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Chapter 2: Chapter 2 - Orlum

Luan gently placed Ano on the ground between his feet and took out the map. It was just a simple map that would lead out of the Unknown Groves and take him to the neutral land, Orlum. From Orlum, he would take a flying beast to Azmarl, the human land. In order to get out of the Groves, it should take him five days of travel using wind magic, his soul combining with the Fenrir soul also increased his innate speed as well. Thankfully, he grew up here, or it would have taken over fifteen days to traverse the area.

After around a day of travel, it was time for a rest. Ano spread himself out against Luan's lap, while Neil and Reil laid in the curves of his neck. Although they didn't really need sleep, it was a way to help them regain their mana. With everyone asleep on him, Luan sighed and leaned back against a tree, being careful not to wake anyone.

Finally having a chance to relax, Luan thought about everything that happened over the past sixteen years before falling asleep.


'Luan, you're 13 now and you've awakened. It's time to start training. I won't always be around to protect you. You must become adept at fighting, have mercy only on the innocent and be ruthless to the guilty. You must train to be strong, to survive, to protect. Do you understand me?'

A smaller Luan turned and looked at Mother Fenrir. Reaching five foot five, a raven haired bright blue-eyed boy nodded.

'Yes mother.'


'Learn their movements, use your strengths and show no weakness. You are born to be a fighter, one of the strong. Remember, the strong rein over the weak so you must not be weak.'


Luan woke up to Reil pulling on his long black hair. Wearing red mage cape, white flat shoes and a white knee length dress, she was very adorable.

"Luan, it's time to get up. We still have four more days of travel."

Groaning slightly, Luan got up. Thankfully, he is a soul cultivator so he doesn't need to eat every day, eating when he gets out of the forest would be perfect.

Occasionally having to fight a few beasts on the way, they quickly exited the Unknown Groves without seeing many people. Not many people go as deep into the forest as Luan lived, and those who did were usually killed by the Fenrir or Luan as the Fenrir's way of training him.

Exiting the Unknown Groves, Luan looked around. He had never left the forest since arriving as a baby, the Fenrir wouldn't let him. She said it was too dangerous. Now, he was finally strong enough to leave.

Once you exit the Groves, it opens to a large land, walking forward for around ten minutes, there was finally an open gate. Looking at the map, Luan knew this was Orlum, land of the neutral.

With Reil and Neil on his shoulders and Ano in his arms, he approached the gate. Before he could go through, he was stopped by a guard.

"Have you ever been to Orlum?" A bulky middle-aged man with a beard asked Luan.


"I'll need you to follow me and put your hand onto a device. It's just a simple ball that will check to see if you're a wanted criminal or anything, it won't hurt."

Without arguing Luan moved Ano to his left arm and then put his right hand on the ball. After shining a white light, the man let Luan go, before going he made sure to ask the man directions to the Soul Hall.

Going through the gate, there were many different stalls with many people selling their creations, paying it no mind he walked directly past them and followed the directions the guard gave him. After walking around the white stone street for a couple minutes, he arrived in front of a large white bricked building with a large sign "Soul Hall" in front of it.

Directly walking in without any problems, he walked straight to the reception where he saw a middle-aged woman with a bright smile.

"Welcome to Soul Hall of Orlum, how can I help you today?"

"I need to buy a few things, where should I go?" Wasting no time, Luan got straight to the point.

"If you head upstairs, you will find a large counter top that spans the back of the large room, just walk up to one of the counters and someone will be right with you."

Luan gave a grateful nod before proceeding to walk around the square shaped reception and climbed the stairs.

Luan put a fussy Ano onto the floor to walk beside him, with Neil and Reil both on his shoulders he walked directly to a counter. Taking a quick look around, Luan saw an open marble floor with light gray walls. Along the walls were different weapons, items, herbs, and jewelry locked in cases.

"Hello. What can I help you with today Sir?" Feeling the person approaching, Luan had already turned back before the young man spoke.

"I would like a small ear communication device, a regular communication device, a pair of short swords, and I would also like to see the catalog displaying the outfits you have." Quickly the young man nodded and brought out he catalogs for each of the items he asked for. Quickly looking over them, Luan chose a small black ball earring piece for his small communication device. He then chose a fully black 10mm thick bracelet as his video communication device. "All you have to do it put your soul signature on these two items and then say your name and set a password, this way someone needs your specific password in order to contact you through your communication devices."

With a slight nod, Luan did as the man said then proceeded to look through the catalog of clothes. Without being very choosy on the design, he chose a simple yet elegant black outfit that consisted of black pants with the knees ripped, black combat boots, a black long shirt, and a short hooded black cape. The cape had the design of a moon as the clasp, fitting perfectly with Luan's style. Seemingly not impressive, the clothes were made of high-grade products, leading to it costing fifteen gold. Luckily, Fenrir gave him gold, from random adventures testing their luck with her, more than he knows what to do with it. After choosing his outfit, the man went to go get it.

"Neil, you and Reil can look through the weapons catalog and pick out a nice pair of short swords for me."

Neil and Reil both nodded, leaving his shoulders and coming to stand next to the catalog.

The young man came back out with Luan's outfit and pointed towards a direction to get changed. Following the man's advice, he left Reil, Neil and Ano to get dressed. Within a minute, Luan had already changed and then looked into a large mirror that was placed in the room. Giving himself a look over, he nodded with a small smile of satisfaction. Luan is six feet tall now, with raven black hair that was pulled into a long ponytail that reached his shoulder blades. Bangs covered the surrounding of his face, but that only made his face stand out even more. A black crescent moon was between his eyebrows, elf ears, and sharp eyebrows, Luan was a very handsome young man. The clothes fit well enough to show of his slim body, but also give hints of how toned he is as well. The combat boots also had a moon clasp at the top of them. He then put the earring communication device on his ear, and the video communication on his wrist. Just as he was about to walk out, he took his sun pendant out of his space ring and put it around his neck. Satisfied, Luan walked out of the room.

"Have you decided yet?" Sitting at the counter, Luan brought Ano into his arms and caressed the top of his head.

The young man at the counter blushed when he saw Luan, he knew he was handsome already, but the clothes only added to his indifferent and handsome temperament.

"Mm! These. Neil helped me pick them out based on the size and I chose the design. They're unbelievably beautiful." Without even peeking over at what Reil was pointing at, he asked the young man to get him the short swords.

Within thirty seconds he came back with the short swords. Neil used Luan's shadow to appear in front of the weapons, excitement in his eyes. Reil arrived shortly after Neil using her wind magic to sweep herself over while snorting at Neil.

The short swords were as long as the length of Luan's wrist to his elbow, the blades were completely black, shining in the light but also blending in with the dark. The hilt of the blades was wrapped in a dark blue fabric. Happy with their choice, Luan pat both of their heads with a single finger and a gentle smile before turning back to the young man with an indifferent expression.

���I want to finish the purchase now."

Coming back to his senses from seeing Luan's smile, the boy gave a bright smile and told him the amount.

"That will be 60 gold sir."

Without a second of hesitation, Luan tapped his space ring and brought out 61 gold, "The extra gold is for you, thank you for your help." Taking all of his items, Luan walked out of the Soul Hall with Ano in his arms again, leaving the young man to blush by himself.

"It's time to find a flying beast transportation place in order to get to Azmarl, but first. Let's eat." Luan spoke to Neil, Reil and Ano, excitement visible in his bright blue eyes.

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