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Chapter 2: Intro

*Here I am.* Thought the floating soul. 'Why is it floating?' some may ask. In order to tell you why, we must rewind, and reflect on what has happened.

Rewind -1 hour-

A man is walking home one night. The cold winds blow past him, making him shiver. His hoodie is thin, thus not keeping him very warm. As he walked, he found a store. It looked warm, so he walked in. Having little money left in his wallet, the man walked to the coffee machine. As he made a poured a warm cup, he heard the doors open. He then heard "Money, NOW!". Thinking the worst, the man, who is known as Damion looked to the clerk. She was a young lady, roughly 19, and a gun was pointed right in her face. Damion the saw the man, he had a gun, as well as a mask. Damion couldn't do nothing so, he grabbed the hot coffee and crept slowly towards the man. When he was within distance Damion grabbed a can off the shelf and threw it behind the man. The robber jumped back, only to have Damion splash hot coffee all on his face. The robber screamed, and shot, nailing Damion right in the lung, leg and shoulder. As he fell, he saw a cop car pull up. He then looked at the lady and smiled at her before mouthing to her "It's not your fault". Damion then set his head back, slowly watching his conscious fade. The light dimmed and Damion thought *Fuck you, overworking, underpaying job. *.


Damion's soul floats, endlessly as he reflects. *Why didn't I finish college? I could've got a way better job* He 'sighed' and just floated. That was the plan until he heard a womanly voice ask, "Why did you help her?"

*I don't know, I guess she now gets to live, maybe she'll rethink her choices, and get a better education. *

"She may, or she may go into a depression, and take her own life. That's what I don't get about you. You intrigue me, you throw away things that can benefit you greatly, and take in things that help others, I don't understand you, human."

*Yeah, get that a lot from others. *

"Well, you were never supposed to be in that store in the first place. Nor were you supposed to stop college and get that lousy job. You could've been rich, and helped many later on, however, you did small acts that helped many, by giving a bit of your time to save others, so tell me, why help others when you could've helped yourself?"

*I don't know, I guess it helps me sleep at night, knowing others don't suffer. *

"Your selfless, I like that. I think we can help each other out."

*Hmm? *

"Would you like a second chance?"

*Sure, but there's a catch, isn't there. *

"I would like to see your memories, your life, if you will. I want to learn more about you."

*I tell you what if you show yourself so I don't think I'm crazy, you can look through everything. *

Just as he finished, he saw a being appear in front of him.

(Pic in comments)

(A/N Damion is the kneeling knight, and there isn't a sword or flag or spear.)

*... Did not expect a pretty lady to guide me to death. *

"Oh, how flattering."

*So, are you sure you're not the goddess of beauty or something. *

"(Blush??) No, I'm the goddess of death."

*So, did the god or goddess of life lock you here, and portray you as some evil being? *

As she stayed silent, Damion took that as a yes.

*Would you like me to help you get out of these chains, of course not right now, but maybe at a later date. *

"Haha, I tell you what, you're a smooth talker," Damion 'smirked' "I'll give you but 6 wishes, use the wisely."

*Wish 1: Gamer system, wish 2: Half dragon, wish 3: Natural affinity for Swordsmanship, wish 4: Natural affinity for Magic, wish 5: To have Sparda blood like Vergil and Dante, wish 6: To be able to contact you through the system. *

"And where would you like to be in this new life?"

* RWBY, I figure it will be better for levels, and will give me an advantage. *

"This is all with my doings. However, are you sure about your last wish?"

*Very sure, I'd like to hear your voice every now and then. *

"(slight blush) Well, it shall be done."

*Thank you, for this second chance, and I'll be fighting the god or goddess of life in order to free you, and maybe we can hang some time, just not like from a noose. *

"(Chuckle)You're welcome, I guess."

And with that, Damion disappeared, and all the Goddess could think about was how he made her blush.

(POV- Damion 3rd)

Damion couldn't see anything at the moment. Probably do to him just being born. But once he did, he saw his mother, who was a Faunus as well.

(Pic in comments)

"Take him away." He heard a doctor say. "No, my baby boy, Damion, Bring him BAC-"

"Silence!" He heard a male figure say. Damion looked around and saw a dude who looked like a dick.

(Pic in comments)

Damion then reached for his mom but was soon taken out of the room. *Where are they taking me? * He thought, as he saw a car right in front of him. Damion scowled and began to growl. It felt natural to him as he felt his wings flare. Soon he was put in the car, and they started to leave.


Damion was picked up and the person said, "Welcome, to your new home." The place was a mansion of sorts, The dude, who was his 'father' had met some weird white-haired woman.

(Pic in comments)

He then saw the woman pay his 'dad' while his 'dad' gave Damion to her. *Why has Willow Schnee bought me? * (A/N Rhyme intended) "He will make an excellent bodyguard for Weiss. Take him to Weiss's room."

(Timeskip 7 years)

They bought Damion to show that they weren't racists, and to ease the Faunus into trusting them. Damion learned to hide his wings and horns but not his tail. He was trained by multiple trainers to fight and defend. Damion was getting good at fighting, as the more he trained the more his skill leveled up. He also talked to Lady Death sometimes, however he was small, so his voice was a little squeaky. Now Damion and Weiss are with some guards by the mines. He was to accompany her while she chooses some dust.


Quest: Save Weiss

Save Weiss from the explosion and White Fang.

Rewards: Weapon of your choice, being alive, Weiss living and plot progressing.

Secret mission: ???

Secret mission: ???

*Oh SHIT* But the tables turned when he saw a Faunus with a gun about to shoot the dust cart. Damion ran forth and tackled Weiss, covered her with his wings and tail. As said cart now exploded, Damion and Weiss were flung. And Damion took the brunt of the explosion.


'Critical hit, 43/450 HP left.'

Damion then looked at Weiss, who was unconscious. *Good, easier to carry. * Damion then picked her up bridal style and started to limp/run to the exfil site. He was going to make it until he heard the sound of guns shooting and took cover with Weiss. He then grabbed Storm out of his inventory.

(Pic in comments)

He had it in gun mode and opened fire on some Faunus. Every shot was to kill, for his guns were rated E for everyone. Damion drank a healing potion and soon Damion grabbed onto Weiss and ran to a van, which had Atlas military guarding it. As soon as they saw Damion with Weiss, they pointed their guns at him. Damion grabbed out his SDC license they put their weapons down. When he ran into a van they started to drive off.

Damion was about to put Weiss down he heard a whistle. He grabbed onto Weiss and covered her once more before the car front exploded.


'You have narrowly survived death, for this you are granted the skill,

{At Deaths Door} LVL1

When in use grants user 100+ DEF, HP, and LCK. Add 100 each time this skill levels up.

Costs 5 Mana per minute

'Critical hit, 4/450 HP remaining'

Damion grabbed a HP potion once again and dragged himself and Weiss, who was not even hurt other than a few scratches, out of the car. He pulled out Storm once more and shot while down. He pulled himself with one arm, while the other pulled Weiss. His wings helped pull him faster, so he was able to avoid death narrowly once more.

Damion then got up, and carried Weiss bridal style once more, and limped heavily in the direction of the Schnee mansion. He pulled his feet forth, blood dripping out of his wounds and breathing heavily.

Daimon was soon met with the sight of a black brick road. On which he kept limping. However, Weiss soon stirred and woke up to the sight of half dead Damion. His wings and horns were out, as well as his eyes, which were draconic. Damion then asked in a pained tone, "Are you o-okay W-Weiss?" She nodded fearfully and Damion smiled, before hiding his wings and horns once more.

Damion soon made upon the Schnee door. He headbutted the door and Keith the butler opened it. Just as he did Damion then fell right into his arms with Weiss still in his. All he heard was Keith yelling for something, right before getting back up and limping even worse, towards the infirmary. He opened the door and put Weiss on a bed. *There, safe. * He thought before falling down. The reason he risked his life to save her, was because she treated him like a normal person, when in reality everyone shamed down upon him. But he didn't let it get to him, as Weiss always cheered him up.


(POV CHANGE: Weiss Schnee-3rd

When Weiss awoke, she found herself on a cot. *Wait, WHERE'S DAMION? * She looked around frantically and saw him in the cot next to her, covered in blood-stained wrapping. Weiss got up and ran over to him. "Damion." She said in a shaky voice as she saw him lying there.

"You know, princesses shouldn't cry over their guards." His voice made her look up and she saw him smiling. She then hugged him and said, "Don't scare me like that."

"Okay, I'll try not to."

She giggled, and soon some walked in. It being Ironwood, Damion sighed expecting an earful but was soon replied to by a "Damion Morder, you have been awarded the Solider metal IV. There will be a ceremony for you at the end of the day, you are to get dressed and arrive at 8:00 pm sharp."

"Hey, Metal-hand, thanks for the training."

As he grimaced and left, Damion chuckled and got up. He then went to the bathroom to change and take a piss.

(TiMeSkIp: With a VeNgeNcE)

Damion was done with the ceremony, and he knew what day it was. Today was the day of escape, he was going to tell Weiss and then leave, seeing her at beacon was going to be his surprise. Damion then thought *Quest log*


Quest: Save Weiss

Save Weiss from the explosion and White Fang.

Rewards: Weapon of your choice, being alive, Weiss living and plot progressing.

Status: Complete

Secret mission: Save Weiss AGAIN?!?!

Save Weiss from car explosion.

Rewards: Unlocking your Aura

Status: Complete

Secret mission: Be a man, BOI

Carry Weiss back to the Schnee manor with no help

Rewards: Semblance choice

Status: Complete

Calculating rewards... Distributing Rewards... Sucess'

*Weapon of choice is Yamato: from DMC 5, and Semblance choice is Time-slow. *

Yamato was added to his inventory while he had activated his Aura.

Nuke then walked to Weiss's room and knocked, when he heard a faint "Come in." He opened the door and saw Weiss reading. He shut the door before walking up to her, "I have something to tell you." Damion said.

"What is it?"

"I-I'm escaping, and I've come to say goodbye."

She turned the chair around and leapt out hugging Damion. He heard sniffles and hugged back, slowly falling to the floor.

"W-why ar-re you *sniffle* l-leaving?"

"I'll come back some day, stronger. I just need to see the world; I need to be free. The inner dragon in me needs to be free. But don't worry, I be back and when I do come back, I'll stay with you, even if I have to fight every single person here I will. You better wait for me to; I'll be back when you least expect it."

He then looked down at her and brought her face up. With a quick and simple kiss, he then stood up helping her, and laid her in her bed. He kissed her forehead and then, released his wings and jumped out the window, flying away, as fast as possible.

(Timeskip-no-jitsu 10 fucking years!!)

Damion trained, He put his skills to use by training, day and night. Not needing to sleep because of {Gamer's Mind} and not needing to eat because of {Gamer's Body}. He used Yamato to slay all. He also saved Sienna Khan.

(Flash-Back to reality)

Adam asked her "Will you join me?"

Damion then activated his semblance and dropped in. Unsheathing Yamato, he killed all of the guards, and kicked back Adam. He then deactivated his semblance and said, "Foolishness Adam, Foolishness. Trying to kill Sienna, so you would usurp. Petty, is what you are."

"W-who are y-you?" Adam asked

"I am, your nightmare. Judgement cut END." As Damion said that he slashed from many different angles, up, down, side-side. From front, back, top and then he appeared in front of Sienna slowly sheathing Yamato. Once it clicked, many slashed appeared out of thin air, and Adam was cut into a hundred different pieces.

Damion then smirked and said, "You may want to go into hiding, Sienna, many will come and who will fall is all but known. Hide away, lay low, and I shall see you again." He then released his wings, horns and tail while smirking. "Good day Miss Khan." She lightly blushed as Damion jumped out of the window, flying into the distance.

(Flashback screams 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!)

Damion was now fighting a horde of Grimm, to get the attention of Ozpin so he could head to beacon. He was killing them all easily, and he knew Ozpin was watching. When the Horde was done, and dead Damion sheathed his sword and walked casually in the distance.

POV CHANGE: Ozpin 3rd

*Who is this man? * He thought as he watched a single person, take down an entire horde of Grimm. Ironwood was there as well, and as soon as he saw him, he smirked.

"Why are you smirking?"

"Oh, No reason. But the fact that he was once my student... and is my most trusted ally to this day."


(A/N: Hope you enjoyed, bye bye)

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