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Chapter 2: - The Royal Prince

I could feel the warmth of sunlight on my skin and feel the soft beat of my heart. My ears picked up soft music that sounded like a lullaby and my nose picked up the lovely smell of roses. There was softness under me that could only be a bed and a warmth over my body from a blanket. I was in no rush to properly investigate where exactly I was, no I wanted to enjoy this warmth. Enjoy this serene atmosphere for just...a bit longer. Because for the first time in my life I felt whole. 

The soft music had halted until a new song began that was even slower than the last. The music had no words but the beautiful melody was all the words I needed. Smiling in content, my eyes fluttered open for the very first time. The sight before me caused my eyes to widen in surprise.

I appeared to be alone in a grand room that looked like it was a part of a castle. The size was unimaginable and the things that decorated it looked expensive. The room was a round shape and the bed where I lay was elevated compared to the rest of the room. A set of stairs led down to a small sitting area and a bathroom off to the sight. Directly across from where I lay past the sitting area and bathroom was most likely the door. The walls were a cream color with gold lining and swirls decorating the bottom of the walls and the top. The room held no personalization almost like it was a hotel room. Only hotel rooms weren't so expensive-looking as if from a fairy tale. 

When I saw how beautiful the room was I wanted to explore every nook and cranny. I wanted to adventure out of the room and see where I had been reincarnated. I wanted to know who I was now. Wanted to know the family I now had. But when I had gone to move my body I was incredibly weak. My fingers twitched and moved only inches away from my body but would not respond to me entirely. There was no pain so why was it hard to move? Eyebrows furrowing, I concentrated with great effort. My right arm finally moved to help me sit up. When I settled the right amount of balance I looked around once more.

The sound of the door clicking open echoed in my ears before another click signaling it was closed. Looking toward the door from where I sat, I noticed a woman dressed in a black and white maid dress. Her hair was curly and the color of brownies put in a ponytail. A few strands of her brown-colored hair framed both sides of her face. Her eyes were light green with a bit of hazel in them which were widened in shock. She was holding an empty bucket that immediately dropped out of her hands. Immediately she walked up the steps and moved to stand next to the bed.

Hastily she bowed her head ninety degrees. "Good Morning Prince Silas!"

"Prince...Silas?" I blurted out quietly tilting my head to the left curiously. This reveal was quite a shocking turn of events but my surroundings proved it correct. Nonetheless, it was something I would have to get used to. It also sparked my curiosity about where exactly I was even more.

The maid nodded her head while still bowing. "Indeed. Is there anything you require of me, my Prince? If not I shall retrieve His Highness and the Queen. They will be most happy to see you have awakened." 

"...No…" I answered hesitantly. Being addressed as Prince was very daunting. My stomach churned uncomfortably as I watched the maid excused herself to fetch my family. There was a ringing in my ears and for a while, all I could do was stare at the door in anticipation of the visit. This uncomfortable feeling could only be anxiety and uncertainty. Was this real? Will his family be...nice? He felt whole and at peace unlike before but that could be destroyed. After all, my only wish is to be surrounded by love and stability. 

This almost seemed too good to be true. 

A knock sounded from the door followed by the maid's familiar voice. "My Prince your His Highness and the Queen are here. May we enter?"

Requesting to enter? That was...weird. "Yes…" I tried speaking loudly but that only resulted in me letting out a cough. As usual, my voice cannot handle yelling or be able to speak loudly. This was not new, it was the same as before so that was a bit comforting.

The door opened and entered a middle-aged man that reminded me of a few video game characters. He was buff with lots of muscle and had slick coal-black hair. He had a short stubble and his jaw was very sharp. His skin was one of African American as his eyes were an enchanting green. His head was absent of a crown but he wore a dark red medieval-looking armor cloak connected with a clean silver chain. Around his neck was an extravagant-looking gold necklace that looked heavy to wear. He wore fancy black jeans underneath varied with a red vest on top of a long-sleeved black shirt. His shoes matched the entire outfit being black boots reaching his knees.

Following right behind him, was a beautiful woman that resembled a goddess. Her hair length reached to her hips and was snow-white. Her face was chubby with full cheeks making her have a babyface while her eyes were a dark grey color. Her skin was light that seemed to compliment her facial features and her outfit. Her dress was royal blue reaching the floor. The dress was like one a fantasy princess would wear- only more impressive and breathtaking.

As soon as the Queen noticed me her eyes filled with tears. She strode forward elegantly up the stairs until she reached me. Gently and carefully she sat down on the bed and cupped my face placing a small kiss on my forehead. "My precious son, I have missed you so much. Are you in any pain?" Her voice was like an angel so soothing and comforting. Any fears and uncertainties I held were instantly washed away being confronted by her concern. It left me speechless and unsure of how to answer. Taking my silence in a bad way, she turned her head to the man I was sure was my father. "Call the doctor. We must make sure our son is perfectly healthy."

Before I could look over at my father my mother brought me closer to her chest in a hug. 

"Queen Arabella and King Aries I was summoned?" A new voice caught the attention of the entire room. I tried hard not to focus on the slowly growing number of the room- instead focused on my mother's arms. The maid I had first met when I was woke was behind my mother and my father who remained at the bottom of the stairs. He seemed to be a man of few words so I had yet to hear him speak.

"Doctor Crow, would you please give my son a thorough examination, please?" My mother requested with a tone full of authority. 


My mother unwrapped me from her arms and stepped back leaving wanting the warmth back. A small whine left my throat that sounded young and childish. She sent a reassuring smile and left room for a small chubby man to come forward in a white doctor's coat. He held a small handheld suitcase and set it up against the bed on the floor. I watched him skeptically as he held a small glint of mischievous in his light brown eyes. He knelt and said nothing, only directing me to lay down. 

"My he looks just like you Queen Arabella now that we can see his eyes!" Doctor Crow praised but didn't wait for an answer. He opened his suitcase and brought out a few tools that I've seen before. They were the tools that shined a light in one's eyes and a small stick they told us to follow with our eyes. "Now Prince Silas will you please follow the stick with your eyes?"

I nodded and followed the stick when he held it up while he shined the light in my eyes. It hurt a bit when the light shined in my eyes but I powered through. Once that test was done he hummed and packed those tools up bringing out some more. The tools he pulled out this time were a bit weird but reminded me of the thing doctors put around our arms to measure blood pressure. The only difference was he placed it around my arms, then legs, and to my amazement torso. When he did so the thing enlarged with a flurry of his hand making me tilted my head to the left.

"How did it do that?" I asked quietly causing Doctor Crow to pause.

He looked up at me in shock before plastering a smile on his face. "That was because of magic Prince Silas."

"...magic…" I murmured looking down at the thing as he wrapped it around my torso. The world I had reincarnated had magic like those fairytales full of heroes, kings, and queens. If there was magic then there might be demons…

A few minutes later Doctor Crow unwrapped it around my torso and put it away. He stood up with his closed suitcase and turned towards my mother and father. "Prince Silas is perfectly healthy, however, due to being in a magic coma for quite a few years, his body is quite weak. My guess is he also remembers very little since he was only about five-years-old when he went into a magic coma."

I remained laying down feeling too weak to sit back up and listened intently. What was a magic coma? Perhaps something to do with establishing magic or maybe…a repercussion? My eyes drooped sleepily as I watched Doctor Crow leave the room leaving me with my mother, father, the maid, and a few guards I didn't notice before. 

My father finally walked up the stairs and took the other side of my bed. He placed his rough hand on my head making me feel small. For the first time, I saw his lips lift into a bright smile. "Welcome back my son. Our subjects will be so joyful that you have awakened. But most of all...I am so happy I get to see your bright blue eyes again, " He patted my head gently before removing his hand.

Mother stepped back up and sat down. She placed another small kiss on my forehead. "Sleep, my son, " she mumbled. I conceded and closed my eyes falling into a peaceful sleep.

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