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Chapter 240: Chapter 168 : Advanced Draw!

"It's actually possible to combine three intermediate lotteries into one advanced lottery!"

Uchiha Ran was taken aback.

He wasn't surprised to see three Six Paths weapons listed together.

Functionally, these three weapons could be considered a set—the Seven-Star Sword for restraining, the Golden Rope for control, all geared towards sealing someone within the Red Gourd.

Compared to the Amber Bottle, which only sealed upon the holder's command, it was much less impressive.

Initially, Uchiha contemplated destroying these three weapons upon acquiring them.

They seemed too distant.

Compared to Golden Rope and other treasures, they didn't shine as brightly.

Thankfully, after upgrading due to the gold list, their abilities had finally improved; now, the Golden Rope and the Seven-Star Sword weren't just mere support but could unleash formidable power.

It directly aimed for the soul, never appearing inferior in terms of attack power.

Yet, Uchiha Ran's attention was swiftly captivated by the advanced lottery.

With the primary lottery as a benchmark, the intermediate lottery showed improvement, so naturally, the advanced lottery would build upon that foundation.

The upper limits had been raised!

More variety awaited!

The World of possibilities expanded.

However, the lower limit would likely remain as low as before.

But for someone well-versed in the Myriad Worlds plot like him, the ban option could be utilized to eliminate undesired rewards.

Thus, the advanced lottery held the promise of yielding valuable items.

However, with the 3 intermediate lotteries offering three chances, leveraging them might prove more worthwhile than the Advanced lottery.

So, should he take the risk?

"Let's take the gamble!"

Uchiha Ran quickly made up his mind.

With his current star-rated strength, he could already be considered a significant figure in the Dragon Ball universe before the Super Saiyan era, and within the Shinigami and Pirate Worlds, he stood among the elite.

The lower-tier lotteries could be disregarded.

The intermediate lottery offered limited assistance, more of an incremental boost.

The advanced lottery, on the other hand, could potentially help him break his limits.

Why not give it a shot?

"I'll choose the Advanced lottery!"

Uchiha Ran exclaimed joyously.


Under the gaze of countless onlookers, the Golden List descended as a beam of light and arrived before Uchiha Ran, transforming into a golden turntable.

The options expanded from five to seven: "Secret Training method," "martial arts," "talent," "inheritance," "pets," "props," and "special items."

Previously bundled together, the secret training methods and martial arts were now separated into distinct choices. Additionally, a new option for special items emerged.

This development was welcomed!

Special items, though their utility varied, were generally considered insignificant.

With the division between cultivation and martial arts clarified, the likelihood of obtaining valuable items surged.

"Let the lottery commence!"

Ignoring the skeptical glances from Tsunade and Hashirama beside him, Uchiha Ran swiftly made his selection.


The wheel spun, halting eventually at the "Item" category.

"Props," Uchiha Ran muttered, a slight pout forming on his lips.

Judging from previous lottery outcomes, the odds favored lotterying props without a doubt.

Could this be a covert operation after all?

With a resigned sigh, Uchiha Ran swiped across the ever-changing carousel of possibilities.

One: Dragon Balls (Dragon Ball World)

Two: Vongola Rings (Tutor World)

Three: Ten Thousand Beast Cauldron (BTTH World)

Four: Angel Potion (Ling Cage World)

Five: Bibi Dong's Original Chubby Hour (Soul Land World)

Six: Deicide Arsenal (Super Divine World)

Seven: Void Tear ( Fox Spirit Matchmaker World)

Eight: Heavenly Halberd (Romance of the Three Kingdoms World)

Nine: Lagerstroemia Soft Sword (Divine Carving World)

Ten : Hōgyoku (Complete, Bleach World)

Eleven: Criminal Tracking Glasses (Detective Conan World)

Twelve: EternityCore (Tiga World)

Thirteen: Blade Spirit (Nine Songs World)

Fourteen: Windy Card (Cardcaptor Sakura World)

Fifteen: Beast Milk (Perfect World)

Upon perusing the roster of the fifteen artifacts, Uchiha Ran found himself immersed in their allure.

The prospect of the first reward sparked excitement within him.

The Seven Dragon Balls of the Earth hold undeniable power, capable of granting wishes even to ordinary individuals.

With Uchiha Ran's current strength, numerous wishes could be fulfilled. For instance, he could acquire the prowess of a Turtle Hermit, delving into the intricacies of Ki manipulation. Mastering Kamehameha and similar techniques becomes feasible.

In essence, the power of planetary level can be achieved.

The second item , the Vongola Rings, stands as the testament to the Vongola Famiglia's heir. This ring, comprising seven attributes—sky, strom, rain, sun, lightning, cloud, and mist—is adorned with the responsibilities of a leader and protector, along with its unique capabilities. Each ring harbors extraordinary power.

Terumi Mei currently possesses the Ring of Vongola, representing the mist attribute.

At the heart of the grandiose ring lies the inscription "Vongola Famiglia," encircled by 66 gems of varying hues, symbolizing the lineage's headship and core members. This prestigious Vongola Ring is a prized possession indeed.

The third item, the Ten Thousand Beast Cauldron, triggers Uchiha Ran's recollection of the Tianding Ranking in the world of refinement, documenting supremely perfect and exceptional medicinal cauldrons. Among the thirteen cauldrons listed, the Cauldron of Ten Thousand Beasts stands out, once belonging to Han Feng, the adopted son and disciple of Venerable Yao. While alchemists covet such treasures, they hold no significance for Uchiha Ran, yet the desire for it persists, attainable upon Venerable Yao's disposal of Han Feng.

The fourth item, an angel potion from the ling cage world, akin to a supergene elixir, hails from an apocalyptic World. However, it holds no relevance to Uchiha Ran's current standing and can be dismissed outright.

The fifth item brings confusion to Uchiha Ran as he ponders over Bibi Dong's transformation from being plump to lean, originating from the Soul Land world of Tang San. Representing justice, Bibi Dong's stature seems inconsequential to Uchiha Ran's objectives. While it may serve as a memento, its utility remains questionable, leading to its exclusion.

The sixth item, the God-Killing Weapon Arsenal, hails from the World of the Supreme Gods.

This vessel is truly remarkable!

It is the possession of the Super Seminary, and among its array of formidable armaments lies the Demon Claws, most potent among them, comparable even to the Holy Guysha.

This is certainly a treasure to be preserved.

Next, the seventh reward, Void Tear, originates from the World of Fox Spirit Matchmaker.

Truly a coveted artifact!

The Void Tear stands as the mightiest magical weapon within the World of Fox Spirit Matchmaker. Wherever it traverses, it muddles time and space. Its origins lie in the essence of supreme mana, yet it is birthed from sincerity and love.

The ability to fracture space, distinct from mere spatial manipulation, signifies its profound power.

It must be safeguarded!

The eighth reward, Heavenly Halberd, emerges from a certain world within the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

Unmistakably, it pertains to Lu Bu's formidable prowess.

However, within that world, it is spoken that its combat potential can rend the sky, shatter stars, or even defy the laws themselves.

In any iteration of the Three Kingdoms, Lu Bu's martial prowess reigns supreme.

This too shall be retained.

Conversely, the ninth reward, the Lagerstroemia Soft Sword, hails from the Divine Carving World. It represents a World of inferior martial arts, scarcely worth consideration due to its mediocre quality.

The tenth reward, the Hōgyoku, hails from the World of the Shinigami (bleach), in its complete form.

A truly remarkable artifact. It possesses the ability to assimilate and materialize the essence of its surroundings, granting its host both protection from death and the gift of immortality. Should the host's powers reach their zenith or their life be imperiled, the Hōgyoku can facilitate the host's evolution to the next level.

The eleventh item, the Criminal Tracking Glasses, originates from the world of Detective Conan.

It lacks the exceptional nature characteristic of the World of cutting-edge technology.

We shall overlook this one.

The twelfth artifact, EternityCore, emerges from the Tiga World, another World of considerable renown.

The EternityCore, sought after by ancient Ultramen and the ultimate life forms alike, possesses staggering power.

The thirteenth artifact, the Reverse Scale Sword, borne from the Sword Spirit of the Nine Songs World.

While it bears associations with Canglong Qisu, it proves uninspiring in the hands of Uchiha Ran.

Lastly, the fourteenth item, the Windy Card from the Clow Card, emerges from the World of the Cardcaptor Sakura .

Yet another commonplace artifact for Uchiha Ran.

The last item: "Beast Milk from the Perfect World."

Are you certain you want this? There will be no repercussions with Original Heavenly Emperor?

When it comes time for the reckoning, it's truly terrifying.

This is also off the table.

"Are you prepared to take up to ten?"

"In that case."

"Reserved: one, two, six, seven, eight, ten, twelve! Ready for the lottery!"


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