice. "I came to help you understand better what the legend means. I sense that you need to know more. Your daughter is different, Lilly, but in a good way, and you have to accept what she will become and be proud of her. She has a noble mission." Lilly looked up at Aldora and stared into her eyes for a moment. Then she said. "You have no idea what you are talking about. My worries aren't about accepting her abilities or be proud of her. I'm afraid for her life. I want nothing to harm her." "My dear Lilly. I see no reason for you to worry..." Aldora started gently. Lilly cut her off sharply with a loud, angry voice. "Oh, you wouldn't know, of course, how it feels to worry about your child, would you? Wise Aldora!" There was a sarcastic tone in her voice. It seemed like she decided to take her anger with King Randall out on Aldora, who looked as if someone had slapped her hard across her face. She backed away from Lilly. Her hands were shaking, a tormented look in her eyes. Pairo shot Lilly an accusing glare before he said to Aldora. "I'm sorry. You have to forgive Lilly. She hasn't been sleeping enough." Aldora was near the wooden door now. She nodded at Pairo, apparently not able to speak. Her eyes were shining. She paused at the door before saying. "You have a miracle between your hands." Pairo smiled at her, while Lilly was looking at her baby again, ignoring Aldora completely. Aldora opened the door and went outside. She took a deep breath and was glad for the wind blowing on her face. Pairo came out after her and asked. "Why does the king have to inform the council about my daughter?" Aldora replied, "Because her legend isn't just a fairy legend. That legend was mentioned in the books of the angels, elves, and warlocks. What I understood from my books is that they will play a role in her upbringing and will be responsible for her, just like King Randall is responsible for his people." Pairo looked puzzled. "Is that what he meant by claiming her? Because that sounded like they can take her away from us." He asked in a worried tone. "I don't think King Randall will allow such thing, Pairo. Anyway, he has to wait for the council's decisions," she smiled and turned around, but she stopped and turned back and said. "Stay by Lilly's side. I can understand how worried she is." She managed a small smile, then walked away. Pairo had always been calm, keeping his worries hidden. He thought there was no need to express them aloud, as long as he could figure out how to solve the matter. Lilly, on the other hand, was rational, nervous, and had a bad temper. It makes one think how two different people like them ended up together. They were like fire and ice.

He gazed at the horizon with his dark brown eyes, pushed his dark hair away from his eyes as the wind blew. He had so many things to worry about at that moment. His strange baby, his worried wife, and his king's weird behavior plus the enchanted council and what they would decide about his family.


King Randall's messengers delivered the message to the enchanted leaders. They traveled through the portal in the castle's garden. It was the second portal in the enchanted forest. The replies came almost immediately, and the date was set for the next day. Only the angels were informed by light messages.

When Lilly and Pairo entered the castle's main hall, it was overcrowded. They couldn't believe how many stood there, or the variety of them. It was startling. They exchanged a worried look. Lilly held the baby tighter while Pairo started looking around, trying to take in the unfamiliar sight. He had never seen such a gathering before. The enchanted council hadn't gathered in many, many years, not since the Great War between demons and elves. Before that, they gathered to put the first laws and the formation of the council. Trials were held at the land of the accused enchanted creature, and when there was a great crime like killing an innocent, there was no trial and the warrior angels would kill the murderer and burn his body.

Pairo gazed at the hall with wide brown eyes. To his left, he saw a group of elves. He realized they must be knights because of the silver armors they were wearing. Some had bows hung on their backs and others had swords, pointed ears, and cold, beautiful eyes. Pale skin like the fairies, that was the common feature between the fair folk. They weren't paying attention to anyone but themselves, with serious expressions on their faces, as if they were planning a war. Close to them was another group, standing silently. Pairo tensed when he saw them. Ivory white skin, red eyes, and standing in the shadows, wearing all in black. Vampires, he thought. What were they doing here? They were eyeing everyone around them with caution. Vampires were known for their lack of respect for the law and mischief. Pairo swallowed hard. On the other side, he saw a group of young men, tall, muscled with relaxed expressions. They were wearing ordinary human clothes. He knew they were werewolves because of the silver circles around their irises. They were chatting with a man. He had white hair the color of the clouds, a beard, and a relaxed, excited expression. He was wearing a suit and a cape and was smiling. One of the young men was looking at the vampire group, eyeing them with disgust. Beside them was a group of warlocks. Pairo knew because of their warlock marks. One of them was very tall and slender. He had odd eyes, one green and one orange, a tiger's tail floating behind him. Another warlock had orange skin, and a third one had light blue skin and yellow eyes. They were chatting together and laughing. There were many fairies here and there too. But no Devas, the forest fairies from the Unseelie Court. Which was expected. Devas had no respect for the council or the Seelie Court. The guards were standing near the walls, watching every move. Lilly was wide-eyed and speechless. She was so nervous. She didn't notice when Aldora made her way through the crowds towards her until she was in front of her. "There you are. Lilly, come along, you will wait for the council in another room." Aldora said in her calm, cheerful voice. Suddenly everyone in the room seemed aware of her presence. The crowd went quiet except for some whispers here and there, all eyes on Lilly. Or more on the baby. Pairo tensed while Lilly got angry and quickly followed Aldora. Pairo noticed two of the guards moved behind them. Aldora led them to a small room beside the conclave room. The room was small with wooden furniture. "It won't take long now. How is the baby doing?" Aldora asked Lilly while looking at the baby. Lilly felt embarrassed by Aldora's kindness. She seemed to have forgotten what Lilly said to her the day before. Lilly's cheeks went red. "She is great, actually. She rarely cries." Aldora smiled warmly. All of her features lightened up.

"I'm sorry for last night," Lilly apologized. "I took my anger out on the wrong person."

Aldora nodded. "It's already forgotten, my dear."


It wasn't long before a guard came and informed them that their presence was required. Lilly took a deep breath, kissed her baby, and whispered in her ears. "Everything will be all right, I promise you." Pairo followed Lilly and Aldora absentmindedly. The conclave room was vast. Golden walls and a crystal round table. It was illuminated by witch light on the walls and the huge crystal chandelier. The silk curtains were covering the windows. The witch light made the table glow like the heart of a star. The floors were the same as the throne room, glass with water underneath, filled with magnificent creatures. The ceiling also had glass showing the night sky above. Myron stars shining so brightly. Aldora pointed at two wooden chairs. Apparently, they didn't belong to the room and were brought just for this occasion. "You should sit here." Pairo and Lilly sat down without a word.

A side door opened and the Council members started coming out from behind it and headed to the crystal table. One by one, each took a seat. King Randall came last, escorted by what seemed like a huge golden aura. A blindingly clear golden light. Lilly's jaw dropped, and she couldn't help but stare. An angel she thought. Pairo was so surprised and shocked. Angels rarely show up for a council meeting. They always send messengers on their behalf. The King walked the angel to the high chair behind the table. That was the King's chair during the meetings but of course, an angel has a higher rank than the King, so he would take that chair instead of one at the table.

The angel was deadly marvelous. He had golden gleaming curls surrounding his face, bright skin, and a halo of golden light all around him. His eyes were so blue and so deep. One could stare at his face for eternity. His cheekbones looked like marble, high and elegant. His wings were huge, feathery, and white with silver and golden glow. He was wearing golden armor. The look on his face was serious, with a superiority in it. He sat down on the chair with a hand on each arm. King Randall bowed to the angel and went to the table.

The angel fixed his gaze on the baby. His face had no emotions in it. A beautiful face, but hollow.

King Randall looked so tired, like he hadn't slept for days. He stood on one side of the crystal table and said. "Leaders of the enchanted world, I introduce Lilly and Pairo Star." Everyone at the table looked at them. Some of them smiled, and some were hard-faced, but all of them had curious eyes. King Randall was in his white silk cloak and silver crown, with leaf shapes carved on it. He turned towards the angel and said. "Angel Cassiel. Leader of the warrior angels. He will honor us with leading the council meeting today." Everyone bowed to angel Cassiel.

'Leader of the warrior angels.' Pairo thought with confusion.

King Randall went on, introducing everyone else. Beside him was a man with broad shoulders. His eyes were brown, the same color as his hair with a silver rim around his irises, and wore ordinary human clothes, jeans, and a white T-shirt. "Fenris Oakstaff. Leader of the werewolves," King Randall said. Fenris smiled a friendly smile at Lilly and Pairo. Something about him was reassuring and warm. Opposite from Fenris, sat another man with ivory skin, black sleek hair, and bright red eyes. "Emrick Bendsteen. Leader of the vampires." Pairo guessed who he was before the King said it. He was in a black suit. His eyes lingered on the baby for a moment and his cold smile sent cold shivers down Lilly's spine. Beside him was the man from the hall, the one who was talking to the young boys. "Calum Bennet. The higher warlock and head of the white warlocks." He bowed to Lilly and Pairo and smiled a warm smile. He seemed like a nice man.

Last, beside Fenris, was an elf. "King Elion. King of the elves." He was wearing silver armor, like his knights. He had piercing green eyes and silver hair, so pale it was almost white with a golden crown on his head. He looked very serious. He looked at Pairo and Lilly for a moment without smiling before returning his gaze to King Randall. The water underneath the crystal floor rippled and moved. An undercurrent seemed to cross under the room. Everyone looked down. Two lines of mermaids and mermen assembled and stood still, facing each other, forming two rows with a distance between them. Their faces were beautiful, but expressionless. Lilly was amazed by the sight of merepeople. Between the two rows appeared Mereda, queen of the merepeople. She was magnificent, with a purple tail and fiery red hair. At least that was all Lilly could see under the water. The floor opened at the end of one side of the crystal table, the water rippled and rose to form a chair, where Lady Mereda sat gazing at everyone, the water stopped moving as the queen's chair was in the same order as the rest of the chairs around the table, right beside the warlock's chair. Lady Mereda addressed Angel Cassiel directly, almost immediately after her seat took a position. "I'm sorry for the late arrival, Angel Cassiel." She gave the angel a small bow, which the angel returned. Lilly was amazed by how the water had formed a chair and stood still holding that shape, but she was more amazed by Lady Mereda's aqua eyes, their shade was beautiful and mesmerizing, for a moment, Lilly seemed to have forgotten her worries, she was absorbed in admiring the beauty of the queen of the merepeople.

Angel Cassiel spoke, his voice so beautiful like wind chimes, and yet so strong it made the water ripple under the glass floor. "Bring the baby to me." Lilly's heart sank to her knees. She was immediately back to her senses with a sharp pull. Aldora came from behind the two chairs where Lilly and Pairo were sitting. They didn't even notice she was there. They were focusing on the scene in front of them. She took the baby and moved toward the angel. Lilly's and Pairo's eyes were wide and worried, green and brown following Aldora, moving with their baby. Angel Cassiel didn't stand. He took the baby from Aldora's hands and held her in front of him, studying her small face. Her skin started glowing brightly then. So bright and clear between Cassiel's hands. While the baby's glow was bright silver and white, Cassiel's glow was golden. Cassiel smiled a rare smile. Angels were usually serious and didn't show their emotions. They were scary beings among the enchanted creatures. But that smile was enough for Lilly's tension to ease up a bit. Pairo was smiling at the beautiful sight. Cassiel spoke again, still holding the baby. "She is the Light Princess, and she has my blessings." he paused and held her with one hand while putting his other hand on her head. A golden aura started forming around the baby, who was staring at Cassiel's blue eyes. He was chanting in a soft voice. When he stopped, the golden aura vanished. Everyone was watching the beautiful sight. Cassiel stood up and headed towards the crystal table. He waved his hand, and a golden circle of light appeared in the middle of the table. Everyone stood up as well. He placed the baby on the light, which magically held her the same way Cassiel was holding her. He started chanting again and Lilly wished she could understand angels' language, but from the rhythm of it, she guessed it was a prayer. More blessings from the angel. When he was done, he said. "As the leader of warrior angels, I will be responsible for her training. I assign angel Uriel as her mentor. She will have our help whenever she needs it, and we will be responsible for her missions." King Randall spoke then. "Are you sure that she is the Light Princess?" his voice shaking a little, his eyes lingered on the baby. Cassiel looked annoyed at that question. "Do you think I'm wrong, Randall?" his face went grim and a flash of fury passed his blue eyes. The King swallowed hard. The angel's expression was scary to him. "Of course not, my lord". An icy shiver ran down the king's spine. Fenris spoke then. "And we shall assist her as well. I'll let her train with my son and teach her our techniques. We will be loyal to her." He bowed to Cassiel and tilted his head to the side to watch the baby. King Elion said. "We will teach her our ways as well and we will be loyal to her." Then, as Fenris did, he bowed to Cassiel. Calum, who looked so excited, leaned forward, closer to the baby, and said. "I will be delighted to teach her about magic and assist her in her missions and be loyal to her." And he bowed to Cassiel. Emrick cleared his throat. "I'm not sure if there's anything I can teach her." Cassiel spoke with a firm tone. "You are not here to assist. You are here to serve and obey," He looked at Emrick with piercing eyes. "She has permission to end any of your kind who breaks the law. That goes for all of you. She has the authority to protect innocents just like an angel. I am her leader and not you, Randall. She will report to me."

Everyone went silent. Lilly hadn't noticed that her mouth was slightly open the entire time until Pairo reached out and put his hand under her chin and pushed lightly up. She swallowed and looked at him. Pairo was taken aback and slightly shaking. Cassiel's tone was soft when he asked Lilly. "What have you named her?"

Lilly said, without thinking. "Xana." Pairo looked surprised. They hadn't picked a name together, and he thought it was something they were going to do later. "Why did you choose that name?" Cassiel asked in the same soft tone. Lilly replied. "I dreamed about it."

"It was meant to be then. All hail Princess Xana Star." Everyone repeated after Cassiel. "All hail princess Xana Star." Even Pairo, Lilly, and Aldora said it too.

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